inns in 138 7425 Co www1in c113 911 Section lPoges 110 TOWN HALL ROOF THREE CONSTABLES ACClamatlon 15 BEING ALTERED SHOOT FOUR FOXES Ragmg Sleet And at IIXIII IIIIIHII 3331365 Itqu tiIAII1I1ft ItIliriatmcnI For espra Counc 312 if mmm ow ero ea er II IIIIIIIIIHMI lnlhc Nth 14111112 111 it II II DUI IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III 1211111 on inklm im All Returned 1115 if Follow Snowstorm 111111111 11111 111111 111111 111111111 1111 311111114 Jltthtmli 1111 iziri 1111 liiiiiiu oi 1hr huniria iitiit 11111111 11m In WY 1111 H1 innum III tllii UH1 Jihli iiili iii 111i it WI IIIIII II IIII tlir iillith got one c1111 111 itlllurli 11 the 51111141 1111 lurhtr nhn nwti 111 11111 of lilt 11111111111 ix lit111 111111 rut io tivtloulii 1111 run41111 11II1I Illt 11111 11 ohm 1111h l1r the ruttier 1211111 1111 tlv rorth ii runta 11111 the wot Wumhzui UH IIHI 1111 iiriw iNu iw only JiHlti union nill coiiiiiicnrv 1li1r 111111x to 1111111 the tirxt 111111 11 tor 11w 11111 1w nos 1011111111 IHohday Aceidenis Take Igji IIfII Two Lives December 2618 RETURNED Several Others Injured u= 1TH0U11ND 11MIDLANDCOUPLE DIE IN ACCIDLNT NEAR CHURCHILL ONSAEJANUARYZ JUMPSTLSEDEBT II 11 2523 14 11 ltlIiI II iithmI IIhIlltI II II II II 1I lli1 ilthrntiiri held 111 1111 lIlllIJl I1 iiIiit iI iItIii IlIIiIIII II 1I EI II 1111111 111 liuirit llltltdMti IIHIUIIIII Im 1iiihi11 11h 11111 II II II II II II MtLtJHIt 211 ntiii 111111itiir4 uh HI 1111111 11 11 13111111Ig II II Ij II II IllltholIllltl IltIt 511I111II ll1ItI 11111 111 the 11111 is it UWVi 311 ii 1111 11 II 11 II I1 II II 1111 lirrtnilirr 111 11 inc Wilt run 111 11111111 1111131511 in 1911 1111 i1111 11111 one 11 1111011 II III II II 11111 Intonatinc 111 111111111 nill 111 i5nvd tor cuth i11111113111111311 1111 11 11 111111 1111 itiNlliUltx Hll 1111 111 JHHJJ Ul Ii 11111I1i rt 1111 thin 1IIIIIII 11111111111 11111I11I1IIti1111111 1I 111111111 leIi In IUI gtxltllI1tItI1 in 1111 II IlioiIii IIII DIIIIIII IIIIII III mIIIIIII IrIIhImII Ih I11III1111I 111311 Ill 1iItil11I1l III 1I iii LUI ImltnI 3II11 1IIII IuIiw Al II itIuI Ill 1i 1111 11 11 11111 11 11 111 11111 11 11 11 or 11 51 1111 1111111111 111111111 Mat Immh hh vu miwd TH lm 1115 Mlllph on hand and gt 11111 111 ii Lx in 3h hrrmns IIIJH ilrtndv mntlc 11111 rut 111 11 Wd I1 II111I JliplitIliitlll tor Ditllltlliltl iiiim iii 115 II 13 101 hllilm tmh 13 111 IWI 111ii iiit illii it 1111 11 11 1I HVU ill WT HllL 1l Wt 11111111 4111 111 Im 11 11 1111 Jilti 1111 IIII 1I 711 1111 I1 it Simcoe Has About 11 11 ppomt Hectors III II III IIIIIIII mm 111111 Uiiqphtti 11 Ulit II II II II II II ilmnI ltltitl 1111 11 Iii the Ihii 11 I1 hi IIII IIIDIII oilii 1111 1111 111 11 1I11Ii lix 1111111111ii II lIIII 11 111 1111i1 1I1t 111 1111h1I11 1iiIII111 II II iIiiI 11l11 1I 1tt111111iii 1111 I1 II gt1 1111 111 1elt 111 111111 iinl 1111 wilt Colin Xgllttiitiltwl 111 INilziw Hhwm 111111111111111 