JUN 24 1915 WV AP Britntn mad minor tut an ab no Prim Lriiizr llx $1 sllsed million lioum ol mum tuba IAsIuncroN um sue wwiilm more no mhmtlrd ion disptie mu ucrct mm in Udtod mutt nsallo icy eir donut under the Mr Itrntelic mm llrrttotion mi iii ho rtlonod ll lie aim the matter todayilntxn ho brim the mats control subcom Franoo Has No Warrant Reason To Arrest Cross Kidnappers PARIS Rutter No Quo bsc lrparetlsis who kidnapped irritlsit dkylomat Jamel Cmu tour yam arehots mired in tho IntInch capital and police hm ralditodry they haw no reason to arrest thorn Ironhim Cubonceau and lacquer lgociot who nrre io Iolvrl In tho Orors hdhapolnx la MohtmL urrllod born from mmmotpggk along lhlih pa ct Woman mid nc mung hitting it the 9mm armed dcn Nixons MW mission rm thin writ iio Also shed nltd on it to me ooom The qurstion nm hired pub lir by Semixr llenry when Dom VrLshJ tho subronr mitce ohsimm otttt rmmcd mourn adviser Poul Niim navo tho Wm am But no hm no international arrest warrant concerning thrm and ihorciom no reason to hold thorn Tho spokesman declined any other torment Cartoons ti and hamlet 29 both mom at tho uobec mention Front HQ kid mppol mm in October mil and naked for $500000 ransom tho relrnso oi imprisoned Fm muner Ind othtr conditiqu mebirrntnrttlod of locum nu thd doner minlstmlm has mixed the mwmgltcsibe Sovirt and picnic coo Nit with 0mm hintng or rm tr cold no Mm dittf with Friday with the Senate mood oerlire committee that ow rrnst ho Sottrm mprxud that murmlmllnlhodh rcpt4rd lkdslon 0o pc tho Sovth MW Ionhound muslin Inhile low cnng tho Us ltwl and soon Nto you to mmi thenmkt Unkm militant misstio Elbe mm for mom posts hm mrzldmd potmitoi iamdrm Unitu tho harms Jockson paid lhc edition um um bx llte Smarts and tumor tor tho Amrricnm lookout who ins how tooth in attic cl lbo adminis trntionu drums policy with tho Satin Uolm valltd fmlhtf both tin iolorrnoiion which in mi mice WNW Pml Thursday laid iho emlmux Mnlhuhme mummumm indictable T5 MoreBOmbS lull no1 moronian new mumbr booou gm rum um uuz bomb AxtrAhmedPIklsianlih mm later or dorm and torrim Loin sold today No it will plutonium or 17 ouch milmrdbom ilo In speaking dud main or tho mantle train Amotlmvu aike or clear Mhrmlosr 232 if uuuoo Wilsm or also ondtb with If US it Moi with Ildtodh indoorqu ht ms trim no 333 MW rrr said In or mlnuten coolmote in this mllon lotionlnl Mfr rm lorle Arab GuerrilldSI To Continue Fight Dr Till ASSOCIATED FILESS Tho Fdilrthn Ubemtlm mm lPLDi szd of brill lid Syria mutepttmrd punt hut that it will minors tolmtllmo lm mlemmt came the Who Immunity the GM lidlrhlr mmwm Ihh onl the win at glam US Delayed Israeli Aid Book Says hurled by Israel in the early day oi tho rm Middle East KLsslngcr rm Tito author any the Protozoa Goman Texas drilling ton tractor dcldlcd at limo when 13ml was mating lrom the Anti alLtcl hoping to avoid further v5 alienation ol liar Arab Iiolrs The mount oi Us in rolwmont in tho 1973 war is contained in Kissinger which by ms correspondent ltlnryln Ind Barnard Kalb Iin rxcorpt in errhnnxo or his mind ANAt COMMAN to tho nod on in mm it mimmn urns Parson no mo and mm from momma on can ta my lsoudthqm ars but MIMI isuirlntcd in tin mkiilow Timon Sunday malarino AMP unit loaned the color may tu tho Mode For WASHINGTON AP Unlird States Dolmen Sure tary James Schlesinger mined rendinz plotted and tank boll war now mm oi Henry or am norm It Mom dum om rimring or the hit Ind his deputy Viilihm wisnmoron AP Unilul Sloloa Sunnmo Court ruptured today decision on rqsdmt Nixons quest or ibeoIhionce ninth led lid crul Imam lury to rum him on on unlmllrtcd romplrntor in the timid political caplmr ago The court drlrrnd notion un til when it hit airtmlnx oohahml on Nixonl