Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1974, p. 9

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thalam mg Xuponitdlltles an that laid three Dante deb we to the Inntul mater lbto ol the Nadine Mntlm tumors Ind llnnlelpelltlu on pet return lrom Wlmlpes ebere the enhance In held last week But the munlopal level at you CWNI1 West to LII MoJrIntbebhtmltlon tonnes the needs at the corn nmm the rodeo The three Ire Moe Dorlnn rm Alli Bose elm llnence commuter ebIInnIn Ind Atd RN Arrhtr Nile loom mmlttee etulrrnen Mmldod nundn in the ninth toplo olrcussed It the lourdny conference It ended ufh the moment pt trIslam teak torus toe pd Ile dentin el munlcl pro Irems It all well Illhe the mm at munlclysl unmet The lederstlon Ind tbe prorlnl eInI ad IederII governments Ire wlng to get In looming ol bet ndel progrelns Ire Inllsble to munldpalltles VIThey Ilse hope In now how Ihe munlolpellly can meet rtslrlx demand lor eervloes ulln Ilmtt lamentous It PUBLIC mm Vilhls lash loroe could be the btnnnlny 01 prom tbsl my well rerolutlonlre publle nance SIAYOB DDIUAN PARKE In My Mlhtry IIIlI Urban In Illnlstu ton Buford ruwlsthllltla antenna us repented Into our dlvlslons newbornJoe urban growth sad It In Immune boo lnx should be meetmklpu polemmeet Ind IrInewrtnuee Inehldlnz mass Ilrm Ibotlld have Inmle Ind leth nlal rapport loom the renter Ina at of rammed Mun Par muri nompl north rIIu beaslng problems Ind It In lelt then lbodd be lrder II paltry on mth term he ownth concern the Mme IIId II We were mrnt whirl Is now boIIly Insul lt my well trirter our ncleot Ind ne should he loch piste rethlakla at how the In Nledllld how they Ire letInert to the tun osm In the Inner at government dolllls In proqu Ind Iervlees hlr Ilnslord nld It Is hoped by ONW lbe sold MI munIdeI elem In or some wort Irern le mme Ind Inles Ines under some new llenxinl strutture to Mutton wllh the renlor leveLr cl lovernrmt It we Ilsa reoernlly Izreed 117 will lend to better ro meet the otemutnt Ibleh or munlclpal problem km the nIantIl nestleI 01 run my one or turn provinces to mod Ind Amen molullons med by curlan or curator emu on one rellln tor Mauve Parker vu rnlloII or Im It In prunes ed the III1 Klee deluxe In nomimt ed Irene the floor to three re ldpzlltles here more Mes Burle us Illeered two votes larger mlnldpnlltles the the to men rota the slum Ind ulrreundlex ereI Is not represented ten the board at dlmtonl Im db potnled MAW IMtee Id The trlwlenl eodereace to be held lhls Isl um Ittelrvt In rel ma Implement the netlone 1M reznrdmg hotelez transport Itol enrlrorrment and DIM Isslsluce lIhIlt the context at he qunllty III In Could It the rentrel theme ol the con lerence nld AH Slrpbelu was rumrrnlnx the benets or trHeteI eonlereneee he eonterenoes Ire to brlnz the rntnrldpelltles elem to the two Irnloe level at government In matters elellu to munldpel lire MCID thloh in Iind Ihcteulhg FltlDAY JUNE MS enzrllm Iy ltllinllt Im the terpnyere IlendpoInt We bow to come Io trill trilh this problem mm the rtrtruoturlnx at the mm AM molten said the ledemtlan Is now eonloosed et mxloeal eommltteer vbleh Ire Izaln divided Into pmlindsl sub mmmlilees One refemrrt print Ald Stephens Ield II tbs large munlolpnlttles enll have strong reprleeolrllons llnendsl sup port ht factor In cam ll rests money to sustain