III IIIIIIIIIIII CHAEGHURST HOW CITIZENSHIP IACT AFFECTS THE METROPOLITAN iiii liAitiiih lli1li TI 111 VAUA 231511131 ELMVALr II 11 I1 II I1 11 El 11 lit it I1 I11 II 1y 1I1I II 11 II unmzu KENI =1111 11 11111 i111 11211311111ftly111 511111 11 il 11 11 111111111 111 111u Md 1111 111i 11111I 111 111 5T Il ll 11111111 1111 lt Yolk 11111111n 1I 11 qlavnumEnmm 11 111 11 111111 111 1111 11 111 1i MMVMIIWIIIWWW 1I 1I 1111111111 11 1311 II 11 1111 11 111 11111 11 NBC 11 II 11 11 11111111111111 III HI II II 11 11 II III II I1I111 111911111 311 III 11 II I1 1II II 11 5511113111111 011111 1l 1212111 11 11 11 31 Iil 111 11 11 l11i1gt1 11 at 111 11111 511111111s 11111 11 gt1111111I 111 2111 11 II 11 III II I1 it11i11ir 11111 formauce 1111 U11 11 11111 II vwmd II I1 Kurt 11 litu11i1 1L1I II II 511111111 11lII As ili 1ZI 1111 l1 II II 1L 111111 1111111111111111 hunt 1111 111112111 11 1111111111 113 11111281 Loui Illiiilt 111111111 I1 11 III 1111 11 touzpan in ll 11 ll 511111 11 111 1IIIIII11I tats 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11111 1111111 for 1tlt1cal laurels when he IEIHWIII III III II 111 11 11111311111111 l1qdppfcitd 111 111 111111 11111111111 111 1111111 11111 111 111111 111 fi gt11 111 11111411111111 spelidllii ill 1111111111 11 111 III 1111111111313131I1I11111111111111 l11 K1111 gt1i1tl 1111 General 111 11 11 HI 111111 intd 1111 11113111111111111111111lo1111 5111111V1lls staff in Washiugion pfllllluw Hm 11 11 1111111 ipl 1111 1111II 111 11II1I1I111 11111 I11111II113I 111111111111111111 ot ilnle t11er1 he sang 11111111 in 1111 III T1IIIIII11IIIIH1IIIIII IlIIIIlI II III II1 i1 Ill11111 11111 11111111 111 11115131w1lt known lai li1111111 111 1111 White House IIIIII1II If 11 TI 131111111 11111 111111 lr I11I II 111 is Ihvuts 11151 hue House 11111311QIIIIICIIIIIIIII1 IIIIII1II1 1I II 1b1 111 11 as for 111111 111 the annual thanks 111111II111I1 1Ii II III 1I 131 111 I11 is the late liesidtnt I1IcIIIIIII1lIIII MIMI II II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111 1111 11111111 Roosevelt held upon tue anniver 111III IIIIIIk IIIIIIIIIII III IIII III I1 II11 II1I1I11 WI SUIIIEHI I11I any 111 ins inaugural lho smuers WWI 11 111 11H1IIH III 11 111 1111 11121 1111w twine 11H 111111111 11s1tI111 the Last Room as VIIIH UII III1IIIII1III IIII 11 1111 11111 11111 1111 historic and memorable lJudvI MI WI 15 17111151 111 11111131 supper walxti 111111 1111 lI111111 11 1111111111111 1112 i1 11os1 pre cut it oItlock in Trinity ll I111111 1111111 11111 711111 l11I1111I1 I1111111ilit I1 ItillIl 11111 1111111I111 11111si111 1111 111 iult 1111111 1111111 1IllI1 littlii Mill 11L1i wG avorinj tender 111 111111 ii1 11111113 1111111 of Chocolate Pudding Vmr In be lit ell11111 111 11141 AllBRAN DEVILS i001 PUilDiNGI x1 11 itsi 11111111112111111111111111111111111111 11114 111111 11d Alb111111 and vanilla loiniuio 5111111111 11121 111 baking pan 11111111 111 111111111111111111111 32110 about 1011111111112 ltsyourfaroriteChocolateDevils 13111111 s11r11111 up in delicious hot puddiuu 111d1iIIgt11171stoasty 11111 sI1111t flavor amids it 1111111111111 113 I1111111 crunchy 11 flliron lots 11111111111us thines to the texture too lip the recipe now 11111111111111 57 1111113 gfherefs no losiaciion with Fresh Yecistlw II II And Eleischinanns fresh Yeast goes right to work because its 11fosz Ifresliltgives full delicious breadIIIII smooth texture perfccf freshness IFIYOU BAKE AT HOME always ask for 171ci3c111112111n3 tirtive fresh Yeast 1111111115 familiar yellow label DEZKIMMfiC7 Canadas tested favour ite for over 70 years expended in digging Exhibit Supplied by Slmcoe County Womens institutes Lvm Exhibit No 243 FARM DRAIN TILE Agriculiuralists have long recog nixed the value of draining certain soils for fertility When our coun try was new the farmer resorted to different ways of drainage Like the old 110111115110 dug trench or ditch and placed stones in the centre Sometimes he made wooden drain with poles and Iium her on top then covered with earth Later tubes of baked