Considers Impeac and cotcm cl 00mm etch sold one meshed mm more um 31 intersect sr mm NER TELEPHONE Mil cocoltrrns surname oar cooktheddtothopeatatnr newline duet nmgatrru tha Iv us Homecomiuee wastayorou AP Attila einl oi unpeeotxncnt be President Nixon lly diroaly rasponel or tho in targets ecandol are under cen alderalien the Home ct tw mentatim Hider com millet The articles on re ol podeoxe presented spedal ml John Door nbo m1 reddencetnauppottoithom committee will go to the Madame uhich would decide Dcara analth at that evl imn ll demo mama today to on other closeder amino denh with entrees oi illegal in lxdliueooo gathering mlursa oi gnth epcneias lax haud ltupcaohmc the nttnottt mu are moaned tor early next weir and on Wednesday the aquarium niil begin in latohti deliberation with the possibility at vote on who to monmend neat Batstay ecoelons are exped vind Ilny recommendation by the the tumbled vote needed lot con ilrlleiion and removal horn ol ea In his opening presentation liore discussion and PM Dear dropped the MI rotation at momenta net CAPSULE NEWS Cause 0i Explosion investigated DECATUR ill AmOttlclok an tryina to learn the cause FrenchPolice Storm Prison ornmvnux mm normarm no pollen stormed Monte put down riot meonvlota today and discovered bodioaottuumcnkill man had his throat or and the other his head goo third man we mlously hounded with kntle South Koreans Destroy Spy Boat SEOUL iltcuterlbc Soteh Korean Navy dmlroyed any boatandkiliedatlmsttlvcotitamwmolmmiodaylnthcttdnl recent sea clash with Communist North Korea the deloaco min istry annotated The rnlniatry raid the men spy chip diamlazd eoa tialdng boat was hit otter motor chaee the west coast Franco Reported Gal Hospital ammo ihodcriiranctuo hum rm reported on ct his hospital bed and walking about today last one day alter landing porter over to Prince iueo corion do Borboo became oi lilac Five Canadians Wounded In Cyprus iilCOSlIt hornet Five Canadian or tho United Nations enetkeeplnz Force to Gym were wounded today when their position near Nlooela airport name under aorta tire their lleld mom narrowed hm hinese Premier Makes Appearance NKYO ADIGallic Premier Gm hr111 who had been re ed rranacratlng team an ilhtone early this month made his rat public appearance today in can week RCMPinvestigete Accident SUSEX NJ OPlRUMT coininuod their tnv gallon to collision at Kievstead Mountain air pereoru Friday Lad hriurod meat no to trial in the Senate slide tn Malina between prisoners oiti hment ot the rtiai lavas presentingmlih withmtlco clualooa and laid down what arrest DornocreLs dwibod no the the basic Watergate alone RAPPED nit llEGLEit ills periorrnanee produced on angry rcs nso iron hlrona pr were any Ronald Ztener lull who said Dear was out ot oo dcr in the extreme lnmah shelling latte on the tide 01 im poaohrmnt 1w anaehlmlwo WFMWIIII wu that Iudge Upholds Hoila Restriction nmrtorr MP iornee llotia naya loderal Mgoe do ctdon is just temporary hack in hlallellt to regain pothtii tn the plant Teamsters lotion US Dislrict Judge Jam Pratt rinsed Pride turn presidential cmerey ro rtrletion bantart lha iormer ieanutcra turninz to union oltku bciore into llnlla planned to run lnr the presidency nl his old Detroit lo cal in November one then to challenge Teamsters President lraatr Fitzalrnnma tor iced orahlp at the Ziamillionth bee union in lVIB Ilotta nrdd alter Pratts doch elm woe armotmud in wmhine ten that he will expedite an unreal oi the decision is etrvog ease tor impeachment on amid to even magnetrme neuter hbaaaea Timer 1an NIHInk mundanemanor unuedecueaneatbeu uiiedmca illsnonet IngthIGnekndllrkhl Cyprialeenmoweehathe worn 1le ct Moela Wmonadloanamo Niall chwdamrlthollnlted kammm thelstoodlere matted by andabntmobeea noon more was conrmation ol the Minolta re whlndu about 50 mlch went Mm IDNDON limiter Nrklah term unnumch