PAGE ll PERSONALS FRESH STRAWBERRY CAKETTE SUNDAE 13 nnrsors Ice Cream Candy iiiziinrii sr PHONE 4562 lmltltlE limit ll all Ant xv MMld Collier St United Church Full Gospel Tabernacle 211 Milliaster Stwrl Rev lliutncis lotto 11A Minister Mr 11111 lzl ii L1l itl JlLii 1v171I El lili 11 AhlxwlNDAY SCHOOL il rx1lvltilltgtNl SERVEtll 121 ine Kiri ultra if Uri eti ill an ii ti lin lllt1 tl1 Ilil First Baptist Church ll IlllhllllRlllS Pastor illiss E1518 Clotiizhley ATCltl Organist and Choir Leader lvtlll lllllSl Who are the Crusaders How do they Crusade When do they aide Whv rdtLtle Crusade New these questions answered rev Sunday at 11 11111 and pin Bible School pin 1211l Meeting Wed 11 pm CFree Methodist Mission Clapperton Street REV AND MRS CHASE in charge SUNDAY JANUARY 19 194 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 245 PMpnsAcmNG Crown Hill Church 730 pm Blblo Study and Preaching Sinecial Singing All are Welcome liiurs pm Prayer Meeting Vfv Fl St Andrews Presbyterian Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister Mr Craig Hamilton Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY JANUARY 19 1947 AlliMEMORIAL SERVICE Memorial Tablet on which are inscribed the names of the St Ari drews boys who died on active service in World War II will be unveiled at this service lhn Rev Dr SSliortt former minister of the congregation will assist in the service and preach the sermon 2J5 PATYoung Peoples Bible Class 3PTMLSUNDAY SCHOOL 7itiGQSEL SONG SERVICE Preacher The Minister to pm Organ Recital by Mi iiiigllamilton assisted by Mr Alaii Austin Cornetist OME T0 CHURCH F= Grace Gospel Hall 37 Mary Street Barrie SUNDAY gANUARv 19 1947 130230 BillieBelievers Meeting 34PMSunday Schod Meting All are cordially in ited ColliCrStJBaptistChurChe Independent Limit Age MITCHELL Minister SUNDAY JANUARY 19 1947 REV ESUMMERS BA Field Representative of the River daleDanfortb Christian Business Mens Fellowship Toronto Willpreach at both services ii AM and PM BIBLE SCHOOL43 Evangelist Summers will preach Thursday and Friday Jan 1617 at pm ALL WELCOME 1Meagegfiliated with Fellowship Di IndependentfWfuimes IT3QUOOPMESMdElYSChOOl of Canada Visitors cordially welcome Zlfltt EXT liuple 15 itrariilsigxonou PMSr Boys Bible Crass l1 Nil llll Willi tt Ullll HltillYlli it1 91 31 int lllll tllllitll SCHOOL ll ilwaui and 17 tunry 1hr it PM Marty liifi iu 11ml 131 ti llitilo Class 131 YClJIJi ShllJlfl thit it ieiliati iriti SlfollXY VlAlil on iii lleeirn Wed11 ll ltliugtllilgt Itzl lhiti= 25111 pii Home leiliie inc Jail Spot in Mortals it pl prie wd tilyour lillllllllitllfxi EWf welcomed into the intrinut 127 Minister $1 Mr Roy Williams Organist and Street Beauty luv hair stylists 310 ll 11 81Nlliii SCHOOL for ENGAGEMENTS hot oi llutlitw 211 IEiil New lord iiiti1hi ii iled hit11SLtllllel Stlaok flitlmzlnuls litlitii lltzid 15 fixt li= loiuzio CHAMBER or COMMERCE NOTES ie folltnvint new Il1li Burton Avenue United at How Ch Condition ppliiiee igt UFC Owen St Ntlrllll Norm ROV GFND 311AThDi DVD kltefrilteration Seiviee lit tli Vanee ill tllippertoii Choir Leader Jr shunv2 JANUARY 19 11047 11 WWhen is Man Failure YW League Story The Early Th stians Secret Sign 230 lirlSl NDAY SCHOOL itll Vlev arseadden til vltJltllllti llolly llllilftlClllllClli SS at Worship Service at pm Everybody welcome Tome and Worship Central United Church REV BEWEI1 HA Minister Miss Jessie Bryson Organist SUNDAY JANUARY 19 1947 11 AllRev Clirscadden ta former pastor PllVENlNG WORSHIP The Pastor CHURCH SCHOOL 11 AMBegmners and Primary Classes 230 PMAll Other Classes Come to Gods House on His Day Gospel Hall 19 Parkside Drive SUNDAY