THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14 1915 THE BARRIE mm mama orer CANADA mu Sm BCI SENIORS TLlLTLT lliesmlllsicv LL LL Li LLL Flyers Blank Young Rai 80lBARRlE TAKES Play Oshawa Generals Here Monday Tie St Mikes lorlunior earl lFOUR POINTS LAND JUNIORS BARREHOCK CLUB Mm Strumtun 313 TV lDUllitd his rrxlglutlsn so prtsltltnl oi Lorie llorltr 1r lulr AMWWM 31gt Borne 8Rnge It know that til Mrple ffllh trrrntr ot opinion ills ri2ltd EVVVV V1 It to hlunarnan um othrr member ut the ultiti on mitten of Imlirf in runnertion with runnine ili inhlllttleC trim this wuwn Mead nl Junior l5 Ashti lot litrtirmit l1 ltir linimrr llll irtirlng prfxltlrlll mid ilt hid hpllll gnu titJl of tin limo and inning in hnriqing limb to Burn Ull 111111 you He did not wish to tuuxr mVi tiouldt and mild he lruslttl no Ion oi Hitlldxliin hid tween m1 twiollril liuttl he tell he Md llhl grirmmv uzuimt lill HhJ 1111111izvnirtil ud VV omr ollirr Min luul iner ll lllilll llfliltvl LL LL titlitult to got 111 lnhrmrtlldn LL LL llJHI guilty Ili toms til it ll LLLLL LLLLL LLL LL LL 14 out RAM Millin nillJNil Ntx riiitl rlld umml to trial Flu1 invited gt 14 WV VVV ldl lr th Ll5LrV UKH XJHH turning up And lls litt lloanr lllLllll ill the only oiuliy in the scheduli home ll1lllt luluullrlLH lulu lirlltllh due here then tot um zwg FOR THAT um llll tiJr llll 111 yen Armrats urr ldlftl mn or lllt lop tlirtr LL norm it no in st mm and out lul the moment the lotil Junior eluli have the honored lltll LL LL LL LL Hui lion ol lltlll tied for the to of llitrit1 with St Mikrs till it iv Mauro VV nus iirtilliv 11111 llritt 3mm VV VVV VV VV AV Lullmrus ll llironlri on Salinity in tho ltlllriiullll ngiie tlIertr3lllll tlti gt lt 1111 urtiulh rtn go llltLtd no mirth 10 lwti tin1 Eric Ktli 11 lltllti litlillalx l111 ntxuly All oi last years tum still on llJlltl llltlutlill Urt Nonlil 11 LLmLLi LLL LLLLLL EVLil WW LLLL Lilhd Howl ft rl lll il1lilrt lt lorlin Lou Llthlls tlilinerlluii lhil SJlliix ltlrudltlx urik Lowe LL LL MW HIV 1LL VP Lg litL LLLiLLLLLi it who Ilildehroml Iliuer loeur Noniomen are llill Dunn ht letLlX Mot holL llilHl 1th lluuru llllllll llll Port Arthur hurk iztnililr Mornloinl VVV 53 VH 11V Johnny lili1rd Honor1 llny LcriHLlltu Port Arthur lLuliv lililirll VVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVV VV VVVL thilli nllllplillIL truer inneron St Llltlllllt VVMVV VVVVV VVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVV IVVVV How FUND Imlured 1hon no line on the left ltltlltlhlll VlNlli IIItlll Illllt iri 1o1e Li LL LlLLLL Win one liullii ul Allll lLltr stunts lttwul0ld troni North lliv llo hull =l til hum llt run 11 V1 lv1 lll mill1v l1t tlil tum lor V1mVto otn liVr round VV VVV LL Kim awn WNW VLHIL may from with tlmntzo Hoth lint montlizVouVllrr rirglit tilll BARKLlXL nitiit1oii 1911 iii 11 film IIZ lo llzt lm PM 1W litzlil mun lllUlltlt smoothie vliu ildlls iyom lurkluml Lake thew 1131 llillittlt oi rimemwmmmt Hoyt Iltl Elm Vi1lvft=111 121v Hunt illiiztlui of 111 ti1 lxl Llillllllllt i1ri 11m 1Lllt11o1 1nli llltllllllili luloyul llutll ll1 llrl lvlt 1il ILL it 41313 tidy no on iw mo too low l1L HWY 11 Jl WW 3Hlii boys hi1 lierii 11nportint inttors in the Barrie Hrs wenxx lo blunted oyrr to Ly LLIgt 1l1 ti 11rrl 11il1l lt 1d tliiw ti=l It lmd tll law VL VVVV VVVL VLV VV H1 LVV VVV his AV MVP