11111111 Ii 111111113 withinn I1111i 1111 1111 i1 111 Himl Iv11li iii gt111 SH 111 1ii1ill1iiti IIIIIIII 1r 11 1111 imt llMi Amer 11 3111111 11 Ilitllllll iundmim 1111 l11z 111 l1ii mutiim M11 1111 m1 I11 INii 31 LI1 111111111 11 t1iiI tottiih tIlIliitllniII11Ii1II MM IIII IIHIIIIIIII III II II II IIIIIII III III IIII II II lI III IiIIII Ii III mono 14m VI 11 111111111 111ilt1 5411111 11111111 11111 WIN In 39 ffliw II 10 1111l 1itii1r mi 11 1W 111 i1l1II 11 IIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111 II III 11111111 Am 111 111111 11111I511r11eon of limi 1111 111111 111 111 to 11111 1111111 12111 11111111111 It iillll II IIIIm1i 11111112 RttbLltEOtl II r1th11thiI IJII II II II 1111 111 the 111 IIHII111I 111 11 Il1111 111315 Ull HI iii mm 111111111 11 11 1111111111111 it peit 11111111 111 the II II vI 1111111 111 1p alfaiigt II VI 111 11111 ltt 11 11 111 SW1 11 1011 1111111 111 11111 LHtlii in II tlttiiiItl1i 111p Ll1 111111 11111111 11nd 11i 1IIIII ImIII mva 111111I111I11111 IIIII WWII HI FemI WI ll 1ii 1111 11 Iiv II II II II III II 1150 Ditiioili Ix e1 1111 11111 li1ti 51111111 tiltJVt oll VIU A1 tIgtli1iii 111111 mi iii 1149 90 II HI IIIIIU II mi with 1111111 111 th I11 11 is 11113tolii ofhcevhe1 Ul1 11 101 in 11111111111 11119 1111 11 li the 11111111 in he hux been we Am tho 40 1mm nL 111 L1 lll Ldlllt II I81 II IHI II EM 111 UHdiutmg mc Win to lllV their tiiit the logtt Office to pl but did not 201 1111 lli mutt had not ed 1111 and III III III IIIIIIIdIIr IIIIIIIkIIIIIIII IIII INN IIII IIII mm 1m II 11 in pmmons DUNN Ix me iiistinis min and journey to Oiillizi 11111iiht1 heuvv 51111 all tot ltllttil II 111 Lm Robertson 11 111 11111 1111111111h11111wowed 11 111l It 1111 11111 11 111111111 1111 illlIlII fIm 311 III photo 111111 to rtnin the Ll set 11111 tioiii barrio 11111 ZlitJl the 1111lt 11111 IIIIII IIIIII WIIIIM IIII IM Ivftht 1111 1111111 111 ii devoted 21 large share of til Utmlit MW 1Cltlytti WP my hId Im AWL 01 mum mi we in form mm public 11111111 iuoi i11 11111 1111111111 his 1111 ire hours to the rorli ot Him In iie 111111 tullillllltd iti=iilii 111111 1111111 11111ri111t 11111 11m 11 11 11 11 Cl 12 11 id lt 1111 113 nial 111 111 L1 ii a1 11 Iiuilh in 11111111 ii will ll FredrMr ainpbe lSlzilce 21nd down the Sliuntii truck 1111 sent to tree tli 11 tio11 linfi II Chic for mmby 111 th 1iiic0 111 1W1 hum UL 1105 Md 1115 Wilt hliiier liieiirii 1111 mitten bti1t11 111111 lot the memElCIISI 41 IIIIIIVIIVIVIDFIIf II ELI15L micuclpl Oro Goes to Kent Co as B11II 101111 11111d 111 veering to the the 111en sno IIIJIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIC SCIIUIII BIIIIIIIII IIIIHIII IIIIIIIII IImiscd 11 gt In Sim oi cl as to habits which 119 1941 1111 time tic obt1iiicd Dsfncf Re resentahve N11 111 on I1 111 11111 11111 in II II II is 11 NII 1111 11119015 10 C1215 gtli1 1111 111 31 nide I1ch urged dblUNHIvI Ilti III III I153 ibiIlItlIIetqo