Ihlo Irmthlthxyllnrrle trtI WW method Inrllotul mud uervttrw Inter man he held tt Mont ntndnnurprrtmtntotturhercirol mm Ilth Jnmetlmnrlnerlmt InitrSohool Cltristion renowshrp 1W toteth urrlntlrn re II nlntudmennllom lmeromtolhlrh uboolttrnd nu tho mennlu ol marm at low tn that toennlnl Inq Item ls In hum two mt Loire from noan hsllc Ill Dr mall l1 thll ll thlttlhltt not gtmlllll tell lerrlblo on the sde Hlps Slitdenlslwllll leilrtottlyom their oreonto trotnvrrlwe Onluln clllrn hte nettle mtorwrm Itle tlonnvm melt In thhpmhldnndyntmrln ea mtnrhteumonbrnos nun end ooand Wlthout the NM rod on wand vtth wet In Ibowlnultom norm to Interme lloul Ulla cute Ind notl lion Wrtd at It teenInert MamThevspui no About hot Effluent tlro holdt he Ill Immune Ire mlnlled IIlth notorious ol lbcmeeholnr terrhlru rt Jean at other amt teach H1 rout er What you nutrm ehnt you live you have II men rubella hlrtteell he cant hole ohm not Inld the Iolrlt lt owed onto Ibolem Iron to me ho Ital me to mllw that the boar on was In more dleobllo Chm nboti oteesrll ll el mtlhl to respcdtnt nod coro In tor otherl II In the bboll or the bmthttltoodol man He otter tome eltmentm rules loudtlerlor ml to tome Mobolozlcnl Ind Ipltlturt rotatlon necessary tor Inmrpenee We Forgtve othen with no Ittlnro IllaClN lot your own met as Ulth ldllle at each Indr klttzl Ilrllz has httllt upn Irldetprud extrroroleulrrtn Icllro olme inner 1m totortm ew the mum ltn to optimal blind he 21 In an ItrIrrvlrw Its not new tollrltnor um but he Ictlvo npnllcttlon 01 lot lnmental erlet that we On our me at north and my gt TIMES SECOND BOOK Ilnltzmctbodloldolnt tuod In ottrnctetu pro tram In Item untru IJe Int dnnlrtt rm totalled In rm boot Pry olhlxmtkn Nd It 413an our to new Groom hum llb Also tangles Manta roll aeratedmelll ohm allot Melt year on the road lth about 150 Now ur wy ottlllo galnewton Ill av rutlup Mellon your lry he tol hwybcmctt It Um mtg no out on Nle day rtrltz rental white llretl men at rod Ittr Tllltg tan when plastlc WI We lost gollini uldqhmlcm coon trelytud om 0w no mere Wet Illh MIC qualttyt Our tuter uwllohortoo urhorrthohfnildr hollow an to north en them People who moot otbm ue touondoelrg their motor lletme yottrult Were only human ml were Ink Mbmhlb but that Call 19 also mltlnhohrrlken To owed at nm Lt to rise Ibote blanket rall glon molten etero en tled to nnotm Ihwre So yumll at your host Ind ootqnt yorrritwtlntdend won wmv ll ultlcntro who mlhuto wretth to the world no matter how mull you In It thhrk llllrle Vo Ulla More moron rrrwl olmms rem ronnsr rllllll we Ontnrloobomtywmtmrdltl nl brlnx tho ttIh ol Iorett Om mtldyalcd by the ministry of naturalreooortet At ol Uto ber tor the eottnl In on Hm nod Iron boned over the MI em nu mt lire MIMI Km mm MANAGEMENT Fillysix mlan to uttnjnl resouer Illll lrom III pert ol the Mother Ito attention lhn Irrenth tnntrtl turd certlllort mm It the OntIto lore Technlul School our Dortet llte tdey Mm hrdeltled lIrt years enrollments HBOUHOEB COanlllN About 100 people In ext In Hand the turn to re tourcu nItlonIl cottlerentl trttlth tItII blrre Itlhe Inn on the Pork Toronto November Relregions Clubs tell that meletrmllluww Mrytvenlunhtntlwrnrl noon ol Itndeotr Iron donrtod momma to ur tth Borne Mn retool It the ttenn The other neretln Ty tenlox honed hy EuIvIeII trr tier enrol Jun Iru one ol tutu el ormlud Iottvltleo In lor retrot Inhe teen up Ithh yourul Ind no olth INDOOvClW One oteur mhmamh totry to iyteen NINA Moll ryntbon whldr make mend Ilddlr to other people It rob In nl Idiom demmrhrr that no notnnlrlmdolull you helmxlothernnlnlxdolnth Shun yotrmll trawl MS too commodity that multlnllrr by dlvtslon The more you It Home your hut rlr urnm themtlh It Joana hornI will em Mmu nunknell gorunlxn tr also wlth Illi dent ll mwemww he not Gent no onward wrth re t1 monomer ol InterVerity mun rellw thin ol caudn ter yrrmt IMP Saturday It pm the hill be loudlnx citywide mt rally AI Dolller Street Unlled mm My promo IMI lead lnx the It In oenlte Itm