Mo unarme was by Canoeists Showing Interest In Angus To Edenvale Race momimnamiawnum mummkt undy noon mated tor ho mlnl out mmmmwmamerc miniI Mmmlpdzttolifm nigmnmmumd atrium51 Itobom awnI ml by WUW Moo Ivl botdrip Base Borden Cadet To Compete is mm mu PM at it rare la in rail Ittcntiontothoioascrvltlcnpm ud mp Immune ism Mmmnnnmmwumpmmm odd Elder Autl 5M 11 mun the animal curt noting onthuluu will mm III on Ontario to run ot the monitor stall In panama the cm tor tho 21 in thin iha mm and ammonium 533 Mtwmocllhoocduv lit Role In Rie Matches mmmmmm ddmmmm mu NMn In Inmal mi Ptliiidpnle to aim liar Tho Inn is not to ho II Ansur plamvhl Dari Ind tho rutto Ill to him tho Notin mca tum inrouxa the an my rump and to Edtilll Ihlch Iiil be the timid lino 18 Sarn carioriclr particide in filth annual mat int ymrliLhUAmlhilL Jommtr pl Pelt llchimil tho ruin dttrlo airman Ndl lllckimaud Paul Samotslhm it Boy Enlshul occoad over lit at till PINECREST LYNN cox THE company Coupioa Only For lIblo noorvatlootl Phone 7281028 ll tell RE EMILY WINNERS IN SIMCOESIDE LRDES GOLF EVENT 1mm Wlmin tum In min titan trocood mm am Anatln and use new minim limo am WERNNIIM to ltiatltllz nmmrnm mm mm mt Elects Prestdeni inurntoc PM mhisleytm rilimrotat mm on than with Rich Imam Yourxth in begin mm pith omlllyinl to emu mm MN mm In to wellknown COUNTY GLIMPSES artilltlsrlm1l II coalitde llhl Ilodlou In shncoo North riding July hm hm bolted to pottldpdo In gotta Imam opalaorta by the Quill Gambit oi Gunmen Ii atIInoty Lin Iv includa Dr ii Ryntini who iI rootedlon Ir Pio rcralro Irvatin condldIIIt Jlnlu lAkinl uhorol FIyno mono ondii ml ll MOVED UP ORO NATION tStali Oro lricnd at Alum Gordon rrm oaacd to not ho was Ilictod Nut Hmldom on On tario Horticultural Aaoociation It In muconvcniloa lecgtlllll Filo now pm Gilddyi uranichyd tritium lilii Mr crawlord In ltwrdd mi om the post tom Ml CONFERENCE EIIMVALE Stall Nll VIII Minn oi Woo and Phi riciI Jamil ol RR Ilawko Itnrio Iro North slmcmuon dotccaioo to tho provincial HI oodrro cordurnco It tho Unl vanttyoi Guoipam cooler onro catch on Solmhy Juno lloNOlt noN mm NEJSIIIII umxmo or at Sldeo ciuh Doria luhbo war out oi honor at riotlmncot rather tnr at Ilurotiir Iiiclonal Ccptro wilt Owl Crook master oi cont mmlol Gordon Smith IIIPP woo Irrmr viritorI who lotncd tribute to Mr Stuth vita Roy tilt prov ontatlpn Inn made to Ilr Stuth lhdl bouuoct pl tour Ilitn in tin mubba WILLING WORKER WARMINSIEI tStniil FIli volley wtllinx WorkerI will hold their next regular mcctlnl on Tuooda luly It the home tin Nutter Ilia ILOWING AlAliIIEI ALLISION ISIIIII Dimiotl oi tho South Blmcao Plow mcno Amclatlon hIio been maklny plain tor match to he held in IIlI Aunt and tho Mtlint com lion in 69 tunbcoiuxt pm on to tho In iminiional match ltYrIENIlAM VILLAGE IOIIENIIAIII isuiti NamV ed otter ploncor IIrrilly Tot tcnhoin was prodalrriad vile Ian by tho paulnp oi the not canary hltaw by Simon County council Juno tool when no Ihowod than were no Mdmtl Thu Itrot nova elati od ior tho tau torrn wna Owrgo Nolan FAIUII ANT IIOIIE ALLISION Rtniii lirm Ind Itim Week procrrm will bo ob Iuvtd at Ontario Auriniittnul collage on May Wodnoodoy amt Moday July in and II II part ol tho tollopoo con tnrinlal crtotratlon it was In naiinccd in notice mrtvrd at tho Ottorio rnlriiotry ol articul turo oilth hero The program will include porno Icaiurcl WWW with iarm am home waoIil oi tho pnIt ll woil on todaya Itcutlumt mm VILLAGE lIATUl BEETON stall Ilio com munity oi llcuion had tita tlon ol tit pooplo whcn lmcoo COWS council Ippmiod bylaw procl min it it village In Juno 1381 That Atkins Will ly IraI clrdad the tint recto ODOES LANDING Ila party yuan thlt Om Palm In early rotilar lrom awn HOMERSAWMILL lIrn Hall eroded tho first loi tdll be ill IISI will lSIO pro ol Hi llomcmnklu club at to potlco rccrivcd at tho mam tom citico LAKE 31 EOROE GOLF WASIIAGO suui Milli momma otCoillnood vi lutyeciroximrr Fatmorn wittoh it to be bold It WORKMENII rotirnNitartoN tor them to make IWU on tor workmcno on whirl no Man by tcho call or cInylnl minimum cove WWI to hlro help IIId many lrom tho Ontario mliiillry nl Irrittiltura and lord ottlco hero IIIILI SOHIIIDAllsol SiAYNtllt Sta ayncr pirla who turn utirdulcd to day Ito Ilnt homo lrarua arm on