Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1974, p. 27

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11711mm bath Ratle bummed Blrth mwm WSW c1111 11 mm m1 med 1W words 11 per word mi Imp min unmmnmmnnmmumumIn ANNOUNCEMENTS Ryan SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS 11 SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES mow 11 111 131111 SIDE GLEN x1111 unmetart mummctipuwore ma 111011 111mm 63 Mr Called nuns Iohhhxnehcnhdnclm 4W RayIletnrlIWlIL urnwa 111mm My 10 the lo mllbmm thMDn air Alanarevamp TDHMWWCW IAINth 10 1111th nAILMMAMMlImI mm mll Io Irw mml an $33 AIM Run ii TENDERS ONTARIO MLIISITIY OI NATURAL RESOURCES 11mm ammo 13111111111 11111111 on 1111 1111 111 Ile lmured 1111111411 pm ohm tamer ochool 1m bu or the perlod July and Ihnll be on FIVEdny melt but Gloom dlle Jun 29 IV 1411111 Innaed 1111111111 Ion ERLRTPDRPRE RenIII to be on PTVDDAY WEEK bull Cloolru dot Jun 1111 The further Mmllon plme me IL GROVE Swen lnlendtd MIAMI ioml Stu IJon Nldlunl Tel 700mm 16 ONTARIO MINISIRY OF NATURAL RBOURCEE MIDIIURSI ONTARIO 1111111111 lmtlrd on tho loll muddle blr mower wllh the of quJna heed 1111111 01 Ippmx Jhlndm through Innmnlel no HUNTING DATE JUNE 25 1111 lurthrr lnlenrullonrvnlm J1D PARKER norm JIM Onlarlo Housing Corporation 1n Agency 01 the Province pl Ontnrlo MODIFIED TENDERS 11111 lnvlled for the CONSTRUCTION OF 10 FAMILY HOUSING UNITS In the TOWNSHIP OF GDOROINA SUTTON ONTARIO 111 1111111 Ira to be Illod on lIId new emd by the corpor on PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS ARE SUPPLIED Prelhnlnlry drnwlnps Iald lorml EleIlnnllone mi Map mellon may be oMalned rpm the 1111111110 olllete oI tho Oar porullpn 51111111111111 Ior lhll mloet wlll be reeelved al lhe ollleu ol the 01111111 11111111111 Corporallon 13th Floor 101 Blow WM Tbrvnlo Ml hllr than 300 p111 EDSl 111411011 3011 1111 mm WILL BE P111111va 0P1sz 011 THE DATE srwmn ABOVE The 11111111111111 Nd or my bld All not Meosurlly be SEALED TENDERS will ho relvrd by the underel ed In tender envelope prev up lo 5100 11n1 MpndIy June 2101 1011 Ior 111 my N101 Iollnwlnp 111111111 No One new vohlele 91 tan wheel drlve plekun Duck wlth one lruIIlled 90 wer Inrllnp Hoyrr Plow Speenoallonl and tender 011 11101111 may he 011111111111 It the 01lch 0I the CR Clark II 00111 ler 51ml llerr 0111111 lowett or my lender r101 nee eunrlly 1111111111 ll STRAUGIUIN Clty Clerk ColIler Street BARRIE Onllr 11111911 umlhmwm 11115111 aural31m Emu PM new It Innh ehemthe 11m Aummmmme 11111111111114 CONCESSION Sealed tender In rhrrlopu provided will be mlved the undenedIn to pm June 1m Iqrleulex the New Relmhmtm Booth Don mdon or the yur 1111 It Johnna Street Ruth Spcdll don tonne Ind Imdcr cowl wa my be 11111111111 II The Olly Gerke Olee lehul or my tender not heeesxrmly 11 onober 1111 ML 11111111 WI 11 511110011121 01111 Our 1111111111 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE oI