lite 011 Industry has come tlns for on 115 ownWe knowtltutin the future we can continue to mom Illlillltlu energy needs but were going once unteratnnding from you and center ttonlrtnuourgovernments An important reason for 15 happy result Crista We have dd odourown expertencetorllus we hope it concerns you too is that we need this tosu en anddrastic changes in the sup li es of react heating or in parts of Canada ing it gavel What was shup to grow Because if were 30mg to meetCunodas or tortuue for many gure needs we must grow To do that we need creasedw maximum on etuate rolitswhieh rovideafuir Oiln order to supply mzcgrgmg IRrgltthnow we are thinking nbout future wutersmt at Why We dcctdod to proceed now econoer reuhues because they or turn attrum age capath Halifaxan we Charmed mm Mawhem it mm qnudq 1d the enormous amounts ofpnvate risk capital tankers to move crude oil into the MOllerllmCi seriously short of retini wou mum covttcttyflhts 400 mtl ifhe needs are greater than ever and without tusttc Eclde tocmtpctlzve distribution of products tn seven ttmcs our 1973 carnntglehen ttnoilcom ormvcsmmm pm camdmm W1 asem ana And to further make sure that party earns prolit thats how most of it ion set energy needs Erode oil from Vancouver through the Panama sure that you continue to be well served analto ourcasternCanadtun reneries The oil industry in Canada was born and $r2$tg tls intended to create theimpression that prise and the record shows that we have done acneaverted what could have been rt good job The question thut bothers us and wasthattheoilindustrywasabletoreact ui ckly trate the Situation lhe fact ts the oil industry kind ofnon1eddling environment to continue As case in in po exaco promptly tn Canadians gt vestment The oil industry livesl or dies on these Eastern Canada We increased our fuel oil stor with our new 400 million dollar renery in 011 needed for exploration and development Today to gh the seaway 35 rumba tank cuts were hon dollar investment is equal to more than rnk luck of development to provide their future suicrent supphes wouldbe available we shipped 1ts plowed hack into the business to make Dont tlunk fora moment that the above raised on envrronment of competitive enter headed dea Harm We re worlongtokcepyourTrust