YVVVVVVVHVVVL VVVV VVVVV Illll lltt lit in tinre lighting to hell lirllioios on hulurdiy ziml 1r tor the mono VVVLVV HVVV VVVVVVVEV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVV lVVVVl VHVVVVV IVHVVVV IVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV found ton on Moiidn VA VV am VV 31r111 tt mu for tlm Xliu win ihzui 11ml he rind rithtizrnw on 11 We liltiVllVIt iiVtinw 0115in 11v LL V1 VVVV VVVVV VVVV VVV lLLL LLLLLLLL LLL LLLLL LLL LLLLLL LLLLLLL LLLLLL LLLLLL LLWLLL LLl LLLLLL LLLLL LLLLLLLLLL Borne SRongers LFych Meet Marlboros LL LL LL liiijt lltl l1 111 LtLllLLLLllllLlLllLLlll LLtlLtLLL LLiiLiLtLLLiLlilLL LttLlLlLLl LlLlL 1L iidLLiiL LL LL LLLLLL LLLLL LBLerL ALLLLLLL LNLLLLL LLL In Toronto satuday LHim Si 11 gt llllfttl llANHICRS 1111 lltlll lg lithitltz 1l11l EL AL Lr LLLLL LLLLLLL LLTLLl LLLL LL LLLLLLLL lLLL LL LLtL LLLLLLLLL LL ILLLLL lLlLLL Llmv MIALWM In DUke Nets Homo ll111 who lizid pioyrott Wl 111ml mininn1i11 hu awry VtV tom no 51ml yummy llulttllLLIh L111 lll lll 1=ht mildz with two tlHEZHl wilh ivtlll lt1li lllllv lll krillwon Shrimp horl Wlllllllililli 10 HL ll llt1 him over Ht 1lEi1litieI liti not llt LHUlltl Willi leHWlilll llll HVLL ELHLlLLl HLL loit rotV any ltiltnltmom mu ttl 1lltll ti to lVtoioV woo lllltlVl VolVVt1rthin llmeViVHVVVt TVVVVVVVVVVV MVVHVVVVVVVS VVV VVVV lll VVH uh with lr r111 t1 hit in iron 1t do rim 11VVVVV toy Ht VHV mm VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV Wolly honour l1 und lhlly llingt open net but the gtlrvllif tttlemul lkJli llELVlVl LVV V3 111mi 511IV1VVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VV VKVVVVVV V1 VV VVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV UVVVVV VV VV undo lllltli Vom iti5lV11VftmtnV VtVJ V11an VVVVVVLVVVVVVVVV inVVrVVVVV MVIVVVVVV IVVVLVVVVVlflISl putt ol ltlhlllltlltlltlti und 11 ix VV VVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVV VVVltlIV lVlll V1t t111r ou hilltl ltl 11 lt V1 ml r11 VV VV AVVVVVVVK VKLVVVK VVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV SVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VV VVV V1 lltV 1111 llVlttl trolrl out11 ow ltlllllllt Lilli llttll 1mm 91lele KP VVhVVHhMVV 31 Mummy Mums Hymn logtVgtt lltitllt tiuy lii lllt llnrrit liltie tlHWH ill llt Ullll itlltll loronto 11nd lohn Dohson llaiiiio St uthurineu llN Hid powerful mrli Slot line llll Zeidel hut Str 1l1n lllltlt rltlllttl otlt in terriiic turn with lhl lldllOD ll1lt lltilril not the Strangely enough nutr1 tiltl not murt sow BMW mm 110 1V4 DH 01 Wt UNPLqu WL rm WWW or LLv ts hut lll tho rewind it 1V 111ll or nutty tor tln thst mt IVIlllHIlHV ldltl lIVHln ll n1ltux lKKllb 1111101 Llomp hem VB UVMHHH 13 1V1 VHHHM ltznio in two Vsousozis Joe Kano 11 pentvd his previous ltlltlllllllnt llll thmjori Zeirltl liten Fuvero mhibmm game Lyle ml itllillltl llilVHKlHHfi it llFHlii lllllxlt ehuitiliii illtllvtdtlitl on the unnum when he mulled gtlillllltilllll puss lumpy Ashliee Wm In WWW WVIUCWKV sustained torn hunnwnr LL his llllt shoulder wliith will lwti dtflntt hVot llllllgttll tnoV ltbls and it tin optn LtllllLl of tilt int VhlVNl llllll cm Mmlhmm mm hm V5 it was while he was off 111 the first Jock Anderson snizirt illlltitl 53 l3illllt51lt tlle1leIV hm mt mow mumm mm linn llliltllvt for at 111159 mom nu 11 r1 lLLLLLALLlL LLLLLL HM Umd LML EL 1L ML pfflLlL yiJlilloLHLlllier