hrmlluro hominkl ellertl mth and eolleetIhlI lleml 1111mm norm Imple 1111111 11 II llIleoL 1r ole lor OWNER mums II no htld Saturday June 22 11 1110 1111 slurp Loculd It Dot CM null 111111111110111111 moor 0120 old reed out 01 111111111 No It mIJee 1N Ixchde bu melved 11111111011111111111 the followInn FURNITURE Vlnllydnk ier Mo record Pllltr noodrn Dbl Ind elnlrl dream Ooilu 11111 Flower Iliad Trundle m1 meme Ith odd tabla RollIwa bed Ind mettrou lllzh ehnlr Oolmlnlxhexlrrllrld Ind chIIrI 119111 eleeetr Dru lImp Illemlelmlm plant APPLIANCES Rlnlrlc burner 112111 Iltlllllllllll GLASS AND CHINA Mun Ind sluuwure Jun Ind bottles Flower plnntm Omtmrnrx Pmervlnl MAOIIIN HY AND MISCEL MelEOUSw Tlihlgdllmldogeri he Pr en 11 re reed drlll Treller hone llVIIl lute Potelo dlmr Set pl d15611115 11 Glrden hou Ind IDIlthlll Quebec healer Smell 11111 Clr1 ruler 3111 Table nw 1110111 hlnde and drlll prm Skldoo Nor Snow 11111111 port able all men Pme Ilthlk ert Ddemlon ladder Barn wales Beam ml Ilr box old bulging Quantlllvl II we rmnvt one hlrngss puddle hrldle mllk em 111m Inhale Worden bunk Beer key Whoelbur ml 11111111 heavy park bondm 300 1111 or new 111 I11 tlle Ind Ines 0111111111 wro 102 Rom whlllle rm ynkes EDDIE Ruclumllh one end 810 lb Invll Pleckimlth tools Wood hlho Ind Vlrlely ol toell Buck uw 111d tron e111 Several hand teoll ANTIQUE ITEMS Drum 111m oInl mlmr wash slender Dawn Pher 17ch table wooden parlour tables Plne reeled dulrr twitter 111111111 dlllerent Ill plctum untare Iov Ilell Iver Im 110111 1061111 Nulr llullrr 01111111 Telephone 1011101111 cloth melt Ina Lantern Antlwe duh Old record rol leellon Anthue rlodI 111111 1112 llrIu flask Anllquo pump men Mtn lam holdert good Flrrplaee 11111111 and Mind Dermal pooch Ollter Iron Ilreltlo Antl ue nooden 111111 Ind hand loo and other lrnu Term cull No mervo an owner NM l531190 01111er or neer 11b for publlo llIblllIy Selllnx by number Several h1 Iermlnl Im In IN 1010 VERNONa AYRES 11111111111111 1111 Snood ECLINI 31 11 AUCTION SALE pl 05 DI Itlxtd nettle 21 1+th pl 111 or JOHN lllSlAlP lo be hrld Frlrlay ovcnlng June 21 It 030 lllhlp Inch It 18 0011 ID nlIlll Mmhlp 111111 11111 lllmy No II north RI 011111 eh 11111111 The underIILnrd IIIIIIINOIVGII 11111111qu to HR lhe lollewln llhlsleln m1 mllldnp 111 rome Jerwy town Intlklnu and rebrod II eelm llplslrln Ird Glarelnll 20 pyurold mlxed Roche plea and hell 1111111 IIee 1nd llolneln Ill lRyeIMld mlxtd Ilbekm Eome llolIleln hellrulmdy Io brerd Trnm rush Owner 3035 out mlxed rattle 11110 lot em VERNON LYRES Autllonrel Deennrert rlr 1111111 Ellenme 1110 um 1me mat line uIrI BIRTHS MD ll DIV in 11111 Mb leek FMIN 8155 per alum lath HQ cu per lla eomno EVENTS WANT TO TALK AROIH FAMILIES MARRIAGE HUMAN 1111111101151qu 1111111 11me we AgedDon Illl boll PUBLIC FITTING to Ryan the uubtumm cl FAMILY LIFE CENTRE In 1heClIyolDanleoe THURS JUNE 20 1074 II 112 pm WEST PURIJC swoon VHIVIIOI 111111 1111 v1 