Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1974, p. 1

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gunner reunions mono Icsnrnnrorrnnic amnion mo mmimm Bnmellomlalltarolooauauolt tly Ind will mm the Board rmnwmmmx ammonium Wilt rminrelolndmetber poiie Hopeaadttnoeo MMMPIuIJtlk IroInd III WNW Sir WEN edohers Furthery Meet 15 Expected mine or thoslmou Boarder may no oauy elmtentary tether ml Monday but am with to main th Irmamover the tundnn 17 Mind Ilih IhIhoIrd Mhdotwedoulion bolero mm In llitall wooed ly DAVE BLAINE Tho CANADIAN rum Prlma Minister Trudaau Ia houncvd rnuiticniilioodoltar urban transit program htomioy Ind New Dcmocnt lender Da vid bowie gave moral rumort to coonomtcullyproesed dairy armors meant poiitiul loader begin the thva neck at the July toderal rico tlon campntw Mr We Iddmslux In euthmlastic outdoor rdly or rent thoumd In Throoto In W33 or the LibcrIl WITH lalnf Ii reelected to IprndW $215 mlllm to $300 million over the next live your io Improve ur haalraaepmalion systems In tango contra not Montreal Mania Canada United States Closet Miscxoedrdlobcm rmedbythaloadlon Itr lume noted that thI Um blbtnyllmoiorthatudleu angle at lm haembcamaaedwbchnthe mmnirsmteru Leaders mm to lbwkcshury on where ha laid dairy lInnere they IN er titled to no Welsh or Mistrial milk They pow Ire guaranteed $850 but my they In Iorlax my and may be forced In abandon their arms ll prim dont to up Progresxiro Omrorvathe loader Robert Staneld took Monday at altar completing trip but week through mo than Mvmthm OnIIrlo rld Inca Today he la Victoria Ind Vancourhr diluent ltd NATO To Survive DITAWA CPI Ier Illn naan err lnl will Mml by either Social mall loader ma mm Wuetto completed twoday mmlrm bym lilarltlmce visll Monday with In openLino radio nppmm in In in Ipeeoh opening tho two MW and MW day mlalrtorlal oordmnco the 9m in WM tlrat held In Ottawa Illicit nu Trudeau raid that no will Whl WWW remain elm II In dilimce naiyoolmyuwc rorpcctthe radiumpd the Individual Inl mordlnrtosnrr mm was to lind out luat when ur Via Democracy PM Ecoan numnrn NEST ELECTION minimum BIrriI Wtunl rSodtty banana 5A5 WI mnitlullmduylnrllum muoramdlr 1m Breamulna dutch on Ila IVB and olid Ambulance tbe only baseball diamond in the lily Ind letter pitch Dr Own Iald SaniI Claus palado Ilsa ItIrta It the lIIrxrouadr be condoned Weve hail Lb mud be rented out and in real chtnd Malt whomlttbd mmant douhut dodoqtlltlc ewe it Mun vulmmmenund In on lieOpening Beet iiniiorts wiarnnom torr nan cultaro Secretary Earl Ilutx NGIIWMCHMIM the Unlkd States an Ilmott on 1303313 did in ma million year In US but The Ioluiion In about book away he told reporter alter tootmt white llouao meotiai In vihloh nut and presidenth ooumotlor Kenneth flush dil mused the depressed U5 meat industry with cxeallives was packers wtwkulerl and retaliate Nixon iromisos continued llid lIsIrs Hussein To Washington AhilIlAN Jordan AP Presldcat ram ended his tour or the tilhidlo East today with prondao ol mutual military Ind ecommlc nuisance to Joc dan and In Invitation to King liimeln tor talk In Washington on the etratray olnrtm el torto to achieve peace between the Arabs and lllllll nn pmldcnt leit Amman lot In ovemlyht atop In lvrtunle More blank In midAtlantic II will bold talks there Vcdricrday with the loader ot PortuKIII revolution lreeldrnt Artonlo do spinola brim rer taming to Washington Pom optcuiatiou