JANUARYlQ 17947 ll AMBreaking of Bread PMSunday School and Bible Class A7 PMGOSPEL MEETIN Wed tl pm Prayer Meeting All welcome Seats free Norcollectlon REV HOWDEN 3A Rector Trinithnglican Church RIGHT Organist Second Sunday fter the Epiphany 800 AMHOL COMMUNION Corporate Comrrimm of the Sun day School Teachers nd Officers 1100 AMMORN1N PRAYER Preacher The Heater 11 AMBeginners Dept of the Sunday School 215 PMJunior Bible Classes 100 PMEVENING PRAYER Preacher The Rector HEAR VI COLDWELL CCF Leader in the llouse of Commons ovrza STATION CBL Speak on Parliaments Business in 1947 830 pm Wed Jan are her hitsbnrirl daughter Mrs Rurallisteners get full share of attention onlCFRB Here are few features broadcast for you farting 15m oFour EALANCED program schedule 1310 AM Dcrilyl Livestock Review 1215 PM Daily Fcrrrn Broadcast WHERE YOUR FAVOURITES ARE lll of lairie Llhllllllf of ttlllllltltt uueted by llev OBITUARY tllvl1lllltllll lll11111 lllklltll ll 11 11 t3 ll ii 11 11 it lt it It Hi It id 1llt tilt it1 111 11 lit ltl tli 111 llit lmtrur until lril l1 ltl tl wt thrr till iii 10 id it 1iltitl 1511llil lliil llrtwt 111 lti t11 HHS 1101111 liNlIliHllAW ii otv lll Stiidl lil Nam 11 12 11 lune llZihtll to 11 iltai if lll111lll lhhil V11t111l iii lyrtlii ltr if 311 irritant itii home or hurt WAMWm Matrix on 31 31 The Salvation Army 11 vl WW ltlllt It how 11 merit HHm Sig that lia gt1 itiiliirv ti ltlttll 1lit ne1ii MW vaii gml tl itilltlllm Sloth1 lighwm NV Mung The llttllJ of lveiil Wit WHW MUM KW 111llllll with 11 id1 ha 1m iwtu 11t llllLtrt immu Jtvne it ljtz tviiv rllt iti eii till he Lil 11il31i1 Ti Fisurl TTriini tintilunilrux litaliveri tnniwl Mrs Stephen lloii 1tlt L11lt5ittl uni liir iii Hidr 111 tlliiii1 lititlitl llir Itll1ll of lltr lvurthawd lain tiri Line Scotch Settlenu 111 lLIllll the lllltlt ivl the enviable intuitio rilll111 and iliilllfrtt naunt uslie distributed 111 ess lll lwr Ulllllllllilil and iiobzlit Iii her iiiireh work Shit tat sit the Sunday Stlioril ltzr ltll novl the tllltll 1111 funeral was held lan ll fiiii eiiiiiin of Mr and itls short serv itiuauish service held 111 Rhoneer Church will give thee crown oillife Immediate relatives survivlii Cairns son ioidoii four uiaiid eliildren two brothers Walter Kine of Bradford nd llarry Knuth of 10 Anucles and sister Susie til11s llllltllCl Barrier Aniline the many floral lrihutes were thosevfrom the Womens Mis sionary Society Ebenezer the title and the Softball team of Fern nells Interment was made in Eh cnezer with the following eons ins as pallbearers Orville Todd Slieimairflmld Allaii lodd Elmer Roihwcll Norman Kine Isaac King CAMERAS New ENSIGN FulVue all metal brighter view finder uses 120 filml2 pifcturens214x21t Re to annularMATERIALS CRETONNE CHINTZ HEAVY PRIN HEAVYSTRIPED REP Obtainable by the yard or tailored to your individual requirements BARR rain it mm co VirrialBayfieldSt Till 13513313 EXAftl NER BARREE OTAR10 CANADA tllllllltlth ll ltl il lit tiitl it lti l1 liltlll lri liill tEtil and 1111i llin their 11l1 liiilf STRANGE lifildi 11111 11 fill lnr if itlwn lltt fllttl Wiitn ism 5121 titd 11111Eft have MRS iiiit Jtllllijy ll wine iretiiitd Hire next itvid 111 My would liei lll1 ltltd diutiite liile litlilrl lll tll lillllllV or 12 thildiiii lot truly innit llraeelnde tllti 11 tilil1 litlxll Enid li 1t iolriili tuurai= iluili still new illt ix tlll ilitllll Mute ivttruier ST lltl llllli1llllil lAn Unexpecth Thaw II ill 15 at tti it it ll lt ll muttonm $00 tr 60nd 111 null Wm will will CAPSUliS ror nouns $125 025 500 HUED row ctiiimrit musice ROBINDALE it Knights Dug Stare NEXI TO ROXY BARRIE THURSDAY EANlARi id 