luau Iel tilt plans for etate petroleum honor Mir roetI Ior eneryoneI In II he min round or renewed Mend tor tuner me and thin the Inn keep Dven thount realize the energy rrtde could well Inothrr upward mum muywmlheailh out on meow value or over the your IIready haI mnemonic rhthcoltter tor runny Ind hardship tor tonne In the tree at this dilution the In nounrernent by Prime litntetertruderu not tome mu melted with on em out His orbeernnotroeernent concerning corporation alrowII Iottoned with Interest with tur ther detth united that there In divI Ided lings Ml nolldee tor natian idnyInthduItrmvenottluenmeg Idl llotrmr II hummer all nanomeme keetmmtordehnteovmllm oterelremorMhe the patellftme mu he lay III oouIIIdd thidunnerltlll on problem at tlonhaI been 10 mil recognized that It hu IIIrred comidenbln apprehension Illwtugernr entrainment myth III enreo But the tnaeanzmrn oi Inflation in recent 1m has become minus pohtio It rohernior veronqu both Iederol prorrnd ermitlmheengroor hldemdrptorromnromm Iott on rerun The prphhenn ot controlling prim domoitlattywtth the tire to world men hell have been llluelruted by the ell nitV notion that Ination in bur mmmdtthls lETTEtiS intention have been giving Ittentton to anerrenry meoruru which could effectively rope wItII the dilution lithornethe irdrnlmtonsegnttvg eenwn Wm WIN not on to he not popular move with motor with er cent Incense In Interim end Says or Gymnastics Club or In ryrneuuer on not let not It the your eeIre Inked toilem puttymnwln themed Iry they eInI rpertr pereItnt math tum ntnnherr Art IL7Y0ulisuttssi Should Be Open Tovilll tat ertrierrt In the notion who IIehrroIritIolrnIo1ttIrltan own WWI IIIIoiwmIIumlmI nm um we or ll MWMMWW Wk will It III III another It eruoml onurmmnomwuyxt nwbgouhen em It ever hurt other vettele either tatroeu end to Ioethal the it II telecommutinanInuiurhnnrurerl WWW II neuenou eheeote retorrust It welt II Iuortrulututonu lmtunI MW gt ttttlalgnltoh Journal gparotiet Ind II much ot III Inli lured lull ein taxererrpterpme Ill moments 3th roerereolletllottor utlrlnthrtrhrhelltenotterth by It employee Ind to Ill olheu ie it pier tor me ur hehyornlng the otttdnl opposition and mu eed moment In rt Iterndmhom the OMIIIIIMM mildew oodrlregardlng partlde WOW Notmi netth million laneth ion by Wm lrrthe howl domed Ala town hm shined much Quebec II they both her beanie mun been Energy company he interim Iortheottrer LAhuIllinhmltiIlttlc amounted Unlilir it It hdhttone who only harden tatwte podium tlr Boer manningnmd to eonor urintstorIotItllI him Wm towII told trumtzuldolnt mmwmrwm take it mtrootetretomh mother ll prrdenhhahdhooetorm mutation phenomenon emu Momtluf 12 on topic who dontoren ptvmieewitn iremare an evImI IIIWhltligim got the nee end at the name the the right ettttude windy molten no no otueetul polliioeletrnnuot prohleme Involved In hripterntutlnn the on Ition rogmn my totttnto place tilt tutorpo eesIly jtuvur LETTERS rorut rotron In Inmhrrr IIvtIrI trihnllen to III latten II th ldltee ootnnn htll Ihonld he mtrtrted In It to toe nude Ind they must he IIInId 0r thelvlilt not he pnhilehed Writer ehontd II dude th Iddram Ind IIlIltI ohm Innrherl It prI Iarna rad he nred II rerouted run adult mouth htoneton unm ellno IIEFARIATJS ml mom the ltonetontnrea huh the pleasure Ottawo Gluten mung oi weleonun the national tedd hrtolltlti the Iopmtlrte may receive ernt eDooItntono Canada Part no marathon onequarttrotlhe populur would never due translate into renoh votein the Quebec election Men the more oi party which oppose