It II In on in the Ip on Ben or well were rave his hm at perv to Inel norms II the head labia It Lhe Churchill LUNA 50th yannhemry llMxr were back aow kit to II Worthy ll gtl ll Thompson oi Gainrte alIs Gms Burton and hm Georte liurton oi lnrds ill Pallar Benson ol Hall Grand See line Print Row id zjnoth Anniversary Party Held By Churchill LOBA Dy BRIAN BAKER HUME The Jeanir Gordan Ladlcs Ornate Benevol aai Assochlion oi usurrhill nil planted ll tittirth anniversary in the downhill ange Hill with butlet supper tnloyed by hundrrd Ind lily membm and guests leiowed by inlI av eairII oi eatrrialnmnl Ind pres enlallan oi hecorIry mustar lhlpl Three menhm rsrelltal how nrory rmnberahlps were Sister Maud Morris Sister Susan Rul bit and Alla lleien orndIli re nd honorary membership beh at her rmlhrr he later ill Purl Builr who retent parsed IV The head table was reserved Ior Padhr and hire Benson Bell mart litpilll 221mb new team and lira Burton oi IIIIIIIIII Ntht Werehlpiui Grand Secretary iar Ontario West Vivian limr NW Wars Ihlplui lorlh ltlIIlreI or cat ario vul llIe liellaI Worthy ElINN Stall Carlton show band oi televllian lame will be IrtnI here dur Dretoaa eds reoranla relebrallan on lr day Saturday and Madly MI it 15 and Parades bear xardta basa ball tournament art and anti que show and lawn bowillll cormaetltlen Ire amour other hlrlllizhta planned during lhe pronm which will mark the 1m anniveer oi the renam ing or the Iprmcr wmmurdly oi Ollrsavlllv Ia BeeTown The latter subsequently bctarrlo roa deaml to Boston Ia tha thriv Inp than community Is now known ATho beer garden to be held at the Uerlon Irennon Rider main item pm to am and also on Saturday Ilicmoon Standout liddlare have been in viiod to htlp provide appropr tIII music rimIona snow Tho antique show will be In lie yumm ml building wllh lo cal Irt thqu displayed It the name plus The will help dlr IN ovum WE Till GENEVA AP poll tted in lrInoI aarmaayr llaly lloiland and llalrlum allows that Swlturlpnd lI Nan littered the mast Iruytworihy unlry Iran Slate Univerttly and David llandloy Unlmaity oi Cleave in cooperation with the Eu renters oomrnlmlly lnlamIIlIon Ornlre thshpall allows that Switrorllnd tip top rank will trust ratio at 70 per cenI HARDING STEP Tale out Deiivtry In barrio FnEll Illll terrors QOrIentIl Ullilll Oprn Dlllr illlo paldn all in tha world condutted Ronald anelhari oi Illlch Mistress oi Jeanie cordon Chan chill L0llA Siaier hurllint Amanad illllt Wanblplul Grand Distress Ior rl sister Bertha Addy him see Worth Master at cralxvale 0mm llIIht Wars llistrrs Bath llIrvey Ontario West REV EAL 690er BInlon Reevs at in niatll Township an behali al in nisili council conIrIIIIlaltd the L0BA on the messiah oi their noIh anniversary and axe leaded warm weka In all writer and meats it was not until now that illin realized the extant di your Alsocialioaa road wort In the mnuahy be said with you 1in lo your Iecond hall Mm ganglia in the projettr Happen millionmllar Trillium Homo tor the and In orlilla Ind the children OeIan Iiall Home In lllcbnmnd Hill eat Illralian la the pioneer era and also depict some lbs pm rou achieved through the years lionorIry chairman oi the centeanlal commiliee Room ll lirlielvey and the chairman Earl llamrneli have been gett lau rnlhuslartle remnanin sup port In arrangements and motion lira Ann Lilllev been busy wIIII publirily Ior the Important chic ovum Widernhlo latercll alnhdl has been shown In the tertiennlal unblem tire