rm Mum Exme mnu rm rm Ni TOP TEN Two Shutouts IRed so Tourney hi Two Ties BaiiToumamonts LIn Iitom Play ForLocallans Iy EARL LOFIY HASKIM GILLlNDLii uni Id Mal limII Sox but Eyeball Tmt Slim Tum have and to wait ItIrh goo 21 Sat mhv Sunny Ind Manny It Ill sun all Etch learn is ruminant In mus nth it loser in lb mm into the Cu Kliltron uric Ind in ledhoyilin the not For people Inn be pleucd to the rumors to In EXme by Ihc only Iorrrld Ernie llmr Baseball mnr Al ullnalrd tum hundrth vbcn begm Idlon 13st dez night at at mile chms look to Are allrrrm parlu Lrw the my HIE HAWAII Martian ImuIl lulhcll ourmmenl ll rchalukd for Monday Elm vIle Some at the ten learnt lhlougboat lb Irrl will be Ii lcmpizg to erane the C31 rlru rhllmpm Lokellevr Dairy Wt tllellrIrII ml Billch Sen Itr limit GARY CALVERT i211 be In hit1 canmdn local hall lea gun and walnuts or wpport ltl Lil Annual Alldzrl 1V HIP Situt The iacIiIlqJM Is riled grcol dunno to do mlly well llll strum hclttnl the Itzlunr ultra or III vol and llrnry Am 111 lppsorllo led the round to victory in tht illCilh Imrvlamcrlt lost Incl 10 Till BAIIHIE liemItionII lions lutni Iclue hr ni nIdy rcceivod twelve oi their lppcccd lwrniytwr ram tor Mir Inml Turmmlmt Mich gm ncll wrckctll July stir and till It thrown Sh Ind tiIc llorrim lanJ bo lul cntrlrn hue hem roccilttl mm In teams In Richmond NHL on rum DriIIII onc rum Ilc lrl nlsfll league and tour lrml Ide out Imus Tho aniline is June 30th The lmguo expects to know the um rl wines by tho at at the neck Tenn express Irtu tome lrnnl Imgum In Fain Ax Comm until end lnnlIlil The train nwid opprcdme call lrom any turns the Vu prs noun lmduc may Il Ia be Intrmtrd out lchlrer It mom II tournimrnt rnnvtm It Thttr ibllmambt draw mohair pmIIIPiw hoo ty oungc onnoln Spring Emeryldl willdoddl phat teams will med ull nl tJrrln Ind location oi the bi IlrIt ram games tour131m Icarus team are urged to bow only one team reprcImIUvI 3ch rent due to bmiled route In move to curbioose ilIII gmdo mm hieuchcr mo in league within in helme ch the umplrtl Io crock down on nrle uuurcommtr Oro Moulds Fueiiers Edge Town 32 In Final Inning Oro llouldl YeIIIrI noted run bin ll at lh lov rliill Turrbe nilil to File town 11 In Barrio lions ltrc rnrtnznl lnlbrtllloagno play It shut PIrll Town opened thc Icorlng In 1h tort or the not Inning whcn no Barley Iingml In ilon Ila will hon aidcd II run In in OD Ill Iillrl Mien stave Militia worm Glen turmoil with has Inl ilowcvrr Ora will back In the Milan ol the Illh Milil tun rum Minn Clill linrtlll rin To Manage California ANNIELl All tlrll Wil Ilrrml Mil led Oakland NA In victory to the lost two World Sula II IcIvln hIs rxllo trpm bnlcholl next tondav to mow Ive Oalllotril Align oceans lhs arm win so lrcmcndmu didnt turn It do Williams agreed Immio wth Illc Angrls Iltroujl the 1717 American urgu reason Ior vhnt II btiibicd to ho at least 00900 year no Inc reeds Bobby Winkle Ilrcd Ilcr Thnrrdny Is the Anpcll 30 ll llnwlshod In the Worm vision basement lz Bnrrlr Cambrldre mako armll rprllitnllm from The lawn hu suspended llrl Mauln In It tin mum one lor two arm Ind mod or tiller The urava bu uteri tho dud thIt loom our esrrnulbetIkro Lotmprovetbc labor at realmuni harsh out too league loelr lentils tidal Gary Tiny um We Kl tho will Wm cl the Inclr lrbloh in been built Elma the tar leopards it It type bl bdmlor it Illow at to baritone We