the Greeks by nearly three to one but both have curt prides and other modern weaponseaye the institute lac strategic Studies llm is udebyxndo oom pnrtonn at the tun matrices ME GREECE Total Strength cl Armed Ferrel 453000 100000 men Armin 303000 men Air Forces 21000 men WAWA Prime illn tetor miew boo apparel net Any no Milne lor completing cabinet otntitle dine with major shitting or senior public ecrvants ea in his illco Mr lnoioau wants to herln thew week holiday out to have his ministers in their new portioilor the Saint mtoisloro changing poo botm be on They say prime minister also mate to move six or seven mine to senants most at them at the deputyminister iml There uould be another reas eigalne ol pihiio cowaan Later in the year Arnonx those likely to be shtttad the rooms ray to Gen iiohilinib it Roman Graiewln president oi the Schisme tourmational Union Slit Friday denied nharuco two Throoto union member that his men are who drone nmt tantlu in contirnrtnx leadorehlp battle we do have pretty rough brunch ol guns llr Groinwin cold but added none ol them are terrorists Poul Fitzpatrick and FA Deverwx on both at Toronto said May uanoen Tim the ourrem adorehip Sill lident Graleuica ero whit beatings intimidation nVlVal ol the Ds tDo air 10 datum Stronglino Tactics Charges Denied By SillPresideni Mandated Fran pill reported HAN DOWNED Radio mm hh moat mm in New Yorktotairorptbclt vnsioa The Male attack early to day was at da diet the amp plaid mired learn by Weapon anaeroth nyGreeu Turkish Skyhawk planer reek mm at Nb elm lbw aide in the thou was torswiet merit Turks outnumber Greeks one Mater plane 25 Navies re 5W nine 160000 10000 em air tom Paramlllta Forces 75000 gendarxnere 73000 Nate 0900 National Guard onnwlptlon two months at months Btlengtb on Cyprus Under no truly on can 050 men Rreenca iL PM Sets lingual Deadline For Complete Cabinet Shift don liobcrteon clerk at tho iy Privy counciltho cabinet in other wordsMin has laid he is ready tor less enema poet Lion It ll thought he will be or pointed to an ambauadorlal 003 The momma ot deputy min later to acid depending to some extent on the cabinet charmer tiolloa might eak llr Trudcra to more their deputies nitb them Alter ho boom prime minia ter in 9dr 22in Em ndopted may uty ministers and he carried out oeries pt shuttles during the next tow ycate Ship label at lonncr president Ital lianka Mr Dewrmx said he has beaten by unhm men when he prt went to Lotion hall to pay hie membean does more 10 and both men ray remn are being blackltrted tor Great lakes new The Stu prceldent said that ntnt really happened no that Mr Devertux came to mob drunk and than against our on constitution So be was encouraged to lento We have lot of loans with our membere nri tram dmnitencsr dope and limiting and but none ot it is sanctioned by tlot no air Graiem Ilhi seven Genettut Unit UerED Nhrrons no at me than cl Ttaklsh troops on 01an mat the United Natiom Security Cotndl in dcbale and about be decide the late oi plea by deposed Wot Pruddrnt Mainline Tho lsoatlon onlmile torus Wu expected to ahitt 1mm how to avoil would to how to NC SecretaryDental KM Waldhrlm real the Latin was extremely earloue tor the ambushed bl internal peace and annuity The UN has malnttdncd peocclrmia leave on 01an since loco uith the oriented at media etrtlo bunecu the prndomhmtiy Greek mutilation and about rsmkiah racinvrs lint it wasnt kmll ii the So minty Mellow duido to we the mall icrce in the peecmt eircturutancu Murillo that had been elated tor rnomlnl win would she itinkorlne hail oi tut he mkodistaepdrrhtolhemunrll lthyo wrest to Gm toe withdrawal coo rezular Greek Army ntticeel nho command the Cypriot National Guard which overthrow W05 DEMAND NOT MET 1M reoohtbm also called on all Wlllm to respect the sovereignty indrprrxluro and territorial integrity ol apron and demanded an