ALLLL LLLL LL ilddttl ll ltust three new players IVVIV1 VBl VIViVl VlVl unto no1 Alter lzizil llltyVjllSl and he Strnchznr ill 1123 The nuns um 11 qmmlhinvtlit martin hueupV ilo illt1l1t ZICHIRD PFRXOD bum up mo Um mm hum HM yumqu Mmelnplod 1m pmldw mm mm Murmmm edoutotVuet1o11I11l1 aniolwu It Hwy 520 walked into llruuilton Monday hmmL PML 11 5W repent thi Iyluy my mm wt 4V1izmcy Wuhan VVVrZlVLVPVirVViVIVPnEVTVV to VVlViitiVVVVIVthluiViVViiike tintk night in but Struthzm sotout BVVVVVVVV HVVVVVVV VIVVVVVVVVVVVV 953 mm llhim the 3mm go lVrVV1SVltVV stillingVTVVIVVJIVIVYlly lSSllillCLto llNSllllELLinmitioLm RniiueixLlLiLrLtiltLi LtTiiLiiiOiLii thothirrl LLmz LJtllLLL LLLLL LULLLLLL ML LLL troy LL LL LL VV VonVthVlltth VVslHHts overture in IQi1duil out tumult tangy1 1VrtcttiimLVniLV 1021 And now in goal the hleierbVorosV AllfllHVVVSVlVHthymV SoldVllttlLVVlVltViiVi 13 munuiti aroundStluclliln lllVCmthmVL lvnullyAvrdel hnwVVnoVne other tlizuiVleinlmViVnm QVYVVlJVfl VHVf1gtl$532121 10 Count oijcl ltmkgumk Hm VVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVV mums VVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV sum bun mm Jack Amlm mch and Charged me other Hg Tms my PhVIbVV CVVVV VVVVVVV VV VVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVV Flyors appear in Month illtltll nuiu tho SullllrluVL lLktlth 111 mg llltilt 111 li ltlNIill ulthot l1 tl lztlfo viti JilllllllllVV to illt lull LLl 1igttitiiigtilile or thr lLillt liluthii ml rindHlmur lalu son almost scored few seconds end iii the ice whero Zeidol scored 101 Dr 200 LWhl llL Jims 10 and late 01 LVka XL lLllllLrL linen hm Shaman Saved me my mm gummy valemld La you can bet your boots hell wont day from ClElSSCS Combined wrthl Thirst ies when 7Up iu hm hm defence seemed IOSL 1mm SuitRoy tofnguimt Burnt llytih bVVo look 1ltl OVUpCLilltitl lo1n tho dunno busyolmmugmywcryp Attor helm badly outplayed for Pluyinu Lood game all night for real battle in the Gardens mode it necessary for the lust quzir delights your i19teliii live 11inulcsthe ELVerstoolLMl Struchuii mode it iiitist SDLCUICU Saurdlly be llhLCd WM 71l your spirits llLIllLlILllfl vantage of the Ranger gauging 1111 suvo halfway through the third llellldfe lllelf LmL 4m lrl 73 thenV with exlm 51qu he the head linesniun Sprints lioinetlirill to the family had no ideu who Vditl lizuo lhe trehlitip7Up Sloppttl Crtiekshunks shot with gt me me Of his Ska melon which probably thLtilllliSl V0 for the fuel that NLllliilltl wits strid Fl LL LLLLLLL hLH LLLL given two downs to mukc 10 yards ers lnolto igmn zuullleulo counted and 11 touchdown Johnny Follis Web2 Vava 14 L422 zmw 7175 on puss from Lufrunce tll V953 VV VVVV VV VV VKV VV The same 10Vde line Hde in lLlthVillbV VtVlithV iooerVtVon iletntt mm the VVCCVVH and mm mg the hunditupa ot irllllllgt5 nid VVV Si Qomnd CUVVVVQVV Vf m0 mm and Hm MMQV slightly unelezin ploy eme pm Lafmnce his third assist iit 1002 mm Chums mo HULL 5mm LLLh ac PIP dun Velma Rangers continued to battle and up longwe fml Vlf BVVllliwndVLmVfV gt one Without t11hligl1l l1111r1u gglonlyoe WM tMcLernon curried the puck 111 and prmqsumers 15 passed VVV GVVCVCVVVV VVVVVVVV in Spite of cure WVVVV VVVmV Vt Stands VVVVVVVV 5L liver bilehclrsdirtrm botna cheeked oil to the side by Promoter 10 wghs MCALWLCT Ll ldandlllVlde5lWllodJLi LLLL Horde was able to slice