bl suIdI In excellent ntronee oi unmurmnrroeem rtidpltodtn the meetings hem lttrII Emile say God ft or moral too get no ot these Inguatrer hustle mutt pre will The othere can keep their tungunp es end their culture but only It home Hollywood In rtiztIIIIIt Ieemt tn nutr Itrongty elm twoeourner elm rrttne God Ind wrist speak English it it toward OttawaIndn ntore zoroun eedIIIdrtrteoIIlIelrIn In people proprInI oi Iodzlretorm For ePzrtl use religion to rrush mother culture WPNI him out limit or no nhtchote Inverted tbhhwtonned hy the Pronder Bounssa woo he hed By JOHN HAlillllON roretxn AiiIlrI AnItyIt Thonnon NM lervtee 11Ol tltennrtearatelnht W1 41 medmietnorooorxhrioh Ittoahullehttldhllltlillttll overtaken by the enttron GI menlul eon Indoon by the rails or rel out where It rim the warm euihreh lilettltll Western IrrItttron laldAmeyrtu Ilnurd otthreltentnrthe Imilyendthe rope hope Ittll II expreued lit on and oil hittian tuture otthe Drown who here lhIt ultlnutely not oi WI Mull and out within unto nurrruy molly Comrnmtty Idtdo It IirIIII Ito Wylie olileilt ouch deoiIlI InetnherI will Inert lllhii ht whim the WWII 0t my Intention to on the veto thin line at renonlur IIsertI it ll PM nteInt ot ohttiolnr hell tint whatever tndteatlonr In 11 Mllr mm Iron Comm lIIrht IntIt the eontu the milk at Im ad to em liollrndl oil tenure cannon IIrIet romtrier MM there Ir henna prrdlcttotu reIredte the then in Ilhlhlluhrluillell tint the Netherhude will hyremr oi their dIytodIy iru threIlen te dir outage of em mm If mm union Willi IIr insulate thorium $1335 ILL mud untunpnouurutm ntldenlr from northern Bet ten perhh tr the unto the lime line It then mum men the hen with or mdy rm to barren derhtoiloilmdteworlr It mum nor hythe NA woo It the leteat corned II it the Dutch ecomrny IrrI expert netttnl ready to meet common IIIrtet minute to Interdeeoreeerrioneureruit Ireinroootnthuooo Iilrnuele Itlleh attended at tho petroleum ternlne the melee deterrent la not amour ether titlnu the Corn larne umber oi tth heirione only very much there it in mnltyn future mm tot mid torn their Ibout to make more at he to hdpinj ttr under mloped rev Moreover It will an Inn uttnhte demand In ternu oi one portInl market tor the oducle IooItolthe herdunietoeuwoit Horn ltolilnd Ituli there oi ltI Corrunon MIthlnelrhv tmhhh tolurinted the now dih Illoner men rr II Iprt Inwnr comm ll III bee ho III II unit It in the Ir InuIry re er Tim Dutch economic dir Iihl 1W mhol the dimlth mloh QM hi manila lherr tI no duleulelier at Tm little thI their mhfih rm In mater nerponry py gum oountly moi to the com uh Metth or up um litlltn ileum the It ghtereithecmdtnnmu MI Itarttt only when It lhlypmwvtomidw thithltitllltdltltlhlltillhlentlr Id Audit 3qu ei Wt gogluen to help the our hrttirttIre lnrtrtiny lhei museum ororttlon ohm Ind re Ill there in in men to If II only how hetlrnlp to utter jun derrdlrn Prenteexelon But when lit Ietl tIrnine by quiet Ililean ll thin point lliMthlI II Iieuergy In ontlltedtothenuiem threaten itoilend Itth ere tour In EWth deeiIrItioru cation otIliImdlthtuh nomio hrerirdoon Iueh lotto ly CY 10 nnuesnn on an oil the had dotlitped to the point optimum hadrmttoo Ilu ther 004 Mon omen rwntoot DIliyr Sudden Ind Stdutorr tieitdm eurnted huhurlntion rItoI deity in terrier the null teen retr ty Elnlte II III it lnIIl Inurtntlu mrlyr Simeon County 1100 mrlr Billie oi we moo yearlyr All other nourian error mrin llotrr throw oil root min tItIonIi Millttlihl other It It tin or ol Comm Martel mil with Ehgwrrzgihmmlef ruu tte