Ind mute the federetlen Ill ll 10an IIND GENERAL ITEM TRAIN nre loamy to Illstory tmln hot wltl rerry Feather WIII tun DIVE uni Ills ulle Ilonz with In owed caretI gun Union Stetilon Toronto expected to mtve In Beret It 311 Irn Seturrlay where It will Itop tor llr rnlnutee betore eordlnuln troututmost at II In 1855 Include Butte Buy Onlrtellh Ind gt BIKE STOLEN Pat CAItum el 68 Dry St equated the then ol hLI Wk to IIImy TIL0C ITOLKN truck owned by store Illr at NH Utople vns Ilolcn 0me wonme lllxh horn on on EMPTY nln Glmhwhldll lound tlur the only IIIIlli wrong wtth Thursday nlrlrtr llome Ind lidon AsIoetatIon barbecue It Steele Street reboot was that by oclock many 01 the ketch up bottles were empty Ap proxlmetely no people Itlerld ed the Mt Innuel event Ex emlner Photo the pulley lot ol the alttan Hotel POIch were tnlormed at the theft Thursday It noon TWOCAR ACCIDENT eIr drlven by IIINId llcl tuber 100 Motherland St re mind In eslllnsted taco mm In and operated by Tho ma Melennen ol Bl Gowul St reelvett In rstnmtad $250 dun In twoeer eolllslon Thu Iy Ilternoon It the tenth end ol Baylleld Street EXTINGUISIIEII USE mule In the use or lire extlruulshm us run by the Barrie IIre DepIrtrrlent luestley ml Wednesdny ItMlonIIl Vle IAppro mteym Mspttmt membcrI took the test Iettnesday Howewr the at quorum wound members that evenln lowed postponement LION INSTALLATION Thn ItllTo emutlve ol the Llons Club Barrie will be In ItIIIed Tuesday at It the ayeulre Logo MI Point he meelln starts 30 pun COIN mutterqu The next metre of the sum unit Nunuuu llc Anodetlen represenutlms beean pnizleem et Mdple er rexloe to report Setdens no It llmEeI etltles nl 0mm red the Ascognum at math no Reports at Ontmo one each lrvm the three luxest comic mmklpal ilk Ind three to be chosen It In NI lt TDD rele presented resoutlon en the qtltd or rule pro ducts hut Il dld not It to the tommttkv soon enourh to be left nxlt Barrie reslnlrd Its position on uncomlltlmnl gents um Ald Stephens We lee they rhould he Imucdr whet Interested All Stephens much It the muerence was the lImrldeI uslstence Item the lederel rotemrneot toe the re IocItlon ol rulluy trucks The ntlrne thlng In Baffle In open up the bay toe rerree lions omkxmenl Inld AId Stroller1 there Ir detIlled surname Im wul be held nurrdr June to It In lrlnlty Golllevr street unoIVNm orle wales ol the Central db menus CI It The propem whim runsmm 1050 In to no pm wttl Include look It the port Inlmnln plenle lunch zeroes erIlts Ind curpure no IE belnz planned omelzed by the Semud llIr rte Rangers CAlt nusrrtorrsn ml etItlon we uhleh elruer Illwr brl re on El Buy HIM RM Thursday Illemoon was destroy ed Innlslll Touluhlp Pollce re ported llllldrtd Rudy at Bit lIwIn Lane who WM not Injur was the driver who etntck llrsl one slcle ol the brldee bouuml owr and struck the other ride In Pslnslutck KNIGHTS DI RED 110$ Mr Ind Mrs IlIrry Walk er end Mr Ind Ill Gersld Smith motored rmetly to trout eville Kcntudty to Ittend the cum lmpcrlel Cantrell ol the urrll hall rooedum munldpahtles wIlI sediment rrIats retained the math services In Innu word the new grant InlLINI II the remiclpslltlu cheer to spend the money In one Ares GREATER DULLVDS re mtn were In mud tut newts mm the ma try In that the dermal be the mrnldpehlles Ire mater than the property IAx base