yellow deslm oi bto which was chosen trom Ito designs sub Inllled it was the work oi trade elrhl Declon stIatcnI Peter Garland Another xrede eight student Cathy licodlaum created dulpn tor ccncnalol nurlcalr plates which will be IVIilablo durln The two II at will rteriw apoclll awards in recognition oi loai west and island Glove The welcondnp Itldrru ell Thomson am ul put Grand Grace was lead by Pastor ad head table russlx mu row lively program allowed Bill Elliott to delighted iho humorous on every success as lots plupaadac but now the AnoclItien the with Ilaxsanx lur III nan saladefotrloals Beetbn Centennial shows beeldve lwlmtilll into it Businessmen Ire plannlal clei displays In keeping Ibo occasion dspny oi history is also planned at t3 Itmt III and also has or sponsor iloat the celebration PHONE TIIlei 23 100 nylon Dolble hack Installation Irritable JUNE ll ONLY LenInerrsvrnnllitlalixrkil Illldlxtqlrlin IrtiILI Ewart Wis church ililrl lunar KNEW Mistress Shier bio lherenre vtslllnI member irolnBInvIleL AIIIndae Aur it OrIIIiI mimic Thranto by sister at Aaaaad and least nm lead by Slaler Laud Ia Donnelly who was also disco lor oi remain Rupuma rm turn by sister DcliI Burns Burns Grace Donnell Introdue er hi llellae Ian trio dienoo with lha recitation at poem what shapeI Am laiacludln1 always had rtnrpenddo has not up Ind roar Accompanied Robert Miller on the pine sls er Biol yn llrld and Sister Joan Miller ran the ducts An historiral rea II III risen by Robert allller The eyeninp reneiudrd their Iliarulbs plats desire uIIh beer torie ironu relating to Dcetana vilian library on tho mIia Plans also are womvlinir or centennial panda with pliers oi ileai we mtvl by lhe tone miller Alrr there has been need Early respond and standout parade Is lnilclpaicd The chamber at commerce Womens institute and other or panhalion are all supportinr Iiw oiiart Terurmcth council amt Irranrtmcnlr TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Anaiand Past To Unveil Plaque In Nottawasaga DUMBDON lSiatil we elal mm planned at IhI Ptmcu Demeter hrro on day Iilrrnoou orcipkmon um rmat at them Inmararliy lien yui sit au alall oad from Bowman Duntroon to Owen Sound my livld lie School in irom six In II have the An in old we tho camp illl bin the will Irallre pumrl rr llcepout Ind parent trawler Ire iorrnpllon Servke has construction More irorn ll colors line hi Srtrr tinnyAnn Sister Berta Addy Airs Ewan NIKON Shier Betta lump Baler Photo or the novel inlaiacrarnnnlphque kahuna plaque slants It the cen tre Til tilMere IDJ laid out by the tovrmrrlrnt in lm for the use oi immigrant retiiers Pioneer iarniiiu lslay Scotch Irish and German settled bare my iound tam lou too small Ind moved to larger farms them IIId their dew endanla III buried In this rem In on in 13 Cm bi Np LMMI The road whirll palm to the mill oi the mimicry was part pl the Sydcnorn hall or Old The Imahp oi holthaua ml Still County llistorial Al Iotlalion erected the cIlrn and The public Ir mrdialiy to attend the unveilial itngus Day Camp Opens Registration ANGUS Registralion ior summer day camp was htid last uch at tho Slmtoo SNrt luh Anxua 5a tar to rhlidrcn marina In are airs llcrry Code treasurer day camp commu sponsoring the erpnl shiedshe expect too thlltinm will attrnl tho camp Parents can rerislsr thclr rhli drca up to July is this opmim The mmp will be held Imm Mo to pm hlnndny to Fri day Jilly lHlIly 2d at the xu Dommunlly Park Colnlct ed by the County el Simeon