Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1947, p. 12

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AGE TWELVE ESSA TOWNSHIP 11 1111111111 21121 plUI 111 11M 11111111111 tarts 111 111 in UNSIIII11 liNtilH 11 il11111111 111II1Ii 111411141 11 11va 1111111 Otto RAWSON Ileaistrrrd Ir1111111111l I11I111111 Iii 111011111th l11111 11111 11111111 iT THE STROUD TELEPHONE COMPANY insisuti in 11 11 1111 In the 111inniniti H111 11111111 Application For Weed Inspector 12 111t 11 1111 t1gt II H131 11 1111 I11 11111111 1111 131 11 111 111 111 1111 1112 11 1113111 111111111 11 11 117 1111 hlll1 llilli gti1111111 111111111 SALE Ill LANDS for 1111113111115 111 11sz In the County of Simcoc To Wit 11111 1I nl 51111 is beta 11 1111111 ItL 111 11 11 in 11p on 111 1111 ULlu that C1111 ccrd 111 sell raid l1111 gethei Au 111 1111111 Council 111 two UIIUCA II COLEMAN 11e11suzei 111 511120111 CUtlIII rIieasurei 1111111 130111 day of Berriiiiber 111115 11111110 1111111 1101111121111 10 111111 FEW earriiniiliuuaarr 11101111111111 CHECKUP 111111111 1011110119113 over SERVIC memorandum 11111111111111 men 11 11M Motor Sales 31 Bradford St PHONE 3178 BARRIEI Iiil BARR EX IINER l1AItttIi 11311512111 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS PRODUCED NEW TYPE PASSENGER CAR MANY FEATURES MAKE FOR COMFORT FLOORS CLEANED AND WAXED Wdodwork and Walls Washed IA Phone 11111111 If LICENSEII rucnouazn Cf 11111312111111 lillliClS 11111111 sroci AN mr111111rs Phonc2577 Barrie 1M TVA 811111111 10 11 1More Than Finance Statement States BORN IN MEMORIAM Lw FLOS MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM llttHllil 51 Hill ll NOTICE TOICREDITORS 111 1111 state 111 11 11 1111 1111111119 1111 111 nl 11111111 Iill MRciirie Union Cemetery Company ANNUAL MEETING will he held in ORANGE HALL IIlllllllll SI iCommerciul Telegropliy In Canada Marks Its ECentcncry of Service 1111111 12121 MARRIED LJ Grahams Butcher Shop I1111 Monday lanuory 20 11 11 p111 tin111113 111111 11 1111 11 111 111111 111111 11 13113 ii 111 111llt 1t1 11141111111 Husband 11111111111 llii ltt111d1 11l111111112111111111 1111111 awn 111111 111 111111 Ntuort ARMSTRONG and MACLAREN Chartered Accountants PHONE1521 BARRIE Ll 3130 Bay Street Toronto 111111111V 1es itttud llltI $Il 11111 21111111111111 1111 1111 Iresidcut Producing Ability Farm LandFCdIing 11111111 ll ILtltfllv 111 Jan lt 11 t11 lot 111 11 11111 t1 11 111 11 xx fault of gt12111 1111 11 111 1111et 1211 1111 1111111 Club 111111 111111 1111111 only 111111111 Ito1 111el we nss 12111121 Ire 111 to 112111 ii 111 11111111 to hear the i1 111111111 wini 11 1111111111 111 1111111111 1117 IN 1111c 11 subject 111111 lllfiirzxtllrld touch 1111111 1111111 rieisltiue 111111 1111 1111a WWW Sadly 1111111 11y 1111 IIIRRY flu IHttiL 111111111113 11 my brother 111131 who entered rest 11 Prince Albert Susie Jan 151 11111 11111 111 think 1111111111111 1111 And speak your precious Itiilitt In lite I1oed you dczirl In death do the same And often in my lonely hours You seem close by my side And can hear your kind 11111 say 13111111 1211111111 will ever Ili1t111n and other iiroizga 11214111 be 11 up under IRHICI KI1I1lltl ltRAIVIJS Standard Quality 1111 111 21 oz 23 11111111 111131113 11 17111 Iiuiisdutiou 1111111111 hymn11151111 lniteii 1111 1111 lltt1 111111duein up to 1inuin 1111 11FIILIO cuieII In regard 111 mil 1ilttlttiltill for the 1111111 of issued 111111 James William PEAS stiriiiiwi 11111N1s wrix 11111113 11111 111O1 Can 111111 11 1111111111 1111111 111111 Arjb 1111 1111 inns 11111 ttrll1llrtlllllj for maxi Standard Quality 11111Z 111111131 11111 Iiteiu1111 11111211 Cente tcry 11111 11 BLACK Al his l1u very silzrnitAL BRANDS srmiinira Qualit GREENBEANS l1IiltNIIS BICEDAEETS 1111 BRANDS DICE CARROTS BURNS LAMBCSTEW BURNS BEEF SIEW 1111111 READY 11111111111151 tliRIsb