have lulled union to the trim but Illl not beIIlIII to use otrider meth odl would the Iltnitlon out im Dfovr Its Itch mitt lh tlrst time gIrno had to be Intro to IIIm Ind lhI gum called Itlrr Iix mug are to mirror human ol the mains lhm IImI worn Alan on how out II mull The next IIIuItIon like this will cause much more IEY to on beboil at the ex mcutlvr cozllo continued norlr Il lorrlrorl Prk ml wrr In complete Ill but the nvomn It the blacker duo Lin Hulleu Maths Thr dugout were used tor the tint llme on WLlncsday int OTIUJJA Terri Smor llockry Club lull Ind their lint bur lullul oi the Iemn low It be onto anm unitv Cll Tlv tertllrt will be one of three pllnllcd Ior thc luran rrmthl Arrlrtst recall DIWme that Club rmv be turret to II opcrIllonI due to tho luck ol Inder cIrno word pl Illll lmhcr complication In lhIt DWI Kolrhcr LbI piningconch ol lhe Torrien may leave to until tho Markham Iunlor rlub nrx moon The Drum prelu WII cxI peeled to It turns Irom Dril llimll lord Nnmce Ind Whitby lhil mam Almond Whitby hint to tho lands ol thingl Senior ilock ey ts starting to led the pinch Irorn nil tho exponslm In Pro tellonIl hoary The blmst prdncm tho Imor tlrcdt scum to mntor is lILl oi linmcv cl mid from lack pl support The OrtlIiI learn or crawls Ith tho IraMl with tnoom dollrlt aunt mIIn tIlnlng one ol the top mm II the league the tumour lull II that ll 0r llllI crates operations the Tar rlo Pryrd prme holdorI ol ll AIlIrl 0wme III or byo into Iho nip plant In the MI nla FlyrrI would the oprrlto on exhibition Iomcr vllldl would be designod to condllon the plovus tor the run at tho Cop Appuvuy on crlry lrom Shor brmkc Qllchpc ullud Ihl I71 tun oil mc ully II Lhcy went all In capture tin Allan mp Icl In Glm lllclrrrdsm tor the llsellerl Ilrst rllll tvl morl Mlle utu gum when Pele shelawcll grounded on lulilixlt1 Jto won tho gnme In the bot tom oi tho mouth mm Mll mlxn mm to pl Dave Sholswll otl Lhrrtl Sheliwcll then maxi when llllrlln gt all hue on IleldorI rhotco unry Walker was the wlrvung ptchor giving up mm hits living up III Convertible Pools Convertible Pools Ihut out Dtlrllollll llldlo HI lllulltiy lonII FIILIJIII league ploy at line Morrison Gory Dixon opened tho Icar Ing lor convonlblo when he come hunt on Incrllne by Bob min In the bottom at the Iccond Inning unlrd doubled in tho Iinal run In Old bottom the third uhcn iillall Ilillz Nomi Trd Osborne WII the winning pitcher giving up he hlIIthlo Will Brawn look the loss nilh Glenn dumped bury utlh llcvm Tullrll Eric Allowmil and BNnt MacDon ohl scoring two goals JIquuos hllrernllt and Jtdll PIII mrr oomphInd Ibo Icorlng wrlll blo Slevoneon rnd hruco Clcrn lhrco goals catIt whllo Munin Leer ook tho hm Shuts Out DanlorthI night in Darrin lena llccrva rbutwu Ind no lie Im recorded In Burk Optlrm II Mirror Sorrrr Itorn dtvIko pity lhllrIdIy elm wrewolnmmto with Kevin Iermo trm Illt Gary 5le III Rlek Btu dim micI Kilerut mated Johzsm Street with Luce lirrruilon racing the Itark IhIn will Quin Ind Ricky Woodv Inl mot lwo god cam MTIile Pull Brian Cosmic tied to til lib Ii tone min to Wm mi Robbie Palm tor licoch Gnu ln tho our and gum Dth Blowmu swrcd onto or st blcnlue while Gary rvpllnl or St John VIInney In the other atom game AIIIrv all ildms dropped CodiInglon 61 11m Arvile pm dunno dIII Illck with no all while It Mom than it all Lilli ry Grog John on sud Stuart Ollirlztm Altai