ro matlan cemmillie the ramp EQUIPPED Foil WIIITING 0510 CP lwo Norma bsnz equipped Io carry out trial iLrh headquarters which rxhlcd on In iar blue Mills in the spawning grounds west at lhe Uilllsh leH the Norwcrlan In murvrcd The ilsh la iourld III depths oi 1300 to L600 tent and rounl lo prevrnt Iho irpquela thg listlan Iechnlauo calls lur tximely strong quulpmint Golf Date Set At hm mamdim Mandi Ed Sm phyatWehltuoll lsItdErodhy melam Ind coth dm ker the Bimrmumnihra have ma Izd juror illusion bu than bee IrrInItd tor suurdry Alarm It kl the arms de dub mm mm plI1ir am 24 lot Tseaday All and Thursday And has Index lam In Bards Idling exclu umerhmmm lawnbe Instruction Ii Bar In and other IreI raum last year Ind iorrnerty that pro at Lake st George course WI Men capIan in the mens division Iilh lizrb lltd rnan Ind llarry Nmll WI Lulu in the Me section mu Kenna Ind Marl Bud dce Ite captains Ilth Beulah 5th madcap chairman 10 DEmD HONORS Kc Varty expected to de iend the mens title was Int car at Camisole and Title bubrtrk the later rbsmplatr ship Tbs codrsl meld tor the alcohols course with omlooh COUNTY CLIMPSES VESIRA TAX IIYLKW hllDiiUm ISIAH uprI iwmp Natal will tonsider bylaw WWII 1m tax rates It will medial thllrd tor the purpose this email It the ocular room It the locaiiire ha BUTTON MEETS WV Kalil Breton Mid will be the opposition tor llrlb Shannons ml in 55mm Gaunt basrball IHSIQ game It Ivy amend on Fri sy evrnnp nAYNElI IiLDY STAYNEII lRaiil Trill min Iowa once noun Notlawusag station was pro claimed an incorporated village on June to 1m when Simona county rotde passed the neo rasary laplaw In Iona with latlcn of 1500 Slayhtr was atvrporalcd town by special Itt approved by the On lario kptslaluro NEW OFFICE DUANGWOOD SlIiiI lir Ellie llrnvm caident oi the coillnxwood Bu Ind lnr lesslenll Womrns Club tor the Irma term Iucccrdidp lira Dorothy Morrow airs View Armstrong Is responding Iro rotary Ind lira Dorothy Oopp reconrm secretary TO All NINE OILILUA Stall OrtlIin mi nor lacrosse association In span Iorlnr steaktry and It It ml menu pen on urdny evening June to raise lusda Ior promotion oi tho puma llL PLAY CAVEMEN courmwoon Stall Ora illla Junior lanilat will must we to Opllinpwood on Friday to meet lbs Cavemen In strum ownty baseball league contest billed to start It pm REQUEST 11335 OillllLLA Stall Trndera are now being eniltsl tor extra airs revisions In the were systems at tho liurnnln lldlbllr Il Centre brre Thu Ilow rewauo system have bran dcslraea by lilo rrdnistry oi rovcrnmtnl Irr vim to proton Iuther wnicr pollution oi Lake Simone 25TH ANNIYEIISMIY MIDLAND ISiilii Friday June ll rmrh ho 35th and vrrsary oi Iho desirutllon oi Sainleliarlo hrnonx the an am the French ItslII million natal Emotes It sent uml June The While trophy nut then follows at th unto thee wmwy In The Labs Km motion starts on Wrdnradny Aux It mlxrd twoball humane and torn rout has been IrrInged Ior Saturdly Aug 17 and In orlllla Inixrd Iournardrnt on Wednesday Aux ll Amber in be rent planned or chain day an Saturday 0d I9 Summer rtanlnr lime to NM games in the ladles section are In latrrciuh Nilwmod Midland and other Lube will be at Orllila on Triniay June and It Bsrrie on Thursday June 20 IL TN REUNION MIDle The mm prion oi the descendants oi Ibo rm ismllIea an be held It Springwsier Part here on Sat urday July Famlies Involved Ire Illad to be In Iliendanco registration by pm and er tbs ram and Israel Ilarh nan at pm MONSTER