rould beIe There Ir emblem Illt ere punter to Iome minus uo Arrhee end In the vmaut pron vineee here dlltrmt ways at Gorilla Iith mlmleipalitles MIL Archer Ieametl It Ibl conference that Ill mulelpdh tee hate common problems rs who nouns me no other puhLc wrb program And the much led II thI Mario Is lender to teen trutmeot We now have yd In to late below thelr Ip Iryendemderytrenunent mmwl ere tI very IlbIe lu Barrie Ibl Cauld lsn Nellnnnl Itslluys and the CIIIdIIn Puma Rnltnys could use the me tenets llllnlelpelltles Ire more me In In spendlnt money that the vInelIl govern meetlthlstIetmleee ledcrll can dlspde AM Archer MM be Is In er el mndltlooel rents but be what Ilsqtn have some In on to the tertiary Ietel Is not so In some at the pro llnrondllinnnl nulls which thl dty ll get mm the Prelim lhls yur amount to memo But the rIty Is hoping tor $00000 Plovlndnl stlbeltlles btllttd or mt mount to 11130300 Moot ptblic Iorh momma In elmtdlned per ml by the provinces mule next Inclul roulette em will be held In lbndon murmurs repelbrood permanentKill boroe the Log In but at the BIrrIe Imbulaoe dlvlslonxlog st John cI noele cheque 000 Item the Burl ltollry duh It the lhurrdu luncheon betel It the eremeriunrdrny Rotartue Dr Ron unwell Item corps roe tor the PW Sound Burl Db lrilt St John AMINO lath wlth Mr Mason rollov PII Whhn In John Room Home Birth received throne In Rlituy Cub tthemln Phat Auto Engines Of Futur Outlined To Rotarians Std Swallow Assetlute exclu tIlo elnxlneer uilh Ford Call all gave Rmallgemmme Irma IIlurahy eon hold It the hummer Gur dens Into whet klnd cl DIM Ire In the future for automob Iles end their engines lllr Swallow MM that 9W in the game our engineers reul lied that new kind ermine was needed on ttut would proIItlo the notlulion emlsshm control Whom the IIcrIllee In mum lhe yerlmetels ol the Ideal power plant would Include be in Inherenin rmlnon tree with hotter lueI economy pow er durability slut rellnblhty Ill turned the tunable moans ol drlvln now Is being the corn vrrrtlonet resollne en the amt enrloe no the Wankel or rotary engine The diesel llr Sawllow term ed In being on lllbrrontly low Going Away For Holidays Police Give Helpful Hints one can unrnutee he on emergency ItII nllow III to Then ollcr to Ir your nahtr um born rhlel engmocr led CNss at Uonstontlne ol hollliay Even the ueothee uteri ml the poll where you can bra use your drivrwrylll he rhyming tsvhlellll1 hinngulor lssmtlh out the tot to be colmete In em oer you enl It tor yonwlhenwere It you Ieavo with him your Ilo have two Ieete one In the drive WINE mintV65 trend Recorder Ind Pest Grond Ieverel weys hotlever thet ertce number and other detells my end luv hlm move It oo ltle Strum county Board at 5mm mm mm my mlgh throw the odds at hurl Iboutnthememmnxfe olI yolur ceslonelly Emmenlnulinulfnsmd Mad 911 In he return home our user or men me they eon lo newer etltolnlritttlllllr honeymoon Ittllt Ib llto Berro CII on re we mo to hm my mm m0 mg met dmm mentI hlhts on how to reduce IlIlo our mlrnbor ptelt up August Etch Itervdln eomml mm Kmmy mmL loloree am the alums ot tillle your your maIl lor you IIWI with the IE treat the board utll Now and relernl technology dnlsloll polluter Ilthoum does pro ttuoe rontlllcreble qmnllty ol mlmztn omrbilesalllnt bts lonuwry an on Iurblnos lu 20 years