at um um VISUAL JULY II rm HE nousrncrm cur Ontario Cup Play Returns 011 Weekend g3 ii rxrruuinuz if 33 it mood nine Bl lie the Winkle In with rock Jenner due up three bite Ind Don cm at week nuns Scott We no toes Ind Pumll euro cub mm plldted ll ln lhe om mm is 12 go an rm mmmrurrn nu rte In once um latte thle runny hi rlrI on It tu wporrt in nu 5qu $9224 SaxIvy mu amour tourm ML Id OW at Old Red Sal lllmung Irld be valid one mgerhr mmwmnnuda Outt cellon linemen loan or dry Ilu In the Dude MUM MI max $53 war out the leIrne re lured Itdr the mutant nmlwl if Gttlmdm uld Tell Iaoowlrrtale to nme pmvln rm mbdbhx III ebImpdon More the mm Wm een mouth Ibout an CIut It onurur mum at Ivy he lhelr dlmood Berri Ind Dlttrld III wu lnxoodllnoe Indthey rIn TIdell leerue hm been pretty well on Ichooulei retell lo turnoutle Io Ilf What will heppen tn the Red thlImm Soxtwruomcotoettyelrlruw They Ion the Sort lourno hum IIooI the dlumnd IltuI eecoodin live is tritiumoi The Red 60 who run one ot the beet toumIntente In Out plus gr lay lletli term In hooded out 11a 79th were runneer lo thIlr mOntIrlo Nmtenr Irlorruynoteven be MIMI Amelnllon tnumrnent to pin Saskatchewan ilies Argonauts nyrnz CANADIANPILDSG Mervin itldm mow inkIlla ter the Argon lot lunble LInwtormardiedIlwlttdm ummwxmnumd mt lnnln wt Burk Minor hereu mod Wddhmm dinmtoeteummmde nth lulu In llurunh hum ln tnek Ilthdx tIollhIrIln Wandmmlm BIrrIe Elmvale Doortrwnc Elmvnlo Ilnrdrmll mm from behind um mum on Mm llatel 104 In Ber rte end Dietrld Meier FISbIll lenqu In LIrnvoln Muehrnln opined the Icorm In the bottom ol the on by Doug Dame lltll tllllImI and and error leaving Chuek Jordan on base tlwerer Clnrhm urn back In Unmet lltelecom With rune on three bite and pi olmvnle errors with dem Fred CUM Bill hlldlmd and llrlun Shane hm nomad tor the llotrlmcn the Merchant mulrtd tm lent In the bottom at tho third DARRIE LEGION MIDLAND NOVICE BATTLE FOR BALL AT EASTVIEW ARENA BMLA Novices Win Tie In Hurania League Play Dd nestqu amnion we tutu med both Stave hill leads the ear Gray Downs Clarkson 104 goIlI ILAIIU ml Dill Ilene tun ooh exit whlo Jaini etod tho KW with HnMnQnm Ila 5mm lode Pmnltloe proved ally the Eultiow emu II Danie Ip glon novteon bullied to drew nuns 99 It mm In the Incond pIr nave up mar goal in lilldlurtd tied the Tho him dub Church lhru unearned helped We Rome lo urry WK Newmurket Wednerdey nlrht In the tint um 91 tho BIrrlI Ind Dimlet Senlar Sottbull Ilue double bender nte hlobllomm struck rst In the Min til the tint lillg Mm My lleCInn led ott It SAW MBRWIDAT MC IVI eIn um Bob Mltm than on mm my when Tar Gillen lot on bare on In lotle 9W Church Icored Iraln In the Wallwrn Qualilres bottnm nl the third when WIlton In Junior Playoll blue on In error utt oil then mred an triple GIlr mum at Barrio quart 11 ti MM vlmtfr ol the GUlen yGlllen completed the and cumin Doll AmelItlon Inootlng mind at II It Bmle Ioortnn oomlnn tune on Neumnrhet rrrvr leevtnl Jim Country 0M1 merrily Each with re DInIy wt Bufre on bun Thu Nanmute club we held croft Allnndnlo