Thurada overlap Iuno to with Ciar rburI tho oppodLIon Ihvmbur Collin wood and two Menard toomi also are In tho luxuo Stoyncr lot in Thoriihury out way TOMORROW ll HAVE SEEN THE FUTURE AND IT DOESNT WORK CONNEIW FEATURE AT ill Ind II but oohle altaroils nox orrtcr 05$ Mm WALT DISNEYE PRODWTIONS WI rwornroou rrituna Auoltuy oi cottage tho Prm liner Iahtum to arm Mono utcr or 0mm ministry icstin WAWAWIENEWIW lammummi lniiou Wm tor raid loom cl My mm column will opInItthllnlvcrIity oltlutiph mmh riteany tuiy nmsm lm in Man ihi trimmer two lunar ol uIi IIII mach roll tom dentI lowed oucr Loot cot nmont wtltmtio hold or tho Lalo turn and III to cottoym on st Grown grit and country club the olivde later Our Kah mihosporrw microlm my Wood mambo nod invo uno ca he on mm the oludcntr will collect in tormotlon about in private not would COOKSTOI Ito thowth oar laid Armor other ttrm they $33 amhllmcoo iiInlnr will want to know the wrihcc ol occupants mum Tm wot widnarlrmofltho Icp irrtnrtlulu 11 no Llc or pit rlvy largely duo in tho ciooo Itocoon pm 373 it and9 Will Itlon brtwoon trimmed cultu aumortinaiiirm oh nltktdidihopropor on at our IMPMm Ira minded that it to me Muir poIIUou oi tho uplio Coddmm tmtlitnmaiiwunocomryli Cottage Survey am On Sanitation trained imlvmily rim mclhod in It thI at In tho am his It tho commut cn contempora look pc pantsuits It trio oily Iutt with countryyiatr tor mar sporty outdoor Iookl Pullon print an houndoiooih chock Vnorkrop tin ribbod owontar look trimmed with chock to match Ibo pump Machlno Wnlhnbln AcotatIPolyoatar unionLt cold or DinoGram Sirol 1010 2500 it Voroailio no Iuit II ldant tor wookmd trnvolllna Whltu pullon name on roppad with nod or Now Jackot Coot Iitiln oloovolon Ihott lI horizontally Iirlpod In WhitNod or WhiteNow to colt ordinnto All plocaa aro machine wuohnblo SlrnI 1010 3600 IN OUHOPDNTBWEAH DEPARTMENT been clotted midtntolrct oi the urinatinn inatituto at can day remind Ind should pr lion It comm Rooter Illlj NOW PLAYING uni troll im no property will Ah ton on ll tho data and W0 in 3W dchtI uni th amt tactil Mi dim liII If Inadoointo minim Normal oidal will ood Ibo at wry II imp Mr Win Itatcd Ind corich iIuIiy Mom doe um ho uIIl disposal Icrvlcoo or praotlo contact tho our indium and arrange In abatement mam Tho liud will work neck ondi Irom Sunday Io Wedneb don throughout the runmi un Sopt cirrqu protram in tho 11h oi the Woock Irca our Return nit yearo Inrwy oi Im oottaloa and buildintl on ital urn Ind Rloo taker tixuod no at dtroot pollution into Dd tot can of pi mi duo to Dr ldlIn Society oi Soil Science Ito oda itlllo Aauodalion limohca urintonl location tomrnl boom Aux 1L tcoolthoUJiFoodIndAl rtccilturo OrtInlnilon and choir rl the Ontario liltiiairy ol Atti uIltun Ind Food 0N PAGES 16 IT WANTED ROOMS APARTMENTS BOARDING LOCATIONS for GEORGIAN COLLEGE STUDENTS lion NOW tor Soptomhor HELP STUDENTI burn it Durlworth Barrio on And imam raided in be mm by minm Form trwnlt murmurlo Ians Mr nichIrda Fellow oi pt ro or tho Instnlc in pram oi rhinitis ochnl Min mi land romance Iclcnco It tho On the min Jul to 11 Alter iirto Alritultural mum oi tho rho nLtirv shoot the cadet will Unirome oi Guebh III in km ttuo dara ctrhtruinr to been preridtni ol the Out Inxtl the lander am rolumlhz to OI into if Arroloyirtt and the Con tan ior tho Damion ol can contiy Mr Richard moi Onawzht Ranreo Aux to to Walton manually on tho Tho cadet pill diaper to their cd Md trunklion MORE DISTRICT NEWS Ovidtown rturionII In looking tor accommoda CIII Gcorltan Cullen IloriIin oiltco mam Ext 36 or It in Georgion It SHOWTIME PM Ema IHERD ltltEIlittll munhum bum mm ROOM moo hormones Btllttt CASSIDYANDIIIEWIMNGRDI Ium BARRIE TWI SCREEN NOW PLAYING DRIVEIN THEATRE SCREEN II NOW PLAYING itiiiiiiiiimiiiitiiiiiii ADULT ENTKRTAINMINI PANAVISION METROCOLOR 01 At lithium snnmnur narmmmmm rril mm mum FREE III unlitmitt It mo Iaarilp curlontol ltltwaro unit In it Im PERFORMANCE IllIll AT THE IIOX OFFICE Im Open In Rt Niall ZEN USE YOUR WALKERB OPTION CHARGE ACCOUNT 0R CHARGEX ling COLLIER 31 IIAItIltE It rmitinmmuuiwaiu mnmmtuahulhm llllo midlitlhi lONllllli Uli UHTI GEORGIAN MALL DOWNTOWN iv unr voun Mom In TIENIIIIMIIIIOII to men lels OPTION CHANGE vnnr tar ACCOIMH IliAJtl PM BARILIE TWIN DRIVEN iitA