1945 51 BLAKE ST lilNl FOOD gi It lMClxliN orbital Treat The Family To Sunday Dinner RESERVATIONS HNEPORTRAHS CHILD PHOTOGRAPHY lluitticranlivil in Your Own Home ROOKE BARBIE Phone 3127 liitw tent in lillnunburg In re ttltllitlll and their returne id in llJllil whem they Spent flit eniide1 liar llldflt ll general Store it ltl troeei He also gttttl rtViritl years asau aldeiinan ziiieniber of Eliabilh Stletli linreii their operated fill Si itlh ard Liipii Kltthllitt 111 111 it llilal lhuted Chttztht lers Strange iltlth in elutreliiviirli kilhll niany years she taught Sunday School class and sang in the flltlll and also did 21 years was president of the 71Wk ltioiar Soltidy and odist land later 11 great in the Womens Association the happy occasions in ner lilewas in August 1939 when he returned to Blatftllll2t for leading character in As the One ew day historicalpageant Lunmcpm inlllO girl Born in the ftllllllllllllly lllw sittilte of the leeraseds iHrrlllc 35 itllllllm lllllt of love exemplified In lit31110115 lllttlilllltllll llltlllllltl work or thr eliniili live iiitiiiths lltlL1ll who hadl quality she radiated to others iivlllltitn 1did what she could furilierltheic Mrs Strange vsas predeceased by near attended inny relativelher husband in June 1937 She and friends All iinpiessive sir iuon was based on the words lie lthou faithful unto death and anir first in the celebrzol with the Juan llll tiille boy burnt was the filth member of her fam Iily to pass away in the last eight Surviving are two brotht ers Waller who lives near Ilunts lvillc and Frank at Windsor two Cameron oln Neil McDonald Ifherc are three daugh Strange Miss ViolaStrangc both at home and Mrs lSibhald tVietoria oflorento The funeral service neighbors Gilford Womens lllSlllday January new mnducm the family residence by Rev Beivell Hc was assisted by nephew of the late Mrs Strange Major Arthur Cameron of the Salli Army Toronto relatives attended ronto Braccbridge Acton Orillia months si stout Mrs Toronto and of Acton Miss 11a iry Mrs Allreda on Satur vation and Friends froni lo CARSONS FLOORS CLEANED AND WAXED l1l unuqu Woodivoik Wand Walls Washed P110118 BARK RONSETAXI DIAL 4202 Prompt and Courteous ETIIOUR SERVICE NELLES ErrServiceman lrop with ltlie bigger ai filmeconoiny Reasonablypricectat $1l00 MAILED ANYWHEREFREE OF CHARGE Pr10TOART SUPPLIES 137 Elizabeth so miqu Phone 3927 TheWRIGIIr CLEANERS IS CLARK Proprietor today szs DUNLOP STREET Once youverhada garment Sanii tone dry cleaned yoiillpknOW why wesay Youvcan seethe differU once Clothes are cleaner more dirt removed spots IgonevDull fab ric3sparklejffesh and ght fgain Pressing and reshaping expertly done Youll get more pleasure more wear from clothes that are Saniton Dry Cleaned regs ularly Whynot call us of It skin rash boils nipples or other SR1 affections be easily remedied Impurities in the blood may often he the cause for ugly skin affections Cause For llnhappiness Are you aslizimrl of your appearance because luo fcwtpeoplerealize that these affections may 10 get relief fixI skin troubles boils and pimples try Burdock Blood Bitters This vegetable oiimpminl not on the bowels kidneys liver and stoinli It helps to eliminate wastls the system The result may be smoother clearer skin BBB has brought relief to thousands 6f other iuizvlizins suffering from skin affections It should do the same for you Ask for it at any drug counter Specify Burdock Blood Bitters The Milbum 00 Limited Toronto Ont iron PICK UP AND DELIVERY THONE BARRIER 32634 nui QUllZl illleSlHERE PHONE 374i The Sarjeant Co Ltd Mary St BARBIE Skin Allclions Often Phone 2461 Nextto Queens Hotel BARBIE