sou cub Stove mm at mun mg by Charlie Miller In mother Nwmku OOMRINNIDY IIIIlllenloer nmen at eeomd but In Ibh to get omit amt amt Kennedy led the Dine man Ill bur at lnkevlewl men lrLtI In lone time It but pltebrr red rm to xix htr Itrutk out on batten md walked one Dumps Newmarket 31 Itoelm until the lap at the sixth hen utien made Ntlsen tutor lodnttwuhIIlnuIthInIeored on triple by Due Case NewmIrtrl hedonlyone lnnlux nth two nrnrm on bIIe In tram church error how our the lurlm put arty tlve mourn on here dunn the rev lin No Idmrod to third on Ine bitan ttmm at but plus walk Bil Melts wm the priming tchor dim up our bltI IL none and Itrtklnl out ve Navrntntet batten Mb dophnn look In its lot It Noumrnteti llo IVI up tourqu ms mind me nod Itnrek It am batten LINEHDOREAX 000 not It tta 000 pitcherPreoltoz lav endophnn out cum wr due Han NIInurkot Mon Bentonwell Wins Bentonwell construction but DInlorth RIdlo Ltd um day him In llmle hlone Rte redlanIl ruthll 91 It Inc Morrison PIrk majoolamyel squad umd Ill Ibe rune weary in the top at the man mum In homer by John Johnrlon Dmlorth error Ind trnle by winning pitcher Mike nun Ilv more rum in Live itme the Told link was the MM Ml mult tor Ewell mill then Mu tn tour times It hIl tile giving up two hiLr to Dnnlortn mi out It Dantonh hal lmndwrlkedmntntbem minim mutt imam took the tan toe Danloeth litinn up elm hltr er AN EXAMINER wm AD ram mun tut RYNARIJ In an Football more for am In sum Mannalt who Mle men um mun em lam SA in mli now am SOLD Elmvrno completed the we Lihin the bdlonln ol the mats mt arm um Ion we eyed Pall Jorden rearing Lou Deloourt Denim ln Du rough The Bar muul Elli Willllml elm the truck out one wumgmm in Elmvnlo Muir tralhed um and it our nvo II 1M Tm times at but mu rm and Enhtwouileit am am mu In In sum hm tor torn 1b Arzoe Ibo tried Sonno wwwmuuu Tuunmn wen rl in hl Certs It Wad wptwunkugnutdxum Buitlilaildpilynrtve Ion batten walking Tour Ind In It nt Oueool Pm Ind Ind Goo Hornet Zmon An tMnr uv tour Nu peterAmino Sporll It hurt Op and an Dan hlIltorb ttIrted tor Clnrk ttmlst dub It Mo It Queenl N18 Ilnn In Md Ecol Optimists Tie Nottawa 22 ND tor IMVWWIL mate Dptlmlr Club mum the tllth to complete the NottI mu garter DI the ot wwanrv um Mm out came mm behind to tie We WI mm Comets Fireghters Tie 88 Hendl 1n mkwinwi WWW aruur uonnoN mm the mm out if unystoulmheritcomdon hlt crud IlInI homer NorthCentrIl On tIrlo to Ilngle by Orry Atkinson while boy In Hecklerwnebomooeold Waived mm erI choice Wk woe 5mm man has came Rob Gamer BIrrlo towed mun the bottom the twin with the manic MOI mm WIIdmn tinrte It It mu runs by Dwyer and For eonro htldnol Bun It col ill mm mu bolt um llnnwod end will soruntln ol erIDoIdr tl torln tum lnthlbIrttemWon MWM ltnnlt ol hunka lAkee Wu forth until the top ol the rev mm Wm enth tunlnn when Wollenden hit omtorn Drillta two tuvmn burner to pin the cane Down Owen Sand oronor KNUDSONS Goll Tips Publlahel Blmm Nrrttt anuluu Cmemurn Once ImDmTumerzaLoItme Fem Petroleum and Inn Mistral battled to Ito Wednoeday