14 um wag Lunpzrsrlignxuutonjg EEEEEiE Pilot their Amen to DrinkinglDrhiur Mowohm letuntlrmorteiieonimm nummommoi hommiioethmuhydnmloMuiluutopertkbale ioI rweiuacmom 25 dnukolorletnt For timid World Wer it begun to Ir die moi heirloom hurt mm is e5 35 SE igi$ Egg Ind retrain It the comniiiieel wish that everyone in Barrie wl ll have IIle Nettle holiday 13 age in iri if 15 Colieoiele Band Chrlrilmas Concert Dee it 85 535 he 55 E23 32 anew it distE 571 Ieldllrtlooeertteeoheopen aw ilpedpiennliuthttdrluliuh Iounhrnoeooomollcttodm then mt people think trim it no Geoerel Melon Ltd will he tiequ on GIN TV hloodey It l0 pJn liireo moorherI ed the protect rommltleo will Ilt II met rad discos the implication ot lhelihneodotterthelr town oomorente about drlnllnr Ind drlvlnn This illm Ind Inoth entitled no will be thorn lltho Bay ildd hill Dec Ind 1i ore 7m end orer or the molttee will be on bond to bundle question meet or thin let cort rert Ire triad It delete for not Ind one dollar tor uo lot eldreoe Ind etudentr my may he obtained from any deot bend mutter or It hurt oldioe Itnrtioy It hint on cement nlxht AI sellI Ire tormented and heiol told on ileum hula For in iormatlon all 1261651 To um The Gutter Botrte mother oi member hII told Port Willow to me Notllvtnu Vel ley Conseruiion Authority to protect it In historical rite intrudedinntnduninsinirnnintuonrronnv mourn tantrum Buiidix of to allege monitor Memorial To Georgian Student Unveiled At Ceremony Friday with mom homred the edtotheoxmnryoitbe ammonium money or tutu may into Kerry llodu president Iothe hoover itirernenrihom eled oi the Student Mainlin lorry Illanoon Amonlrmtely To Iovltld tire Cornell It Georlho Code Kemlolroomlrreodhln viewed plaque reIueii ego who died on lentil id hm Steoloy Entire end he mot lithiumth lohncehdentohllowtidedt horde mowed olden CITYNEWS til mddenl Ind nonresident lithe Bulrhrrt Ind Enid Hell ruo mulled the ohm Odie orehunt Robert Buford dodlrnttd his mentor in Iod deem it hm MINER MWBMY DIEM till8 thallium tin Bond ot Gov eroornotGeorrlnnOiiiedddo limitItoerunIm The owl rind The Puesycar Delights Young Audience oywomnumit the onion rum mung Mtlinrhohoooihodmh mlmhhmlvodto thummdvoWlhhtlih to ii who mnhyleintooutaein scene in the tint and tree nemelolhemoodmhilm without intomotion limo LI Mr Myron with Ihlto tiny tell And the Owl 03m Detroit in cler They do hoyerer Idd oo nine Intern fromBarrie Ind tildhum the metal toin by Dlvld Wood Iml Shell Rmhlo based on the Vernon and Itoriee oi Edwardian we written mimtmeodlnz England lost him Wor lion in Mbtho rst line it ha been orodueed Indoreado Briey the Owl and the hi1 who Ire very limit in love Ind not to yet anrrkd Hs suruiuedWors Earthqooko cahcer oy DAN ivoounr llxIrrtlnei Etrll Witter Alter we rode tin Murdoch hlnrdooaldolTl nixeoil Sl um Barrie is pd matter of the lioonrtolruryrul ilehnaerm rived in order the Boer Wu The Son lrezroiaoo earthanhe and the ol tmvloe First World tnr Itrioue operIilon to cancer at oyo eo nod Iootlier rcrioru operation It eye It and he to still unto strung Ion hlurdoch tormly tn llatdooeld Sr still gardening running and on with lrlI eonI iandly Mr lleodoonlde eldm Inn Do iivoI in Pitton end armor irrs ennui Philippe resides in economist him in thevtilnge oi Tone Seoilrtud nearan menu on Dec rm llr hold Itlll remember the exert time oi it out till not be your in Queen Irrtorlae army in the 13903 ltll Mindoro old were yarderrer on WI ttzh estate in it when the tuer Ir broke olti Recalled hm the reserve to Iteviee with armant in Dutdln regiment Ieiled in In old lor South Airlon llr id recalled tool