WESTMINSTER PRESEYTERIAN CHURCH ommonwealih Railways AWARD ITII INDIANA Aunlrailn on alth nattan in th meat reache I323 $43 on ere driy reeulm them to live with lbdr intuition iro Ucd Italian and denote The oeuatry in three man in mafia and the rail ware win every ne oeeai Provided time In over aied at lateral cantm but armly train hone locally an the Tea and Qatar train in the titer tor molt railway wertrrrv DIMTU CAIE Till modern atere on wheel lhdudie iia owe ulcerated rant and provider treat an at hilt meat tnrlt veertablca wait NEWS or coonsrown Dy ch Marat tram villue and area aloyod two rtenvluaua aiml rry ruwnrr at head Iliad and arena mattintieea to Grace Craw tord dauthier ei llr and hire KerI anniqrd Ind Arnold Hoi man oi Oitnvra who exchanged waddle in the United church at It but pretty needle on Saturday June 29 with Rev Paul Farbie elnclatlnl The happy couple rill male their home in Edmrn Ol arth Teunrueih Grade Vii udeatn bald their uraduatien er in Coohtm Unite church Ia and parenta indict ol the church town bill at noon on July it at rare iollowed tor cardr Tutr retreahmanu were rerved by Red om mmberv TRIP TO MDUUM Ooehntowe Wotoena lnIttiuta elated their mentiontor the armmcr with trip to MidhurIt to view the new modern strum County hiliidi lira ihyilir merited eaten uelcomrd the ladier and abound them thrquh thI epacieur bulidter and alre related altiereot phar on at yarn which went on throuahaui the dliiercet roenu Theme at the mcetinr war no ueatioo led Ntural Activtttea lioil call rm Inowtred by llmv round my lclrure lime hiaiio taken by hi Parker wan Tate lime to Natl an it in the Iomdntian oi win dam hire ll Donnell pave report on the Waterloo Oooicrea on which aha attended In May tater belated thank to all whe hurled at to the their Lari club er Ottrrna concert June tan apoclat thleln toE liahr Therotee tor tile aoleodld writeup in thin roar on the tailoring Wedner day atlrrnoee lama at the arm cave aevarrl tthetr numlrrra at Eradiord Sr Citizen cloa lnr meeting and relayed lne nttrmooe with the Bradtord unto litre Eva lter and title Kay Allan alto litre arrrie Wood at lobby and llradlerd re lively viliied recently with ill ll Jolt MAPLE TIEAI CLUE Cooartowo llaplr teal club held their ciolin martin or the warmer abort the local Red Creel put on rpirrrdcd enter moment The alternoon canaiai ed at ate Phyelcni tit been eaten er and mutant pre cmn elm by Janice tours and Alan itmen where rra eoerleird at roler on French horn piano aaier piano ducts and vocal duet Vocal ealon me me rendered by Cathie lioniunnn and leuira ilonron ltil we mart enterhia al tarnaen short burinrra varied on condutied by the Prerld not hire Sperry it waa decided to have dinner in the ANTEN MILLS III MM Te SCOTT Trait Itruck our villaaa iaat wee their little Timmy Theme ran at Mr and lire not them war killed while ritilnr hia hlcwle Our dcrpcrt empathy in extended to the bereaved lamtly Mr and lira leddla Wilton attended the waddle et Janice liariin in Ottawa at Saturday At the clith aerle Sunday there were tour haotirrnr Tha atridrrn vIIra dauahtcr oi hlr rrIi hire 1an Park roe oi llr and lira Iary Print aiao two children at Mr and lira Dan linohennan Den lrirrt baa returned home lrem hnrpilei and la tmprevinl 01 hia accident when huiir dnrar Med over hia in We are alarm to hear that alre hlra My reported on the Dittrlct Directera martini The Fellowahtp Unit at the WW held their clarlnl rnreiiar ier aunqu at lira lred Pat rare vrhre lire Cray oi slroud talk hrr theme Geo akin to Maria The Rethlada Untied held their last meet at thaiaurrnrrar It the home hire Glee Nix Pei iowlnl nerahin period and bur tuner picnic war enjoyed GRADUAde Forty rade right alurieala ara duaicd rem ooohtovId Central hoot ntlh ceremoniea held In the Auditorium at the reheat when tuil noon at parable and lrierrdn were on hand tor the undotied commenter lite llarinn De boure war introduced by hirr Wrtrht and thanked Wayne Braver rm Willi and hire MUM pmeeted the tortilla nice and hire hi Coir Pmtd eat at Home and School Auao Iatioecunted the graduation elm II Men thanked the annotation or their oreiertta tion The clear delighted the audien ce with three