Mg centre opened rob II Ind mm by mining during II Therm look Ibnut Immmmmnm meIlnInlllIMdoto rtzto pm My tree In over Elmo Mon to mammogram mmmhm found Use For Chain Saw After Lightning Hits Tree Some pertouhre Ilill recov utI thIt would may lrorn one BIrriII Iong lcluepbom tht rnIllg Ihllplgllltm noted most Isoleol armour John Mum oi Ir storms Nomi night with re Them 81 said her husband oltoppl trrestrlIvIIIan un now rnslco we at tho cruv NEWS Til MFRll EXAMINEle THURSDAY JULY ll TIPFunded boyCare Centre plies Month To Go On Its Grant tbo rumor Am Core to centre healed the 0th el bum NW hay rece val no word Iboul rum augments lo dIyuro centre me by Carol Dill dchIrI educr tor pith Action Inlormtion lhttded or local lrrlttotlva Pro rant tottum more maidtbuoperuluttnm ll Vary We Ind tint It timed out week pa mu It rum in nu to our tlnm It the IItuIllon Inna rm shotstood dont hate whet were plug to do ebIIn given him Ior nth Irn DI tn tront or their borne on Illot the III we I3 mi not bll HI told rturonclo cIlle II to lite linen Al It Inch ladlqu ol mile all mu hnntnuyl led new knputm Iveefrdsn wullnfllrrb My alerted ullog In asltdren limit mm Nelle From Humidity Fridayy iCooler Temperatures Forecast sometrliellrnmthoho mld Whether at the MAIN flaw II emectctl Trldoy mallzreal cells or more Lur eI Int or special avzllhectlnnrol how mperltnr Jo egm mu jig Wmtrht low will Efgy31 70 Hip Friday In Inndon yllImIlton Pe xgou Luke Erie LIII In Lek Onllrlo it twat thorn mimic adj vitality rider 9mm gr In some redone It will the our eds Ind 1a llumto mu dunno ol uhower ll murmtty re lto to todI till wrtn tn We all our 70 our =aasaaazsssss=aassa= Kahxzzsssssaaazraaaa 8333 QNETURNS On Dorrie on CIIVII TV JULY brought to you by 1th munlcloggrl savings loan mm to tax 147 ll oumoy 51 ml writ ONIAIIO tron rutmo Member Canada DIpcIit lmvrom Commits nonnde mammarth rtud wunot our red mat ttmnuu not ruehlnl til tlround Clrareti By Police Man Fined $150 Km is narrower tr oi Isadora or II gala orlverI lining our yeur Ilter pleodtng lull lodl my ngrrouI driving Wed In IlurII nrovlnclel mun mice oiIIIIi lumen Hm board It plm Aprl to tn 30 mm Atmmdtely ulo 20 vim who Jamie II ovulveo In collision IIIIr IqueIllng tlm we those Ihlarn Pm Par lltY extmm will ANYONE FOUND USING TllE NADA MANPOWER CENTRE FOR DE REWARDED WITH Mao CONTACT ll sliding Ibout In no tree Qliullh tw Ind dothled over Ind lire Oodbn not It homI durtnl Ihlmlbzfll urlr Ion SlIVIn rs hId to pair bud to get lights In lb tree struck In outdoor Long lin Wm IIld wrap day tht the tree look bout pp Bob Aleundrr IsslrtInI ll Elm Cobll TV the storm unused llIUI tinn rod low blow Iuer Ire buried Ibout Ineher can be platted W1Wlw chlly when new tree roots hot cIn conduct the power It $361321 aims nld lrllolr murrmce other In brm pIIIned ol television IrtI thtt wok not turn all during llto thIt backhand In Mldldmlllllnll mmmumrre be Barrie Marv rub III Win tor the mom 11mm ms on W100 been met Mr Spartan IIid the Itu dents Id be In hurts ne day vilt Illdinnd on Friday moon Saturday be back In Bum Sundv ma on Ind you NlIgIrI MI on do lllnndIy The womens uberItIon book bus lett Barrie Wrdoudny an Iv Iller twodIy ItIy on Don Buntnessor Hit mm mm it Faces Two Charges lnlvo Push oz oi pollxed menu Judith Quidut at Iddrm wen expected to lm H57 16 end boo Wm II uin Iald they uvod lot the muturv Ind mu Id In III parts It with no centriOnt In Burt llmlrlcial court 1hnI day olutgod with two mu or The mm mm on In htvaklnl Ind entulng out the Igl Minnie Elihu autumn tIrin mirtliudrilllldubiulb gfd 3be mgmt Ind er curse mm tttmtm Ivnllnblu to tms anionII llll Dunedin an cm ml Pm wmr gs 1M abouwldmbo mode IveliIbIe to mm mm lg nd we tell the need wn Polco nu ebout us Ill dimes nmm mtslten from the quldrorrut brick was tbmu tinder ll rial mo II Jill nihlutltiiluwtdrir 9W9 09 um Ibortt III MD ex ye Momentary unoo art dmlrgr oarIatnwhumu wstit Inc IttI the nu mums Liberated Bus Visits Barrie Worm Ilb ried Em Ilia but tsrrled muterIIl thIt to motion on durlnrthe III mdurlllhllunms II written by or Ibeut CInIdlIn lmt at lnl Julitltl Ibout our contra day cm VD Crxudlm hIItory In ml Ir law and poutlu The litrrI hm travelled mum then return to Mon to In reeleck their lmterill 19y rerun most at their run enrol rm nomens bookie Esme Ave Toronto but WM we luvrt Klldtemr Wuterloofvwggolt SanIla IIImIllnn modal Allure and Sioullslllr Ind Will mtch tlo trIlyenburm bruo unrvl Mlm 11 Sound me Idrool bur ul with Mr meter nuqu wille Ild all vent In but too loop the book prie Eur minimum also IIId No worldn no In worklnl El To Opporttntier of youth OYFI grunt tor the summer but plIrI 10 TD 28 CRAWLERLOADERS SPECIAL SALES RENTALS Imd winter my will lot re Wm untm In cum um no trbu ma prune amt pm updating The Ilrt wII soon broom un der control by the plutts Iprlnk lTWm Ind nulntenrnu rommo tom an million or In Ind Can ado criticised the three political portion deoTrllarotr you they hm minted em miles All nIturII re man the ledrni nation commi Illtl the New Demou wumy II the only one to Mmmmm tn the urn wk IItlcrI leIder nitbngumzcnbl 0r Irrrooe policy on in mm Volley pipeline be Mr lnIIIIIIy mmk In December um It lmed with Ubenl polio to go WI It oomle WI mind the he ml ot It In rm mm mm on IIMIIEa The longed Ikid mun mdm on Mlle mad Were n30 loot Ion md to name In toto Published By Ilmree North Promuln Commit Ame STUDENTS Will writ ten CanadoMunpowerCenlre for Students 40 Owen Sl Barrie cm 7264240 or 7264241 Canada Manpower Centre llrlllrilii enlre do alndoouvre du Canada MIlMawn It lnlmlprelton on UNIO 742 NVILL ill PM MRI all their unclelunlltuullb Httttltt llllllllllltllilllillll that swimstnt isloo ll ght here nd too loose them you say the old goll gamesmt what it you used to teach the green in COME ON friend Pi live it upilrm lt uptone lt SPA llAlill 7262112 lurkirl Equip Anti ITOUFFVILLI RD KENNE egos nun mum line NIrtI ConsIll lune FORKLIFTS MASTS coolers LOADERJACKHOES Used 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