I11 Hicklii liidd 11 UNVHI 111 bell olt l1r 111111 ition to mm on in the 1111 11 Ptmi Elmvia Ii Giles zimpliell Guthrie 1121 DB DR Imd 130114 DI no munmp 131111 ces might fall th1r1 Ullii al 1btiiien1tc from liquor 11nd to Wiilt Midliun given the oungI people mmescmut in Ontario In team to which tlieyindivxdIF11II IbIe I1I 11111111 11111i1I1iIf111 the iiiiIcCo aiIiIlIiIIolII11idI1211iIrioiInI Maw Edenvule qum II attic otIStziyncr stated that County for the km flu Imam 1115 quii 110IgCIdI I1iiIiIni1 iIiiItI11I1gt1 it I1I IIII lICI Ii II Oll WEIVCTICE 1W1 NL 505 00 COMM W11 been appointed to 11 similar DOSI John 1111111131 lt noiiiiiiat IWNI LI II Ii 1110 UL 10 It 1111 dm WC 1111 King 1115 enrolled 111111 the larg Hon in Kent Count Ind 10 he 3911001 nmItht tol ouinb c11IL1II idViSUW TUMOR LntUUOIt 111th OAC Short Mr Campbell is 11 graduate of prcncnt but he 112111 the 110 II 12 IN IV on the occh on of his birth Isl11y Bell Stew 111 any count inlltame the year 1938 at the Onwno Ag iCLCrk II he lb WI II II1I111Io 11IIIII1I111 extend Ashes ft mam DL7A ela ClL 119171 11111110 11 Cultul ICUIIICSC GUCIPh SDCC would sign his qualification bl II 13111 1rtors Winter iziiig 111 the animal husbandry oi Ilut 0ch 01111 oi 1111 titltt eer 11d DOW thoroughly no 1111 trolllatysIbciiig offered this 11011 While it 1111 OAC he served eomcmnrcr gin1151111111 to Mr nice gnu 11 0mdm in SimmeI 50 WIJ 3111111140 mode Winter are livestock soil and lon his year executive was meni TI SIIIILII Iuted IIIIII IIIII IIIIItIhr periorniai 11 oi the 1111111 of the IeIIreSCIIIIItI OS from math immi IUm With ClU 33 ilglicumul 0001101 31 be Amnwl Hilsbundr ttcnded 33 nomination iiieetiir niikwooo UH 80m LU err 101151151111 in South Siixicoe 22 IIIIQrillIia Bil 3ItoI Ib kwpinu 4I farm mechanics Club ziiid also member of 11 IOIII IIIId IIIIIS IIIIII IO VIIIIIII ottob II IIIIIdCdI lumbuu Who ho culture College vcstoct Judging Ten IIII III IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IhIIIIII titers included Jog WW her of the Ontario Re which re 195011th the iIIICIIIbCIIII II CUIIIICII club liSlllJlll Iaiid III II CII CUmmiS gt1 id 11 wl ole ill 1937 On his tDonald Taylor 21111 agrieul 19 WW Pf 9r aw mm CI Chlcdbo were the 11111 111111 ulrmittcd 111 in they PPM 010 made 10 11W meet dentin work for tion he was II tiiinl represeiitatiiic Mr IhchCagiie fikd 1lt KdmmelI ing of all directors at Com 19161 and chicken dinner is 1ei1esciit111iic in North Sinic nmm WW 11111 1111111 UIt1011 of Imigmlc musthr 1ImIid for BLFORE HousefBzirhie being ovidcd for the directors 3150 ser ed your 215 121111 in III IihI 1151 memluncd spoke of the on lIlgDhLbDU After that the 7km 1030 bi the dSSOCiUiiOlL Middlc 21nd 811011101 0111 in LAMION MEDor lurtif I11 cattle breeding in ct rate is three cents word some eunzieit7 in Prince EtiWilld lht line attendance 1111 County In 1911 he was appointed ttlie iioni is held in Medontci