roarr IMleIi led by lira McDowell hlLIa Brenda Keiman rave the Vah edicton Addraaa and war than ked by Principal Iiaroid lived rrren Several vrcrentatlovrr were made throughout the av ening light retrerhmenia were rorvcd to the well with the undueth clasa rnieying and evening or danclnr lira Duncan Nichol and chil dren oI Bradbury and lira Finley viritad recently with the iattoaa nether lira hic hlnatar hindernu lrene GUM Elia abeth Donnell Inna Annriranri and train hiohlarlcr enjoyed dayl bur tour to oahawe anon eored by the llercrnoei In atiiuto The day war merit tour tn late lei llobaumlle mid vhce and llurcum limole IETIINO GRAND NIH N5 OP TIIe htrteric harmonica was the letting iur amiin at aetetaetioen by the raretry ery bl lInlitaxlaInenbu oi the Marathi year oi lreIlry terlan Dutch in Canada the Coveoaetrr Torch hm liar rtood ter more than century as memorial to early New Wiend and British calenrtr Most SelfContained m$lgl water and em wood tar heel meet it Wtled to the railway earner living in tiny unwritten along the line La aorne cam water in can ed nun than we milra hinay centres have ratter Ichooi and Ihceewr pauible stall with children are located there hat railway wallare nutter anmrera em reboot comer ier chil dren at other locatlenr Recreation belie bare been built the railway to on yide meta eede and ether entertainment aimed at earth the iedlem ei deran ihiril Theraa Iran waliare car on tralar toe the use ei ant health aieirre who moire at leart later return tripe each oer batman lini write and Port Auxurta an uTea and StuarIlraia edric reacta piaair hm to be omvidzd at the All aih dam an verb era are band AMENITIES Rid teotisioo matter and 0m when at civiiirattae am or rnilnn Miran the railway even pro ridea Win theat Tttte Iii Itsttr each euro or cool in Milli Itiern ear liner oi the Mabinniiic are ed with water In hard to rlne the labellnree oi lita mil ntthout Ill hilt Nmm railway line and mum in earn min circle hum the line he rmivlnl largotbeI ommtiriit ea ei Aarntralla And without Ute comrrnarltiee there one be no Mini or tile atrcittt at the tranIAurtrnllan line but mo in Port Awtn thn Wwealth Rallaayn iedcooedahce ia nailed it to enter in we abut where cargoea oi raill tirioiatn alocper plaiea and other tell wrr atore are unleaded to re turn onward com include regular ehiornaeir at cower ooacentratee carried rail from the tamed tone Alice But travellinl War the hint at the Mainline amt II when one aeticen the abro tuta leaetienea lloure go by wluaout In eiedrte ltd Win the darkerrn The learn cioaer and mar lathe ale and iniiia atare can be non tannin their way to extinction An aondtrtor an the in diaeltnciiic commented it pedal breed 01 none to live oil herealto rpectal breed ei vile tor that mat Earl 52 egg EEEEEEE Eli roger $3 at Eggs and 12 Eat Err Ears EEEE gas Mine oi lily top Irdlltary oilirinln earlier civil urvaeta burl namen amidt the are CHOSSLAND Ir hIIIS ALLDI Ilre Earn Alien accompanied hlr and hire Deli Reynold and hire William hlcqurrrte ErrNola to sreetrviiie and Eonborouctr and attend Reye alda iamlir dinner at llr and hire Stuart Sentoar We are eleaetd to are hir Ioe Strelh home much Imoroved Ill and hitr ltrubea Mliit Ind litirh Nobitioa hirrtre Re and Debbie Archer Barrie were holiday eat with hlr and hire lame Idler and hlrr lee Archer hit and hire Winston Smith and Ronnie Willoudaic were holiday ruvrtr at Mr and hire learn Karen Rennie rrmainlne tor the holidays hir ire Burl Goldowarth Queensland Australia were Wed nerday um ei hire 5am Al kit Mr and hire Donald tell and tamtiy were Sunday rum Mr and hire marina Drown WESTMINSTER tar hiISPLACED HORN iDNDON OP Cape Iiorn lant More We angered to have born Royal my run he tound that South Amen ice in lhitla milea than thrrr July lith liar Trevlousiy on the atom cape ll that iarttar north lrtl Ina lliiila auaaeatieoa on how lid llcltaa in new irnprovina in harpttri vie brought tbair Iaiih to tie Annapoli Valley Pmmm REV FRANK WUEST WI Eatend Weiceme To You To Spend The Lorde Day At EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH St Vincent Street laheel tor all are time we The antenna containing practical to ahnre with ethera