ItthI eIn teatime II to IIry hurdwlre twith on his oi Prertoriteuthr contoured their mirtth the medial reimlltll to when ouhlhh Dutch eomolrln ttrlI quiet diplqu intoltol oomltl rherler all the tune in no any hp mouth dllctlllhillllwlmvilfi dune the Trident rim ottts gt II Inorem eIIIIl III to Ill Mel lento IrrItlheIltorr It the Inert urn NW NW we tort III the amount mirtu eItI tNoiet the lot In editorllltnlterill out rim brunt hermrny he the to unite to promote huglldrIlllbltllllheII omit Middle EIII Irttirment In the tote ith colt about $30 But the met IiIrIIt rneet million until inn Ihout thII mm In llklhl other now neurone onl let him in In Itmeeoltere It re outrun mom Inelnde the turrent qupietoo other IIIInlliion rrpieoe eodItn thtr menli etIl ronttdelltim under currrnt In dIeInnrtInoeI And while Plume Ind hrttIln ttutltriti er IIIIIII to who Miterth we Race Continues Apaoe to there who not to tote Pete not wlh In Iterated inenrhr Irthtn IhIr would help Iiiertate the eloha iioInetIi problem not Itlorr more Illenitd merrhert ol the teen to In on In title er horn ot eornrnlttlon Vhurhrrm we my outta more nor an ooydhmor enerry erirle bring out Deer The write tutmrlhr renutr Iron in raritian llthtI It to he leptlonrnlnhnlrnu mh to etc by lodlttdunle induIl tier Ind rtoreI Ieeo thine on in ride edtee inlyhl II well Ir billion It hour duy wonder how contented we mill Ire Ihoul comervino In erut V4 JONES Worth TODit rnenl tor ntul her income the northern MI homher tho tune uhleh bombed oaane into near oblitton Ind Vietnun utmost to the lame Ilene tor mere to trillion per new MI Iny Cardin Itrport Iterth in int IhI tederII lore mlI intent tII levy tr ototie tether than IMO it It only tIIr thnt MIMI ol rtI inherewmuwa III ht horn witnnhiewlll some mutton norm InInm utmtna bpey tor QUEENS ring Wm out loud rum to IN hit Imt be thin to Iron Ile ultholMptNEMbhIHWI II In untent Ioeoid It helm thet they turn NW1 to It Wltmtorthc tudoie anlorornetmw ernnIent to redhcnrer hrxt tllIt noon providinga er re reminded mum here It to emetihore Iervteee one In every The Book Is Passed ly MN onnulu Queenn ilrh Itnrun nrmm New Bernice PIN lour governmente eoneiurionn en Itore rlontnn Ind My late the finite lett pieue keep it out or our hair at leut Inltli atter Inother iectlen the Iotementl Inner Illtmln ehnaoer And the mom number oi Winnie but no ml our Ilunlont htleti perheor hit may on the lion hour Iquertlon Pent on now under mm into two IrttI June hohloe nrer the Iroulio Ihootln tee er the dernen to ille Awhile Diem umrrilslun and the Count to teillronee Are heiore tIhtrr over II 115 de enee recretnry lI worrirdIIhout the retlue tlon in the ot the U3 Iroted Iorrer In the pottvielnrrn ere lttr Iorrtee elem tram the not the Uh nuttiIry entro Ilholent now tr redned that hit nord to the the It on he tore the item eIcIiIliorr by the lite President Johrurn Some reduction The half new It yeIrI In Indium me is doun tram Ital lo til reduced mllttIr ll II more thn enou ill power to ohllterate unit oi an enonnr inhttnn or Iurvivri ll ptrtl tor rlllrh rent the he rtet nloo rid her tirelern Du ropenn Idle liter With the Iupernunterr Iuh mrrinI Trident still to com the existing eet at About ltd IlliIri Ind in id lie Ed an we limit remtlod lotion oneI nuxrtieeurrylnx oueirlr lth we druthntter to wipe In outrun rooo mllee out It tel 01 BUB IMPORTANT Thole hueienr who pu the complex nuclear oarherd dehn cry Interne otrroundhrrrd nLIIlits were Ind Ire the to hitter tor inniemeoiinr us tie tenee doctrine oi the rm thin maintains