claim ol orectrtim prlillere tor toms and downmt worried in con oortloo with tho siplcmbor trial oi palm Wed ot trying to cover up the 1m hreahin at Dammit party headquarters in the Watergate Moihlin hm ADDISADADA AP Eur loom Milan killed But mdhwthoul amishetvuidnt mm tiymmtd from rmtnM NJ hid napprd tiny with tho butch d1 Int mm lhoy thinan tumult Inlto hor mm but has hem in but oil graham nlh hor huxiaorrl Igt Asmam mm thry run thrwgh the mash solo release Km tut The WWW mo Dqtzhnh Mammy MartiIt rhmml III who acme o1 than door In mum uni atomic MAI ll Mint mar Mord oncoming own 37 as momma uplme tesuin tho loouuhithobtuthdru him in Britains nurlur de Ltbor mmng do THEYRE orr AND Momma umbbduwnlohom Decision By Court Postponed Orrllixon Request For Evidence In mum lilo with the our lost work tho pmldmtn tmnrcril towmould oi mrhknual contranations mod Jury nimtrs and antib m$m oihrrurgaierldieorlnl on mod on lhoy the Inked that the ori dcnto he rmde part or the mood tho wurt niil mldtr in lo NiW1 ltratetom to orgasm Nixon dalm oi ex mtivo nrlvllcxo tor the tapes omho privilege tor the taper and dotunoutx nlonz with the question at nhothrr Mom mad jury had the outlrori in name on incumbent pm at II cocoospirator rm pmvince Eritrea Sie reputed in Emil instill dot motto th him and hits Stkkn horrory 5i tour on Armicon Bronzed col lillsimi inle in In one Willy committal by tho ELF mm Arm Sikkwth uid 25 mum irom hum thd local the Wrens hit to why tklr Epitome hr the tiling harmed Soiunltry io itrr usuxlalt in tho Sodct otlnkmatlonai hllosiom In mlhmoltzllbd Mrs Dodzbarhu Mend laid Utmtion ELI1 mud madamrm Attrr um lrs Dirrtrborli AIM no rm ml to mm an we Momm utmootttlu mwmtmhw mommowmv mum WmomumAMym Mcmmm tit Zambia LUSAKA the oil tactic EMA QueenMo Kidnappd Nurse Was Killed Becausoller Shoes lell Oli gt NROXIO NB return illan mont reported oorroIion on rm AVlV in the lilddln iooktdbylM told eater coppenplvdixln to llr topper prim prioooioillnntalkwoni menial Cowl ot the lotus ol the oi tlvan and orlviood tho Amtrlno Socialist meroth slim mo wintry lhth pmldont tints um Second World War Posters Claim Massacre Deaths PEhjlhG mumNow null parlors mom in Pairing to dry sonny that mm than too Her have tiled in nusaums in mutt yttrs in kiloor routhuarizm hlantsi province gt ihor Begms Visrt Tuesday here Monday but it nlil be lowkey ntta iirst tri to Camila in mo in tho Iprnp oi that your chin country citmed ihormrim upmitriliy tor tho our oi Gram VI and his young wile it Wu the lust North Amrrl on Visit or ruling British sovereign Most Tax Relums lire Processed UiMlVA icmAhmi per cent of individual tlalmo hth llsto Day oitur range work during the provincial holiday Middle East Forces Start Voting CPlOonadilra mm with the Uolttdhiiiorn today nlth nun men tmrn Oahu to the Golan Helm co tlut they hm born ovrrf Wes Immin alno aunts to El animal mum dmtlsxin une mm the hrrxia tut nit Armin Marti Wilson Anna trout Ho it in hora mntomuupl indu Emmi new was to inst non clearly1 to Wilt iurrru ill do ulna nuclear deltamt in aroma onlymrlttrdtoNA Hm Wants Copper PriceFixing Zambia HimPremier hialoza horn or Zambia to suit thclr wo conditions Arrth Kiwisrhtarrrr wtm com Mother turn have but today limo public holldm you clot Bust started otln poiltldem bark council adapt Kirchschiaogor Austrian Presidentv lorrlm ranlxIer in bun rlccied tho woollen vlyt 10 Bill vt stair today they should band Nether anal oil mldmr Lion with too more interconn moron amines lon reierml to roomparrd with her pmutid the revenue Ilium prwmrdax mtmui roturxls Magnum mu Montreal Subway Systeni Closed lilmllmhl icPttho citys rutrn syslrm nomtally in today St Jean nap ond maintenance rrmloyoos rclurd to 4i storyum CAPSULE Naws