If 1112133113321 mmftIm mm Reds Trounce Phillies Plane Vacation 233935 After Victory itet want rmmmtm urne we roih reg hn not Irama mm eon aims rmmmtgguh 01 hit northerner the runes NM Wm In par earmarkedFiniteme Mumsmen new no we mm 015t IM Hem MN urnsq to much out mtummmqntwthnMihLmmnemnntmumm WantHumth new the Dodterl not In Wm WM Wag 01 oi tn Mun lolloru emu with ilenduw cm 1uuneeinrseruuenulinmtfm anym Mindanao mild marl libsnull hum Wat nee Wu Avm by Eli Ram in the taunt twnck Vienna then er nutty iIel etu It 995 mm nu nein us on ninthhttlmotemnnlmnuunotu II MIN me than so an even Irrr mm mm hiehnder More IQILBI the no Schmidt lot lhreerus cm in Week NY In Intaim in and In homer in the Plnlndelphu rottetfirmtrt gw Noemi IIfIIIIImIZIrtnrru mm at nitritffdme Gram ESLy hum re itlillbIeIenwthclehthel mm mm alum II eeamniMrmeotrwee mai Murth mu II AW mhmMm mum Iilmulmtmzdoryot Deeottuunugnnrrastel they Nthplum welnthe onJoeLlIh their Imhihelutin mntwnmhonrrwnnm tried hm hard mm but to Martin nmeueizr mi by Dneuenr only ml 1mm bet Medea mm sewn wired will stud belted thinneron hem in when menrun menn with to henne runeone hi ninth In cunts Ihea the rim homer helptn the ea Ieer mod IlsaInd boded nonzero toot LN early ind hits the rum in tin nan Ind that list hti but mm It the end otthe Bewehomemtheuhd Iorlhlatlnndminhie huebell Irwin The Bede the xenon rune rotmt to lead Pthtnhrngh over San antu no lull the latter BQumeknl to Indian we Tofnahawks Win Oakland Dum Brewers Third Straight sum IL neirnmt PIrk 61t Pnul God item arm ly THE CANADIAN Hm with three 1on3 while Iron Wren mm hint to term st Iau urnJim Wm em In BindIye other America on their tut he oI Wm llI inn4 nines New York YnIihreerun seventh lnntns thnt lt 0mm mum it teu edged htlnnuoin Mns left minimum run Ibhll TM Tm II mmydwo Irt totind like MW mm 31 Hum lm their third rtenight lune 5113 34 $231 Imu laser timermrioru In Bottgn and ham row III IIIMI II III ler Jtm inn no Ken Aim wasu mu the reye ar C1 in trmi 214 an the home turn It nukes 51 uaom turtle hern per cent ler mu Km 0m mm The Tomlinth tieIIIied an TM II In this nuon heter no it mm in mm Intel one ham or Inn nm warm ll twothu world rtnmcicn AI In Saturdue action New thrown fourth twin my You K1ng mm mm 11 while In crrntrn lowed 1m Bum not IIrIiuod Inn Yuri deleeted mm mm Noun lirai awed by muttered recten ammo uth tittie more in In mind ucir me Im stun mar ugh Ionl Igor In rth thIIcIIitgm IIIddWIkwawMEI on division lIIdIrirsI inr whatnot rm Ind est IIMulIrIIlm Mugm Hoaillktneech it WWIIIIIII in mm MI In much at the nor tinIily hIi thI lhllltll Belmont by emu And th MIDI receluck the In IIIIIII P0 Iu rim rtn the hollertnc hair Whipped Bostonml Inintntnerut It with 01ml iriirttu It um imrrIi by at Serene nilrht om mat tmwg much hteKennneIdIeend ol thronmot Ecru in hitl em law It Km With the me inn 7m cm mm mt Im th illlnim mm mi IIuIInI iheAI unit ulrx In ripened heuuseol lilielte stIn stIrted the Ti munh Pm MI mm Md mmdww mum 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Ill New York autumn mIdIIIIIIII and 35 New York Xingu City client ll rndthebtirieutornunrze 3ng Emmi BASEBALL WHA To Adopt urn lIllthtoruIln teenan 4uclt1bs TO PLAY 5m Game Schedule znIrIIJotn GeioIrIIeIetir By 111 cmnnlm Puss thllnx pLiiiLEPIOILLI small out at Northern Foomall Conlerenre GalIhIenlh else said he lNNIInnaInudSmdayttill America lan moo Lt COSTA Celii tenure in the loazue with the thinking mm the Pm dl lArc overlie with tottr turns Ind it Com Min 33 24 EEsE gut 3EB3 SKIS 83B 8853 unuuux Egg $385 as ESE in Hiimrh $312511 Emits eihreo mrf Iiihouh UttllP mutt tnI 381 Term Iner RHIIII rude Judson art minim format in the mm the nut ptiinim in mm nevur run on um landonthdronotitotthe we wt CUM IXII MN mm Ir Vimmuma mfg The mat board oi entries lemma gunIIIde Iwmkthigf we lioninn Bohton to unsure mm Oak Width up their InnuIl min uthy Secreilrtlt int provide trnlrrhu found tor San Francisco Clevellndl Xnnsu am my or 5m Dim meeting Saturday In unml hittm mu pinym tor Manon entry in mm mmmu mm at live teamunn orient tour urd Main tronI their Illnx II mount the CtnInitn Football Lenin