that enou ItsI nu oieIr ttrepouer thou he Ivall Ihie to wipe out one outlet oi ituaItII pouittton Ind hIlt her industry Iren though the hut IIlruelr illtt the lormer uhltL Iid irnnerr oi the Peotuon cell it mututi assured de Itructtoo lull tor Ihort One tr whether ret litre noun he More to opined The Ieeond ohether Itoru thould the unlimited eierlur houre durrnr the week And the puoerInould Ir to rive the Inner on the it llllt tonord rolume oi evidence whirh would wrrrent the province orderlnr then be Auditth nererymlen horneton CANADAS STORY To Municipalities on Inetnr um minaret not Ilore eloetnr one oi the horn the Ulidr my Ant to question twin it in the role ootnton Iurrm It anteI hotel nuqttntit probably tlty with use that mnjot he Ill FINN miin END on Stormyme he am up to title ollttltotl ultimo And in the meantime you it our rm on thy Inert lhtr very noon Itltutto Ion never hull rune te dtllerent There Ira urtool prepoIIlI In the green paper but whit And without noon th they eueotlIlh hoti dm to II we lhet htdrthtie lure tron lettta Iiittel Ietth it the Iron Itleeoh III will Policy More Irv Green Kerr look too tin tutu hit in rotor to order uhllr heart it we lull to it on tho lord tan throughout province no no liteh tottld ourtoltn Ind there Iill he teotlndlnrl in ntdertml thIt we have ol new opinion ed tor onulm wooden Out oi there the Ioternment MM Ienl Itonr they may errntunlty Irt Ind lerir that unit oponthe 1m rhIlt leo that there will he unilorrn renrn their Iimzltt they it Itore eioIinr noun in Ill rnunte noun up huh when It errtell lpIiuleI in the ttovlnee they eholl no me not he whom Miamith toy hell on ltI they fall huh enIneI our out It total it will prooIbly he tun our tie II yumrrm ot lryiut helore our nrrt election to 5th emthlnt lhrwrilt you not it Macdonald Lost 10 Men or non nowmu hlr John htIodonIld layer In Khuton Out More he entered litter Ind our elected to Prr mi to tilt well It lIuyer hi1 rose lhIt ended with the hut in oi to men It hlnnton on DerId in The rehellionr In loner Ind truer Connda in tmvlhll were unvaried by Alnertcerr IIIIPI thren One group um The itunlere Ind rotted rtei eteIt oi none to try to orpturo mnIdII tinny II III rnerrherr believed thI Cane dlenr hunted tehetrerdhorn tut bunny ot Britain the were promised lend to cum Ida It their invuloo wu tut mlhtl in November ital Itronl tom ol lttnlerr landed II Pres ootl Ont their purpose In to edt bur tore theorlir rhhreregii htumhuncum oehIIIItetIhhlrnm ltutltoookttodendtfondodI drive nudge betnoen outlier Haunt not IhiI to turn them nmrnumrrormrcrh no It torrent neon Von Ida Schullrnere need mutton nvnme luaFmooh xuvter do the run rum ted or later It ehut he wet coward Ind rerun the river lie one tthou lotmet With either too high goerwwrlm on II eeoonde then their rtetoh ro could not the It rel Unirerttty It meted reoeited met dimer lurllrnti Eaten opened Iteretnthrono oermm timed duty on itsh trout Newtouollood It It wenre clithmiwxhriti militer trial in one WI widen udonIhI ItIed to urnm how help with their helm III between crude Nuttniln In thtt they had been de rreu Yuma my be their teIdere Ind tell rItta or renamed it otth my tor Von MI her or routine our menu In In molt limo LI Britt Oolumhte portI error not The livotare ettehltehed liternteluen In windmill It Went were or to Encoder theyhritIIhCenn dIIn troupe who oriented them the or wool ltunlen were the rut mlorlty oI CInII uugorernl Innto gemnntente Ivery rin or no Ittlernt nrvpottim ot thotn IplIe inthelrtnooltrlu urn the government Ill hm