Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1974, p. 1

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Gets Two Years it their HES 25 go nun llo died that trim oi thI too at mountitu Ionrd beyond or 45 are Eli FEE lt 335 that Ihi In wary tit Dubai to prowl himseil llo Ike noted tint bowler htthphoodIoment on mil Wgoga Okays it 52 3532 Eli 55 in gr 9F gr wmon sonar stain Mm $14260 For Zoolii mt Tonmndlhenhmdu ntrht lhlotnotutmd loomed tlmdal commit thalribocomtuno tuniolmmolllIlhmol wille IMmtyIhdplvvtocillcoopor Irivnrnmtomhtthdobi mootnumboknm Baum the itqu Belch armament VIII mud on coalition thIi tho other mid polltteI involved with contri on their mm WK In Id hot Nmiltoo mn Ilstln oi warm Iimr dIlr Wm woos Dr it THEN INTEBI on tam nun mutant ti min at or on mult mun iI tho interim at tho WWII IIitl no hit Dl Kelli no in lhkh Ihrtcd It tom Inn in to haul It Dull new you bmm under mint within mhrntahy tho city tho do Dirintent lhich inmth II tho moo llr don to two hours Then to II culroIlI yet II to tho IIluI It too damn hour helm til nnthruh nu Wily porch honI Ind Md moved Irith his lazily Iwnxt Inlet two loch In CAPSULE NEWS Drop Circus Promotion mmymtorimmmummrn mammcmmmtmhmdwhkwdwrdmm Joachimu Emu Disennagsmant Not The End Trouble NRONTOlWlDiummmtihntthunmdo mmmmdmmuwmmtmmwmmm Dayan totrm lsroIl dcimca ministrr raid Many Truckers Seek Help lit Queens Park rmmmtthPlAmoiinnkm doocmtrttoniho leth Midis4 today to wet pvmmt hittrvmtion in tboir with ptlItIt my WW4 coolant Not Linked To Four Deaths munch Wthmmthouoolmm ktIlooolIrtItInumlatturtna anthomindloalaothmlsoo Wmhdwwnthocotlant mmmtlnattimphlutrmu January 1m spokesman lbr tho Ontorto ministry oi lobor mid Price Gold rumbles in London wNDONiAPltte oilohlirlimthanInotmLI inlaodontudnylntm coiIreportthatlmhutriIlrountrioo mmullmmwuimmlmmnmmmm printolltoilHMInmotcdoyhorntlmo Nealw FarthingHouse Employees Votes Count 10th GP Oilldiub ot tho Goodall Food Ind Allied Wooten Union are mun wito hm today on proposed cvnr trout tor 10000 pnettinlhwro thorium wllh tho threat oi turn tryMtdo Rundown by OomdaI three largest potion Mom on tho mm Bicycle Prices To Climb This Summer mnorm CF Prospecitvo birycto mm may be low with him prim and Itlortnno oi thin summer II Moyulo torsion rt hither hittn inciory kn llxrmco tintom ltth Quin nnd morons domain tor ttmr Mitts lowGen legor Shows Improvement mummwoxr Ouo Pl Govmmrvtlrncml lulu hrcr committed to Itnw Impmm Itd tpmi good nlm Neulay on nine Rported today udmoetlarmmo its Titrvhlsi MOliED Ill roauiiiui um ltnmlnn Baird durum hA mu mild hairser plsmun hoard 1m Wrath IIld marathon toxo tun it ugliness bocouu peoplo lmvo their than at Mr backyards HI rrtmnt to rumso hoot in guruoi but onedltcolty till on Furl 2AM thodlydoanJook lthoheoutitullhrri thin with Baminj Mugmc 171w look Motllnl WASTIINGNN AP wnmssman ma no ha mo YM that State Secretary teary Kissinger driplla hi sworn dcnlnl omitrod notional nourin wiretaps Roprortntntivu Joshuo Eli bum Dom PM member at the noun oi luprcsmtntlvro tuttith committcn Iotd ntea dry ilatcrlals barn been run plitd to whlrh constitulI poIlLtto prool that mum did TORONTO 0P Ontario govrrnrrwnt tits on tho historic Ilto oi Saints liarle nmonlr the limo hnyo not been dostrvyui but onl mom horn tho rtto hour dland Oni in Toronto ho uorrurr minister1 oi natural mmraid1m JIrncI Breithaupi laKlkh our told he had burn reports that orimlnlstroioro oi tho ro Itomi Illo mnuvrd and do rtroml potentially cmtyor mslnn inlorrnnilon liill rolt row in Ink13 lllllilliiilll port in February Ibout anothcr uuutltrr 1ho Armriuort Files Not Destroyed Only liloved From Sainle Marie Bernier Says on raw mm Anti nodal ho Inhiedto the body gm among dAlrL Jam Perri dd itiI tho uI to mom murmur WIro piano in tor tho Mum We that