Iuehudeummrr Barrie layeetles Celebrele 13lh Anniversary of Club TM Burl Judd nlebnled llluhNnumIptI rm no Janelle In In In llny lo Ill JIM mero Ion watery In mm ll eeel Immmmmw Mm mullu Jam Id will bellnrmenl Ind lawn All when mm mm mm lonrdl lam Oblealm VIM mmem In an mum let you Ilmenury peoecdm Ind lilo lrIInlna mmumdmm Irmv mm rheacoal max ml mot Abu Io Lb Illhey mm Ind INNLRNDERS In Mlul who madam lumenmaml Incnr arable Id mmmuabr the Men lead Inn Mull Ind urdknl Ilu llama In pay Ilka III mung Mm to II 505 la la KM menl OI rub ubIn we 13 mm Su IIId Ibo nob n1 mamxlmwmmaumrnum pumJInebeId denunIOIIxemun Drug Addicts Become Most Devious Thieves mmnIMImnmmwueweuu be al whoaImages unummmluseuelm mu at lame hm Ibq uy Ml bomxnierzbl Id moe emulth lbokIIIoI my In IpltI cl nay MM Mal happy rub my Oendcnorcudl mm Wane rlom magmaInmmuen Mum MURDER new girl IblI crusadebeen nIIyonAprilIIlGeOrtlInIIIII lodunhnplnohldllo lb plane The Jumlllan II III undue louml ammmn lmuImL acne prom euwleled our IDKIMWMMVIWIMCIP nllIl Queen manual lloIl lor FIVE GENERITIONS WMKON on Ohio PARIS Ilrndylo WM week MI 500 Mm lo lhl dly law moro lhnn lul It IbLI conrmed lllo uhlbllm belle lb Fall lndm Illll lhI lonl bl lulllon mla wu Illa lIlII Salon SMI blnn 1m exhllvllOII erm every Wm Cmnl plus Norlb Ind Soulb Amer Ind IIIOIn who converged on reels vrllb Ibelr lIlnl Ind be elloru AIIIaurhImM ma hln you New WI about Iprlnx mull nnll maybe rurnmer dreu or lno PIrlI ol nmullyI II me new lhud InIl ulloklnl lrI lemunl lIll lo IIIm up youll love Perl lnllu nunmnnAMlIyolI look Imuhlnl III II III lb no hope or you lIIhlonvIlu mls mnlng Ilnlerl Ilylee In revolullonnryI Sollly llnllnllnl Very Iemlnlne IIluy enn IIIo be pron lun lllcy IN enslor lO wear lhIn lnshloru hnvo been In many mum They no nol however Idllle ol the JOI IOI 50s or Maude Gama ME llIrrunn bx Beverly mr LIndI Coder I1 Mn magnum Xena means In and or TALL COMM colon Perle II In llltluonl IIrlllnb There much IlIlI blue well II the dellule uncorle colon D1lef ehImpImeO ouch Inrlv eol mum OcnI Iloru wllh wlrm IndlIn red elrlhy brown blue Ind ymoor green 3b MW n03 mum av Nlllnlbuylpoklorlnl dl Mel when Illlzred round Ill IIIM lllh lul pock OlL wllh ll wlll go ran blouI In Ind whom rleoveleu up dlnnn SweIlorn bow Imulred bum Ibo enurI PIrll Wm looklI dellnllely bulkyInd IrI Nlu bkmed Ind belted 1th In Illd Tlllnklnl Ino IrI lhl wlnlIr love em arrla We hemllnu IIIV mm III IlIIl below Inn Ines but an In on down In mldltIll Io Inllolenrlh Vlch aver maul to you CASUAL WEAR Pnrlla dellnlloly hm been Il localcd lo Ibo chIL Ienllblo wnhlll lor barghwehmla mom or ol by mensely wlde Ilullerlnx Ind lure lrolu In crrpo volvrlI or Inlln mum hm Ind lem hiddenlllly lilo Gatsby Innu mod up evenohm ln lhe ll bIlnloI do bane qu In enormoul rIlIb lurb Im 11w IIlou collocllon IeIluM woerm IMO lop eoIlI roomy Menu 1n mIIeLusO VOI lor lnlormal