tingle goallt The AllIndJie Mam club It rumitly In lint plan In the atom tlivlllon nillr 11 wins one ttc am one last Mlnle St John lIInnry is ml with poilu Barrio Novices Trounce 11m limic llillor Lamm AlloclItion tum vent on soon In Thundly riot in llumln Minor lm Asso rlnlon Play Ill Emvlew Irv Overhud Door novlm troun in mile hadmStvlt 33 lll nob IIIlgIc martian belly Ind Jlml bnnlunu dllm mcr paring the mock with Doug Clrmmml and John Sur crlor now two goals mil whit lltrr Lmhrrt rum ed uronlolcaruou Inlay nlgllt lilrrro ilAM pee wccs downed Grindvlew 13 willie Ultra Dom dumped Bill Culimll Ti Bcnlomsll construction mid cu won by uoluul ovcr lllid um midgctl queens Trounces Firefighters 114 Gums llolcl mintrd l1rc Barrie llenI ilrmnllonul Four bnll caguc pilly It hillthiollir Oil lIrcllghlorl opened the INI In 11 the op ui Ith Irlt on In when Gerry Itnngpro hit Iwrun homer Thll lnIroItono Imrad Look lolcnd In he lot the sound when ch Dwycr mm on single by Unborn Queom come luck In the bot lbmol lhe third vvlth lo rune on tour him and tour liroslone errors The Ilnlclrllon templclcd Ich Icorlllg In the bottom oi the lollth on Inothcr Firdlghltr or ror Lead led the QueenI hitting wlIIt two each tlill llonkln Wits the winning pitcher Italic SClc nonnry toot ltd loss for lighlcrl Millionaires Win to Credit Union illillton Ilrcsedgrd hllnmlnp tI licd ncrtday night In exhlhlllorl loll ball action nl Shear Park The Illn lor Illr Millionaires exlcndl lhclr ulnnlng Itrrlk tn the Andy llruvming our the win hIII during the IovcnInnlng coll last The lilllonaiitl tolicllcd III hiu lv Drug Sheddcn ludlnl tho Iltlrk wllil lllrpe hill In Invcn PLAY Got at MONO lilrtc limes It bill Ill Irolmd the bores uhcn hr in mm In Itto early Ilrd thIgl rac by In and Orllitrl to our two party IIII SIM IIIIIIIIIIII um WI lo thlrd on no pllcll with luring tour goalI each Kcth Jocer IM Jutll Gray withd IlnIles IV Driveln battled lo pa little Bordon Ilvi with Rob lle Thursday Illghl Irl Onrrlo Ind District ilIlor ttlslbIIl IeIgnc ploy II QuocnI Put In when ltny illIroy lcd oll th rtn wllhIIlnlI Doll Kingllnrlt nnd ltm illc in tho rilnmplotuhlp round while ilng pitcher glvlns up our nos HocOAltnl tut 000 um CoOp Blanks Optimists 30 TERRY iJDlKLSON pitch lnuue Barrio woo rebounded Imus no out war lull on as lhl lost Wednesday to the tut mt batter glourdedoul place team In theBarrle Ind Dirtrict tlIIor FIsIball league that inning 000p dldnt get in tch mic 5km at more thus one runner on one C009 hl ed bIrrle Optlny In Ir Innlog Ill Glut bchnd the no hit it pson Ilmtk out It Opllrm pitching Terry Ilodgton th biltm Ind waitrd three llodgwn Mu but l9 with while lodng pltdlrr lllll birNthh lworun homer by lion iloz We no mm hltr walked luv Itlh In the helium DI the In Incl ltrudt oul IIICoop bIlI Inning err All the run um stored In lieu Iloggarth itd the ON llrtl with lola Bertram cl hllllrlg with lull hits ill Iolir mlng home on but hit by time II but while Thurloy Iod Ken Knnptoo to rumplcte the Paul smllh me he only Up scoring lInlIIt plchrI to get hill The Optimist curb nulogrd with the victory 00 min only An runner on base during bIck Into talc possusion ol lint the nine Inning cooch on three pluc Inllh 11 polnlr no Ihcnd walla tum hits Ind lleldcrl oi Clanuon llolrl choice 1thplimitll dropped lhclr Bill Thurlow IdVInccd IIIlitF mod gImc In rva in nnlngl mcy Inst ElliVII