and ttnt lhelr durability Is tetbellereble these may be the true mt uiel he said romeo wlth each ettlnx to up lted 0mm ol Constentlne tor the cute two typesolextlh err Untlcd States or Amerlca Mex The rmwu hIndled Jack lot and the Pnlhpplnes They IIIMIIIster lire preventlm ollln were representlng the GVlId er wlth the tire department Ind humtel Conclave ol tunede Convocation Set For Applied Arts hey Irv lootan lor special rouwwtlon mll be Iezo students because at the Lm whitened ulth settle at the new hell at urn June It the tune they spend on er wmbmm mm olllrtll IOtlEtt PLANTS lle Ilsled same at the power TV mwmm he plums In the rultl tor tho tell 353 that arr lum tear to mlomget Is 23 been the Hon mmpom ore Appltetl Arts graduates wlll Wm Sound amp and tmlmuw mnmuann my Soap Box Derby house humorlred mlm be lrnl rnnll everyone remixes ed to deter rozuler menthle graduates mmrmm new mm mm more can be pmllsel at months Asks Renegohahon Includ eludents from the cm Me Wins me of Jqmllm pumm lcts at tho motlto bebJreI them mm mm and reasonable Arlee lhese tlm mmm Stlrll veto and elutrle In be Wm dueallnx elm lrom the ten In mu about on KItttItnI It elImInutInl the need to have In In Iree so oos It you hevo responslblo end 51W Cm Man or La mm lm3 mm pom 111 are $33325 ll21 LAWN cur It textile Monday throurh Thuw WW9 Wm hm Km sEIuIIIIZIIcm mete mgramt is In home OrlLIIu and 0m vuy oul there In tho tutu no ectlon at Jun lloAIIIsler the cal 1310 the barrnmln mm pom J2 231mm hm mhlfitmozffntm 21mm pmenltm other In the llar tor tho boards muleavhlnr enr Wntl whlele he thI at ere lute 3le cmvttttonlhat tree Im 3W1 We you INAWW gitgm some mum the umA 1mm mffmm mmh Passenger Busmess Increase or technology wrll rotve the boom on nerolletlons orgy problem elrrltrtteneeus Two New Technician Programs in Hamming We mm Rep0tted It commie SBWICG mt Busineu II ILEMIIIYIIIKYCMIIIE nrumtntlol that Iotyvo thclters nyvm or IIIIIIIEEJQSM on tho turtleToronto renunub AMI my telephone he Instequ POE Blg EDI 91s on so 31 mam of mm llrdeol ol Railroad Iloaelm rd was repairing Ind replace Two new terhnlclrn WOlllm bout Ivullnble only It the Ian wlll be nlallnblo tor the met rlr campus The Barrle end Dlstrlct feet um the re breakers yonromeo your remor 1m durlnr the tun summer ersllvr rrwrt and hotel oper ck cueroums FIRE covnsl ramps mm tho Illnts uell enrol not that durum the etenlnzs lew sf inbznugvmxgwa Mr wuhmmm OI CUPE COHIHCI NM mentlt retardIon eoun nre erpteted to graduate lhls VFW whlk mn aerator cm In no do be new It Barrle Central on are on veeutlon let hlm know on dont WIN to lore well It you look back on there 4W Num till mm mm WPE 10 graduate later than most rot Sound mm mm 1hts lets hlin know that your mlnhberhood Illrts to out mall all over the WWII the Department and leek vlvym that the current rellce Mr bvhullow mid that he has may Slmeoe Bonrll ol Educn to the boardl IllMe committee erulsslon problem and the eu ors In echooIs totIl It to from the reoreIIry CUllI med termmud Ind mmum be er rnu MItt report John at both slam Also rmommondl Amie Mappmg DUILDEILS MEET tIme do tell to lulltlme dil SUM WMWW IM PW Brothen Assocllllon will hot John IIUKINII lvronto bulb mm 1mm In the my In commuter group uhlcll sought melt at broken window at the Conhacl Awarded der will address the June