if II 1151 tutiie or 0111 1o this year The uneil elect ity itLhieliedias mud Ied byTlctitllllatiulltllldi 5411 WWW contribution tiriiigricultur HIC 1I lows Reeve Orton Deputy1 WW OIISilCllliih ilteevc Boyd Miller Councillorsi Z1111 the Jumor Iimu Chas Swule Dalton Jermey and vcmcnt in the 901111118 11ml 150 Fisher Ganton The latter two 111re llCI men 1111110 Council 1150 instrumental in pronouns 1m 1111111111 110111111 1m GEORGE SEYMOUR in OMS was SHOW 11 Nd Home Improvemcn tlti 11 Smith Studio P111111 Smith 51udio1 mere IIIIII IIIbe IIIII CUII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II COIIICIII IOII IIIC IIIIIIIIII FIIIIIIICIIS or 11 1I II COMING EVENTS 111111 111111115 of the council or CV0 11d Deply RCCVO REEVE TUDllOPE the County In it he sericd as Duringthe past few months the Lions Club rand 11 dir IMVIISlHII zhkll dH UCClIUHluilwltt Ziownsmp iiilib ycd d1 Bro dent of the Uxbridge Kins medical 1111c 111 97 Elizabeth Barrie FiVill Club cordec 11 the aiinua 111111111111 ion h0peand Johfii We 1111 Cilijmign av Ciub He has also actedu have been expanded and MN mums me D1111 at Bantu on 111111 Jilliiiiiieehng gt111 Ilry Hall Monday 11 FUIUXLI 1351th yum 91 liiionuitrilec inn tileicicei $0010 11311051811101i0 the 11 eyrriniir has taken into aIIsociI of IIqu FIIHH IIIIIHII bttoiirl MULlliLIUI3Ci5 111W11111101111 Reeve 79W MCMHSIWR ULIUPiu 13m A111 ere ilIl mom of use Fm the crop in ovenicnt IASSOClZiUOI withIhiiiiDr ArtliLuI Doid 12 there me thI inidlI CimkII 1mm Dmcii from tDeputy Reeve IHo rd Banting Irluded Ibeliool jlnsp W3 391113Councillors visiiruax Wesley ScottIBerrle Wagpresent toeX C1 uncil the year had been it tough 1111 111111111iiirticiiincs IKEMPENFE DTBAYi II gt WihU SCIVLd With Cuiadin and lVl igot The ure members iidmkl Am II If My QHCIIIIIIIChuIIII 11111 11 0111111 Hall Wood were re plain initliei iilt Aicvalun ii r00 bushel Poigtooitll iiilltui0dlt II liiirsdweruiizi9LAuspiecs LOlium dft 9f RIEEVE McMASII 111 1000 51 hm mum 11m quipuflbq 11 filmiiiV theooiEiZes Jnow in Aimingr lumlm mu mth 450 AdmSSO 509 btxOUditClm Ir Reet 31McMaSLel CFLIWIUKI contesting the 1r1 111 tliiec ve 1111111 5112900 11 bir 1111907 Dr Arthur Ducer i111 b11w11 Lucie IL 11 Mouiitainccis lab Althouuh the road we blmilkiGLrCXLQndLd greetings to the lwith the 1946 Icuununmfst to iggooo $13900 mp has turdav inermhgw 911i mm for attended 50110015 UKIC and lliI Barrie Community CollCCli lieavv diam 110111 recentsnow ratepayers iidioicedhiiippre III S41 CESVLTHi Norman 341 tart tivtnlublcfUQCJUlmtcniw111le WUldi lowmg Wmescorm Kemp INI 1I the 151111111 111cdical graded onch sociation Recital Artl Kent mm Ibout mo ratepayers Wat mutton for cooperation rain the MID Smithgimme ibuum WWEdgyponim men BW was froze iilifCiZiimijihi Airiiltlciliupped llld the Umwrmty Ur Turumo mm Mcilopomuu buriiPm Come Stiin attendance and followoel ith Council and othen officials He iv NOMINAI 