hmnediald ml to cotton rnlhtary intre vrotlon But it unuld not met ilnitarime second request UN action to remove the non etitutiounl order in 0y un rwhich he was tire ed presi ti Delegates had prtdltted the solution unuld be adopted mil or it vote in later and tho United States and perhaps China owninlng Darrin in or more cum in Montreal Fr accepted the ttmlllitu top Olympic lottery to tor his cllrrtller lint ctioh o1 presently in Royal Vio lotto linepltal hir Ouch who hat moral or oi attorney tor Mr hiat ctich distillery ermine laid macat plans include mending tho money in tnut certificates will air hiateiich can manage ho mm attain My pm horn thrce pro vlnrcs Ontario British Winter bin and Qutbtv shared 025 mil ttnn to thh nceke Edmonton drow At first ttotrght it wee name sort at tote then cm earned had then cried hia Mikado told the mil the was orradml by the not tary rcpano in Greece lie UITMVA All but tout United Nations pemheeptoa outt to 5pm ham been ui ram brotine ol heavy Holding allowing relish tn vaaion oi the Mediterranean lsaad defence drpartrmol stolnsman said today llo said no cnnlaltics have bccn reported by Canadian toms on the island although noun reports say Canadians ham come under tire The spokesman nice said or nodian dependents tackling Canadian working in to Canadian gotcrnrncnt and any dependent or Conzdian eonitomen ettll there are in tale hawn An external attain depart pmnt re socialite we trying rum up other Cana diam such aaMiourlslr who may ho to Qpmi Tho delenee dtNriXMti lineman cold the withdrawal UN outposts probably ln olre moat Canadian troops although he had no dcttollc re port would presume ita mainly Canadians beenno ita onionJ Nicosia which to when no on he said No UNlMTEitM ACHON An external allalra dormi nnat spokesman said earlier to dmna ilaettan at Toronto odd she was mulling her reaction nhm aho lm learned that cite and her aboutold husband Jrn vim 1500000 richer alter prl wiretap rccond prise itl too pond to be into sold him MoeiAan toiiowlon noun ronimhcc hold at Olym pic headquarters May lhini prize north teleooo was captured by in redon od pornou in Quebec thin is the happth dayoi my lite raid Freehold Yvet to itichiml spokesman tor the mun Melvin the Now hope to Mill some cl my illellrno divans air and sea early Satmday Doequart ol the island mm la Tm MP From Makano Plea laid Irndrd QVMf the Greek iunla in ex its Waship to Canadian Posts Are Withdrawn day that Croatia will not take ony unilateral action to pit out the on Canadian troops serving with the United Nations peachccplog tom on hours lie aaid iotiowtu tho mittsh invasion that tho luatloo ts restour and potentially dan Kcroua but ilNlalDil on the More oi the UN term would ham to come tmm the UN so ourlty as the IN keeping oreo rcnraitu In 0mm well remain he sold The dctcnco department spokesman raid Namiunieh ttona with Ganglion Hoopla on is tel no New WJWIMQMM or mind good and no mohcrm had been crammed up to am today Meet at the Canadian troops in Qpru are ureainns oi the Etlrrnrntonbarrrl hrlndlm All borne chirnent YEM HNNYX BOUiLVHNUi 01 More than 50 eulmlt ltKls lied treat tiny sea oil this resort cily ultra thtguapoltttl rharke lla slicing ouch the water later they learned it was piuile Ila beta load by tho youths in boat OWen Picks Up Million For Client Matetich emu Tnien actual biohlv It reprises an ireart Mimi Qua wonwtho 50 Denise and Rotor Dory at Mon treel non 8mm Pant Deena at Victoria woo 00000 and hlnignrct Mull ol lotv onto brought her daughter and arnoddnuzhtnr with her to pick up her 310000 prize because aha could not not babysitter innin oi loemto non 330 000 and Martin rho mid not attend the lite enemy will be malint 000 Chaotic to MI borne Li vi Mml hits it Gannon oi car grwp cl it mtoyeea oi 335000 tulle inatnglounh orlrootszmme couliml Quo non the sword dgiiopsShiits mund