hienhaul wedleldny Illth giving up le And Ties PeterReina 233 Pelorilclno Sports Ind Ind bottom oi the Inning nlll two runs Ken ilnllncrrlwrl lrd all vllh wnlllthct crowd on In crror when slch KclmIrl doublcd Tho nut bullur lulled then And opened the Mr or by Brian lllcharllsoll to Ho tho score Both clubs were lNlCitsx In In in the lop at tho rst run IKclmnn would on Incrillce with limo he no it Anisod gotnon pm 02 In Inirvry Ihrll Paul Van Nisan scored both runners with triple and hrld Pctcrilcinu Icorclcrs until the bollcm ol the lottth Inning whorl PIuI OsI chuk mm on Ilnrlr by Guy Vorrod non we up lour hits lkcd and added run In the two and struck out 11 and lap ol the filth with Jollmy sNr IW hnlcrs tlnot two lnnlouot ho rnlnnlng contest Ind li gntc un tvm hits nnIkcl lhrcc Prtcrilclnu bIllcrs Ind Itmclr out seven Pctcriitlrlad iIync Moun Im on Icldlng rrror leaving Jollrcy led the killing during IIrlIn Wine on llrrl however the porno with two hits In hm lIIIrllolno com back In lh Ilmcl ill but lumennmwndayntzhtlnIBanie Hosts llnnuai 7iiSide Tournament Thlrlylvo teams will Iralllo Saturday In the annual limit Iluglyy Football Club SclcnA Side Tournament oi the Radio Sllrlch Icltls Buyvlrw nlld Ultlo Ivcnucl Enllm hole boon rccclvcd from across onlarlo and Tram Ann AMT Illicit Ind TrInrb Ion New Jersey Cam In the doubleknottth tournament nlll start It to run Ind continue through the lav to npproximllrly mo pm The Formal Spring llrcwcry Trophy will no lho wltlrllttt lentlt round and the SJulhvlerrn distrch lldr mission charge Comets Deleat Brass Iind Glenn Peacock Pclrulellrn Camel went on Icorlng Apr Thurs day night to dump llrnss and Ichn in in Barrie lirnI llc rrcullonul loslball longttc ploy It Shelli Pork nolh cilth ltni through In liitchm Is the Comets Iwrcd Illv mm on till hlls In the top It tho Ilrst innan rn run on ulna hit in arc mood ll tor lintkch and A15 pitch mud rnlh Inning thrce lor lirass 100K ONLY $439500 InIIIIII your 16 IT Swimming Pool Comp wIIIt FIII tile and HIrd Bottom All the scoring burst in the money lnvitxtlonrl Bucbnil bent Ont Hts clubs Irons Ill Snulh Sim Eyeball VIII bo Win in tloo to Lhe inst Red 50 ivy Or morn Bram but lledxm I14 061111 Mann Iiil beIpIIy loumnmrat ilmlmv not 50 Alhictlu Am Atbklirl Thom dzla Annll VMM Semv tun Tmmscth Gm Glut tumnxlon Smor limos Cor urm mi Tupperlllle Ht Tocurmdl club VIl the Illucx 00me league champion in town ml toume or miter Ed lllmierl cxpeclr lbo Green tqu to prmide Itrvng compuldon Ploy ttom Iturdw mom Eight the up midget loll hIll tram In Dallrlo Ill be counting Saturday In tho bob rte Optinlst mImldgct tw nomcnt Barrio optimist Cub midgets will bu hosting the tournament SiesSor Wins First Game 5103M owl Frzi inllrmm mm In It III III Inle illnlrhrd oll Ills llrst lull ol the Dario on Drlrlcl leon DI Soccer lchohlin lvth It Out lclory WedneIdIy night dump ln Ajax 52 to odlo octon Bose Borden truism Dullcrlll llnlells Junior BI rdgcd Notional ion 24 Sarlans Oldlrncr Mimi llalln all Am tn ilolcl dcleolo Army Navy Air Fun 52 At the and of tho Hm hall tilc Willie litre Dada IV in llrst plrcll with Arncrlcan non ltcltrc pilrhlllg or lhc linrrlc lllC Iroth got to the honor or the consolation sptxitli Italrc ol the day will be It Ibnvsldo mulch be ltvcen Npltstnluihc lerlrll ol the Toronto and District league Onlnrlo Illlpsy Union It II IIItcd lo IIIrt ul approximately