the thin ed to much on the tinyg nonhth it lat tour one we of Good Hope we lir ilItdonnid has trod mero uiai oi Capetown Ihp comm him and hit cororedee untied It the Cape duke the uniform next day in the to Iunlixbd it one beeutdlul tirht with Table Whit look lo door on you dirtilmddi oil to diatom 0n the to hleleklnr hlr ltlordooald reonlled the rule molt opped at station coiled Newport BLEW UP IRIDGE That night while they were in their hrrouot Boer retain party blew up bridge more halt mile away lrom their piet et lines ire saw ction in number oi pttrhed hattlos including one oi the more bioodler once Furrie burr With the Boer War over and dirohnrned imm the British Army hlr Mardon derided to errrlrrule to Camddvto root Alter exyerlentlng one Caond an winter in Hamilton he left tor more toogenlai rhinos in CIIilorulailo settled in San irnneirro The morning oi April 1906 he recalled he was awakened by room which he thought It first to phoning train It wornt it we the lereod Ir eoriltyunhe hlr htatdoould In the ire Ittrtrd near the harborin butch oi doctnide their Ind ooioiwueer Become the not were lrocturod hy the tremor the city tire hrlzade couldnt light the blue that loomed Sen mneitto ltomeles lite thotunrm oi other so We iv dooIid lived to tent in 2on Gate part lheterbe met fellow Scot toy decided that Iltbrmh Cul llornlI had better climate Scotland didnt here my euth Withqu they elected to him to their homeland xated mg on re bustle thermolm to Seotlund However Mr thrdooeld aid on the dry oi their Arturo he forgot that they we earthy iii whim it too term tor hi hlrod nudmlho llrtet mu San Fronthm Bay to the Oakland railwa terminal Ind the troio out With some tart tnlklor bin hiredcuIid pervaded rIllwey oliitieln to rlae hlrri warm wt in toidt to with his lrleod tori their mutual ticket in hitare he by oheooo wet led his intend to the telltva iororltui whether they not lbn hoot ttniit to htootreet ESTATE GARDEN hart to Scotland Mr llandon Ild mumod bl old trede oi an estate tenderer Prior to the Boer war he not the lerdener Ind ortroio plot in Motor Sir Wtiilun OrrEmu herooot Wig In eotete It Helenlshoih out turnover to tilt merrled with In lbmonthold too htr lino dooaid decided to try Delilorrdn cote min out his may ran out in lien treaul Ind ho Iettied in Toronlt to in mi he enlisted in he 85th lintralon oi the Coondian Em dilute II nine nud or While he enjoyed helny the hntttllont pipe union by ion he no Ilthtll the mo Bit tIho It the bottle Vimy Ridge Erery Canadian they could Impe III was there toot mgbdewmm included he Heretutunthueeood tine ot heth before being llotdouoid said it In winning erty motored the invert 76 Killed During Sole Driving Weelr By lllli CANADIAN PM No eiriring not won In iitto be sale II To WSW their um lo trntie oilsth the national mean whieh concluded It mldolzht New alibi Prince Mord Island or the record roosecttivo Mr the can when tree at not Melitta doing the neck bot yenre someday loll tree 53 while the Wtouo eeorded hifo Ii in Ontario towed the death tall with to root death ootmared with test year British 0o irmhit hhh heeded inst yeart total had only It year Itoldmedaltnlotpintcomro mien my years eye in the United Kin dorm However 105 ebIruter snou under hll hlnedonnld laid dont mily believe deserted it longevity teenu to run in hit limiLv till lather lived to Ind his xruodtntherneeaed the woudedmdlmlm Ivosclolle otnrnrh tress trill dont know today what it on hand mood or dieti Wootenu it no it left him with in ten lull nl shrapnel one ried re etatuotlon golfmlheuoodoo mm of told him tint ho In mil to loodio