BABE FOUR 0111 511M 1s P1111 i11311 17 Air1hr lad VI MIDDLINGS $135 per 101 iiu 53111111 1111111 nuts 1111111 PC 11111111111111 11 I1111tl11I 111111 11111111111111111 s3 RUBENS ricotta 1111 111 11 mmwmm llits Cooling1111 healing 131111 I1 I1 Dial 1311 II 11111111111111 1730 Dunlap ulcs 111111 11 Service 11 narrimi 11111111111111 Distributors for 1111 Famous York11ml Oil Burners 1111II I1 and ii iired luruaces illi1llili1 lNSlillN 11111111111 itelrigeraiiea Co THE BARR if in 1ii111 11111 ison ililtllli 11 111 lllltiislilp 1l1 EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANAD it I1 Ylhk i1 I1 gtL 11 Il1 11 111 11 11vl111 12 11111 11 1I1 hi 11 11 11 IV111i11L1l I1 lililN lll llhI 111 t1 1t 1111111 IlII 1111111 11 11 111 11111I i111 lllllll HI 111 1111111 II II 111 111 1111 11 11 11 i1 1131 I1zl11i III Id II 11 11 1111 21 III flimw Il lIIIIIlI 111111 11es1s If III EWEI II II llIIII IIlI IIIHI II 11 11111111111 1111 for i121 111I111 1111 11111 111 iw 11 1111111t111 1111 It 1111 111111 1111111 iIt 1111111111 1131111111 1111 115 vi 1111 111 13 3111111111 1111 11 x11l11 1111 l1111 1l1 111 and Mrs lmnk irlsh 111 1I 11l 11111 111 11 111 111 111111 gt 112 1111111 Lr 111 111 llll lllill 111111111 111111111 II 11 11 11 11 11 I1111 II1I 111l J31111114January11 IIiI in 11111e 11111 11 11 1111111 111 111111111t11 1141111 111 1111 1111 11111 1111 1111111111I111 11 111 iioph iinnhaii i111111t11 1111 twatuixl 111111111111 11111111 11 1111 111 111111111111 11 1111 hed 15 idtllmii 111 11 1l 1111 11111 11111 1141 11 but expected s111 1111 II ll Mi IIIIII1I1 1I up I111 1111 111111 11 1I1 11111111 1111 l11 1311111 11111111 11 11 1211 1111 Residents of Barrie 1111 lilI liRFWII 1111111 it 11130 111111x11 to Mr litHIV 11HW11 111 1111 111113 i1I and we 11111 11111 li111 11121111 1111 81111111111 111 111 11 111111111 111311 llis11I 1w 1111111111 1i1 hiili1li11 lili of 11111 11 of 1111 1111 11 111 1111 111111111 11111111d 1111111111111s one Ultra 111 111111 Srdrud111111111 lt ilur 11 11 ihli11 11111 the other 11 tit1 11111111 1111 HowlI1 1111111111 111111 t1I hue son i1 11 inn1 1111111f111 1111 11111 of 11111311 1111111 11 51 11111111 in 1111 ins ireat War 11111 111111 11111111 111111 1111111 1111 11111111 11 1111111111111 11 parrots had also enjoyed ltt M1 11110 1111 i1111 111 1211111 111111 1111I11111111 11111I Itlligt 111 11111111111 hie ilav 1111 11111i 11111111 rlliil tXltlitliii1 MH 111 111I11 die 11111I I111111 15 11 11111111 1111rle1l 11 the 11110 of 111 11t 1111 11 11311 kHiiiHiltlttii Widin annivciszn patentIIeIdIIIGer1IIile Press ghrdenlfrIeSh flavouyihatlias Iiiiade Libbys Tomato juicefIrsItIClioice in CanadaIf more sdiighIItIIIafter than 11Inonil1erISo gdadthm Libbyswiil pay DOUBLE YOUR IMONEY BACK 111 11111 Igagree its the inost delicious 10111111 juice youve ever tasted IHappyI is the man whose keeps II Libbys in the frigI Its real taste thrill Iand one that promotes buoyant health 1111111grocer can also now supply you with Libbys new pack VIegetnLl Soup111 rich nourishing stock with vegetables fresh from Ithe gardens tr1 it rr 16 is angexcellent source of 111211111111 these vitamins is to drink Libbys Gentle Press Tomato Juiceevery day Its so 8001 you enjoy itby the 1111113115111111 11 111 li1d to celebrate their 77111 11 Orilila about 11 N1 at their home 11I1p111111 1111111 cedefuming 1111 ghtmgplds winging infections that encourage appeI Liieafndgood digestion And the pleasantest way to get your daily quotabf spicudidItraining she has given thci chine and equipment Itclair as Speaker bring in their talent money at the Mrs Sykes and1Mrs Mitchell Mrs Alvin Webb will be hostess for the next iriecting on Jan 14 am lhc 1113 and 111 of lived to 1111 LIELLB St Murysdbolr 1s 11111111111111111 113 the larisl11o11ers at 11 1111111111111 at the tonununity House 1111 lhursdajx evening i1111111 13 11111prcscnt dim i112 sla11d of St Augustines Sem i1111 11211 the local Seminary studentsdohn Buckley Edward Bray and Wilfred l11th Very1 l111 Dean IliliiI tl111itl the Qtlerls and expressed hieh praise 11f1i1eIcht1i1s beautiful rendition of the Christmas musicand the Novena of last month Mrs CrosSland presented the felicita Itions of the Parishioners in toast to the choir which was responded 1to by Mrs Wallace bliss A1111 Murphy president of the choir welcomed the guests and Miss Margaret Meiiiunon organist and choir