3111111111 111 11 1111 Nut 11qu 1111 or Tram mm mam 1mm M1111 mauve Re In ml urn I1 men 1110 NR 1111111111 MunII 1111111111 1w Barrie FLORISTS FENDWS rwwnns 11111111 SI 1mm MURIELS FLOWERS 71 111111111 it MIMI HARRIS FLOWERS Dunlop 5L 1201111 IN MEMORIAM IAINII or 111 mum we 10111 MN Id II will 04 III III mm IWII lbI MN MI lull wwwxrmw INN vll COMING EVENTS MR AND MRS FRED PRINCE lnvlle you to Ihelr OPEN HOUSE IN rtlrbnle lhelr 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY SATURDAY JUNE 72 Illl AND 1D PM 1111 AN 3121011111 Ilrue No GlRt Jull BINGO EVERY THURSDAY LAST DINGO UNTIL AUGUST IICAF ASSOC Ink FREE EARLY BIRDS 130 p11 REGULAR GAMES p111 Free Sprelll Gum Ior 11 mo 110me lieu away every 11 WIP FLEA MARKET Phelpslon Store Open 1111 week AHTRLES SOLD 0N WNSIGNMILIT Phone 3222432 1v l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday June 22 at 10 p111 llurp or GREEN HAVEN COTTAGES AND SNACK DAR el Sprlnglnxrol Ind IlLlrtl Aron Sprlnthunt IlNeh IWIImn Drnehl l11r11 ell ll nu Ave oppoellu Vlrlor llul Herd 11an 51h ol Ill anenll ol home mnnp collar rexteuIenl and grocery 111m lneludlnl beds 11mm warh 111111111 rer Irlgernlon mm mm heal dlnhen ehne tooklnu ulen Ilh hldwbodl lixluru rE lrlrerulou oounleII lulu moat Illeer mlllr lhokr Inlrh ne Lorne nroerrlu 1le and mlu Quebec heelen ole Trrmx rash Property Told GEORGE PIFHEII AND JERRY OOUGHLIN Autumnr Phone 1151011 JIIHJIIM EVENING AUCTION SALE Reechedurd nle lor MRS DOW BRADFORD Illll tale to he held hut 8111111 day mm In Mmlkd because pl relII wlll now be held FRl DAY EVENING JUNE ll II 300 p111 wonlher pennlltlnn Silo of 110quer Iumhhlnul IMAM old 11111 and To l11r nllure and artlelcr 11 1h un known lrepmm Imn the 11m worm T011111 lash AILEN HORNER Auellonevr SOL N0 W105 AUCIIONEER Household llmlorlr rms In llqurl rte BRYAN PACELLO RR UTOPIA 728gtth9 mum1111111 1111 5614 N0 ALWJ 1on Toronto 9L Beale GUEI SPEAKER IllI be MARIO 11mm Director lull 11mm Fatally LIe Centre 1719 FARMERS MARKET Mule1111 51 09901111 Llhrlry rreah Eu Poulou lllnd Knlll SewuI Alaay 2111111111 llobhlr OPEN EVERY SATURDAY MORNING BOND HEAD UNITED CHURCH Ham Salad and Strawberry Supper FRIDAY JUNE ll WMMUNITY ALL pm In p111 Adm 8150 mldrtn 11511 Preedmlcn no Itllllll 11111110 Dy ALICE BROOKS llrkome baby wllh 11 my wnrdrvbe Ipr In or ouldoorl Contrast puIIlllch Itrlpr erld lnIrrrIl lo up Jacket leprlnn rolld color Ute 5pl bnhy yIrII Pruellrnl UH Illern 1031 111112 nwnltl Elm lnrl DEVENTYPIVH CENT l0 enrh pattern eruh cheque or monry order Add cum lor oarl1 11111111 or Intelu nrnll Inn 11111 meelnl hundllnn 11 Allen Ilroolu 1111 ol The llIr rle Enmlner Needleernll 0191 10 Front Street Wul Toronlo Onlurlo OnlIrlo mluenll Ian III 111111 In lrlnt Klnlnly PATTERN NUMBER ADDRESS Thlllly New 1111 Needlzmn CIlIlome mmmzd wllh knlt eroehe Itylen 111111 110 dulrns PREP palmn1 75 clll NEWI lnIIIIt Money Book lnnrn 1n nuke oxlrn 111111111 Imm ynur cult 00 Intent