DMW STIIOUD To raise Nelda or restoration and ploitdlnn at in nsili historical sites ibI Innis ill Horticultural Society plan nlrr milrater an to be held July The draw winner will tl MUN IIIMCE COOKSIVWN SUI Mll lm becurno police village In will with board at lnntau Illltt new lint reele In is rnacr nnAnrbnn wr year EXvIIEIAT OF OR tor your iSJJ POPULATIOXS oifleo at that time ORIUJA muons 1960 was hurt llcieaac SEEP unrnnrzrt Articullurai irctmoio IIrdsy June 19 11 notice received cilia here the bunks oi the Wye ltIltr hcra Irom 117 to tail In leis Ihroattned by altadr tram local Indiana the Jesuits abandoned lhe mission IrIi burnrd it to the an rvm dtwcraiing what they can Iidtmi to be holy ground WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS mmnaahm am cm alum milling ltatle II 130 and lzlo wt Compilin Show It Be Olllro Opens I130 Special hiIIlnm Saturday and Sunday in by It Out II it ROX mus VII0h Childrenl Enter Illl libbhl llood Colnrln Contest Compirta hull and entry Irma Ire IvallIbIo II IhrIIrI Yorkirnono whit have already rccriIs Iboal mater and lrIli booking alter local Improve mats hill villa status with It own muncil WI achieved in I962 The root tnlaicel arm It Gil McKnight and Joli in Wilson WI the BRADFORD Sihiil Brads lord Womens Dialliulg was tahllshed In lies allh Kala Alt lrtn ei Breton menu It the tint medinp on July oi that DISTRICT NEWS um mm Wm JUN ma YorkSimone Liberal Critical 0i Wage llnd Price Controls him worm will ruwd Nah for the lib oi rm the tint ta the aim sayslibat policy at true in lhaUSngr lethby wage and prlm controls mud per cent and the nhatmie any WWI gummy ciwlbe Flt Lulux rose by prr rut mt hm The Liberal candidate Sigma maria lncurrml Stzdalr se rudiment rerastila the Nl Egol pm mus Dr Willlcsh corIV cm mime Pm ht rdrruion the enemy um hale inated cm range mm mm Id fallen mo bound ll amt oi Ilnnz 1th the wage and once on trial potty II ixmlrmentrd would pruut the mrk nz run lrcm outing more money but will not Internlitany control pm at he said the reason ls simple It lith ert Surilrld tamed pramr meat Ibo worker soul not be able to nepctlala In cease before the trotso legisla lioa became Isle mm mm paaie could raise prices Juy It the aim oi pen Mr Whilihsh shill he has bum told at sacral unpack ln nunxbe Blunts neer SATURDAY NIGHT It lhI PINECREST LYNN COX THE COMPANY Couplu Only For tabla reservallonl PhonI 7284028 iornxd rumma ram to rule price on July in the event at Commento part run This exme Id In the Untied Sisttl More was rumpled there added Aer to NOW PLAYING SHOWTIME PM CLAUDINE ls WARM TOUcHINO BRIGHT SLICK FUNNYSAD ENTER TAINMENT Dlahann Carroll is line and Is beauillully complemented by James Earl Jones who gives the periormanco oi his career Those at us whove been hunger lng torn nonsoxandvlolenco movie can delight In it Judllh Grist New York Magazine mandrake erav mooiorolromioaltn loot inclusive lie on also 51mm County wardrn during the lat non HEAD Siam An ml railway Imp lsied the poo uiItion oi Bond Held at 00 people and Newton Robinson It 120 hradierd had popuIaIIan ORUAITA Stall lIrsi mayor oi Oriilla when It arbiavnl awn status In 1871 was Melville lili Iar and the ilrst city mayor In NEVALE iSaliI Annual convention ol the Ontario Sharp Drerdm Association will be hrld It Nrw Liskranl 0mm ed on Ssh In to It the Ontario ministry oi agriculture and Iood MERENIP uu Mthr SCREEN II Now Playing GEORGE SCOITn MIItE NICHOLS Ii1 111 Xxx 13 if dduhafqal 2t1If