dlnln oul Or boy leulnz noel very much part Ol llIo dullme odorIre Ind mo llmm non up on Ivenlnl CM IlOrI lbey Ire lulled cowboy booll ln Ioll lenlbm or Iuodo Ind loolo around Illa Innldu Dark IlOeIlnk Ire mull In dayllrne my green ml bmvm Ind Ibeer blIelI IlIlI Ire bIIller Iblnwor Ind mm In when vers lons 01 urban on hall bIII wllb lhlrk new lrloso lur bonnoll Ind Iunly mu over II dellnllely loll costume wllll llrnnles OI lllo IlIuslnn bIllOl Ind lho mow ylk IIIO nnrnnnlan poIIInl MO IIImo IIIO nlrllnl Iklrle ol llIO IIIIIyIn my Ibo ell Ol llII BIsquI apberd Ind lhe upe coal Ol llII lourlwblnd OOIclI man FABRIC UNI mmzn WOOL lacouard Imll enrdlnan loll II In bolls Ind boulequ wlllI eoordlnll Od do ellan blouse and Volvo eldrl from lenchy IIIY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE TIEleI Smlle if you think youre In shape FmFgv urnummww mummyulmmm jr The lebrlc Ilory ll mInythIp lend 111m Iro Ibo lweOdI llII lode lhv engoru lhI gem mar Iholllndn end cullmer benvy Ind llzhlwelxllllmlu Iool OIIIIIII In bold Or nIln IIIloll velwl Inr Moor II well II ndnoq ween Inlln IM tho Ink mom mo boullquo collecllnnr ol lho blmnw dulmrl nllee lbI nllded Idvnnlnro ol blabqulllly IlnIIbI wmnllmes lublla IlOlIll ol oul 610ml Illlell nnlur II Add to In Ilmdy hlnn yrce Thermalan rcIIlyvlonr lbw lnu curled wlln LInvln Ther mllll lerllol clllu mm In ehoolunr rnuled lwocde lanlt med wllll blouwn momma IN bile bolemlncxelr leII elr nIlnr lrlnged IhawL pllulolll Irnrls nln ulna ldeI eImI In Illk llld noo mp Ind In lod 1onlIunlyeIr well lowed pom ch wlll be worn Ilrnlghl Ind medlum wlde lllere were Ibo mInv up mil curled Oul lbe IIyered NEW VERSION lanlllh pally lcnnrnlly lull llII bool lbpll In lha drcu mllonl unwell verllon Ol Iho llllllwlx Iler llounln lull elnulnr Iklrl In the lun llne were Imup bl HWY drum In InlaIlIy lornl prlnu IIIII rmund worn vIllI lmIul booleOI 1n wlllle men or wulel palenl loelner GREY VELVET Illlrl Ind ml VIIIIl grey cm do chlm LII sun has Parade vulu lo Gm Put Home donnllone lnllnunllk enI All soclelyITo lean lhe MI IlorlluIllunl Relay Ind but Mb ntoumu mlmsnuma ILINIM um Roman Catholic male who not to marrlrd la Ibo IvanII Pbll prim Moe dlome ml llrsl be counselled an am can Ilol Imrdln Io In Order by bishop Anloulo Pbrlkh Yquu Love Paris In The Autumn com nm were Ilender culol lI skim worn Illb Ion bell 2d wllroolAn Ivorqu dren ln pdnlell mu III who llny WI lower on bake beek ground Iboed plenlod Illrl by lonr belltd my ILIII nOuarcn Them In lime In my ohm bod acme pile mu any Cu mu you Ian llryd lot In Pruldenl nmluu DeulJIInoIIIIIoMva lhIL Illmu employm easy ms lo chm Almosl Ill bol piLIIl he nmlully mansla Id harem am But no Mun II Inhale In Id In Irma lb clan dIlNemJndlhImdah In In well ben mu lbn realm OI pencnI exislrn re ll rill Imm oul Iny lo we them out An Luderl hr new In nmun mumn umber not ml ma letters In vrr wlum ERMA BOMBECK Son Changes Style T0 Cut0H Shorts Egg Inlwr eollnnn ebllllren from neuburuI In II 1513 ol Same when Ofltl ullzr Say belle lo lba bIbr sun Mel mm and Inn Show ulln yoan he hem my only 9mm Ill lneome an Jung mam lor momean IOI llluou mu 33 Iv rm mun Iel bad oor illsnonhuman mom Ind emel luv hours boll was due In It We on on In to Of My alum down led an enlllng me Illa My botherm Ind at Rhett1 Indnyl no Go on your lace and til In lbelr our end VIM We to lbs pane Ihln MI lo hild dill lo In the OM not loll merlI ll eInI xeluy no but III Io um eInl beam Inaom Inn low xelberod OllIhlmlder mom on Is huh VII loru Olrnlrhl luollnoe relo nzckllne lllee dlvorra lheo blOIuI II by Jean IIlou Plant Doctor Will Visit Your FailingHouse Plants TORONTO rl Ilrlnn My llnI dOIIIOd novel Ib lulon lnr worm nllh plml pmblomehol DlMI dodol Il your plIllIIIexllImn ll loll lnl BrlIn nlll mnkI homo roll ml Oller lXIKII DJITlCL III perlormn lrillyllllll IllpI ml WWII Mm 11w wycawld IIOIlIO Ol Vnne louver lull no degree Ind lml bolnnlsl be lull ronll ev mllllnu lulll Ilnll ll nlanl Realm ml NW IlO charm II an hour or emulllnllmr and may lake NONI In uprlllllrlIllnxlly Iloclled vIllh plIanlor Iveclnl IM III III be Imws 511 lm ll Inqmy III mld NI cllenll mOnly omenmen Illllo hll rmbnrrnued 05th lhnl plan be rolled nllh bedo IIMH ln Ibo bollorn or bellrr drelnuo and mm Inml nml ml Irma num mm mlxorl wllh lhe pol lIllrm Ioll lOr nod wIler Clllll Id llml ml water quulre mull vary from olInl lo plInI lll Wmlomrlly Ihfck llrmlng lllll obololrrohnrr llrlll Ine Imull Dell and Commlnl or III cnulluu Ihal II moral mlr ll dangerous In wuer plan mm Irv lnwyOrI doclorlp Pushes IllO Proleql Wives Ollllos ems CAIN Mule An new rablaml rnlnlxgler ban ll nu lrylrll Ia end Well bloslcm male In Inv Inoro men one Illa Ills AIIILI Rnleb mfrlsllf Ol welIl IllIlrI ll lrylnx lo yum mush drnll lIw lo prom women unlnn poly rm hurbnndv my an run our nlvu order II lemle law Mn nulch mly Imam III the mblnet emarlla Inel Ill IIIva be Oblainod balm Indro Ind lbnl wornIn be onLllled la dwer la hul band ll be mania mld llmo MunIla lI rlsky my new lor Eupllnn women and IM lull Ml Immer um lrmpmluru roar Io IN Ile is III null mam lor IIIme An Emma hlebnanJIn llmos anonO lbw dlvoroo Ila enn Ilsa millle lM wllo Innrrlts Imlher man IMES IIIIIJ ClllTlCIl Mrs Ilnleb has lead ro lenlleu crlllelstn ol her vlwn bu the blll hm luplred kl ler lo Ibo nenmupern Mm numen declallnn Mr poll Some llbmlrnlnded men Ibo wnnl more IOuIllly or wlvei Supporters on Incl by mu dou mm owl lln Koran whlch emollndnen mnnI unlerlorlly Ilwy reply Illnl lhe KOrnn only we run Ill mm In runnlna lImlly IIIIlm Ind no In all new Manually women have men Imnd elm lo men In Ellvrl and Mn llbleh II II lemllnrd la Id lhu In lrulluellm ol dirme by row III In lhI mlnde ol onme mam more Iname ll do allow respect or wnrnenn d1 llyI worldly In mmlry many women rleem me now cnblml ml err The weekly lleI rm nmr llolo AYouuel uld munled mum III In con mnl our OI drone WIT ro FILE IUII LONDON Inellerl VIUHII Ilun TennlI wlll le llbmllv llon lIwMIIl Iollowlllxl the ban rIlne MIINICIII Jlmrny Corn no and IlullrIllIn Evome loolwwa lrnm reoml mpean lmlrmmenl becnuro lhev um momberl OI lbO VIT II we Inoan sundny Wll rcmmluloner George McCall lolIl new mnlerenu III leum Illll deelJnl lo rue mlor Jnek Kramer anon Unlon malor lournnmenl Inmsor CuIIMII Ill lloolI not banned lmn lhe Bench Ind unllan clumrllon Some nna llkI ll bul ma Iblp bmmo lhey were mm mm MIMI blolWITI gumnmloelmolan fm Wm um look Il IL mo Tobin mud lhal lbm um mom money In loom mow MI tail In In bo made Inlespemn Ind my all the MIMI Nan ho mu Juli hum ln Ill all and Id do my hm were III men Ind Illey leveled and In bum or It dlwm bl Illa under More my box 14 gran II In In manual lam hw by Inylnz llno damn WM 11 rlved bot lieem lo Iell real laud vmfl vdr Km hall mm mom mule rmly on llw lob Wllh ma OIIIll wholl Sho nexl quallllerl or her hm ILISED IN TRUE CASE mmlor Murray Ilarllowllr Illu Chman Illo own plumlIuII llclJoanl tllm pawl comlnmlnlum Imrlmenl Ind on the controveran blown homo on Ibo leko ln nearby Ml murder me well ml ItsO derided IO any ham neatly IN llntd dmm 00m be nrd And cvmlng Bar IhIm llul lhry new or Ibmk In on Ilaen they uneel midcbtod el they I61 Youngest Woman To Become Broker nesl IimuI lo Inbool IIan parlllme II Not all same rm reeepllonlsl In ml In IlrmI ll didnt me me long lo Illel they kept Illelr own bourl Iald IIIIII merevu TOO Ialesmm tho Olllee nl me when uld wInled lo eslIlo and roll house Ibo keeI lloeneo borrowed money mmlzo Il Mll unlru III bur rmuIerInd In UkrIl nlm Ml Union Ind bOImnl Mnlor Really ud MI men and Ilmnllbepeoplalwukla IIV OI loLI ol Onlbullum lb moan who IIINEd In nee II recepllo IIlell It 10 when the became bored llh whoa Sbn IlIrled II NAMRX movdmlrl dedded lhrrO wII o9 lullrre in belnz clerk or lNltIlly Ind aned ICOm IOII eyeglnIII SlngeVlnlon 5233 mm mm allow am We manly II on ol lhe mum wmen In mum to ComolnlOKlng OnlleIl pass Ibo real eIlnlI hrvkrn dlICDVQlIMOUIIIandInD mum Ind on her own bus VIluoIIn prlcnquIllly Ind Illecllon Tnelowpllco lulu mmIr menu In Includes branches at Ilelor Really IIdI choleeoloshnmnlylul am In the Illumrh mu Ihapoundcoloun coke 0M In MIN Ml Iyauypmcllpllunlnwhllo rose oramn lonm one you placemonl mlrnnlyegnlnsl burlle yourchnieo Olcaulrom wldo snlocllon or bolllo OI IquIIII clennlnq solullon bllocalsln KHYPIOK FLATTOPor ULTEX IMM Lalcsl mod Ind mllll II II or OnlysloIOO mo Lawn nrlcu On IpnclIIl Ollomoxllml Charnux Incepled K1 90 IIIIIHI III COMPANY PEIER smear SOUIH ORILIIA ONTARIO PILONE 3152501 l00 BOX FRENCH FRIES gt III III OZ 0F TASTY SALAD Wllh Every Burkol or BIIrOl of Our Dellelous Chicken FRI SAT SUN ONLY AT OUR BARRIE STORES