Macrame llonk I00 llIrlpln Crochet 11111111 100 lullat Crth Iloek 100 Illlllll 0111 Book 100 Complttr Alnhnn Rook LW 10 Jllly Run Ruck crIIII II Prue Allllll lloolr to 1111111 IIIIII Deolr lIG nltlrrnu 00 unto hlultum 0111111111111 00 MI 15 qullll Ier Today Rook fllll CLASSIFIED DIRECT PHONE 7284414 flllllllu 11111111111111 AM 1111111 IMI G1 IlYld 11111 11111111111 111E111111111111n III II TED DI Clllllll Ollpll Mlllmnll wlll mun III 1111 Lem 11111 11 1111111111111 1mm IioIeIuINu 11111111111111 nun 11011 HI IA Aeomwuo 111111 011 word cup MWRIcll worn 1100 11011me 11111111 we I11 MIMGRIAM uovreu 11 Who 1101 wnn 11111 011 ravnr Ilm ID 111111 111 1111 Who IVINTI 1111 1111mm Inert we 11111111111111 cuann Run1110 c111 emevnr 11111 1111 11 me 11111111 1111 an 1111 Muller 11 1111 11111111011 1111 1111111111 111 mm 111 111111111 11111 111111 enuevrve 111111111 11 11111 1111 11111111111 N111 1111111 Innnrm 111111 In 11 1011111 l0 11111111111 11111 111m 1111 1111111 11111111 11111111 111 1111 11w hen 11 M1 11111 on 11111111 Inn 11111111 newe1111lo1u 111 1111111111 111 mm 11 11111111 won ADVERTISING min her Mme 211 ht mar 31 mIahv 111 ax at Royal Ram Ihmtznhlh Ma Dem Rphlmtn Ilse Dalia In RVII Living Iend III It her lime Ind Drama 11 Up llanrd Partrldre had Bloe Im lo be LITml by bull Ind rerelwd Knous hp lu 11111111141111 rut53ml can lld bomb DCTLLIIML le Ronni IIIJ up newborn Ind Irtmdn had India bee L111 leek lo 3121 Ii aria uedlnz 1Ir Ind Mn Guild Kenny 11111111 mnlly 111131 the form ere Mother Hall Mr and Mn Earl Kenny bre ltr USA Mu Idlol UCW plop ILII Unikd Oinh emu friendly Inrllllm Forest Hill Uliltd Glurrll Toronto Ia mad the day rlh 1km Amr Irludly 111111111 11111 nermln Imla mu Illh mm II1 lnllu doltvnhle Iunrheen 111 nerv ed PM In luneh 11113 101111 to Iellwinr rhunhm v11 very 111111011111 SI lndlmlrl Ll rdrzlnn Limk Orthodox alhed III Ullle Trinlfy mm IA gllmnl the eltys oldes walr lnrt rhlnh luuntkd In 154 The dad he been dtslrnaltd Ill 1311th 51 ly lhe hump Mmva and SI lcull llp nun Oahwllc mum Ths the lint Cnlholle 9111111 thurrh In Throw The hureh WI tltdo Inan In 1500 11111111111 11 mum 111 men 111 nlllrent hulhne 111 Ilellnn Rm Almnoe 111k It 11 one 1110 111011 prrltc rxemplm ol ohunh 11111111111111 In 1011 11111111 rm to nhldI l1 Itnuun 111 1110 Chy DI 11111111111 Lu call we IheUnllod Church or Canada Church Ilouoe before proceeding been to our rules group where 1119 tn Iwellrd us then nondln our wny hememrd hm boIIE meetlnr sched uled lor hll month tour 1111 enuredhy the Imnl ln lUlulD 10 the Illdlnnl hlstorle Am 7111111111 11111111 lell OM11 lllll by car It 111111111 nulr 10 urn Our It was he orteal Fort Senle Inrle Mon than Ihm mule I10 Port 5111111 MING Amory the Rm 1111 11 commtmill on render pl wllderuus or hard Ehlpe nl 1111ng nnd Iltumery lodny 51111111 Merle Earuls raln llvlmr mlrmr lmn 11 pl that Indra mnmunlly on Irontler but now one at Mon Eel uperlmro ul lrnrnnr Mtl