rlord Presbyterian Melt and omldpnlh other roorolnn lattice to Battle homo toeettheteam tee It Westmln nter Presbyteth Garrett It one udnsrtlelpatlnxtn oath who to Church ot the III ene It Atlhumtln rammed nllh rd dolor from Ensl tew Colledrler Innva Club the mnln concern Irorrtrd tobl India on ol xeltirtx other tltt derrtn Interested In no nclltlL III nlthortt UlUX measure tutla They tldttd uotnd ltlern trorn debate Ind plan to mod poem nod mot usdonr Aller Iettl In new Idea It devan lnrther lhey omltrrlcd that Iet tlnx In example nould Ill the most converts lHE BAHAl mm The Earth ll one Country Ind Manklnd Ill Cltlxenrl OIIrIollrh INTER VARSITY CHRISTIAN PELLOYNSHIP Piertntu MEET THRTEAM ler Brainy November II 460 ltrnt Ilnlnnluter PrerytIrlIn Ch ITO Oleellt mu moron Illeel he 1er lmelttu student letrn cortmosoort YOUTHCRUSADEWEEKEND tI Hrnther Youth Turn mtu rum IFIIEE METHODIST crturcrr 200 BIyIlIldStIanlton Futon CIIl Bull Bot 50 Plt 12 Ins Imeonday School 00 Int Momlno WoIIIIlp 100 pan Evening 5le Nuthry ltellltlu IlltltII Jonlor CIIVIIII Pmrnm Wed ball ntotr Study Ind PrIyorFellowthlp mansml lrsslnuorno Mold MI nn RomanCullen ommhtnnnmm Imurthm MMPI3MI5 mnum limo moms Budy mnukul Hmuy mom Anllnhlo In ntoII Ill11 lhlm Muir Ileleon Irtsr ctrrltsrtrrt rrromrn CHURCH AMI women nnrtvrcn rm un IDIIIII llmma HI Emmy loom mutton mt to Gd llou am Ill Ill Hm rim Lnmlw wot suttnnt Mittens Hindu on Imam than runeu wian mos Tthmllnnnoehlby PIIltIDnetlou m1 rim Ilam bl Im It on CHURCH IOFTNI NAZARENE Caner Bl neat and Gnu at hrrle Futon Md ledzl MIT Lnr Bunny Sahel 1er In all 1er INT WWI WHAT Ime rem srertnltrwIs thytuln Chm Ill Shel 5L lull Purl Mahler Pllll bulls OrnnLttr ll Norm mi non tloxnlu Earthly PtlmmChurrh lGndeIltnndlI Norm IIIltltlu 11 Church stan tornll on Wednesday two one Blttle htndynnd mm Everyono WEIMMO PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner It Olen on gt Wonlq It lOnlntIrt Rev Marl Slenul ILL DIV Druloll CInr vnn OrnrrIt rrtnsm strum 1100 no to Immune mlnlllr MISSIONARY CHURCH rte Crulrrd rt Burl In Sundly Beth In the Inll nor in hlornlnz Wenhlo pin EIInInI sInlrI realm ltbl nor mull Growth llbl lrII mm Donna limit tummy mustn the noun ltnubrmr Null Welcome Aultn lon Gnu st that out st Nlnlslert not Ilrthnr stony llrtbun rromrmo trottsrrlr Church School In Dude no tlllnne Graderlnnd under NtuIrry IIttlltlu Aullnble hum Ittleom All Lutero WIIIIInI alarminiirturttumtm mom ll trauma 13 mttrrrmur mottled 220 Steele street BoIIIe Rev John Kloln Parlor worsrrtr Strvtcr ll 00 nm tn rr Irrcrrtr rr mun Futon III nut nut No no Prryer Meelln rmlmptet CKBB dIrl 950 Ml mt Fnrnlly not stroll CL All AC 00 FRANK WUEST tlnrnrs AfSAINlS an nmmrrr thlEN Is term owners rrtr DEVIL to no rtmr SAINTSI WITH DIRTY HALOSI HARD TIME SAINTS SAINTS FROM THE CEMETERYI WHEN THE SAINTS ooMAItcrtlrto lNl HOW you cm or THAT rtumnrr MO SUNDAY SCHOOL It BlBLE CLASSES 00 AM FAMILY WORSHIP servrcr Chlld Cm ya Rev Smyth mmom Rev Tunkt tillWA CHURCH OERTEOOSTIL ANNE sr loo HWY to tool not The Urnlull Tom 10 lint Communion mun school ud NIH Ya no lnIllrIl rut Andrey Emmi President ol ULRICH Prerbllelld um or tlrIlI on II nurtrort AVIrtur UNITED CHURCH an In mm strut Chem to nlt nut You Ito noel velernto to Ionhlo with Illnhlrr RII Ittrtlon OrunLIl Mr Goran Ittt Mn Holy annular WIIYIII not THE ANGLICAN CHURCH ST GILES CHURCH ST GEORGES rrmmr CHURCH rte II III mm me In valll III II untorm PM nmUIIolty loetulel IITIIQI runny um III III In In manure Ill IIIIMI lllllmluu mam Intrut In IZ tml Inn at III Rev lur IIIWWII mm tall loom drrvlcu MI no ttzro not cottrrt sr UNITED crturc UlllCIlllerSl Near Clly mm Iulnrr Vrn CENTRAL UNIIID CHURCH loss in mom dtIIItI It urn ttnnrrrrtortx l2 CHRISTI PROMISE nnolctrlorlsurtorz FOR TIE CHURCH tttto row It Nor Fbll Nonuy lIrUltlu IInII nble Tleurclt Brbeolr meet It Ml Inn Ind ll oelorl mummmnmu mm to tovrur mu mm CENtltrttzo FELLOWEIIIPI Church lohool mound um MMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCHTC