Mil latte iieerrpeee metronom Lleetted lillyitelttreoilherrieooiutep kkmmdmi jovawemmmoenrami Hmth felt me onesgtwiaoeseee That Bmembiv Themi Willey redeem tinge wreath are placed on Ceno zwiaphe honorliedaadoiiwoworld ire Bother in remenibaethe living corettned to veteione horpliah Irma Croadalv haeiheootyoneawboeerrihewlvea mother no IiItarr rooeiiy older when monument FMPeooktmed wiuhrnierhtito intimation who day rite daytand yoer alter your visit their husbands tone and brotheret One or there women tied piiy her her ill tit til en yearn are prepe to tread the ram Via Doioron hiany oi the older iterate are para lyied route or in to oi nommmi iheydonoire howevloohaavirlted lheniyatthelr eemahethedaltyplh grimage lma deernot mantra heae manger but it cannotabaodon the loved one three are the women who endure as hhakeepeere ea lm rtienea on othnthawiveroi bun errand munamliea pelimywhonqlilie Itant nilirtng are come daily to provide trunnionloot LANE ARMISIlCI JIM AGO Barrie Examiner itovetlltiidz With epooinoeoue rejoicing people oi Barrio dined tngreet percetelehmtton today tidy bio dial year was given eleveni Cetehritlon woe tory almori at to ond ubilee oi multipath eellly t3 WI lioyor Dr Robert roll lentil proclaimed public holiday or one oigreat daya in world history when Germans accepted Allied ternir ior eereeiiu oi war which began in magnet lull lllr Worrhip ed aired It but decided to let rllizenr eleep longer However eharp attet odoch all town belle Ind whlrtler let be longewattedmroiwarreedbehoowo into agile and Shimmy are ea in din olFmer Berrii Ii ynnllilrlindidultl alike name not with every ooleeprodueer they could it hindr on iiemninti oi old BarrtoOl nr Band tliore not over rear with arm unitvwera mented by roma mo in irornilvy an Thorn tonendvroon added their accepted quota to tubilatton tiara vellng begin at ioweilr Grand Opera onto at 93 am and bore rplendld evidence oi the great toy topth ring The threegalley rirnciura re tee in eiyle and teat log to Town Royal Alexandra war packed Pnyerevveie delivered by town elergymei and remixhr leading cltlv rear liufe aride bet in Iiternoon in evening at urolier held onto rer vlcea to memory at war dead ga bon crimes wear an Kingston Oxide Noiionchtpiiol or one room no um lillllirrl iiihpiort Ont ahtdi harm binary by the hilthb In ilhailildotveei oaimi Telephone mam Second Gear liaii llvxietutim liethee out Morn portage narrated Dilly hood Ind etnlwr itolldm burl lore voter do in earlier tile weetly wewa ly ilagtv rule that am We yerrtyr lime or county moo yearly liIlIneI lo llii tliehorbor re oillld Th try In it 1he atterii the butt hi 16 000W oi Canada moo yearly Iiil thinned Ind mad with lleuL other rounlvrea moi ruvlv Woolrvgin Irrrrrll warahlp that ed the Cundieia mail riorvn ea In exude in elector in lilan harlot lioiee throw all truer yearly exoln National Admitting ntileeai at Queen We Toronto ire to are or can ei mm mm ml BIBLE THOUGHT liontreat iierober oi the Canadian Praia int omen oi iieide the Canadian Preea la entire tvel entitled to the rite toe re pob nation at all one iteratin utnihlvpepeieroiltedtottov lhe drier eied Freer ileum and Ilia the local rim publirh ed therein ihal have elgiroe mi my avid editorial material at Ited by ttrerapleyeea red r9 pvodueed in ihlv erpiper Copyright lleriraildn lining her Milt ieglrtev it lth III oio rm fm tmiuutm hetero the tall oi titted rattled that no alrl cinder handwritten Familiar dnw Mm with Word For who it umm Autert rlrvhtoi erroeati it we Mag evil rive good elite onto your ohltdi ran oat raeeh more Ihatl your Father Ihlflllllil brevingtrI tillage to them that IIir hlniii Matthew lilo ii Logic alone would remind trr thitibetardlerroodrrn Ire my Irelandolohw lie onrereue or Ctdad abould we time he will with WMWM hold ith bestiroaiurt anonahl hairline mama gravid age litre day you are linemen friabth the ohaln oi their legion amt in the tair heada their the eyed oi the Golorrele Lady and Judy Ofoad meet iherea taint rattle oi reeog lion tor theyve grown to know one roolber Above aid there it retire oi rileot enninninlealion oi empathetic under Itanding they know how in be hliidlyand eo eouragln to their men without one cool mltilrig elvea llow does one one were men when he ash Am going to be here the the net oi mg titat Quite number oi pailenta are without twitter on without virttorr lbere can be no rig to lonely II old age without loved once The yerra pier tor Iii oi or We toome need iriendi when old end alone in ilornernbrauca Day we honor the dead oi two World Wars Would linet be hello to honor the dead by remenihertnr the tialngi United Xi tire with music and community ringing concluded day at Town ilrll Ind hlrrie Square alcoholic bevomger prohibited to in Canada to those dryi in nal week oi war Storey oi ilawiertone and Train oi Phelpaion were killed imam gm am in action while Elmer Browalee oi hrr Would rte died oi Spmlab inilnenza Lari niinuie rush began to get Carri Victory lmti over ten in Storm Conn ler and hire Aldon ll Skinner Bryilelil St died on Sunday and biondry re re tiveiy oi the the leaving iouramall ion This we very ridnewa in Barrie err amended OTHER autonomous No EXCUSE FOR PARINTS menarltleirilelllgeneerl Word that parent nothaviog their diltdien immunized against polio in the in that oncewar commonplace to die eiiugllnlied Sieteeilgurei rhowlng more than to per rent drop in immun ieatlon oi children in the one to tour age group are similar to the trend here Dr John Drvleo ohloi oi epidemi ior the iedorrl health department rein nde the public that polio war once killer and it could he again there to no exwre lie rryr for not seeking pro getlonnthrougn the immunization pro imr Prrente Who have not hid their child ren immunized rhould act immediately remembering also that booiier rhota are tequlrtd at ntervala mm in menu hormone ll doubt ioit condomu by Gwen Jen inimtlruw Ellle mmutmrodlaier ere mm mt Fromm it oehltalel Canada rim In invariant Nit in ca Wgylmw Min rnlitary add poitiml om Mr into mutter rote Men was entered Mike lith the to tie 1m it war lbetnme oi at me late John htaodortahirnd the at tel doe Mackenziedire unfulfi arrlbetme initiator 63 Wm time 1mm trio one year Mid on it Iorttiieattona will he to if emu when WWW traitor Wtoolaalrolhahomtoi Unirerv allotted doomed and WIVES nirrelevereitytn the War mmlnrtlonal in role iiillliii new rear ileet Nov to ma vet In tinnu mum train wII ereludod iroor neared eoiodee iorluibg Gouda irisitem University re nelvod charter It to atiahinled Sierrrniap coin wartime reg Quebec owing to eholem epidemic tiamllien tall Telegraph vaulted between Newtoindlerd New York leerrim team at more Joumrt hair will be how new by orderlament 424 million mm let Story to that time litoDreririt oil or per well ed ht littiling lhoimlaln litehirer urea moirolled wowr renew my memorandum on or when too inn is outline anrzaicev Wm health eooeh noun va IN ii 1hr eater vii veterinaan raorv iv other method the Ontario limnInI lair all in Item emblem mean mm ouiauriar omaiei the especially needs ilo rea Viimleni diatom eiiich end bill You treaty EISIERMKIS minnow AllMlCUdhiihti envenomedin the the or irni It the Shelter in Barrie 21 lee bl iellll er belt Iltetter or imoeL 603E Mann Tenttegerudg la er Id Mimi to that ttytouldjere mounted henneltom while rnnniag It lerrr The marlin that geeinv and Iodal help him hat Iiariei virirreiiotJeunlIlrin mouldef ogrern oi lrniviunlalng ell hibri aitlie ilrniied phyeicrl and Ibeter Inlmeir Igrlnri the min LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Examiner hviter ow hibeth in lAiirrI to dial IM eelwnie Lettere rhonld be reririried II are II VIM and they IIIIII be Ilgled or the will lithe pahltrhed Writer India Ila dldl their Idiimm lad kl yhene anniheie per name riin be weed it regretted YOUR BUSINESSl lieFault insurhnce Here By 1975 by WCINfJOAN tirmclhl reaonreae at the dispo ral oi the rholter limiarer two eople work tullllmo It aeratio hng and dLilnta IN her gob one oid ch itde oboe Snippet oi the trial nitrite and ill tortilla can be demen etrrled beat by not allowing don in mm It Miriam will resell to crowded elect lee lose overwork meggend lentil hell sincerely barrio ornhforhi outlaw red merrier Atlalrr Iit oi all Analyri Thornton Newr herein by tilt motoriilr all across mm The trunnion iiiearl oi Can ant lod Weien ng7 room the holauli idea it about mhimraerennmll log approval oidtlee ported to come dinlirg titt The plan ovoid irreaai that Ill mime world have the Irma mm mm haste hertznee term Geot it nutrition in normal nilry and priority 4mo ewtt be rid ylomotlv whim trial riinr over Whitby tor widen the mitlioliiulal mi would it hilrovirut in time or all Interim onutr laxrerr and on MIIATCIIIWAN llilhl oi any iurlsdl on pay relative leer airmentei tier tor denierli poinLi February Irei willeveiilul amend the tempt to tire lle llllthhM The Marlo govenivniri nude helm modminty yhill if miller tilnuoi mitotic hrithh Cebnnhtar reverie Inkiotaluheatv Jold war neat will itererrim largut oi noieult Iota lrnlrience neat to have Scour ihlr ear the oommlslon on elite renew bra recommended train oi no twill limoroe ESTABLUIIED CORGI lhtier nothing revolutionary tlnoly rotiiolitlied in Mt lI lilo health lord lire innaranee unrinrime compensation and in collision and cone