drht In Dorrie htenr lteoreutkml luthnll lII nun Ietlon It hleo NllilOIl Perk Comm held In 51 load um into the bottom the Iovontn truth but Ive up In unearned run to tie the mm II Ted vaer moored tor Hallm eel IhI Comet opened the mt lu In the top ol It Ian lnnlm uhou our Wollmden got on base on In error Idmrood on mrtllco by flow Amor than eoomt Iboo nnm NH MIMI mnverted Ill three Wu Ind htdad Md roll Ind um for 59 12mm me but with run In the bottom at the arm Joli FIhey pitted tor the Ounete Mn up nine hit while Steve Barney tor the Firelmtt or 5m to Ill Ml cumy lend Electric Wednesday mm in at 0mm Innem Barrie and Didilet Halte Fnrt wqoirumumiiminxiuii Mm wtrnmnuytn Alum Vanni rtnctn earlier in the gum Dtck DIV Mitchlmon Mame lilo klcred Ilnno tor TONIDIII BASEBAth lilrril UZW IM zeta It Dollar 101an more It mow Indians pm hlld land SOCCER Puree Dru It llltlmt IleplIero It Wontied Cod rhlton It Eleelo St limiter termy mo Nut Illlll wIlit Nottnwa lead token no lend dull0 by the lxan at the luurib mt rumor rm Cltetlow ring Dari Ream Kenn pkerl up two hit dur ing the Karine In epoi Gtellewt Don mum mm In lon wa Ii VInlAetrwen in the bottom II er nlllhluNIubSlvnmthullh Although It In helplul to be unruly ttt when the all Ion Ian bonlnr no amount ot lon Klnl thmmlnn or like will propun you to Irwin not am The best wny to woo up your wrlete Ind em ll to Wed eitth You on More weighted hold oawr or told Ilnl lhel Illpo We tha Itult ol molyorrrwodeme wold elm ll preter sum not Int91 unuu exerelree holdlnr the club with the lnu three Innere of lelt hand lllurtrrted It bulk up the rut Ind torelrm To tone up the builder Ind Imam In the violated II you nuuld rIxulIr mood Keep in It Ind you wlll NORTH Ind club Don min keyWm out with mltted club REBAR MESII WIDIATI oluvm IIIII mmmru REINFORCINO STEEL BARB Attertre Illll WELDED WIRE MESH AIth mun roe STAIMAN STEEL LTD II we InIn mu armto Phone 72601 GORD JACKSON For Service On DATSUN CHRYSLER PRODUCTS OTOYOTA herer Lumber ttrIdlvrd BL lInlr My Tu Ilunmln tlul emu It 110 pm MHHALLI Tire Repair in mm Burris Ind Drtvorln run Queonllz PeterMm Spam It 13min Optima Club 530 pm mmer Town It 0m Lvertlhle Toolr It Union pm III Ilorrlr we faced Pmoleum Cornell It ueenl llolcl Stilt pm MIC Morrison lenler Numerket Junior Iz ee Furniture pm It Mew Dalr It Brad Jurlnrv ll ND Drake INEWANDUSIEDIOAIS PuhllIhed Blame North Promnln comemtlvo Ame THANKFUL ITS SIRE SIGN Ala smt ALIVE oMo inockk PARTS in ATHYAKIouzrHDOLLAn STBECHER SERVICE LEASING PONTIAC ArIIIsmIn AZGaqd pooplavloidanlw 145trotoictsi Barrio 7264835 in PROTECT YOUR NEW CAR INVEITMENT VALIZING VltIllrlnr rd your ur from It complete rurt roolin nuIdI Ind out at Ill vu rIble mental ptlue ertrlrlor pItnt on pus rein mung wo lectou tor mu Ind Wary GurrIMeed corrosion pro Minn for to yeIrI Itlk ynnr IIlIIrnIn when ordertn on II It phone direct to Terry when SYMCO AUTOMOTIVE iNDUSTRlES l5 High St Dlrrle 1169191 45 SECONDS No hleuy JIolre Ne Ext Repair Needed tunable II BRUCE PEACOCK PETROLEUMS LTD 44 Dunlap St BIrrlI Mild7184219