leader was the recipient of hearty congratulations upon the 1young people There were overI ithirty members present Edward Bray and Joyce Raistou delighted everyone 1ithocal solos and carols were sung duringr the no 111 of the iablcsI Dean Clair then gave surprise treatthe showing of two motion picture shorts with his own 111a IAINSWICK WJ The Christmas meeting of Pains wiek Womens Institute was held at Mrs Tordiffs Burton Ave A1 landalq with Mrs Sin She told bean tifnr Christmas story and carols were sung led by Mrs Lorne Johnston Itwas IpleasureI to hear how typical rural family observed Christmas Day years ago when Mrs Peacock related the way celebrationswere conducted in her own family when she was child Three members were present ed with gifts of silver inrecogni tion of their silver wedding anni versaries They were Mrs Morrison Mrs Dalton Lennox and Mrs IA Webbthc presentations be ingjmade by Mrs Wallace lribble Mrs Tordiffs little granddaughter delighted her audience with beautifully piayed piano solo It was decided to have members 1113311 meeting or as soon thereafter as possible at the Isame time tc relate the method Iof making it Assisting the hostess with the delicious lunch were Mrs Srigley MrsZuISykes convener of Social Welfare will beIin charge of the program The Harris EXaminer has the second largestcneulatlou of any l1111i1 1111 1111211171111r111 11111111111 111 pla11 11 111111 of 1111111 flout111 111 111 id in town wegkly in Canada It gives the news IlMPOSSIBLE TO HIDE the fact that Maxwell House Coffee is expertly blended Ihe superb Maxwell House blend results from tradi tional knoWledge IandI Skill of the artof coffee blend ing Barrie Examiner 111I11 1111 ltiitltgtll11ltl lr lions115 51111111 llarrtc attended the 11111111 111d1rs John 1211itl1 11111111s1ou played the 1113111 no 111115112 lIoliouine the 1111 11111111 11 11111111 111111 was held at th111 Ibuftct once in linion Fine commercial printing at Th Please order as ahead as possible 11 Heres the New Fast Rising Royal way to give your family all Itlie delicious Ifullayored bread they love 11111111 was serwd Assistintr the bridal party in rerennie was the brides mother 111 1111111 dress 1111111111111 trim There were about thirty guests present those from 11111111111 being from Iliarrie as 1113 lieaeh and Toronto For motor trip to the Muskoka distrlttILhe bride chosp turquoise wool dress with gold studs black seal coat and black Eltttsstlllgt1 O11 their return they will Lake 1111 res and gt111 11111111 111111111111 of 11111 roses and lIiIti ll1111ti lloliisoi was in 11 floordeneth 3111111 of blue 1111111111 with 111111 trim and luaddress to match ll111 lIl111i were 111111 so welland not Wear your self to frazzie doing it New Fast Rising Royals speedy action lets you do all your baking in Ia few gt111 11111 111l 11111111 il1 11I hand and IlIur1111 Iii 111 til 1il11l Dr Chases Syrup 111 1111 1111d1rtl111 of Linseed and Turpentine 1156 l1111ily size times as 11111111 751 MAGICS ORANGE MARMALADE BISCUITS cups sifted Illour etie sun bull Hbspus shortenind Ispns Manic Baking Powder Sift dry ingredients togetherllul inshort citing until mixed lieu edgsliphlly in measuring cup add mill and marmalade to make cup and add to first mixturr Roll out about 11inch thick cut with floured biscuit cutter lop each with little marmalade bake in hot own about 15 minutes Makes 10 Add New Fast RisingRoyal to water Presto In lominutcsits ready for action 1111 11131111 11111111111111111 noes wnon BAKING 1111 FEW HOURS hours during the day Elim inates oldtime overnight baking botheIr and risk New FastIIRising Royal stays fullstrength on your pantry shelf for weeks ready tosaveItime save you Get New Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast at your grocers Grandmother What Brings Quick Relief childhood IlIilJi 11111111 1111111 111 111 11 111iiillilili 11111 11111111 1111111111111112111 411113 1111111111111s 11111 111i11 11111111 111 site 5111 that 111111is1l11I111111111111111 at 11111111111 2111111 11111111 11 1111 important when lUltl set in 1up milk qullli orauue 111111111l11i1 11251 Mr and Mrs Oscar Laws Fifty Years Married BELLE EVV AR JI 1II 11 11 11 1l 11 VI tI1 II IlIliti1 iui Il NlIXl Ill ROXY Knows 121 11 smeoreSetting Dough 1111111111111 carton Margo each packe Madein Canada 1111113111 thug Store BARR packets Ito leaves from