iiitoV tlieEXPLbllelS lilatLiLLLLLLfLC thLLLlLLLLlLLLJllLLL LLLILLL LlLLL LL naturallaxmvehtk we cams headadles LLOW polling and score 1020 GILLLLLELLLLLS LL CLlSlllI LfindofollLLm LlLLLl11LJlLV VV umU 915 33 coLLSLLLLaLLOLLLLLLLLKeSLiOLLloss LifeLLELgyLLLOLiLoLLLLng ml 10 mmm we High NU LllllllEOli 033 the DOSlS 101 1h 83ml 00301 3531 humMVuPlfurlVeandgdneededlllPYlh game play W135 leCklebS Find 05 single Shrubsole 284 1teruer ticked sinU in the third Luur proveii Flelallves Canadas largest selling liver FuVVmU had another gotrlmouth 1h smutng 199V 61 R0th also kicked Duim tablets MadefromfruilsaVnd herbs pusgV but Irons Lstopped the Closeill rV with me wind shot The game elldtld Vllll FLVCYS Clarke 867011111 9311110 The Newnmrkei husky we carrying umVpanyV they had most tremendous in Size Vim the MVP TABLETSV of the evening 5le Myxlgnele qVnggrtiiS VV Beameis 21 Shippers VV 20 Dyers 13 18 Pieklers 13 lg Dopers 12 11 High ScoresSi glLLladies Alma iG zige monster being much larger my every direction than even our big 297 ThreeLadies AlinaJH Hm 26 mm V1 09 banter 687 menr Pa Lm VelL agesLadies Alma Hunter 183 VV Viola permV171 Haze Arnold 170V Mn McFadden 170 menAm gt has ma wV 1333 briLngs you FfeVePSkimte2037 LL Standing High Scoresladies th EONTH ESPOT reporting from the Siimgie $33 335 MeLiiL saniii AmbroseRivelt 325 tlireeJack mVEclipVilals of the world through7exelusive Bnrthyll VV VV VlL LL allle Eeond largest circulation ciny town weekly VinCanada gives ijByecablegtelephoriewshort waveiradiotsithi trite news foreign correspondents of thefmpus New Ld YotkL Timesstalf bring the worlds news to you every moifiiirigtin TheL Globe and gt 1V Andids em LOfLWmlLd LL LL LI fiewsL ifoly one oftheVextras you enjoy d9t1556 VV Lj VlIigetin autbeoundV write Mm LAll the iiiodd and loctil news fearless iililiiiipmdml editorialricompletemcwland farm triiir1$r three full gesof sportsg three womggs rV VggBgi gggggggsgggwggfg VV No inter145mm 7V es of fashions red as and VOthe he isalwaysLalert and never feelsL slack LL ThlsveyeardldSewing 50 0f Bum re feat Healwaystellsthetn bglievitismy Lyn won lb 350000 Suburban am ouse LL CWLL oVoLo 11 CS LL MEMAM Vrezlardm of VKIUBOhen Sllts ian makeup of tea We mommy We For consVletem quallm andVfor toppinmmiwonmrkaVVousVy to please everyone mthefam alwa ya recommend KruachenSalts toall our frienda To in Lidea no famil continuous smokm satisfaction lridein$3tlinwmih3eiii gt gt 2V shouldVbe without Kruschenf be Dixie Hamiicaszle hasahighturn of VV Gdodnteaching and goo lighting paw VV VV Mm AVJVWV inc Vs ercigVarettes are to ay speed rfattutcitq and mtg egaVsi nets in the education of our childreLn M003 People ETLW 0111038 before their best bet tency op om mm sLLchoolrooLm lighting System mustsive me and may 0f themelm that LL proper amount oEVevenlydistributed light4 mm fed T11 of the worldVs choicest vim mood ofV healththe with no harmful desk or blackboard glare majority of these people could ci arette tobacco Turkish Vi Lu felwxuch better and brighter yes LL VV VVgV VV le mm 5pm tooif they mum uid and Barley Blended Rig ll gt fuw Kwhm pk Whm giire Winchestetthat top com VV dicap bu May 30th becoming Vracinzs greatest mqneywihuing gelding Simply take small morning done of VV VV ELEC limrlimiltztggmg binationVorLtastVandLarohia the dost or discontinue altogether when