dlxdvtry lhllo Salnln Murlo In rxrursnn IMO wlll old nlld 11w 11111111 Ihruugn hltlorlc rm lhruurh Irtllnrlr durum elk Imnkt doeumonlr lho Ioumlinl pl Salute Mule 11nd utlmarrly 0111103 unlul Some 01 the 111111111131 011055111110 IJy 111111 11 ALLEN llre Dourlns Manhh ml Mn Mm 1111111 Grunt Mlnbllll urru Tuesday Ruesls 01 Mrs 511111 Allen 11 are pleasrd lo Ere Mr Anderson tlsllln around 011 lTlIlny lrum CIIlllhpwod 01 lrdrtrulny June 11 the MIAMI llIIlllulr lslierl lhe Nunly bulldlllll III Allthllhl and was Illmvn the l111l11R IV 111 drn Earl Elllol The tour lhroulh he bullrllng Ilowrd the dork dorm lp CnIInly MIMII nrrl er IIII We at rerldmls ol HIE County pl Smree have Rood lreason lo be proud Ihelbulld 11 Mr 11nd Mrs Aler Shem11d John GrIld and 1111111 etlenddl lumlly 1lnnor Salurrlay Inlth Mr and Mrs Thomas llrlumy lluto tpau Mrs llnrry P11111011 11nd Carol Mlnednu 11er Irldny Henlng NHL ol 1111 31111 Alrn Al NRVt lla lmbytulnn rlrumh 5111le111 1111 I1el1l 1111 Sunday 111 II MR5 I7 JENNETI Mr 11nd Mrs Joe IIlIoII Cor ry and T111111 LIN1n 011 mm 11 low 111111 11lh Mr and Mn Wilmer Wllsnl IlIII week Mr end MN 11 Shwell spent Iho nerkernl pl Ihelr rulv ludp III Durham Mr ml MrI Juhn Walton the neekrnrl wllh Mr and re Jnmex McDonnell Mr and Mrs lurry Nlmder man rltIIrd lrlmrlt III 111111111111 Ilnlly Mr Ind Mu Garnet Camry bell and llellhtr MI and MM Rdlh herunel llnrrle and lIIIr lon lllIVInrl Toronto and Mr and Mn llurrIy lIeVInel 111ml Sunday wllh llrure McVnnel Mr And Mrs llerohl llwlley 111x111 lrw days hut week Mr and Mrl lNnklyn Drvlley ldzrlmum VlIlIon am the weekend ntlh llhvuud and Juan Jrnnclt were Mu lIIIny Choprr VeIIen lloellNr CIIIIIIIIInhIIm Rob law wn and Ella MCINII harrle llMon plrdhl lvy Leah horn lrhl1y and lvynnan Alllntou lrLt played Ivy Torn 11111 alrln hero on mmluy nluhl Scum 2011 Ior lvy Dulltm lr R011 Ilel Everett 50 Thunda nlclII RI Enroll Iry Jr lrlI nlnynl lelNy Muzniday nlnht at ulmy 511710 111 11111 1111 Rny P111111 01 mphlonuulbrlrm Living Cosl Peels RNTEN MILLS DISMLKVTT 01111111111110 lo 111 m1 Dryullmxlgy hurt on be UT SDI Ulhmn U120 Ind IImIy urinal km Genmay here ARR II patient In Royul Vldoda HDSNJL Mr and Mn D00 Stella Ind daughk rs haw med hen Ilv mm loch home In Tourn UCW met hand1 II gammy 111 mi 1111 1m 111 21 present my me domtkml 1m glun by Still Muir Iben she ILo me poem about her dillhood hutch mlltd Noll Proxmn In In ham 11111011 11111011 11111 111 111 been pmon 1111 el their urly mlkdlom of R10 llnl mm they nuendrd whuh proud Imnl 11111101 Ilhe met mu plren by Edna 813113011 ol the meellnx she and M317 Carson allcndod at slamsvn Om TN hoomu 11an Jun Care 01 ml Madeline 1111111111 Deeh oceumd 01 111111111 lley III 1111 Edward 11111101 In Sunni Manor Nlnwd She ha llvrd In wonderful rider 111 II but been In Inm health Ior unetlml Dolor 11111 In Sunset hum aha had made her hung In In 111111me wth her ton erdle and lamlly the mull look pbee en