IRISIUIEII StrwudI 1111 Black 111 loved 1111111111111111 11111111 111111111 1111111111111 11117 Archi BecauseI increased 1113 1511 11111111113111 1ttttll 111 1111 11gt11I Canada bald said 11111diii111111 cultural foodstuffs during the war iiiauy Canadidns were prone to be as to Canadas reach the divide Fondly 1c11111nbc1e1i Bertha SIISWARIrln ltltlllg iiieinoigx of dear wife and mother Stewart who passed away Jun 1111 Youre not forgottenmother dear Nor will you ever be As long as life and memory last remember thee Sadly missed by husband and 1111111 and Interim111 SpaI14 11111 11 Li1111111 1It III11111111 111111101111 leorge ConuonI 11111111111 husband of Ruby NIaIr Cannon in his T171111 Interment Ccuicter 11111 CRAIGSuddenly1111 111111 at his home 3211 Fern Are T11 luitte Craig the late Beatrice Jar l1111ll Intoiuieut at Park Iaiz 111111 1111 rerIr Mary producing complacent ability and dangerous assumption that that feat eould be repeated with 1111 special 11111112111 ofsoil conschation Actually there is evidence that period of years Canadas producing ability is declining and that in suite 111 the fine work ofl breeders towards producing l12aI11e1dma ypiicties of better 11111111 and 110515111111 111 disease and insects 111m insect plagues were on liltflqCurc and had beenwso any people failed 11121 11111111111111 Canadas i1 relation Ivcar Sixth Iine 11117 ronto VZithltl husband 111 Craisz and father 111 s11 Cr 11wn Jenn1111 11111111111 IIIZWSON 1111111111111 of Judge Charles If $1111 in her 1111111 r1 the lamin 11311111111 in trinity gliezui fliuich 1111 Ihursiiar lau Interment in Bar 2111r11111j11111s We will Uvm A10 and sen Dugald daughters SIRWARIL In lovingr our dear mother Mary Stewart who passed away Iau 1111111 dcar mother gone forcrer How wemiss your smilin tasc Itut 111171111 us to remenihi Noui on earth can take your place hapva liouiemwe onerenioyed How sweet the 111e11111rI12s1111 llut death has left loneliness The world can never fill Sttll Ilrnic and Grandchildrcn Harrie Crush 1111111 plant memory 1Ii1 ilcw 11estiiri at therisa Ati 1911 service Odcargt to realegl populatrTIwau inall ship to 1101111Tiil 111id production nevertheless the ti1111 was rapidly catching the acres ofagriculturalsjla11d With iiearly two and people and quarter 11 at 11111 11111 rie 11111111 Ceiiietcr egos or THANKS xtull worlds populav lip 11 missed Florence quarter billion two and three1 acres of ogricul turul laudt11e time was rapidly ap proaching when in order to pre ent continuous countries IltlBBIIEIn loving memoryaof Robert Tribee who passed away 1111 111 only billion The sisters 111 1111 111111 Frederick Allan wish to 111111111 their friends ind neighbors for ex pressions 111s1im1atln and kindness and 111321111Tliil7l11111l tributes extrud the loss of their 1931 Ever remembered by Wile 111111 1111111111 TUDOR In loving dcur malnutrition so conserve soil tertilility that nations must be fed And there was plenty to do in Can must memory ed 11 them Isabelle brother BICI 1i and mother Jean Trotter who passed away Ianll 1945 wife 1111 11 11111 wishes to 11 11 Reviewing Your Investments Our serxicef iueludr 11 111111111 analysis and valuation of investmint holdings reports on individual tittttlllitS and 31111111111111115 as 11 Changes 1111111111 1111is11111r Lists 111 bonds and stocks 31111111111111 to 11 will be analyzed without obligation Idle funds should he wis1lj1 invrstrd to avoid loss of income Vc have pi1par1d pamphlet com1111111111113115111115111111111111 lied investments 11161111111111111 Municipal and Corporation Bonds Preferred and Common Stocks 1111111 including list of Bonds and Preferred Shares called for redemption Copy Insult1 upon request BANKERS BOND CORPORATION LIMITED CLARKE 1111111111171 111 11 iniLiioLIril 21 oz 10 211C stirhiilin lin EXTRA Choice California