not mlllct botwocn the eu ood tho rstdrnt Reverie hun ose In Porri urn who read wldmlnx in tum Richard Eaten PM Idaho mar Inlid it LI Stdris on CAIRO Residmt htxoo said today tint NJ mean in with Egyptian mldrnt An uI Sadat may to rrrrlanherod Isvtm oi tho mot poor in history which Ill louder was open lrom tho balcony oi the oh Polar Inuo Ittrr Irrlvinl hm lo tunnltuou yier iNm hundreds oi thou Eanudou oi Ihcutlnx diminn ans Nixon sold tho am at his vkit is to wort ior ms Ed tor node which He Has Seen Proof Kissinger Ordered pos institutothota tlpl The Senate orolzn rotation cormllitro nod chariter Tuto day to Hire Inolhonloolul Kla IlngorI tortan oomminz nirotopo last So tcmhor during his oonllrmntion Mina Kisslnzcr It now roman once It Sol Austria thrrotoned to li won tmvcnyp ovrlr hisg nil the nixein or or lio and lot tho commltloyl willedtho restoration oi on Fort WiiiLtm in Thunder Bay Ont hlr Burnlur said In in trrulro innsliznilon rhowrd lilo wcro dctlroyrd iloIald mtlrlnls at tho mmistryr ltlliolr tool rites branch mom their otilm totoronto and too itch won moved with thorn Mr lirelthanpr mid loutaldo the legislature his room up oconcmloprn basi um tho devdopmrott MWGW Hid tho rityI mount Lt touring ih on unlit hiking about flown tor Mum generoitano In at In tor nu mohair lllr Rit Wanna wwwmmmr jllixonsi Visit To Egypt Cheerful Note Ind Sm Ind oqli iabiv WW mac there too be on nob without pronle them at Mt WM man told his in host Nixon hit Vbli will or meat the ioundntlons oi now roiotiomhlp betwom two great mitt Proolden Sadat wtlcomog Kiln mid he in wilth thy tlsit will ho ultimo lrl Ilium Untied StairsEgyptian rotation on round and Iolld That Emtlon loadur raid the roviow and denied that he lied to the oommittro At lssuo ll tho extent at Kls Ilnzorr invoitomtot in the int pi government olilci Ind taut Journalist bo twren bint loss and February linlt last September Kissinger tri iliiod lhnt ho notIr morn mended too wtretmtnr but mppliod norm or Wm who had Imus to IcnriliVI rioon rnunis that were looked to tho noon Mdll llowvrr recent press ltavo described larger stin mr Win in tho wiretapping Tho Now York 11m to In Fill report ray that elthcr Kittln per or his runner deputy or orrorl some oi the wiretaps CONFLICT CITED Ellbura in telephone intur View told The Associatol Press can say catngorlcnlly them is dim conict bo tween nhut we have and what he odd to tho lorolrn rotation committee in television lntIrview Tile doy Etlburn wu Islrod by to pnrtor Martin Araundo thcthrr ho was saying that Kis mcm moo Ind ty mod motion that tho pinn nilu lei titmlwrnrnt lide moot prvpnn report on tho best any to hilltu Ind loudsan morn mum in residential mandammueawm Punidru ed mlan whloh has them is whither to motion Lu consu tlro ow arthissed in tho lliddll East with Just and durable pence Nixon is paying rho lint visit to Emil by USil rstdeglt aim t9 Iymhol at Kaitlinit clungo in relation be tuwn tho two mintncs since the ortcbcr war Nixon moltrd onI oi tho not rnthilslastic wimp our given to lanlgn trader bow lie on and wavrd rldo Prostdrn Soda as they drmo thrvtlah tho rm in In opm tor Alzhoirdt Nixons arrival can it was omshndowat by Kissin ritrt chiller limit to win ll tho mummy isnt mdcd our at will in ulrutappioa pair or Military and ploincloihc tom who 1ch mm whom v5 olltoinlr laid the Egyptian tum gone to extraor dnury tom to ensure against any incidents TALKS HATED Sadat and Nixon whululcd tlwtrJlrst prime talks nhoui 15 hours Iitor thu UrS leaderI arrival at Iho tbptlm mar unto Tnhm Pulscet Thdr motility throughout the sham my urn ailment to drool morally with the Middle East situation and partlrulrrly with the now Ind mm vs min in the Iron There was potobllily Sadat Ind Nixon Will make iorrml In economic reener touched earlier Pissing Ililllz his Iumsslu Ilium to mono In fptlamisruoli troop norm Kisslnzcro throat to mini bmuso ol the wiretoppln or cupini most at tho nttonitoo oi thou mnmanytn Nixon irmn Eulzhurx whore the Nixon party mods 36hour Itopaver The prwtnclrl uvomor Iald goodbye to thc president It ihr nilmt bohali ot monitor llruno Kruts who rtturllcd to rice grout lymhclic importance in who tor huh mus Ind muons bro wound 0W 0mm on aid the III opthnirtic the load write Iliuatlon wormed then um rterble iii it at FR in grit rag iii to per cent and arm Li per ML Hour Ind tread tirioI lotIt wor bout malty he who hemIn Indu rm up to pc tent in ltlay bur prim at up in Quebec and Nova sootln Ind mmll weather million or North Anxdcon worm Stanfield GUEIHL Ont UP 306 rd meld has Prime tllnistor Trudeau or placing the worst um oi Wilda with the but oi ination Lnortooi his mild Iltaclu nithommpatxn the Pro sito cornervotive loada rally Nata night dial tho minttier tI rontmictlnz own pint ior coping with irritation named ho had it motlnrenq plan tor prch Hill was com trot and he now la Iturnping tho mitty creatinx horror sto rloo hout hlI wntinsmcy an its is on both Ihim oi tho question and he no more VAL dOR Quit Cll Prim hildator lrudonu hop ping through northern Quohr by it Tuesday Itlrmptrd to hood all oritlclsm expected alter nlcnso iodIy oi llin ost oirlitlnr Mum Mr Trudeau who visited ilvo small cities In about eight hours said in Artid that the intro might not on low enough to make Ivoryonn happy Ind he predicted lionn oi words from what he rolled political protlteen Ibo would promlso lolutlorlt that would not work Latrr in this city oi 30000 ho indicated he will not permit or sltion plrty Ipokrtrnon to de er him lrorn wormtratlnx in tho next low duo on tho noetl tor improved tronrportatlnn lylr tuna lie has said new rowrnmrnl transport policy will be on muppcd this work Iurorr nrloo 11de Ilnrminx poet ct this human lndlcoto Vim oy Iitrr meeting rIllIhle Ind that ho tllll was lrr mounting the mailer ll rm ulnarhut tr linger did not tell the im Eil hem replltdr tm ruin that huntingmurmur Nixon nu mom had Ilmdy In in And the mat Ilormlnz UP that ination is authoring mov mention to told reporter on prim worn higher in sovorIl elllat Rips Into Liberals mhhlogowthmrhtwoab hm hlr Standd link in moo min in curling not All $2ng wen angst with other or man The worm was rnthuslaatlc no BIL Snnllcld hiasitd til minister or Irwin thIi airship the main irsuI the corripniltu TbatI like In Imrln ray that tire Unvmiioit la tho lssuo ho told he droning ou dmcu Whore tn Ill this wmxloriui loadaan hm tor six years oililo the country rollobmtmd to must Wnmtni Ind in twili Imo Inflation nnrl loitius with the worst ditch or both lie Expects ii Storm Of Words iOver CostOILiving Figures llu admitted to tho iricnrlly but merrrd crowd that trans partothn nerds not being mat in number at ways But he ltltlctl the limo we on ilnlrbed rpelllnx out what WI bayq in mind thorn will be very low nods nt transportation that will not how born tnuohotl lhn putting prlnrlpEe It the policy with be people and no ttonIl httrrrll tint ho snhi lMlit you but ill must not conict will natlono prior liter During lilo dry thu prtrro minister trovolod horn on to Arvtdo Citiruuilml Rohurlnlqtll about iobtmlrs north at hlontmithun on to this northwulrm om centre The mention wu tho Inmo everywhere low dlrpllya oi diuntlrtartlon but no wild bursts or enthusiasm Prices Hike Shows lnadequaicy wmyo our om in ca ulzn tour rm grossly Consrrvntlva Lender ii Robert stumoldtodaq icrrnod tho latest insane to the can lie rrNpraicd tho month to name so en It campaign heapqumtcrs win that the tncroItI Ln dttnteo oomploto landowner with the iruduu program to um ination

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