pm Thu lIIrrIo nloierl llowm ion Stave ttlnlr Ind lev Shook thI boon Iocclcd Io lhc Toronto and The public Is Invich lo nllrnd tho lournomtzlt Thcre II no adv rrorl slung urnss Itnrllng pitch cr iiklit Buchanan or home run eMil In the mud timing to bring In lion Jhurloblls lo Clinicboll gule III hunter Io Carnot rollol pillchor Grcg loltmdon In the top ol thp IllI Crl Parker Clmcron and Ed Coddrunl illiti Ihrre hIlI each or the MIch while Charirbols lintcl second uhlclt iln pm to with the tint Optimist Club Hosts Midgets Tecumseh 3W Mm III WIth It max rlyno ing scbetlulal It loud pIIy Ilth manor play Ing Ilenkell Il Dorrie Id Cop llnnI Ignian With It ivy Each turn guaranteed It lens too puss uh loser In the tint mnl dropping No mnIIIJon mind The tourmncot who Illl road mo while the nmewb will rt mo in tho mnlollm mmmllgdt Ible mediumop Iill tote ham 11s chlmpwostdos I111 be plIyed Manda Ilium Ii the Him Ind Int to be wuidercd le writes or their own mot Tou norrls sound which pin in the Barrie and Dillrid Molar FIslbIIl league Ion thI 5de tournament lIst Icel IPIIy mm It Irn It QueenI Ind sheIr hrlu with Aldcruood phyla IIunlIvIlIe It chnI and ilTUoIdIII Goirkn tirIrI IgIInst JordIn StItlon It glean Optimist The club plIyI Guelph It 1030 run It QueenI while wulwdule PondeMI mcett 5cle Daolorlb GIrdcns It shear Tho consolation chmqloruhlp will be played It Queer PM It arm lttth the chmvlposblp game 150 pm TENDR LEAVES CANADA Garnet Broom member at tho Clnsrlroi 0pm Compu tor ll ylln will IolnthI Home Germ Cmvonv In Snllrrrltnrl Ind tenor for minimum two year this Auxnsc nonnonunenr Ihaa 35 nus khkbhhl CENTENNIAI PLYMDUII CHRISTI 1111 LTD For ServlrIe On All CHRYSLER PRODUCTS SpeellllxIlrl Forolpn cm Including ODIIIvn Toyoll OMIde use out DIAGNOSTIC CLINIC Coil 7269393 CENTENNIAL rmtotml mnvmn 1m LTD loo lrIdlord Sh Imi Open mm Ihllrldly Illl pm Code Ire he lolluvllng POSSESSION III it Every one who pos Irms Iells or purchaser any eleolrurmcnclic Icoustlc mo chzmchI or other demo or my component lhereol knowing thIt lhs dulrn lhcreol rcndcrs It orimnrlly mint ior surrtDtIlLlllA inlcmeption or print commo nlccllons ll guilty at in Indict able oiicncc Ind llIblc to In prlsonmclll for tho yurs lit StthcIon II docs not apply lo at polite oliiccr pr polite tonslublc In Wulltlon device or component describ In Iubxrttion III In llll courxc oi his tmnloymcnt Iuch dcvlco or comment lor tho porous oi lllilIK It il on Intcmptlon made or to be rnndo In Imrdrnco with an Iuthorlmtlon In other Jenin ol lltr hlIlesty In right at in ItiIllll Form In poslenlon ol lurthrlevlco or nomooncnt In the coum oi hs dutch II IuchtIIn olrrr serum or mmlhbr II the rate may be mad Id my other liclslhl In mu itslan Null Liler nr romooncnt under the author Ily at llmnrc Issued by tho Solicitor GenorIl ol CInIdI LICENNING Il llmnco lulml lnr Ihr purpose oi pornmnh It ldt may mnillln llrh terms nrnl tomlillonl rellttnc tn tho puss salon rule or erlihlc nt drum or tontnonrni slwrhod In Iuhsrotlnn It the Bollcllor GcnrrII at Canada may pro lcribo it on possess dollco rolt Iorr to In Iulylcrllun I76 Ill you will bu rullly oi IlII oil lint device on or tiller Iuan lo lDll nnlcsl you have oblnlncd Ilcrncc II you Irs not run whether device In your pollution lI prohibited you may wish to ob loin private lele Illva on the mIIter Applications tor it coco lo poorest tlevlre Ilmuld