mum Tme Whmwwwwld WSWme LAMPMIIWIIMIIIW Wall Editor Ems ritus mil ManAging lditol mun mu ms rInis eshore Road Battle oping Up For Monday mildbequlteabnuhoverthe ol Lakeshoro Road It the city meeting alicd for Monday night deielopin ent committee will no tocoundlthalthemdbede twoiane parkway road Instead arterial mud rule Better to get some use the Inkcshorn than to leaveall llItthenorthondtlulcouldbc and have no sores to it imagine some innes on council the itedge mroute is mmdm planning en oug only reverse curve at Duckwertli extended whine the parkway will its northern end The planners donoten bumps vision muliler in the roadway to slow traic but the reverse curve will DOWN MEMORY LANE YEARS woo in Town Barrie Examiner July 1914 Rich am Wollcnden assumed dddibivnCouncilde duties us lire mended exact window further street paving ashn Premier Alitehell Hepbum quot lllP for Simcoe Centre will be ghting Dr Looner Simpson at Minister at lieallh or Education as the thin edge as Lakdwre mad crawl llie THE WORLD TODAY polltluolanartcdalroaduoimd tlzhu orapaikwayasldewhatlslm rtanl is the city Bel Newt pmvldeaeumtowlnlwillbeoomean expanded network of satcrtmnt parks ihnoisnopolntlnhrag Vgabout thelewelolthchuythcnI dingmorc parks that people annot conveniently IM The planners should know the ellec titones at reverse curve at Duckworth Street it would not take too many trips home with trach backed up lnr hall inllc because at the curve for people to get the idea the extended lnkeshore Road Is not anaricrial route After sitting waiting sites night or two drivers Will llnd another way to get from the west to east end vidory over lion William nlnynon Midland lonnlr lory cabinet intruder DrShnpsonlsonly one at Mllr native to sum County Capitol Thea ire Van Dykes stirring new movie Rhino Wllc lradingalso pictures at bin naor Va Prime Oarum heavyweight title light plus0ur Gang comedy iierben Smith who Alex Clelland opened nlitedmtli mum thlFln my irwino former garage vubenlcablnctJlarry 31 Wed IsMIster of Kerr Lodge Semi same ol BospitnL IuncPerklnsywn est sinimtario mnuhmrl pnpusoiinund ye mgffheiilcli umitolspecial when Dr 81mm Um 362i soua ma art as 4ng in Simone Centre ovenUnhnl Smith creem inDullerlnSimcoe ever Ed imtesou olCchin eroldlldlandma it now being considered reflect the rising cost come but they ignore Womens Conserva went oriiin Gala hoilda mid than show atito Theatre howin Hoopla Manager ot Olympia Candy St estimated three Md bricks toe cream sold lnthree minim uatee lroin AtOiillla ttiloyalVl Mrs George in he swimming advertising ln are won or dimer lim All three medical tinned is to her husband at their wwlr that womans pension L9 out in hall ll Irwins Junior 33 dale won Oounty la beat Barrie 50 In hlalldn engaged by Bar rle Kiwanis Club to direct summer play ground work in parks also an sc andalc aoltball rivals Barrie Roxy Aces 342 with south lian Gracey winner over Rn star on Guilloylc lu mound duel rounds Elizabeth St Victor Col BA sonol llr and Mrs it Coi lair graduate 01 Barrio Onl loglate Institute completed llnal year at are for Liberal in Emma East with Osgoodc Hall law school OTHER EDITORS VIEWS SEX BIAS IN PENSIONS Montreal Gazette Grace Melinda ol the NDP is night to mndomthosexhiaswtddistiildlshou one the Ramada Pension Plan hanges Parliament to living are wel recommendations ol the 1970 report 01 the 0an com munion on the statue at women given some 01 Its workers the opportun ity to provide for more nancially se cure luturo through the Canada and Quebec plans lo neglect to do the same for some three drd one halt mil lion other workers In the home It con innore the weeniial nature It Is equally slimnelui dies whllb mans remains 31 Commission noteduiat Canada has the same alter the death 01 his wile fnRPRiziiuo THE NEWS ftNew Era Oi Uncertainty lvly tlon ol leadership =crisis oi leadership in this coun Eor Troubled Argentina PM BUCKLEY WAEIINGTON The deatb at yuan Domingo Peron charismatic and unpredictable prestdnit ol Argentina opens disdain amine ll he held Street ll Ontario Telephone 7166537 Second