PrldIy nlny 10 Mr Ind Mn Pelt SulllInn ol Solllnd I11 lelllng wlih lhelr Ion Ind IImly Dr Ind Mn Peter Sullvon 11111 Mason the hall trams In busy hm when thorn Ilvn Senor1 Junlou P011111 Ind Sewn Ilsa rtrlr turn 0R0 STATION lly AIRS ll CRAWFORD Conaetunilonx 1111 exhaled In Mr and Mn Donald Hub bert IMe Sum lllerl 1111 Ihe 1111111 111111111 111111011114 llne Sunday June It Royll VIrml llwpllnl Sympathy l1 rxnnexnl lo Mr and M11 El IlnbLImrl Ian limo lly on the unlnr may Mn Robnt Palsloy mplhrr pl MrI nohmon Tho members 1nd Irlrmls SI Ami0111 Prusbylrrlan hurrh held lhdr 111111111 polluck puppet the mlmrunlly centre 111111111 day ImtlnLAllrr bounlllul mrII lllr lrrr srol nnnle eulslrd hl ulte IRWNI slldu 11nd explelned mlny local 9011111 mm 11 R111 Me to have hlro Vk tar R111 11 lunner mlan here 11111 Mr and Mrs Eric LIN lpmltr 0m rnerel Itore ownm attend Snacking Trend TORONTO ICI Tuldny 1111111 is the trend luduy and 12111 Ire lo men MIL 101111111 lnltkl dny per 1p11 betlrr than the ludlllom nonmaonwm Irmaunnum CALIET MED AGALN mer Inny 11111113121 111111111 Galley lost another Mod 310 In HEM In mmln lree 11 he won his 111111117 toddler tor 21 murder It the Vlelnunese vlllue at My LIL Three 111131 ol the SIR US Omll 020d Awel relund to remrlder lbelr ordtr In 111me judge la mote Onl lwl bell They leo denltd Cal kyI request Ier potl ponement pl Ihe order Ihlle he amen nIREAISN HAND VAREE RID IRIultr 11st pallee 1110 mm 1m hem armlth three men uho lhrulrrei Io LII the lllhl Rm 111 llrlxlan diplomatn Ian unless they were pale ransom or more Hm 11110000 They were 11rqu Sunlay ner It phone booth Ihllp mun Paul 1111 the Dtrln rmttrrlsl nllIche In Mllln whose myrnrold Ion dlt mend lhru nob 11 llre uld 11 11111110 1111 youlh had ln tut run 1wa 1mm home LMIIGRANTS OEIORTED ONO KONG APP rommnent deported 115 llleral South Vlctnemm Immlmntx Sunday 111an many 01 1111111 Il lpyod drIlI dodrm They were PM In SILENT In two ther trred Seulh Vlelnmm Ml Ilrvrult sent by the Soullt V111 narneu government Severn ol 11111 llleul 1111111 And threatened lo com Eucldo II the deporlollon went through PITCHFJI SOLD ANAHEIM Calll AP Un RIM Rudy May lellhanded lreher um mIlnly II re mr Ihls Tenet alter llve lure starlet 1111 Told Saturday nlnhl by Onlllornll Angel In New York nnkeel May had starled only three llrnrt In appelrmee lhl1 um T0 VIIIIDRAW TROOPS WIDON All llrllnlll ha deeldtd Io wllhdrnw Ill ILI 2000 room and elnrlen lrorn slur anon IhL1 year The Sunday Nerrnnt we The newspaper bays lhe declslon 1111 made de pllo 111m Irvm Prlrne Min 111 Kuun Yew ol Rub ppm to keep null anRon on the bland rountry In nut1 llll recurlly In the area lhrre mosh dlellclarr Rerhere llonu told the Cenedlon Dlrlrlle Asmluuon 1111111111 MIL Ilene TWO 10111I ml III III 1111 tlklng mach 1111011 huuer Ind om enlhu but Lather do not nl 1111121 gel nulrillmll l00d Dhmllon on nulrlllon ntvtod OTTAWA Irdtwl labor thther Iuney pl rol ledllr