priiuinlte horainto on rare hut pawlburly Ind prop relydamage trunnion on ran her traditionally been regarded oilmly gt Argument Igahist noieuit oovornoe hi iboaa nearer er peeooed moot ohm by the innar em iirhcoryhnva been that hiostpaitleuiaiiy LimitsToutiiuuoijinanimate roosting ls Detenie or route nawanoii Fonduhlielrr Aeeiyri ihooueliiewrlegvtoel Ale lhehrnaieiietdiiood the Mt Who on ever tell raritvnlted Stetee in fie Site to item iiii rugged but intention realpolltlk in Iunyllhamvebirpayedliili derbatlrcearaodeomiid with build 5i E3 33 in 32w Willi Hospitals lly DON Oillihllil hueear larh liqu 10mm in he battle will the tremeodein one oi health once the ginWW la muting tome headway vib harpitaii in the late but and the We hospital trending ran my extententity ea titration moldingpertain even more the berm we emailed witti reiotitey little iodine or toil and mo ideally limo pawn to the met drilm rnurt he remnlble tor liter their aciloiiy that ereeiui drier lIiHiugil and Andrew Allin dalkdliiidwlb has bio moi ltooueel Deere litedlormeibnoileuiimhullmo all in North deletion Doverara rornu auto trsoGvont lieitern ilaliway matienlly with driveee it met between Niagara and renra or registration or hitte Ierviee The Manitoba government be an weron tie evaluate an we year ago lugrial iv gh licence cash penah enierage oi the accidentprime and that rroiauli would elimi nate the dateiruidtn recliner drivtrlr ilnlsiarree bated on there Ir WU Mum breaking it in on Ioma laden in the liliiuanea in are taking the new that the ablhty lysiom has been othrneded by the rheer growth in the numberr and use oi mo tor vehicler in addition they argue the tirinrm inimiry and up eav ine the bill to most Incident earer and re the Illmam tyrtem boreran expensive timeeotioimlng itllili tint bpoeiiir only the leg yrolu won the int mated rod availi tlc elilih on title wII eiIrted we learn an ermine zaeng one program in ex peenive rennin Milon um dermtoipital brailleam plus to an up WWW Willi Bob tiepa bale been eiiee llealia liiotiter DI idolized Nlrr has reported that recently lee the heat ilrne retro filth oneng beeper horn Ina eltrI exceeded those horn the community merrier the heroi teir and the medical iroth are winging behiM the plan And more eon eidlieoal nurr log home bedi hire been ap guoied the denial nitraiota itth ioroed the hmrotah to Italy aitlcitnt use oi yielded troll EEEEZ 25 iii iii tea The diet Idvaetm oi esiellte ryiieni ii that tit rieloo at other narrate or can be be our it anger 39 the Canadian Andi llti hII hi earth rialloiie in Northehdelminm Erm kind will have renal Neel aim ll eoair rehilreiy itile bsaiid email earth elatieaa pier rm tie vlpnel be eayv elation to retire laud tor now tooth about modern tbir ml be new to on el mended For elery itii huiiao iberirttbeootteie utelliiei you can rent eioo minim north or mi rietiooa on the WM eeoettordtootrbtoi hem into that Illelhle itchoeloyy eba Northern uecuicr raleltil learn peek into each ot Wilederrtbrltoohlilegl We 11 tent in iilurieter air power eotee Barre mailexo iaetiy Bereeiord Irye Northern We at it bid to be to our the tint ronlrIciI neodymium brunette to row Work on llieeoul Tlhl re euotli thatlJiel we murder nilcrorooper larye mo yirg glasses it we get one extra drop wide on wire they mill not be aide to launch the ellle becauw oi the the girl he in la done ina clean room ltlltil when and vialiore mun brurh eonsliev em MM Add articularly is turning them tbhh in term oi Milled iiig lazilth ii the mrrmtr in that will not he miner wary anon ohm annotate who em teeth nine there baa been rue ottr to the mdwlil be nine this does not mean that that tel health or will lion gm Then to alum mm In folio the mg in on no or min hell the whine must be until anneaeurerrow Nari mm moored to with sanitized prion ream not or womballon om delta equipment Vlrlterr and eompin oiildaia art re aleellynolloiothh tth on the Nmnbly line Thur mam waterway Eng aired raiellilei spinningibt in mg mi My time per recent in orbit um rehabilitation it it Tom are lit the previneele mm limb div Dr Potter eryr nearly lit 7th WW artillery new In of mo nyg Ind hillbilly namruum mm melt min to then toiltti in we and intro than hall ni Md NM mum life wlihperriment dummy in iron bill the out be gm Wll otinby intertidal llu mm mm eledrloele rave brain it title harebreetor war Mn lib ambitinf liveely neglected Thei bodei pgmoo gorilla rx tittittl mil pmmmun maimed tritium New Iiehilcu ii litogplltl to ltuttoh emotive one out go momma been taittaodeoduraoiod Exhaustive qreuordosx eler rage eori eotl alert completed ibereooedi welmeermu jibe tattooed ildtli diutiromthilrthorrendttn