Clan till Esttlnn Pluiber MM Return postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory ilolldlrs excepted SMMIou rules daily in earrl weekly slim year ly gle copirl 15c ny mull nnmmm yearly Simone 00 yearly Balance it camdn $2900 yearly All Whinlrieo new yearly item throw oil mm yearly al Advertlrmg Ollicesi ti st West Toronto low1710 Gllhcnrtst lib Illerknher oi the Canadian Press hith Bureau oi Clitillls thocanadlan Preu Is cxcluy Ilily entitled to the use tor so Publication at all ani dispatch this aper crele to it or The soc bled Press or Router sad also the local news publish td therein lholiarrtn Examiner claims In all original ldeh lil and editorial materill cre lied by its cmnlnycea Ind ro Produced tn thlv newspaper Cerium licglslinllnu Num her mils register at new area at uncertainty lor his pcmiiilalip troibluicoimlry llaylng emerged barer your ego lrom seven years oi increasingly impooular military rule Argentina has been dc prlvod now at the llgure who cicn during it years ol exile Inuenced and shaped hcr pail tics lor nearly three decades babel Peron ulyeIrold tor mcr dancer who was General Pcrons choice or vicepresi dent in elections iait Septem ber has unneeded animati caily to the Argentine pml denw Politically lncnxrlcnced Mrs ierdn sled tearlully Monday in lr onds and adver inrles to calm their personal passions ond help her lullli the mission whldi God and Perau gave me GETS ARMY SUPPORT Ill Iciins and at date liter Pernus plmlcal condition de teriorated she had been sup ported during the weekend by almoit all at Argentinas any paralo lillcnl inc and by he armed nrrrs iliil ihe Initial lecllrig Inmo Lnlln AMlill special liLi here one the death oi the loyearold Peron was llial Mn Perona rule might prove to be briel potential scenario as seen lrom Washington is lor the Pcronlst coalition to illi iniegrnte sooner or later Into the troouanIy hnsllle ltilmll whose only unllying lnrte has been Peron himsell Aloienl lien would then be tor hiss Peron to step down it md or new presidential elec tions to be called alter con Illunlonally mandated period pt 90 days Analogica were being drawn hero with the recent situation in Pram Alter the death oi GIullIit president George Pmldou the Gaulllsta lound themselves shut out at llnal eonteit that brought Valery Glseard dEstalng to the prcrldency The Gaulllrls still hold mainsx lty In the National Assembly but their cohalon may but shartllvcd Similarly while the Peronlsla milled hopescent vole behind their lender In the presidential elections list tail and control the Argentine congrua lliere ll distinct likelihood that new elections lor president would bring out nonPemnlst candl dates lotto Since his return irom exile year ago Juan Peron had to contend Increasingly wllti strikes politicallymounted kidnappings and disillusion Tho dlillluilnn wns ltlolnlt llmng the loll wind who ra senled Pcrons courting oi eon Immtlve labor and business circles and NI accommodations with the armed iorocs Iinbcl Peron has been mostly closely ldnnlllled with the can Iervniiio will 0i tho Peronlsl movement and is unlikely to hold the lcltlsu support without noticeable change direc tinn it the Argentine political illu Illnn delcrlnraiei drnilinii tutti lry the armed one can not be ruled out Dear Sir Canadians who are bewildered by political pledges who Ire stormswed try theories and pl positionsell of which appear ontladidory ol we unotherl Dear Sir makeka otlintoDuckworih Indlllakesunetsn wnlsiowuallleto HE LOVES ME it Lot55 ME mom league junior championship lnr second your Find Ea es scored four goals Philip Marchl don allowed only two hits as Penetang North mooe baseball Doug Ramsay and Archie Thompson got the hits tier hort Hotsggf Jennings pitched for Bar cy WW n3 LETTERS TO EDITOR Willlfoie Well Join the granp Nurmrous Canadians every election canwelgn wade labor lowly through him ol politi cal programming via the tube glare It brlmly advertised markers and besitantly receive Where Do Other Leaders Stand On Question Oi The Monarchy Do you rank the many try The leaders our tour