iri dloIIod iblihlzll v5 mightier rauooo cattloImpon lCSIlIb tlonr The clout nu and ush cnmq was to announce thI Australia L1 bring ukcd to re strict Ihlpmorite voluntarily tor Canada which up ported nearly million worth boot to tho US last year WIN doing exactly the re vcreo ol the Australian pm pooal llurh laid Woru trying to not Canada to remov the rt Itrlottoru on our experts Joint JordanianUS Italo molit Issued In Amman laid Nixon andht will host at the that map on iiwoountry ltidcut twin discussed wholo ranaovo lmloe Ind will mumo their tullu In Wishin ten at In early date Hussein and his wile Queen Alylt vkited tho Unlttd States tart In March The iolnt Itatomcnt proman medal oiled by the us aotornmcnt to win Jordanian ocommlc development Ind to SplIy Itrona role in maintalnv In Jordme mlllillylrltli Nelvo special education Ito dam tram Portland View Ichml competed it the Special Olympia held loat week in Winniped hlcrrtbcn oi the lamrrmd their teachereh yumeammol Lam rra our son dIIr MI must be happy he plant any movement NWN mmnudmr Arthur Mam laid imam the Mtltblll tloa III may or Norl polo it at It out to the minor hockey no on or war New weEm dance slam the society brvutht the many in Barrie he laid part uma employmmi hat btea pro vided tor no people the city rm receives but Ines tax may peopio IN are let the Imprusioa that Maura oi the raceway inn arrtndlural may Ll born 1m PRIZE MONEY LOW It Ni $151M to build the mmistand be laid Interest at revolt nor crol then not it Is now par cent Tho Barrio din he atrial winch with thoI or Inn may Fair Dr vwa also said prim or will utlrmi by 1M IrriutIA Iuml eootch are way behind limo awarded by the llama Iod Unitary lain Tho Barrie Fair otter $30 tor Illa ilrst prize has It the Dunn Fair II II rm and It Lindsay sex The city has to member slope nancially m1 DntIrIo Inhienim arrpurl Irom llIwa earilordh the lily that Wcrmt Iovy on landan protiu will nwbu altoNd deduch in tho ralruladoa ol lent tam llo nil OtinI had not alro onlch muncallon Illa rlccb sioa oilhcr to him or to Ontario Treasurer John White Due in oLtavu ll Garland Moral directordmrnl or tax poliCY will in an Inlcriiclv that tho rulln will be itsurd Ion mall nit In low kas llr IIIer mid his Ired became provincial otticla eumxd noon the tar was um trounced April Lint It would bi deductible as buslnon cx pcnxo root itdcral Inwmo or capital Iain lama Apparoatiy Lho Iodrral gov ernmont Ir Iatnvor at ruin amount or land mutilation ho said But be adch that at tho moment that Moral ruling ll lust local opinion However It the ruling romrs Into tom the total lax rna on land pmlila would be cori tlaoalory and might Iotnl as much as per cent oi the prole he uidcd SPECIAL OLYMPICS COMPETITOBS IM row JIcl SI Mull Bet ty Amid limos Saracnt lIm Itrnlmu Imam DirIrena Richard SilKt SECOND IIOIVI Carol Votpe Nm IIllouchby sumo Pattrrwo John Gibr eon Gloria Graham Georao ltarioy TACK now cliapco one Sandra Purchaec rolt roam librarian hhraarot Dic kmlmrcnl AII lanor rlco primeval Allan Cohen will its dd the society has re ind mot mm the mutate the county and Ella laalIIiI In up thumbipr Wbotl punan us II that new township mrimrg Danlo lha tune or LG kat Its the principle beblrxl It Ipomialion oi wind the ml rullunl lnclety doing In tbl cly lb uure hon3 Aid Motmet raid omen Ilia oily ILlidd have an ire sur iato at tho lalrgmuuts It was lumrl down by the Iodrty be cause wuld