to have both ht lets omitted That woe Iiloruoon StIll oillcer from tho CInIdieo Anny ubitedlilr wordimd noted it there were any Cenodian sold eI1 who Itxhed to ho ltPlilili ed to Conndn Spottlnr hie of unity to erode the turnon oil and row told yet not ready to rrturn ltmor NW shorttv tbrrealterhe did re bro to denim withhi batten od 1m Ind tour more year oi conreleeeeoee loiloned lo Clolotle Street llltltuy Hospital to Toronto Alter release iroro hospital he norted rardeoer It noon he oi estrteeln Ind Iround motto moire Cm borne tor tinny your MEDALWINNING PIPER Asked Ihat wu the yreudrtt mom in hit lite tin lir llaodoohld use on bro there Ind more in to lemliy 0W one nrrvivou today more solution We Iho hlr llecdenald rein to it young Jlmrrty living in Winnipen Todryorer ibo larrrtiy men been and friend IrIthered tn Tor otto in hlr hintdonahte honor During the dinner or the Royi York rmmluirtury ieletuem from Queen Ellie Prime iitidsler Trudeau were to be reed hethllnod However the motion Iiii be marred somewhat niece in intergordon Seotlnrrdnent two bottles oi Scotlands iota own to Mr blnedonuld or ht birth mrivtd solely or the fi Dillce but they never errturd It bir llatdoro Ilde tome they were relied by Cenodeo More Ind Ire now Ipplrentty destined ice drllo Tho pity become in tiu donnid ever drlntI outer lie he Iteudiustly rened to touch the null time the Boer llnr it seem the Boere had the un Itondy hnhii oi outgoing the Ireland the Interhole they retreated end not then Mr lluodomin ha rd the canon tron or rat with mm lrom nlete in Stotiend thezreotest Iuittohn rurwour Inmate too old today reed title 30 Willie knit 600D minnows soon Grnor the minimal try the obitirene thowa it em lam no list out mull be at awry time it mod on SW Phrm Pud ding to Won the ob Iain lhe JrnnhiirI were quite drtirhutd to optimum tied in their coherent motion no lee oi proloselonellsro Ihivh showed item time to time ohouid be partly elimin ted through om perfume ilunirel bmter Ind locom onhiIt Lillian Jecoek did in modern lob Be Iree more Iihletort ottdediorthe excess ol our However the edition ot some teiuly help the event elleee enrol tho produotion were Jim Johnme Ind Derv ttry Scrivot lhey broiled the Gemini stare well And starred met de Ind trieresilu more Joiner choreogr was three too ouoinz Ildh Ethel Johmtnne Sets by Jim Johnston were mrhhle Ind eoooooioel the retry will he prorated ein tool It the mllone thet tre blotting oclock errrnde gathered in Toronto in dlyl mention he hit ha or rem too too iehry loam Queen lie thxdrgd tie end In liaise tor drooling laurel ital he In Itudy IoeI tor the use of steam enrolled in the colleges mourn tede program DONATED in hlr Ind hue Hodge denied to land in trunnion new to my ml However no no lit mm at the dihe tioo no will not Atlro Randi in Ilow the landll ot Kerry Drde Hodrer tOClil entrant DECOMTthS HOW construe motions have been reported rioleo hum two lkl ham Identity At dill on May room no the door he It the home oi the it Gihon lid Met 52 otter stealing nine don untitrmn moth tom the robot then Frldny omit rm took too slndoillr soot lg treat the hum of him Leon Motto hes Barrie malice Ire humming the mAQmel 500317 Itowirn Sadat will be holth neoerai utter Eldon Mont nee not It St oI Anptoeo arm on Burton Avenue Any one Interested in the reign Ind teem oi troprotl Esh or the Iqunnurn olrh LI tnvted the tee oplml iiih booby edteetirnti Ind rota tor may or otri Bring the Ir amine there is no Irhnluion ohm Ind to tleohmeote Ill be served he more lnlormttim eeotnot que 3131th ll Ind Prion bi ler Trudeau were told Indoor Photo