Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1974, p. 8

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Item ole rm uAlHiu itr Memo Big lair year II Ntvl ROTARY PRESIDENT Infnaturallienamrpmideadtaemm muudlwmluue tytorhlrllntrrunnlthcld Cub The mam bdngouedbyrldlln printout AND PLACES Theatres Fifth Season Qpemng Night July The Georgian Theatre Company stark Its Milt reason July min preview of the rst play Last oi the RM llot Invers comedy try Neil Simon The oldal Opening Niglt will be Tuesday Juty at 830 pm and supper dance will be held alter the opening pcrionmnoe July The Georgian Theatre Corn pan ihlr rar ultlt artiitlc tar Sean ideally wt angina Illy tomltd to 1m ar the Gry PM Thtam Fnandal Ind Ddr mlrabimuve wwort ha been Vidal tiFWKli liIll Retina limiter lor the Performing Am group at local etiunrl and grants 1er the Canada Candi Ontaria All Council Ind tba city cl Barrie Last year pcrtarrnanm acre puentcd hr the Brit time at the newlyopcnrl tycanlarr Coi ezu theatre Illicit hat real in capacity bi tumult 7W UAL MEETING be annual loint Soundme hmturo Club lnrlnlialinri rirr was treLt recently In iiarr and ti duh munbm wue pm em Guest rpealer ltrr Jean 31o km route on lrrlrnlmlonlnd hcr llama Imml cirlr rnclrv older to the NM year lor the Scrapinth duh Ire Nan ltacDonnld ltp Ildcni Vloirl Wade woond vice prudent lrl tart Burial recalling Ice rria Mrr Kay Btewlrt con respond relary tin Dor uhyScmt rrarurciJirLPhytv its Getliori manuals Wilda Cathert ttrr Gwen Greer tin Haul Bealrmnnl Ind Iln Jac klollelaciilart Mllura tar hrVulture Club are Pmldcat Shirley noedcry treasurer llaruaret KIy and Couple Exchange ml tumult mam Ind Jill latte our on July The tut Social later It laindr to can th xnml aerial ills Il uu rly Dlltrtct nutu pr tier launch and erltm In all item if laterert to readrn at Ma ms YIar help III ptylu Illr new will be neat misled nun let phm the mil Eurasian II and In lar tha WI mna Department lira Georgia Path 1de no thuar Sharon Flan and Joanna iluarran CAMUTHEM llEUNlDN ltaooylillon wu roads in the over ycarvoids who altrodld the recall Cornrihm reunion held at Startlidala Pails llIrrle Among thou honored were lea oIrrullror Ind lean Camilla tannin and Gear Gorilla WlliM utu Illdhirrut nla runnqu Itirndliir lhs gaiherlnr wII loiryu itelve Will Live At Shanty Bay Rev Carrie Du tun uldated merrily at IM wedding at liar babel ilrrde tum and aid Allan Campbell hold at Guthrie Unich Clnlrrlt 1he bride is iledauzlrar ol Ill Mill llrl lturray Wililllm Noon at am station and the mom la urt lt irr rm bin Ilwar Campbell vi bhrinty Barr Sylvia Steml oi Barf sari lllo Wallth Prayer Thu Wailing Sortg atcomp by tho grooms mhcr tln litu Id Canmil Given in marriage by her ta ill the lxlllg ulrre can oi Venice lace with tutti melt um it not lmrl train nowcrr an pearl held ll of wallowd nylon tulle She can ried cascade pl ted rum lrrralt volt carnation Ind lxrirya brca Lyla mArthur Di Toronto was maid ul hattar hlary Atkinson Barrie and Carolyn Moore Oro Station um lindenmaldt link lne tum llawketloric ill wrr lit and Knia ltoerr lluuildwe war rinz bearer The alttnda am conned to illaura Wyatt rillou aver ulna The mid bonur and timer ciri lull yellow the bikieornalda worn pink and men They carried camber ul yrtlw rrrurru plat lrmllonl blur corn liner and habyl lirenih they uurc rules in their and NJ in bravurth ol ha toy Camvbdl bl Slranty Bay best man Jamel CameGll manly Bay and Garry ttoore Toronto were when For the reception held It tile Continental inn tiarrle tnc brldn mother ore long pm dimer nylon riilllorr UV yellow and mrbldium arthid amaze 1hr zroumr lmthcr tire sown 0t hurled chillon over unite and when at yellow roan lloth unre Mlle alumna Fofa honeymoon trip to IiII ma trail kmpiol and palm rail the bride more yellow drm and terns ll ilk lea Mei white carnal vim Good Window Accessories Complement Main Feature Illwa lCIl The litll at ulnlw whwttt In decorating provider the iiamurwncr with the mortars Iiy In add an rrdividual llalr to her rwrrn lay Ann lireucr incrcliandsc mirror ot the puirlllailltm Carpet and lexlrin With the