unmment shown that 1111 than 10 per cent ol 1m Ire11 hue 11 mrhlou that tltu warm to 01111171111111 In CNN The Iurwy relrmd Ne Ilay Indlcnlce that 111 2110 almmonln Illed 11th the drlt 111nm have mIoIllvlnp 1111 011mm Ind 100 11 these pro vlrlo for 111 mlmnpitmwrmlrv MUM b11111 on ere 11 In the romumcr prloe Index TELL MORE SELL MORE When 11111 plm your Arllclu llnr 8110 Id In The llarrle Its 11111111111111 there pnnlx 111 mlnd 1111 thal 111m ll llrand IIqu Aeeeuorlu Ind IIIIehmenlI Sncclllclllm Condltlpn Upllplnlel1 Flnllh Aro Color 1111 ll eulrr lur the prolpoet to buy Romemher Arllclu or 5111 clmlllclllpa II the 1y Sound 1pm 111111011 ullh Mr ml lltrp Terry Arnold Petplol 1111111 Plea CITY OF PUBLIC nmmmww WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF 13 LLn MEXICAN W01 NEW mums lAP Fvll OTTAWA IGI Candi dread weaned 10 Alex Ieo Monday 15111111 rerullllu the 1111 Ind materIn the treatment Mulun lIrIn wrlon the help ukh demutlc human The memorudum rv mien um ernploymt to Mule1 MLDIIIJ 1e Ize or older It had 11 no united by the 111111111 lawn menl In the put Alden Iarnllu haw enlmd cuedI ludldduIly Ia Mb mainly In Ind Dumb The new rum Illl operate mud he one begun In 1311 Ier Culbhen rim EMPLOYEES DINIGED FORT IAUDFJDMLE UL IP ISLE payee 11 11m the Allaekln Ind $20001 bery their armored Duel hm been nrmltd ml chm Rh count gram pollee sold Pullm uld Taylor no and anthm gander 10 bath at 111ng It IN were Imr mnzzellon wllh lhe DONNA June WINS ANTIGUA RACE GIMLI N10 WI Thomu Kleusler 11 Evanslon Ill 11w ehnnlc droI Lola 310 to llrst plum Sundny In lhe Multpr rm lor Rot11min AllIDllC 11111 Re Irerued 1130 mllu hour on lha llmlle rlreull the Klan lOanlI race Fall Hlil pl lllsslxuun 0n drlr Drebhmt The Nll hl1 Buncrvlt Newporl Reich Clo on the IlNl In to grab IK end plate SETS WALKING RECORD TORONTO CPI Remus 01111111111 kl Canldlnn open record Salurday wllh lime bl mlnulrs remade In lhe menl tnomlle nellr durlnl trade Ind Ileld met In 1111111 bun mum 05111111 Irom 12101111111111 Topped tho tormer record l52l Ind but 1111111 male llemut mock the GIT1 1111111 In GUNS BASKETBALL TEAM TORONTO Ken llcltxmle outdo 11m lmm Vnnmrwr has null C1111 Idtl Mllenll belketblll turn to return home 1111111 1mm lor The learn uld Mex In outdnnd pro wpccl In lull the Canndlnn team lndcllnllrly or pent BARRIE NOTICE The puhlle Ire eerdlelly lnvlled Io attend the Olflelll Opening of the City of Burlo Opoullom ConIro I65 Ferndllo Drlvo on Salurdev June 22nd 1974 Openlnp eoremonlo wlll commence er l100 pm end the Centre wlll remnln open to fnellllele vluwlnp for the general publle until 5100 pm The Oporlllent Conlro l1 oeeupled by the Publlc WorkI Dupertmenl Ruemllon De perlmonl Perks and Forum OlVlllonI Publlc Ullllllel Commlulon Water and Eleclrlc Dlvhlonxl Ennlnoollnp Flolrl Oper nllem Trelllc Doplrlmont and Trentll OO parlmpm DORIAN PARKER MAYOR mol

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