be made to Tho Commlulonor The Protection ol Prinz Act which III lot pmon ill pollution ol add or member oi the can once It you retain polsculon oi THE PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACI LVTEIICEPTION Ill Every one vim by mum ol In elcotromagnttlc Iconsllc mochonlurl or other device wIIllIlly Intercepts pris vItc communchllon is guilty at In lndrloble ollrnrc Ind liable to imprisonment Ior livo yem ti subsection it does not Iwa to II person who III the cons lent to Intercept express or lmpllcd ol the originator ol the prlvtllr communication or ol the person llLmdrd hy the IoIrlgrlnlor them to motto II person Im Intercepts prIVIto comnnxrlnollon in Ic conlnnco with In Iuthorlm tion or any parlor who In good lIltIl Iids In Irly way perman ho has remn Ible and probable ground to bcIIevI II ncllng villi Iny Inch Iuthvrlullon to person cmgcd In lam lldlng telephone telengph or other communication III vlco to the public who Intro cIcpts prlelo communch on III such Interception Is lttmsn or tho purpose prva lng such lcrvlco ii In the course of Icrvlce observing or random moni lorlnI necessary or the purpose oI mechInicIl or service quality mntml chub or ill rl Inch lnlcrcoptlon ls ncccrsIry to protect the penonl rl ts or property directly re ltd to prov In such service or at an olllwr or smart oi llcr llnlcsly In rim nl Oun ndI In amt at prlvato tomrmmlcol Inlcrceptod by him In the wane ll random monitoring but it necessIrl lncldrntIl to rIdlo Ir den Ipetinlm mmgcrncnt GI nods It More llluln commun chlion il orl noted by more IhIn one tron or II lntendrd by tho glnalor them to be rocclved by morn than one per son oonsmt to the Inlercep tlotl them by any one ol Inch porwno ll ldlllcent tor the putpom Monograph It It Iulmdlon tillllll Ind out Iccllon 11 red by PullIntent tun nayInert on TIXIIIOIE ll int tilrciiIll June so rm Among tho Imcndmrlll bet the Art mllIrs to In ulmlIIl DISOWSURE nun tn here print communIoItIon hII born Inleb ceptod by mun ol Inclrctro trundle Icolsllc rncclznnlul or other dcvln nlthout It too Ient express or Irrlpllcd ol originator thereol ol the ootl lntrndrd by originator thereol to receive It every who ulthout the exprus coll unt ol the orlzlnslor thercol at tthperson Intmded by orlglnotor lhorcol Io rcccivo wilfully uxrs or discloch Iurh print connmnlcotlon or part lhrml or the substance meaning or purport thrrtol ill NW Pill thereof or bl duclcscl the rxlslmu lhcrrql is gullly at on IndicthIo ollmp and liable to Imprlipnmont luv yours DEFLNillONS in his Purl uthurlullon moans In Inll nation to lnlcmpt IlI communication given der mlloo in or Illwa lion inlllII rlerlromlgnrllc Icollltlr ebulul or other Hula means any device or npnlm tus that Is mod or pabll oi bring uml Io lnlcrccpt prltnto lotlillilliiolll does not Include hearing used to correct subnornul hearing ot the user to not ter tun normal hearing lnlerbl Inchdos llslon mold or Icqulro twinnin lcluon or more tho IIInco mwnln vr WM thrrool Prolrctlott til ury Act II tliilbil ItI pl to IIIII from CIIIdI bootlwa or br from lurvrmlion CIIIIII Illl KIA 96 Copies It mm Cumin Illauntrd Full 200 All VIIII Drile Dillll KIA mu lltlnlrlry oi tho lonelier 0mm ol Cull GOLF lINllS I2 Milo oll Hwy II on Hwy 93 lulwun DIIIIon Ind Crown Hill For InlormIIlon PHONE 7267106 Wilch for Ih OpenlnpOIIOtlr Showroom SIMCOE POOL CENTRE For All Your Pool NIIdI