prayer solution at rotor pallrm rurl loxturc in curtains dull room can ho made to look iirlulit and lively or lrrlgli room can be Iubducd Caretul relation can complementh lurnl lure rarptls fouling or whatrvcr else considered the rooma lriont important lcaiurc ML tlrcwn said luv budget nrod not in delet rcnl tn allruetllo uirulw trealmurl Denim it nail louable lurulsiilliz lalrrtc and inexpensive print can add Ipccial lilo arul appeal to room lloln Inlrrler can be main to look expensive triib trimming lriniminbhavc rotuan to laslilon tor lumliihlrai the nut Dillercnt wlura aro brought together by tho wiccv tion oi trim whch tn corporalcr most or all tho IllJlitit and ill via an donu nunt lumuhirtgvcurtaim and uphollicry imiaprezull or arming table drapca This new illlltual In trims har rtlmtllltcd demand tor return to niltashloncd win dow treutmerrlr wheir show loge liuh at gr and tails rind cladlorulc drum and pet mull Miu llrcupr laid Iiylo oi rumin can be tired to embl lire the uood points at with llow or riiiiiuire ha bad pololI hhurl antral WinchM lur ex ample can be made to look rrtoru attractive by tho ula of vertical airipcr turtles trim on the lrlltdo edit at tho cirr lalri or tiered treatment Wide windtm can he made to talk narrow with horiwnr tai pailem or trim Individuality is important trl brlnllin character to mum crpceiuly in liil can at housing liorcltwitnt wllcra new window ll tlra ramp ihape and Illt llur Iircutr ruucrltod unusual curtain treatment Iueh llorerl or draped curtain with tiebutts or amount edge tinuhcr An important lunar in tho popularlly ol tiuhiunablo uln dow trramcntl but been the llllrotiilrlimr by manulac turcrr oi Iiyttrlg tapes and curtain rluinlu Tm tom which can add pencil or pinch plealrta lilo curtaini show that curtain lillllr in It lrrr eranl aI lhe latrrlc llscil hits llrouer said TIMCK IMPORTANT Pwpcr rclcciioo at tho cur tnn track ll vital Dceoralod stated or carved wood ill drill and brain curtan rallr are back in iathlon and Mill thu atvrgorier to lull advarv urcwcr raid ll curtain tat polo Iiyies available in which cut be Whit Inurl he circan in the iiiv or rail is Ml mural Tilt JOANNA Irrilala in Int tape pinta lint llcururill and lrillii all an lrldirtdunl touch and an marlaha tor Ill priee ranges DI lruth villi llrmr will it ll wt tibia to iluy wriairr trtxk which can be bent to any airy rhilrcd tar cuimtlle lilurl wait around hay Wllglw out along the rimmill wail land ovcnorountl the room to crelvlswaitr oi liltrrle When chiming tha truck the wcluhl at curtail must be wandered llvirvy llncd trlttl curtains will not pull IIiiIlaetrirlly tm lliniiy plastic trotll and it LI unrth the Bxlfll cxprrlio to have trlidt tilled that will rapport the eurtulrtr out allow drow wm operation to prevent lin ger and near rna it at the sinnldate omrmrnriy hire lridtryercabxl Ihrro and hit monthoid dauiler at Mr and Mn not at llrrrc Barrie GRACE UCW Grace UniieJ hllrrh Women held the Juns meeting at Gram liked Church uilll ill attendame Mrs Phyllis Fuxmtt opened the rrtcctia with medL tattoo and mm the barium discusmi lira trocle Godlrby oorkluctrd the devotional till the theme Awreciaiion land lhlnb tttlrlrn They will hold lhl Slpl mill Ii Jil home at am Kny Eplrtl Hi MARYS CML wine and cheese party tai loaud the short bquMS trrslxr oi the lust mectin ol the reason it St blarya Caholic Women league Soon ltulcrlhy arilrtie ulrudor ol Ilio Georgian Thcnln um uni rplahr Need Good Nanny vmmuVrm roar 1iarly body in Canada warm British runny to look alter the children and ll willing to ply tor Deirdrtrlclimann nitric of Montreal company called momma llull lltL la the Winin to cull but before you pvt one you nrurt 1er plate you are Irrll able nannyemployer liI not emotiat to have swimming it llrr Mhrnann raid but it elm it you has the test you must then wait about tour weeks tor your nanny to arrive tram Bril alrr It ou cant atlord the till Mas helch and ballro llteperr Mn cheaper only 32 ll we do not have ruttly what is required we will link tor you about minty said lira Minwut We liata an azency in Ulridurr which re mtiin lur