11 Whmi illuhbrlgloL luiiciiiinadr1 Then Wei 35 one rooin has been provided or minor D1 591 Uini5u19LIHUCL Id Januaryi various Speakers Wim iumms Spoke hof 1m 11913015 Whichth or ReeveuA Mowut WI Itlellikty CI IPIE by the storm and thellIIfrozt IUIICIIIIILIUI There is also pal After iiilL ieziis at theTomnto I21 111111 II IIMmiy unitillinstwere asked front come to South tmcoe during 1945 John Woodrow II 3d PW WW again leaving 11 11ch Jagged utc bum Ofce and the 9mm General HObpliili Dr Doidgcwcnt 01101110111115 course In Agricul 11111 unwst casts the ng Gordon McAr Deputy Reeve SIi 5W0 WWI Md 111de and rough suriac Cmiss have by aged and to Northern Alberta where he ture and Home Economics for rovide out HughMeKen Woodrow Albert HI Shelswe equipnieiil Abyui $31000 01 1011111 The freezing this Wmtcr was IIIIIiiIiIIIIEd 10m served as physwiuii and Surgeon gitlarin young people at Newtoii Arnold ipiulmul 11fqu 9L Emil 15112111 eight days later than the hmv Tim medicarde wich 111511 United Cliui li mission hosth RUblHSUHI JUHUI L0 11111111411 For Forcouuc1mSAibe owing to WI 11 Hi ious year Ice in the Buy Idur II fleim yed 5125510115 ItlilI open at 930 II NI SIOddIIIIIh bridgt zit Mitchell Square Les ing the past 10 years EstdIlilCivtillt LSIII 1IiiIiILhILDIIf IDII DDUI Ie IIIIIIICII IWU IIIIIIIIII III ImII BI Auswws of Dwarmcm MornmgI 2111 llzwkestiie to A11Alli10 tp$llbdndievirqBaillie IICIIILIltIIIIUIIIIIlll$3600 CIICIIII Sinplies now clear Days Ilimy Alllzlli VLtS taken over by the 91111111111111 Arniv Medical ICotps ULIIILIII COS III AngCIi Freshness wt Wid 10111ailable 19738 20 Mm 31 101 Dr George Seyinour in 1935 with the rank of uptuin until ob mm IIHJWOUMI onlyToum lJPrtiSt ftier Born in Barrie in 1907 Dr Sey taining his release from active ser wing 111119111 LtVlLeh demand 193339 Jan Apr 29 ll ham Jd 31M 10 17a 3110 ed he could see tttleTpi pet 193940 Dec 27 Acrriilwmour 1111131 11 schools here and vice 111 19411 He is member of InmI 11 qyumII 59 3103 GOICLOH BidWClL II County rate being kept dawn 194041 In Apr 13 102 studied medicine at the University Univer gt41LoclgcfnhlL11ndAM RosemomI rzlyIIHut new osals pending 111g 194143 Dec Apt 105 of fontop After graduation in Toronto 22 cctures $13511 Frank Wiltshn 6mm weed inspector two news 194243 Dch Ann 25 129 1933 was on interne at Toronto IMrs Doidge 15 the former BeaI swine Ron ng bad roads andII IIIy the remarged High School 1943I DELI 23 AprIzq 125 Western Hospital until returning tricc Leslie olIIngersoll and there Fan ForeshyIr Weatlier lose than 50ofthev 15mm supemlmuauon for Com 194445 DWI ng MalI 27 39 to Barrie two erars later DixSay is daughter Maryp age three and Gun Activites ttendaileeVwao present 77777 employees mid apubllchealith M545 Dec zoI Mar 27II 97 mour IS an active me er of Kerr They belong Central United welcom Aub 5111756th With during Turn to page six please 19464 Dec 28 otthe Church II 11