clay became popular round tile with flat base was one of the early improvements These were used to drain the lens in England and English file at one time was ex ported from England until 1110 making became an industry in On tario The hexagonshaped file was also used number of years ago but the round tile is largely used now easier ttTinake and less cum bersome One of the later methods of draining field quickly is the mole drain done by means of tractorabut this however does not last long sixsided tile now is museum piece Once used on farm at Churchill it recalls the Hand labor studying the laymgf the land The tilemaker has done much with clay material throughout the centuries Hc paved the floors aniusomethnes ornamented the walls of churches and the mon asteries as well as of the houses of the nobility and coming into contact with the learning and re finements of theage he became in his craft an artist It is quite probable that beauti ful tilIesI Were made in the great religious houses by the monks who were influenced by Contin Iental and especially Italian art We can imagine these old crafts men matching themselves with the sculptor and the carver under whose hand the pattern seemed new nattneIaiiimated withangel and ghoul grotesque and fantastic birds trees fruit flowers etc spired his life man in all hismoods animals and In his cell alone yet not lonely ere ated his design and 1gave his best to the best It is said thatthe scriptural texts on the tiles about the fireplace of the early home of Philip Doddridge e11nnentpreacher and author inI Patient Doctor are you sure have pneumonia Sometimes doctors prescribe for one ailment and the patient dies of another Doctor Itwith dignity When prescribe for pneumonia myxpa tients die of pneumonia ditches 11d oc casion the baritone was chosen as member of the quartet which 4111 at the 1111111111 services for the infillcsidcnt II Museum Dunn will speak II11cgtIvuzpnt11I 11lI lllt twinniuuig is exteded to 111 and 11lt I111 lIlilVl in 1111 death of their 111111 child little uirl LIL n11111tl1I 111 who died 1111 Saturday 1111111111111 after few 1111111 illness 1111 11 mains were taken 111 81 il11111111 for burial Elected School Trustee oumatulatioiu 11 Igt111ii 111111 raue who 11 elected trustee of the llssa Township school zuca VtSlop has had liiligtlltiil1lt 11x pcrieueein this line 111111111 1111111 trustee for No tiI ltlssa and 111 Continuation school 1111s11111e year Trinity husadiug lI111ItIliris 111111 llis Kingdom marks 111 boa11111111 of the program for this yearIs work in this church group The across Canada are liililiip up the cl1alle11gcTliey are saying charge to keep have 11 1111 11 Glor1fy Mrs len11ox had charet son by Mrs Kelli Illl inspiring hymns and lesson thouiihts read by Mrs irose were in keeping with new effort for 111111 year DistUssing the work of the depart mentsI emphasis was laid 1111 new ideasfor future progress l1Ia decided to have pot luck supperI for the annual 111eetinp on Fri Jan 24 The final arrangeincuts for quiltini were left over illili ter of continuing the centadiay fund was left over pending decis ion at the annual meetings The surer gave detailed 11111111 tthcIar At the close Mrs Halbelt served 11111111 appieciaied 11111611 u11d happy social 111111 was spent EVERaTTI The snow storm bit Sunday Ihas 1116511131113 filled up it is Lust one storm after another Among those on thesitk list this week are Mrs Murphy Mrs Norval Robbins IE lcar son Mrs Kate ReidIWe Iwish for them speedy recovery Acclamation for 1T1 ouucil Monday Dec 110 was 111111111121111111 day here and the Township equntil went in by acelaination Owing to theheavysnow 5111111 on 5111111211 ratepayers could not get 111 and there werebut few to 1111111 llad the roads been open there was no 1111111111 election would have been held as there were few new c1111 didates coming out Salaries ipr councilman have been raised Ito $10000 now and this will 111akc more ready fOrItlie job the lieew gets $12500 IioVII011e of thr weekly papersvin