Mission AYLMICR 1111 1111111111111 IIEINZ All Varieties 1111 BRANbs 717771 WWIALL BRANDS Orange tlraiiefrujt 131311211111111111111 11 CLARKS Tomato Vggetablc Asparagrm ALL $111113 NVIIOLI UNPIITISD DRIED 11311111113 ERVEIZALBRANDS 11911111111113 Mitchell 1111111111 Scotian Gold 25 11111131111112 11113115 ILXIRA RICH louiirl 31111111111 N01 311901 BURNS 17 1111 31 11111135311111 11110111110111 1AA A1 IEVJI 111 it IL11111L 151frit1 Telephone AD 9267 Ii41141541111111111111127 231 15 111111111103 71F UL 211113 15 INFANT FOODS rm oz Ims ROYAL errr PACK 20 OZ 29 1118111 111111018 23 111111111111 11111 25 331 2251 11111151 grunting1111111 22517 111 or 2250 601 and TItIIILtlF uidi leb and floral Iitiltlii all friends bors 1111 all their pressions ot sympatth tributes iu thele 111 his wife RISHOI We wishto thank the BURNS 1111111111 11111 1111311 SELECTOR OXFORD INN Own 111111001111111111 11191 1111111111 11111112 19 111111111 1401 McLARENb oz Jun Sweet memories will linger for even Time cannot change them its true Years that may CUIIICICUIIHUI sever Our loving remembrance of you Sadly missed and ever remem bered by Husband and Family 21 udajiuiegardtOsoitmeervatiUtifi 15 oz liu As the train emerged from the tunnel the girl said Erbert you shouldnt have kissed me like that 51 1115 110 R011 Vic with all those peoplearound even it it was in the dark didnt kiss you said the boy looking 1111111111111 around the com partineut only Wish knewwho it tizisald teach him Erbert sighed the girlI fyou couldntteach irn anything PPRECIATION 31111119111311 wish to express their sincere thanksto the Barrie re Department for the protection gnren themSaturday night toria Ilospitul 1111 and sympatth luring sad bereareinentp Wesley and tai1iilI CANNON4111c family uiiirounish to thank their kindness 11111 recent Bishop LL 131111111331 News iteinsl for The VExtnuiiier should be sent VIII as1EARIJY AS POSSIBLE to ENSURE finsertion 11 the pkgs lute IIarsv their inaiiIv friends 111121111111 kind expre pathy and f111It1oral tribute TeiidetlYILIriiig their reuvement 11111IOIT 11 11111 Ainslie Rn express their sincere appreciation to friends and neigh bors for their kindness and 11112111 tributes during lCttVCtilent PARK We wish to express our sincere thanks audappreciation to who were so kind to us during our recent belt reavcrncnlWi11111111 Family WOODSMrs relatives ssrpns ot sym ind as WW I1111 1113111111111 1113111151111 Aucriiiiuui EXPERIENCED LIVESTOCK recentiiid ALL BRANDS TOMATO 11111 20 oz Tins family 1111 the sElIiottwish thanks and 91511311441 160cm 11 11111111111111 Navel ORANGES 252$ ddz 251 Mac nutson their recent our many friends 1111 and 11ilm11rol 1111129 1111 Iceberg Head Lettuce 605 Fresh ltipe Bahama TOMATOES merchandise 50111 Domin ion Store is unconditi teed to git3300 RABIO REPAIRS URTEOUS EFF SERVICE 11airs 111111111 11Appliaice PhOne 3609 111 I251 DU cu LOAF Frank Woods 11 son Earl wish to thank their good friends and nciglibois of Ferndale beautiful at the PROMPT co ICIENT rcincrri their floral time of their branccs cent bereavement WOODSMrs Frank Woods and Earl wish to thank the kind friends pallbearers and those who so kindly provided cars for their many acts of kindness ex pressionsfof sympathy and condol ence and for their beautiful floral remembrances at the time of their recent bereavement For Successful Sale of Household Furnituxe ll TED OAKS 44 Essa Rd Allandale 11 Repairs onqll ousehold Appliances neighbors Farm Stock and Implement 1111111111 STROUD 231111 WWW 21 Electrical 11 15 oz BAKERS succa heese Loaf Sliced 1oice Silver Bright SALMON STEAKS Frcslr 01 Smoked FILLETS andKlPPERS JANUARY 11th 1947 21 193 11111311111111 5111111 51 111 32 111 30c VALUES EFIIEOEllVE UNTIL fit11111 guar omsmo 111111111 SATURDAY satisfaction

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