meel In the melee tut your Klng Itaiinn etulcntt enrolbd et Georglnrl Collage nt Apptled Arts and Technololy eltll englneerlng teohnlclnn plugrulu an mechnntcul one ncorln tetlmltrten proer Ill be ollrrul by tho colleges twlmologv llnlslnn It the Inrun campus In llnrrlr III uldltlon In tum SoltmI campus ol the mIIexe ulll ot III urnpllu tlwlyn optlm loJetontlyenr ItltItlIIl In the llwuu urotraln Ircvlnltse ly the rexlhIe dcolm optlon heI Ipeottve employer to detrmrlne oyment opportunltles hero Ind mod need lor zredueler tretncd In these llelds Employ er demand tor 1m frnuuutes mm the Ieehnotofy ttvlslon ot the college was Itch The nddllton at there new pro mms brlrgr to 45 the number ol our tuo Ind threeyear pro rrnms ol lnslrurllon both at Iered In tho aprllod Irte bus Inm teehnolnuy unil IIlIttI henllll dlvlslous at ltlo colleze In OrllllI Owen Sound Ind her rte It lhlrd maul Ieepbox derby SundI pn Clmdes hold our Sunnl rte Putt Appmxtmrltelywm boy Ind thelr III Brot r1 are expert ttt to partItlpate the event which alert It 130 pm Tro phles wlll be euented In three returner lresentetlorl el IertIs wlll follow the noes The lmlst be club ol Ilerrle Is provld ro lrerlunentn Ind lood tor the compelltorl even nutter InlIIth to watch thl lzhu In at the Derrle nulldm As lodetlon It the Ie on hell on St Vincent Street rIdIy Tho meetlnx VIII slut It em pun SPECIAL MEETING my Nunell will hold tpedII meetln Monday IIILIII to could er Irw eomrnlttee recent metdeLlon coneernlng Lvtort ol lunds to meet ndtllt and de ntllre repIytnent mete the ml The meetlny wlll bar It plrrl In the coulltILehm bers ot elty hIIl Ownell was or lly to the dull utlh the nutter It metal meetlr lnlitees also declded to reler mother CUPE request tor rnllee erIte chum lor employ ees me thelr ours on bond who use thelr cars on bored business to the committee on nrzmialllles tor woelderellon some Idhoe UNIQUE DRESSER In Inelent Home Eltonor Nero proclelmed thet only he could weer the purple sorta while he does not colored wlth rrtrsde hoot Intl harm to the Lelroy Ithtlon shellsh May 1m Ilzum show that me utth the lley to holiday the total number ol pgmnzers Increased from about 3485 In April to nboul 3953 In May he llr llrvltol seid he hrs been consulted by Canedlm Nettennl llulluuys about the prwlelon ol Ihcttere at the Km Ind IAI lvy item The Klrl IIIth wee moved to the llle Creek Connntlen am home you eg ho Iald uhet nlncudous to loam how much summer vaentlon buslnm utll be rIrrIed on tho Ilne Itlr llclleol ILItItKI there Ire lame numbers ol cottons hmllld Lzllre SIIIIWG no In the Dome Iron It the unlock New Is any Indicatton Intlclpate that vote poorer loam ol the rer vlro tllcro wlll be heavy lus lrless on Itrldeys wlth moth e31 Inertm durInI the week the Ilzum tor June July em August 11on lndlcnlu Mr Muleol nld ho bu toc has mmtlmpue the cotton trnltte II OTTAWA IIUIIEAU or The Exemlrler North Ilrm NOIIIIWJy sur ey Corporstlon but hes been Ivcn 2112 contract Iur con tour mnppln lroru etnel pho togmnhh rlI CPI Benton the department at supply and stir lres Innounced Thursday The work tor the depeltxmtt ol the envltoorrtent Is covered by are ol 155 research Ind rte volopment contracts Iwnnled during May Total value ot these eortetl MINI =IE L3 Em Heme

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