in wide Nlamiirdvvllic team to manilzt your home but uniy it you are mil and rum an cx 05 SW um in the rm talrlk rt hciow ltnln trading hutlm arr etcctcletily lrine illm KEV llllrliil le tilt hole he twill lrullrr on tile tart there really is not loo much llxn rhc will We lint do trlve llw lurid oi society that luukritaridr hub in Cunadlunr may 1th they have inc for laliltrinlti ryruxrrun but lhcro is no way that itrillrh butler lr urine 14 altarh himwll to tho cud ill valuim rte Tire application rum litec terrier in three pom long it uqutrer not only 1er protuer Lind rm rnirny rllli drrli you hurt but wilrlhrr your enitilrrym will hale tire lit your car and whirl ilrrw hr or aha il rrryilrrd to return lrum an oval run out irlalllll rtnllinyLC arc Iii Icmncd hut in thc liltal Lilitliybi lhe ili ln Eniliunrl lllttPl 01 rtltvt lira Canadian rrrltliuyrr PAINTI hTOIlN JACKMJNVILLIL lla lltll rulmlllz ili lllhnnlury illimlslt artist Arilhtrlty Vrin tlylto will niuirn trom the tram rricr litallliy at All pollcc klliti Sumluy pnllcc hiltikrhmili Iiiiri the Wilyll intlt oil on wool portrait ul Vanllykca liutti iltnrlrik lln lliilln Witt itoirrr during villiur hour Saturday NOW OPEN clln laundry rrnytlr iIquipniclrl Amplo lulldnz Mon to Sun run tt tun Dry Clrunllll Ollllyit Mon to all pm Fri ram pm WI lhltlk tutti The Clean Machine Duckwortb Illa Grure PliuI rzuurr llrr Lchrnann aim will pro iuiarg hmtf amply utill vwwwwamwamwwmmwmbnemml lll KIWI EXAMINER mar JUN 11 moth mas and affiliated at the recall Inkling ol Janet Thur Ilchemn Werner Gown Albert Die klduilxlhe yvlmad gambler oi and lira Phcnm ol 0m thISND lad the mom in the only roll at 11 alxi Mn Wm AM Sr ol Omunue Dot rirn in maniac by her la ther the bride were bude mm at alum rrrpc nutm dlaa Ilyie Sb Ion While pic ltlo ital and liL The bllda in attended by her Item Harlan Springer Brai Ington and Ruth KIy oi hot deal Dizland They worn dru EDllONiON lCFl All illnwnioli woman has do lled to late matter into her burr hardsundfllllpopthal the ha loot needed litt ag Ich elmone else may Plalmd lor long time about the halt of Canadian rmirrial Ior children said Drain Samuel teacher at Calrrtl ocallonal schooll Finally reallud that 10W had lo do some llllllli and uhy Ibouldut ll be met Tho mnxlhinz Li Curia dilln Ilium tor Canadian children Some ol my irlendr think am mad because havc no experience with running magazine bill in something have wanted to do tor long time want my childrrn to know about Canada lly Grails child know all about Japan but not about Canada uranium curriculum iI not rut wr hlgsl chlldrena WIinst are American and they cur rhlldrett to American hurry Ind the Arricrtcan way oi lltc So uhtrc can our chit RAD Jvitn tiervlardus dotrial roll Ill ilr anti ltri do Vrics Manila Stroll limit mainland lrum tho Unitnatty at Toronto with Bachelor at nm deurco in tcierico Ind mulhrmollcu lr dancr nl ttnlllal iiurrlo Central ollef iaic lib will be residing lt wtnnlpru wlrcrc he will ho urrklna In tho rncrileui ilcid lie in married to inner Willy Vulr Nickerli ol Barrio lllEW lurowu and dont know which Way to turn call the Clltllmzo maul YouIbc plan you old reels Children Need lilyMagazine Wed At Guardian Angels Will Make Home In Toronto Rev Jib Veil cw Ablt rlI calla mud Mdan mm pale unlinnlmmum balL Dari Erma We db mats cant In mu Him Philip Gaul Ind DIrid Helm also clut nutshell ratiouag my re Miloan brsldIl the Rim Gliu Rutaunnl Uri the tuna ol tbehuoe paroninh mm mull buneyrriooned no on They mil lira in ma acorn II In bomn rad min Won dis run the Unlva ol llama no the bride will be led her taunt year It the hive Illy at Toronto drmllndoutabnut their own ooutrtryl CONTENT VARIED Mrs Samuel raid lite law to proouca lively inter cstllia and Inlormatlra ltuzr line or dllldrenv abort the direrrity at llle in Cam Her ideal range mm ii rcteartbed stories on ora and tuna mgrwhy histori cal incidents and modernICn nadlaa heroes lo llctloii ctry humor and recipes or ellinlc Ind Canadian loads Him rcally LI lot material all over iha plum ln mlndr on um and in In chim in just not available to overone Mn ucl told