lod eral parties are intelligent and exceptionally able men The list ol Canadas reseurc cs should include the oilIlly ol our political leaders 1hny will be uitldiod the camel continues And so they should be But leie not lose light at our good lortuurs In having thorn in chooia Im on in the beginning at this elec tion emoaltn one ol our ont arlo dollles ltd with very Ibiu editorial on CanadII ques quote in Pitll There is no $400 Month To Woo Satan Dear sr The Chllwn Marxists have beenlvm Worn month to pair suo Ir ldlllilcs in Granada motility to Mr Dieleitnker in The Examiner ot June 27 Are we not Godless aloud without paying sm to middle in lo Sulun As tar as lm concerned we are crowding llcvelatloni inn clone or mmlnri terminiU diam is STUART BURll Donald Stmct That is well stated because lu Communist nations there to only one name on every ballot with no lrsodorn ct choice lnesc tour ahlI men must state their position In relation to our constitutional monarchy Freedom under democratic monarchy ls dear to the hearts ol the Ornadian people lbeilevo that Robert saniieid and Real Canuelie stand honor ably and loyalty on this princi pie at Canadas mouamltv ORCHARD Parkhili Ontario THE PICK OF PUNCH Wmiileruuiuiunmnu now 12 Ynu mm li sum sveh Iun win Irbmumss think wouldnt nilnd iiino hypothondrieql ForThe PClIlY Which Deceived Least tiara II that Like child Iii no hear Ire pavnrdsea pro mises and punish Disregardlng any political ai million there are dellnltc ladies which have bwomo stan dard and to say the lead hora The innuibeut dam his limited tuner and reason with main Imiraey cures lor tumnrrow while the opposing candidate candidly reveals the lnahllltlts ol the hmunbent re Issuring It the same time the solution lies within his pditlcal in lor one am constantly bai find to tlink that the liilral leaders and their co ensues know everything that noth litg to wrong or thatthey have the only true answer and that Wtng tor them will solve the pmblun in ihe near future How olieu do we hear my or candidate state blanlly that he does not know or admit to the validity at the opponmts thesis As voters we are not occur tomnd in suds outrighthenesiy We take lotgranted that as politician hols Intelligent how lelklbie and input ll this dis him is In wboII or part true then why the net disagreement and the non Wmvenssei Aw lies not In the dermatc process as there Is no better in the world but in the ethic at Its maulgemenl Soonluyetilteatmoikw he will vote tor the party whidi he decdvod me the least IVLWELL WHITE libreilng iNVlTE LETTERS The Examiner luvltu con trthullona to It ktten to ill Editor column letters should bl restricted to 300 ll 00 Words Ill they must be signed 01 the will not be published Writers should in elude their Iddrusu and lele phnua numbers pen nu he used ll quested BIBLE THOUGHT For Ihuo Isane God Ind one mediator beiwcen nod and Jun ill rnau Chrllt Jesus aimolay 15 God use many at Ills people as avenues to reach Illm in be null oi others but remember there is only one advocate and we must come In His time Jis us said it ye shall ask any llining in my name will do IVIouv Will NewRich Naons is secreting out at tram Ia nil industry hIs largely And In Iliad them where gig In With period into the lu lure inn Ia mating the mom to term at until power status More an the dilute or the Brazilian dimlydothesanaei The lranlInl under their Itml Ind dictIloilIi shah will try and do it in commtleual lor ellile by made about the bin and inert modern uiiltnry eiubliahrneni in lhe Middle East no link already will on thewsytodolnsthlulihesr lier wichasci us well Is presust om iron the Finch and Americans Them IN Iboul 500 Brllish Centurian tnnh or him in the YOUR at ii gii be vim potential that did his lather belcnhim Q6 IthI rclItlons IittLlho ilou cl the nation in the mild Brazil and Iran have basic Illy my poor population in large areas at their territorlen lbo populItlm explosion II rampant In both thlnI spoon to have controlled her enormous mlilm growth but lacks the spread bl technology rim is annulment to and doxleall In