IuIcrtere with In mitxay Ihe buildia wouldnt on you bran lIId Mrctymt said You do the mm at Barrie but you dont drny the race track Youre trIlIny me youre proting umr dad bareball diamond lakoa away not Wu urcd II bmbnil diamond been worried and rcscdded Ind the Red Sox tho burth team Midhi be any happier TREE SERVICES the my slam in Iuct but polka Ind Ilro matron arranxcmcnl nun llamo nnconoy at llo was luiomtrd the now my HAS at yearly mile Dr Crown Hid Uta Iodon will nominal moon to 5000 mm many this year Questionbd by Aid Artuhur bou the aroma oi ramny Dr Crone said Llat Ir not relcvanl Dr Crone said thograndsland was built tor the Barrie lalr it drinl haw the runway dont know horn hed be now ibo raceway openl $3000 re modeling lhu madxund vrtalnly dont want to rub sldlro the raceway arul the curl itu club Aid lltCIymmt Inld Aid llmLIcy laid ha wallow rd lilo grant mauxo It toil en gun and mlpmcily llr rail itio rxlstrnco at tho cutlint club not the IcuilurII Io clctya iauli and at the raw way an and to the dy The ans nu horn on not to tho city mantles oi the conunlttteol decision Aid lirntlcy told the mlotyu repre muntlvcr AL hIcClymonl said the curl Ina rlub should pay 000 and they Im OoIba obcr bent ha Iddnl the rlly provides tree prclrr to im the reed then Iuuchmonl AldArthur said he warn otho contribution laxuh by the may turd ha olpmlalos what II II doing tor the city Ila thou asked it Crane um linaodal the root boa ly rm mum mm The number at curios in the July icderll Iiedha It record and with me at Larimimic candidates Ibo tried their papers helm nomination and Umltldaliy the total In 110 NW hill the Li who art the pmtour mark L1 1971 The Mt total In In dirpula became ol uncertainties In too ridlnn unmoth horn alter nomination closed It Two local eundard time But UN llzurcr lrtl no dth glhal the nunbrr kiay om lhit Ill Iiltlmo hlrh The Liberal and Frommav ConscruUrc bid lull Iialu In the oer comiiluraclu whil the Inch 262 One oi the causes at dLrpuo was In Labella rldlul In Que beC hed In the last Parliament Liberal when in cnndi dale tiled under the Social mitt NM SIAIEMLVT EXPECTED Ecctbrul olictal la mm iwm mural what to do about that one AMI Real Danielle Soclal hilt leader campalxuiuz Ia IIIiiiax Lb dlcatcd ho would make state lmrt today the ardent timed total oi LNG candidates had been church by only convention or had otherwise Indicated their Dr Cnnm Isd the mad pas intention Tho bl rum on nomination day came Irma Social molt candidates Ind ohm to cud groups as independents Dorm muraau and Marxubhpinisu The Social Crediten aided mom than so to their weehad umber nhiio candidates at the top of Canada The NDP ilcldod Alli ILIIBI in all 3va but Quebec when any were luv than or Ibo 71 healed Social mu laurel group was to Quebec where the trzuru oi so was dispukd Their Ioiai acm tho matry left them about dozen short of the ltd Sdoiland Yard LONDON lCi Scalar Scob land yard olticiala tour the bombinl at historic Imt mtnater llall may be the start ol mater summor oltmsiro by lilo Irish Republican Army In England lolico uillclnls ON Tho Time3 they believed tho mm palzu will be Iimcd prlmIrIiy at xumnmcnt buildings Ira p0 Illiral Ilium lollco wrm raid the lllhl Provisional wing the brunch otheruw baliumd men than MoadIya nitritch coo ubello when In Iddhion Illutad the mood daze In in lhl two Social molten Outa mmtutlom probode not mauve No Demmt In undiluted