Illa hopes uhlldrm will contribute to the mararloa lithlnlr it would be good tor tham la et out into their town and tervlow people and learn about the goodnw at re they live and who mg baabeen workln on mlpln lib lo and manuscript and illustra tlons have been roiling lu litany people born altered to help with the mansion and now am Iure W5 will get out It least one issue in Septem ber NEED NONFICTION thr received qulla bit at llrtioti rind poetry What really need now are more nonction lloricl However the protest II mi wilhout problems the whole thing LI Illli rrIlly germinal Iila Ililti We dont how any money and all the people helping mo are onto it or tree lira Samuel hopes to ct grant or loan to pubtl It lust tho lint issue initially be rm rain will be palm terry lt malice it past the llrrt tnuc have dlcldcd dont want to be IWILOTM by company or an uruqnllatirn because dont want cons saying thin in the Iy the magazine will bu bocauso may control the purse It gr One the malarlne la pub lubed them in live prdiltrrr oi distribution am sure malt ot the my lcr rrlagarlna diilrlllutlnr companies will refuse to dip ltrlbuto lihlrr unlll lt prover Lie Ill would also lllrr to are it in the uboolr and that mom ulllnu turchm on dill it All pmrarrr Dramatic Now Design I0 Illa Young at Hall ill WW 0300 00 Item the blurend Tlruurr collection mum COLUMBIA ml uu emu DWIWI illlwtd lrllwrll pricudimmw in upon JEWELLEM man at null Ltd Mil it Dualnp at rv nmrr om rrlm pan Villiln tar your tru broom Spinl your Dlrmam New to Mu Suits and For Highlight 17611 Wider slur hum tor also and um Sad Colors um trick heather rust and camel Illh tIeedi amcll Ibetlmdu and herring bum predoltmn in in tin tor roar trail and to Mon were matured while wma nun mod to styles rudl It the diach Iiripe lent coat to think MM by Rob ert Bernard at Ansel and An sd DESIGN IN am utc coat nominee duttlbull anddarkromoalninkiolorrna dethronapurlmirrkhatk climb Rly Pamluu pl Ridly and logo Mn Aimed pumped mink patents lachrdhg ona wottad lo trellis patient with coordinator MIYW wither Ind Iurda coats wcra about intrendlulylea withtled bells clad in trim or my closing Ibirtclyio pant coats Vlli oi VIli Desist Inc timed tumour tttler night lIsbtous but Iddcd new look ttlLb hm lacquer evening drum leaiurln bandpalnlcd desim For day dresslnr VIil em phasiuo oater drclscs worn with rape or third in domic lacod plaid reversing to solidi Hugh Gurher showed krill dreucs with hills pleats in single and tuoptiicc rlyilnr mmzeuw Ill roll and to rrtanilc hllwel Michlladl dr Iizm all whilst Ind nostalgic in hit uoup lor lmrdl liaid lingerie 01vrhlio Gaby Von Payer desimlnl tor the lam llmi showed delloale clril nlne pink selection with cltKani mpirr lines or demure armdu SUITS POI will lily use at noullque Avcn tino lid shower coordinat tnI Iroup ol topl thicken lacknts orvruilr jumpsuit Ind Vesta Iitldl will brighlcn any omrrcoiirrtry rirllnr trail they show up no nanrlno Vandula premilcd dellmlluilyrxecuild and wall lllllwed Itrrlt desimr ulih the NW on Nrdlgans wllh colt emulated Iklrtl arid loos now designer on tho lllrn litul mile Gordon Grillln triads hir llrsl Ippctranco at Montreal iltode Dropped Ibouldcr llrrcs otten accentuated try malrut plpinr wan consistent theme in Mr collection at mats and ruin Sucdu Insets Ind lllrm hidi llmod styles hanging from Fashions Cullections wwwlum builder to eieurult him umwdhrlbuuevrabum dihedralmtie the mam lumoouus Buus savirlcs account The ball rate around truNlari at 726J200 uuunoilltriiau rzooaito Aim Gruurlllunl Method and lcmbrah Mrmhrr Carlotta Deparit lnlurInen Corporation Slclco Sitting ls mulls trom UltraSialcolour proiinlshud stool lia tho airongosi muill siding you can buy Florists riding and wuaihorlnp like no olhormoial aidinafrhato why Siulco can provldo the bust mosimuunlngiulquuranioo oniho aldlna market Love beautiful house Hale painting Get free estimate lTodayi DD Steel Products 4363694 P0 Box 472 RR1STROUD steleol ill nnl ldlllu mad llbl Muilens Homeworihy Products 210 Church Street KESWICK 4765852

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