size in term at people vii they have mm with tile It the equlunent hllllbld in 01 West which could still lerI her the leader into new zen iury Inns dillmni InIy oi nations may play It super potrer BUSINESS Exports The Key To UK Recovery VINCENT EGAN Where and Conrqu mm nomad Nm sent BritainCanadas dam lad instrumenuxlstlllItdgiue entind secoudhui 1914 with distinctly bella eoov dew Hilde igniting lots at inn ou to the mum at was wing to milieu British gross domestle pinched by Is naich as tour per ml this year Latest ligtxes show however that tho threedn wickhid aided in midd lied in production decline ol 35 per cent In Use lust quarter bit nine months ol the yes in wild to take the Now the rt are looking lot hall im pmvement gmt to whine net gain at as per cent In hillyear Wit prod Tho uncut strength at the nrlllsh economy ls largely on export trade over seas sales were ahead 45 per taint oven in the rst quarter Ind are Med lo rmlnlatn that rats at growth lining the lhli pound sterling has re malmd put lrIctloa at mil raider iLi oiliciel enhango role QUEENS PARK Session Ends 3140 US Tom PIm WWW Must ln the laudou oliice at Canadas wood Dd dies these masons tor an Moon in timing zianh reluctance to risk large lpmilailvo positions Im have taken their toll over the pail year Demand lor sterling mm petrolaan mules both to pay or munch aside oil nudism whim Iro minted in British cum Ind to nance anteater activities in the North Sea underwater olllleldr 6terltu guarsntees Ind It tractlve iiierest rates which have encouraged may even seas bolden oi the pound to maintain their millions Large Barodollar borrow ing by the British government and various nubile bodies which haw helpod to malmaln olIleial resents nl sumo mil lion It the end at my inl thnusia down iron million year earlier lions ol England amt tor the bound when all else talk one other explanation lor hascdstnrlinga strength in relation to the us dollar oasd be the new in the Mar itsell The US had $717 million rude ddicit in May Although prospects lor the United Kingdom are six nliiomtly better today than they were all months Igo tho improvement is only retailie IuUsual Shambles DON ONEARN Queens PIIk Bureau Thouinn News service TORONTO The session ended in the usial shambles Ouldthelartadiaausthe niunbcia were at their desks tor same 15 following bitter on position complaints am the gnvmmmt was putting on pressure play and towing lcgls atlon trough at the last pos rlble moment this at course is situation which now has been going on so any that ils dillltult to get very excited about it Erpcricnce and no lily hero but us ml parliaments seems to ludicatrt hat there usually is llSlmllluli crushperhaps through the islet that houses at desernblv trill in he dismicy in scheduling their business and also thut members tun be Cf in their debuting panic lnIiy in it early stages when there seem to be lots at time lnr cverythlng ROWDY REDELLIOUE ilowem whatever the rea rsxi or whether right or wrong it was almost certainly lilting that this 51111111 sitting ended in glitmfltsi er tin lldd ninth at shambles character in the first place It was the mdlest sitting we have seen in long lime The hardest working manner wu ly in Spectra lion Reukr who was in continuous ballie to keep order And then the legislation which took up by lar the most time oi the house was the had specula tlon tax And not much needs to be said clout it it you have been residing about the legislature at all oil know that the argument went on intermin ably and that the government looked my poorly on the tax It waxed sloveniyllisprc pared and lot oi the lime in roam though Revenue Mints tar Arthur ilecn who piloted the bill was not guilty at tha in iuillngtl gain lore were Important bills such II the Guaranteed Annual laconic measure im provements in the Vorkmens Oxnpamtlon payments and viiiloos regional government mm which were brought down at the lint moment and which it seemed mild have been presented earlier Turn ol course the hnulto Is Elly giant Ihtill llirnilgh 1ltu lg in nine ol business log over tor the lIll