our district ha much to say about 111 11011111111111 and it has been felt by many that they have gone too farin this mat ter and troubip will likely follow Anybody in this Township who is taxpayer has right to come on and voice his opinion and also if nominated to run for an office We are very much surprised at any neIWSpaper allowing the publication of such report as againstlilr Van Loree who told them some true facts at the nomination 51110 Mr Ila Miles has 11111111111i 1211111 serious 111111 1I11l1111I1l 11 11 11111111111111 11 l111pital and is spending 1111 1111111 with her 111111111 1111111 lloiidziy islltiB lIarl 111i111 and 111 111111 lli 11111111111 1111111s lIoionio with Mr and 311 11111111 l11l11111 llason lit1111111 llamihuu lr 11111 1111s lraac Snell 11111111111 51111 Mr and 1ll le 1111111131 M11 111111 i1i1s 01111 Hist11 1191111111 with Mr and 111s lieuipsiel lt11111crs of 1111 lIttitlzililiiiInlI eriul1ure had jolly evening and 1111i fowl supper and 11111111 providch an eujoyablt event of tho 111is mas season School 11111111 Vell ttclilc1l ti1l lroueht the 111121111111111115 tttigtlI1lll to 1111111f11111111111111111 the family and friends gathered to slug tIhristmas carols and enjoy the sumptntms fowl dinners and all the l1iu111i111sihe Io 11311111111 concert had the 11111151 attendance joyed Miss Iireeiiiind children are to be congratulated 111111111 fine pntertaiu1neni prmided ioily 111111111111 Party St 1111111 Suuday School had hilarious childrens Christmas parti with the lteetor lttr it iani1 in charee of contests and games lireryonc had merry time Though lhc Examiner is datcc Thursday it goes to press WednesI day afternoon Get copy in earl PACKED WAvs Choose Maxwell House in either SuperVacuum Tin Drip or Regular Grind orIIClassineI Lined Bug All Purpose Grind Itslhc saint superb coffee blend Beanie Kidney Pills Llleip Back Ailments lIlafkuvho is fr3111111111I1Iv causedby disorders of the kidneys 11011se quently iEIVou suffer from bat1111121111 Deans Kidney iills may be helpful to you 111111111 of their stimulat Iing action on ihckidueys and uri passages liouus K111111131 Pills assist in 11111 elimination of wastes from the body 811 to dependable and quickacting Deans Kidney Pills 11111 be used by both youngand old Backzuhe and rheumatic pains as well as minor urinary 111111 bladder ailments may be quickly relicred by thisItime provon treatnuuit Sold at all drug stores 500 box The 11111111111 0111 Ltd Toronto Ont r1 NORTH SUNNIDALE IMO l1 and l1 111111 filef An1 TO CLEAN YOUR COFFEE TABLE ll nutr 1119 131 bit on your 111111 ldllt surface 1111111111=111I1 11111 11111 11111xitli111111111 11111111111 111111 1111 1111111131111111 11 111111111111111 Inthe dalihil II1I1IIr1 WINDOW GLASS 111 11I ALEXIS 111qu co LiD 1ilti iii lnil l11111 amt11423 1111111i11 111 il ttititiias HI 11111 1111111 lro1iu1 in 11 11101111111111 cuss WORKS co 1111 itai Building Mattrial 11111 11111111 7111 I1 1l ylz all 113 BLUE RIBBON iHE OUALiTY COFFEE shipping l1II Its the kind of coffee youll be proud to 5er rich flavourful satisfying Pock ecl only in vacuumscaled tins and gloss 112133Ivolwoys FRESH 11111qu mm Follow the Ifhriity to gt limyve beautifullyI illustrated wiih humming adventure 11min them and other valuable premionn FREE for coupons packed in Blue Rtbbon Tea Coeo and Baking Powder 1111111L11r 1b1111d1hi 1111 ihritt Suppbes 1wfCUTEX ildKli The tIhristntas season in lItopIia of the meetmp The sci11111111 in years and was 1lI1iilitl1 e11I LANOLINn 1xooIs risiIlIliULSllAY 11 Prevents lCliC For Hair andHealthy Scalp ORANGE runs 111 eBRdbterimmiomtI lliI metal container Z1dl1rfiluv 1111 LIQUID lililllslNlIlNli Williams lIllLliIbl 111 attrac te bottles Your 111111111I 151 FlTCllIS IISllAllllOU helps to keep scalp and 11111 1111 macuiate Boltlcd in two sizes 15c SSe II VASELINE 111111 route popular choice with th ellgroomedi licips keep Ihair and scalp 111 good cor dition 50c VITALIS llAlRI TONlCJ Keeps ilaIir 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