inll nu tiled lier paper men urns rennin The auntrail lIIyI cIrIier than to the rest Marcel himn lonnzr cabi tboroumryboutmcltbom net ratater in Quebece kin telly In nttln election supplied iqu the distant Irena enrol thonaaodcrlhoSodalN Oom metIi MI Pmmuln Tomlin ND ll nial 01d lode mint mm The hunter cl mm loch In dried Ibo and total oi or tied papers corn Paml Ilh tho 11 who attend the rm In rm Oniy baadlul bl Wu at other with tiled la run tor the 31 Mi in the Auntie pnmncrs Ibcrw traditionally the main lam baa Inca la the older partial OPPOSIJ FAIRme Doe Canada Peru rIntIiatI ln the rain Alien limo mind arm Ibo mil run in the New Breka iml 5333 pa on Ibol use oi the mm Lin NMyIiuyal bell in taxi Home by Gordon hh weather maxnutin la the neighboring rtdllu oi Momma Mirth mayor not Int Juno Ix running Ia Iadr portch Inn ban tom by Gownalive LcIdcr Robert llich Ind lb Min rid Lal conservative Katha be en or the mayor ItIud on bilingualism llr Stanlldkla hidnguw opponents In rd roalrcllon in Ibo rderIl ridlnl ol llIlIIIx lllx opponent in dude Liberal rDi Sodli Credit Ind hlInIst lithium canllzhtu ll wualmltlc amoloorta in tho disputed Qu Mia or Wodcntand WM NIllomh mcmmcal in the I960t Tho nurruxr or candidate til tar tor Quebece re rldlaa ended by more than the eitth in in Quebec ones pmium col rituatlons Indaue us in Qua boo East when limicrtc Rob Icurmd is runainl 00n umtlva whllo his brother Rob clt Le Social Credit candidie OIIicials Fear Bombing ls Start Of Oliensive that Is fighting xuerrilla war In Northern inland believed to have sockpllrd rxploalm in preparation tor new termini Inuitc llltrdiira questioned down at mtmton many or thorn trawler Irixbmcn In their MINI tor till Icrmrtsl who plantnl in mpounii bomb that exploded urine the rush hour nlvurloy morning la the Palm ot Vealmlmtrr the homo oi the Ilrtlsh Pilamml CAPSULE NEWS Oil Exporters Hike Rates Iwo Per Cent ouno Ecuador tAllTba worlds major oilrxtninx com trio have agreed on tuupcromt Inrmso In royalty rIlrs that obould have minimal ottect on consurnrrs Concorde Much Faster Than The 747 nosrou AP mic mm taintcomplain round trip mluatlanllc til lmm mm to Paris and bark hIortj day 10 minute mice than jumbo ict made the night one way Haitian Player Banned From World Cup FRANKFURT Germany lIIllidimt JNn Josepha membcr oi Ilaiuo World hip mer Imm was banned lmm turthcr play in tho tournament all dopinr test rrrrnlrd be had taken pm hlbtcd drug the World orranlzlnx Corrunitlcc Inawncod to day rdurollon learhrr hotly liar dy rpcoipi duration teacher Tracy Danich swim truiruc or igtr another pldm and story we Paco IJ Examiner Photo Chinese Nuclear Blast Conrmed in Iebmlozlral mum at swim Ml grog Indian reports at macro our car tut In tho atlnoaplicre Final WeekOt Closed Hearings WASHINGTON GUYTho Item oi lllpmmtotlm judiciary commhteo begins today Incl wfck ol closed bearin uhlc willInclude review oi Prerldoot Nxonr maul llmm ldchia Inc to Ice another tbry provide uwrxk Impercbmeot llpril Inflation Rate Below Others MIAWA CPITM nationI Ination rate during April will ruhslnmlally bolovrratee to other countrite the Organlmllon tor Dramatic Oooncmtlon and Development tomb reports The mnommr prIcI index rlao at retentan oi one per cent durin AptII wrmarod with an Ivenxo oi 11 per cent coma Itprtl com pmd with In arenas ed 11 per cent Imont at 0501 mnben

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