yeur iattit ta Chriri lull voun vicnrrorr crutlrranrnrut libiellriieviel hiianieearylltnded irlrndly Mb Gordon and abort air trot three lather tall any memiWwmmw i000 AM MORNING WORSHIP CHRISTIAN MIXED CHOIR SONAEILE FROM APELDOORN HOLLAND NUMERY PROVIDED YOU ARE WHY church or nu nazrrnn than at Vincent and drove eta Barrie it lnaierI ltrv Robert ltrdnn lull Why not ein on thin Sunday SUNDAY MORNINO CHURCH SERVICE AT IIIISD AM SUNDAY SCHOOL AT iDJO AM There will be no Sunday Evening Service Ihlr week and aiee Sunday July irt We will be attending Clarkaburg Nararene Camp In Clarkeburo Ontario We Want You To Come or El 3E 353 rum El If raanrr men Erica 3555 SUNDAY MASSES than lame In mmar EVENING rater roman liarran me ll It Hi re eter wrltdzvier in re dialed arena in metal teetr and tall thI Aladaaa are bellman to Index her spiritual regene ration The Nation1 aha in the team on record with aut toaddrown no that nitado the prophet wanln ta pcriem The aeot baa been had eviiled by ieaderstdo airua in rectout Jr and not Nmery lncilltlra chime itI wiritud lender and Avalinbin Din Oahu iaadnr at can Em rated iactiee arth whence it baa trot rutct to the in at rrlnt thoiaee In many letmiter have toned their way into the lect me me or are luaand tree the dam to act RIEOURMEP or en ac ltcceetl rome proobela hav aypoeared in cotli ed with amnion oi RIM lav Inhale re wiver and one wen ur Cedmma IL tailed here 30 Striated Plan must mom utich men one It Falter notwithetaadiea the WWW are in demand Each In up to mainland by more MI we tree lizard Inr amy noodal prayer raid ESSA ROAD hunted Duel ll tree at irte Ave Rev Mar DD Tlitlhnl TIMI lire ll ltrten Orlaniri ill MORNTNO WORST HUI III It Ged Deuce TI Ul Everyone Waiceur MA Mani ladle ee to God Ever narrate harvlu CAELI re ana leader GIANT noun erd ill at Bland nhn rdmcd from tail to two war and nu would Item in hia Lime ST OEORGES Praahrkriaa Church in Itrele near Pearl Rev PIEi hlilln many denim lite and tlril In ltrcterr IA ran werehlp ttIml attIdeIm TinnedIain Roman Catholic DONDONAID anua era Hana needed er FIRST CHRISTIAN all Ill lUI Mill It LIL mm Kill TISI Lea Earlene and Granville Ihr liar it Rue Regutlr ciaeeer all aumrnar llxoo am Pralee and WothIp WHAT TIME IS IT COMING TENT CRUSADE AUGUST 3rd THROUOHiilth lNNlSWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH Yelp Street hat ml at uiir Are Alliance Church Winona Shelia Elnhater lInalIy vrmao In rat Hurley mu mm or by mm awn i030 am no enau Echeel El hm trawl VIeIiinIm Walnut It rum mm Fint Baptist Church at Daren at vr rat tam MTHE FREE roer nonnmr vnnr St Andrewa roe Imam er Prenbvterian melon MI AM In court Binart W0 ruin wig Orraim xmerh $an Innamar lttl pna lihia lab all from lattewehle lavCanVIIiLELBD Pantr unnrsnnn SCIENCE the TRUTH any that HEALS beach wine cum Riel christian clean Indie letter on all use lead me Inr ll AM Trriinaray Meeting ltaadira linen om Then me There ML Than mum we men In PUIUC NORSill MORAL DEMAND THE ANGLICAN CHURCH ST GILES CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH el Coat amt 1qu it near cum lee MI um no Yea Bruit Torte te ltlinntn The ltav um Pierre IVNIAVII Ire Ian Italy oernnulee MAW new It IIImean mm navqu WUIIDAVII ram urn cannula The Inner run an an we an lierelar Pram Chard School lld Nlnery yvvvvwvvvvvww Hl WA CHURCH ANNI IT 400 HWY Richard Green Patter Irnerl lmylh Vlrltatlan 9x30 chrlatlan Education Hour newtl artaim Canada Nametie urectnird with the Aarernhiier at God In United outer You are Invited to alien Ihlr ear with en Hear PM Pull OeIpel lervlce WHAT WILL IT TAKII to bring you to God Patter will epeak THE UNITED CH CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Ron and Toronto liraeta Rev lay Minister i000 AM Medllatlent ON THE EUILDINO Ol HOUSES Rev Donald Jay Soieiat Mrr Porter Nurrery Facliltler Available VISITORS COTTAOIRS WELCOME COLLIER STREET UNITED CHURCH CONGREOATION WORSHIPPINO WITH Ul RCH OF CANADA You are Invited to warahio with or at It are ItaeI will thleir about Parable or Church lime or hickory lticlrery Rev Arthur Dieter ltiriaim mum aanvroae It II Pardon Ar 0mm 1th eat Mr inrrnrray BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH