ii Eige iii its Nmuhmsfod Miwmmm Mudmiuxilho Ivrlnintdmmcrviis Ientral Collegiate Band Leaves Today For Europe surmrn run in um prior About um Minen Illntl annual Band yupoo rcqulred to licence the sun to board lllxitt irom Ior trip onto to Amsterdam this utters to start sweek IAtrgt opens tour which will Include Wisede In the World lluslc ASIIVII It merit Nether Ihs mpetltinn is hold cvrry tour yssrA And the Central Col lele Band relurnlnr lo de tend Ill lint plnu limo wlllt Fiumlan AllArd which It won 711Izntylttml students no guts and bqu Alonr wlth qnduil nhAprrnrtes II he mum lhI lrrp ll hand has rslsed hsl bi the Approximate RB COMMANDER Colw II Middnlm lldll hall ml rm Armed Forces Item agnndlliuy radium I03 RA Vottnlngxdlntm EAdycince Advusu polls tor the July It IedcrAi election will he held from In to run Sutur duy June on and Monday July 1w itsrrle voters living In went and and two Ind 0m Township rurldcnts vollnl In the Advlm polls willcAtI Ihrlr Itallult nt Adtsnc poll numhcr iAt Si MIIII utml on Winston Alter vlsltlnz AnulcrdAm the band lrntcJ Io Apeldoorn Ilolv land whcu they will play concert or pccple IlcAeu Ier Ihatrottcert hm AlreAdy been sold out The performers sill he htilet rtl for two anItll with Apeldo nrn rrIIdrnll some at whom will Irnvci to Burris In July put of Wish adult mls ed choir Prom Apeldonm the band will tour through Germany le Munltri and then luv to im ernr Ibtlllllltd when they Will play Another concert st the 31mm Wampum an ax or one motile pelt IE glil All start and mu turneran In the maximum IItIh 0d RM 1301i In IIiirrle tutors llvinr In three And our and Vesprs In Ahip rellcntn mills In the Ad vnnrn pnllA ulll uolonl odvnn to roll lumber two uhlch ls Al tto netted dist Marys school lltI Iew remaining IIArrlc vot ers who live In the month all tip at the oily whirls II Karmer conreit hell The tour then swlnn through Germany vls bar ettd then to Kerirrsde In Ilcllnnd or the World Music iestlyAl AppmxImAtely 30 em Alrur mmchi uqu And bends lrorn All over the world still pertorm In the lurksAde oom petltlw The Ccntui mllerlstc BAnd bu been prectlsln herd tor the competition where It will JibllAnce III Its rst Then It will play stiller min or Scenes from the II III second ntArdser de pendtnl won shirts Is nomlnsb ed by olilclAlA At the contest dietm ere Oarxteln hil It re Mk II It Veer DUII Election In the Adusnce pelt At Sifwd Conurtunlty IlAIl inntAIII Township residents liv Inl north at the nth concession road will also vote In the Ad mar vnnre poll At thA Stroud Corn inunlty Iisll Those Ilrtnz south tad thumb mneesslon will be this to title In the Advmcs pull At the heme ol willtArn Acres tn tbAiorkSinmrtdinxmtlwdo Ohtltcllllla E2 it tit 73 it is 33E is mi Mbu Ilme IhutrI hIA Ist beat lobeIII nruvrwledvxhlnn unstabl Inolted At It Aid Pcr rI slid 11b committee lull 0000 ll token contribution WI it balding bIckvrIrvd but lminrdnyw bend my Are Expected On Wednesday theres little to lock IWAM In In the ucsiber torrent or Burris And Am um dime ls vetted In Mill with Aun combined wills eoal lerwmtures And Altrmoen shame to must tar weds nudity th overn ht low still be In tree nuts wblb angels Womudey will In 10 II AM In hnl cty merit RAW In purchrsl two puAln an llinIA Ave 1ny went ponds About It 113th mm III In the rcmmlioc Ieli every businesA timid ry Inr that 0000 levy In or imperlsl Ineltn he nonIIn and salad mAu IWW nor in wars Mound by Aid titramt on Aid emuy rounded liens lru In the moth do pay Iot purian because It is lnrhxini the Nut Reckless Taunt Bolshoi Dancers M33 Elli1 sort ment swim Jew dormtrt Ind builds the charts Cam IInndsy rtlnht II the hotshot DAM opened Iixthblzbt run lnllds some hatter taunted drum IrlnA KnlpnhnvA And Ilillthnl VIIlthllinV during their Iomlnuts pas de dair WIL shout till JWIII the hecklm Allttd 1M mum cheered II tun timers Itr canyin on with their Memento he the beckllnl The dcrmrulrstlnn outside the theatre wsA orunlwd by Womm Inr Soviet Jewry the IIbe III tin Today mtm Wed 7a to 70 7a 10 65 70 70 70 70 70 70 75 70 70 70 70 7b 70 70 7d Gmldfnn 75 sassaeaacsaassssasaagc assaasnaaaaaaaaazaaaagz lamily 0i Iour Left Homeless TORONTO ICII An IltIt started when rooklns all on store hunt Inlrt nurses ilmtduy night kit Toronto woman And hrr three daughters homeless and iiestruycd everythlnr they get nothlrtr not even or dress end no Insur tutti lime Murphy di vor livtnx on mtth om Alter Murphy sAld her dll Icr Tummy was looking In is kitchen visen the ler heron Iurphy rushed drmtstalri en cd to beat out the lines with sheet lmIlI my Ann were so tired coulan do Any Itrlmbbt called the tin do pertinent but tlw oillodtilttt de strvytd the trains Imus width Itrt Ithnrlty redecorated and lurnliiwi when she timed IWO Will 50 Tincine section ni Nstinnai Council at Jewttb hem And the Group cl Wecantell In yourcar riding its little rougher than It used to Railway tracke feel little biggcr7 Potholes Iocl like carryonal Maybe ydurchcck absorbcrnara Shot At Speedy we can tell you for sure In ve minutes And it you need new at shock absorbers woll Inatall them yo COuncil Supports Request To Hike Tex Arrears Rate AIch nid Increulns Inn at detail mntinues the pally Ior nonpayment pl Md PAuI Wessenxer Ind Ald midpai property tun would ti ittorrim mend motion bill people with low ml the llnAnce mnmittcos re mIztetyMaldbcueIfI cndstion be cleted truth coo rrportlocwncthude annulment er omen Totsm Incomes pen Iind It AblpolPtttsbtnphA mohstlon rr dittlculi to My In AAid queetlnlttbe WIIDCIII Koren Aid merit tc ImmedlAtei Mulder Amending Irlllllllml Incmts its Added hlrb Interest In the Interest penAIty Inr nonuly tuttldJlso odd In InIIAtlcnsry sent or loses In mlmmt oi pressures tun per cent per month ipr As Ald Morrison aid with the mum THY Mllllll EXAMINER Man JUNE Is EncouradedWiihsSiale Oi WageNcgoIiationsWith Nurses IOIIONIO OP Iiealth Trronlo lllll Pnritl snld hosplr minister ank Iltller AAld IAIA In Toronto Are belnr ierccd niondac be Is mourned by lactose down bcds Ind urn en the current AtAte ncrotIAtlonI the sinus becruse oi Itch oi between representatives at the nursl AIII provinces hospILIll Ind Ilia thirmliierltldlha problem Is tumult protrusion unsonni iisny nurm In intr IIc told the legislaturehc II mi women who worked put usle to no solution to the time And look the summer oil were dleutI Ind lIld he ch0 to be with their cblldrcn both Aides ere tslklnl In nod Itnnsttille spokesmen lor gm Ind ArA new In stile numl IIsocIAllcns At the 0lt cw Gnsrni Ilospltsi And the Ii nld hr Ins helrd no otelt AlexPickering iiospltal culled Atde lhrcnis rpm the nurses on members itlcpdey to Irlvel IIh ltllilnr batting lg to Toronto In sunan bl nlury ml sn or ntherLnin when Amestot direuu on And brushed all my day ration thAt then criticAI min at Mm In the prnv IIIY EXAMINER WANT ADS Dr hirrlon shuimnn INDP PIIONI norm lllheniitsshorbae youforsurewhatvoumav 11188 WWI WELD BTRIEEBAPHE 7265511 prints Interest rAt Al Amunds in per cent and Ihnvcurrcbt pmlty at one per wlintIr est per month the city would be mor thAn le to recover lis MORE IPZCUMNRJ AtorA An in It Ald le Archer thaw bornewuerw IOII In In Iner to show will Aid Ibompw municipalities should Am Interestth thAn AM David lemont Iltb Aid Archer Aid rnnnt Id people with money In mor Ibis to tail sdvntm ol thou poopl IIlllttl behind IIn plylnl IAch thIlAmstmdsAnusrd Aid uld he could cl but Attend Rm AA 50 IN had In Arrea who Aida Writers Aid Wesselu not hirnish stA lot oi rpcuulntors sued to be In rreArs But be Addrd with the plnliu ol the Lend Spear lAlIon Act tum And lower rpls culstun would be In ArrsArI in Iuture It would be IM Imlll homeowner Arthur sAId Ihs mm people by tsr gawer Ines IbAn Ihosc be ere not hurting Anyan need the money Aid Itcbcrt Iientley slid Ii the Interest rAIo charred by the municipality Is lower than IhI banlr In the cornpsnles might use the city II bunk rAther thus buan It bsnltl Aid Itoss Stephens committee chairmen Add the resolution In Ileslble because the imxinuxnrle up to In par train 010 Ilntncc rslitvteei In the uslial Speedy mansion Fast and efficiently It It feels little utrange pulllng Into muffler hoptohaveyourchockabsoibcre chocko eedy getovarltinajiily Just because your mullfllera quslui doesnt gt moanyoucnnt on on bod someboay dyoull