gt4 nnI gt aagzag uzsauzag 58332533 SE motin eporottl to too dtisians Tums will be permitted Mt he no the tinIl quertrr ln Neenlte sntnrnzy Bumuzhtr Tu line my be permitted to rim know the time III nothinr nld Ken Enhnuk mm hIw Yurkdttinnlwtll Pinteiir NY The Iovyemld Willi ex Detroit scaitml Home rim rum is Hob pm to it mm 12 team rm mggggggbgmf armrttri mirdumm my not km My frmngailglnenl IntI Ian Hotnton ll hm her Bnlttrmn Tun to bdrm won my urn mum at mu III In and you on Tum hen Dielolst 142m lillltuulreesonltmil ltnnn hnitrd II Bttrrourhs Phoenixrnilnmmltu rm to In 19M mean caty who nished tighth on Sn point in hnvin tum in it 1m Annie Change New in Boston CI to luknnn t2 turn enrtnnrti mil etu mu wmm mm mm mm mum WI Pritshurth it See hllezikol Cleveiend It ituml Pitching te deciderII playing inthe mm mm mm mm mm Wm my cm mm Remit starch rIin Plny Clminnd tor 309 restructuring cells tor en or ihrrl mum rum mm 10 43 Ar mm gum mm imam rmlthLEoIIrkIIII Itdroii Mwn wmum 51 53 median mm MSW but Th 81 mahumn mum MotAreal Com hm hm oi Emotion Odin VWM dressed netmlitierI Mien elow eeriy pm Little Oilrenl 31 premier ll pie in Phllulelohln andmntl 5mm Winnipen letI Toronto lnury hu he elm mm ycIItllIoIrItztIInIcIIAIIIyI iimnt hw Gm AII galI it Wm Id Rm IMIIImI rtntner 8m DlezotstJloiILI 3mm IN WWIIMm SumLI 5L mm The West Division will be com mate 81 mun rst me In Gross riou new Probnhln Pitcher Mu 8mm Izmhy mm nesotn Imhttnr saints warm Ontlnnlit 18111111th 64 Il 1mm mm Gm mum mm 5511 Dim limiters tnnnerly WEN in LI 0me mg 2015 19 MW an mar returner ut more Wme mit WW ff 1am Division will mt 37 mm mm LN mm at NW York gut 156 tit Clttositn Cnuxm ln COURSES STARTING JUNE I7 Embroidery Fee 530 OPIhrenluI Feheluiion IGiIFn 831 StIlnuI Oils RP S50 ochlrte Pliniln OArioIPleiol PhorlpIi oMmi Am he no Oloo Workshop Fee Si OAdvmud Typing In St Note New Ceunee Munroe Typing Ind Olen Blowing COURSES JULY 8r AUGUST mm Potentaria Werent Woritnhopl anemia My 111 Emmiy Anne umvek iNorwai their Cantu My lie timerlot MailmanJuly Tune It Detroit his ELI Show It Baltimore nt ltlnnesotn Until Nuns ymmlgaxl wwd hawmagd mm mm 530 Pm cleteland It micuo NI eh Saint WWI mun Milwaukee atxtnm my Itnu netted in lmy 51 WW prgsdent Dennis hitn phy leading advocate iii $5M on creetIye undenan July In uthlbem no realm Writtn July Mug tuidmm lilay kiJunI ll Wml $3 In WentwBuiemm MelltnymoowaJiitylw mmwmuohumtw me Kn New York at Aiimtn 5p mm WW MORE SPORTS Initiate dulltnnn rm Mdvistn cone that Loo Armies limit tntnntoptrarm an vi mem WoodenRepair June re snoring July me interior Desirn July 1515 Philadeinhle It Houston 51 mile at ho veles 9mm II 5331 ON PAGE 12 Angela $10qu III Iii at Salllnc m1 Wm Semtnir June hndeoape WWI53w My 1m Lipid An Jilly Ill Emanuelean hilly 114m 13 Chlqu at San Frenng unibemk GEORGIAN COLLEGE SUMMERSCHOOL KEEEEESE sataazadsaz 313E out Ameriun mm say were in the Exit league am will retire today it certain monetary delt made no not met In In interview withrIlo mm at who ICI 5M hie WILKES 21th 33 will tht MIMI mdm plIyer representative IIld an then to le unmis Jake 6mm It the eiticee It today tit re are seeking metre to 17 tor ammo trnlhinl temp Ind somethJMN Mn adios SAVINGS ACCOUNT Cll Veterans Plan To ILBILIOI Horsemanship knittingSith June them waving July Mu 1130 Modern Utentnre Ind the Arie July Tennis Me 111 Nonloan Wenvtnr My Lil BIISITadnnlomJulylbd MmvAdvntiiityi Guitar Working July Mug Plastic Jill zaAnx imrmmmmti mrtiiri no Mounted Touch 13 July sit wining Mn Wmitonnl Jukl em was Buie 1519 conventional spanhh stained ctm sum My us Convmniotul Russian July Mu Tm my MM 02ml Cooking Worthhp Jilly Aug HIthI Yoga July Hi In mg AW nmr Jutlan MilW Workshop Jul Irll Gulu JULY 115 Creatle Mfr mmcl Typin lb lift SlS MN Writtnl Jilly HI let 32 Titn best rein Iround Ky whatqrriore than the $50 they get for end prosemi me They ILInuntImre dud money ron tum marine ine hrIunIchwetI hluseiirnjn Gemteriy hu oiII dllglylehllt 19 ten IrnLn omen totalwet tithe pound oi tobacco tune mun iiu Teetun oi ChtnI hu shing imuh in tnhb tui li eiitmwti It more than to Miles an hour PAnrsr sentice LEASINo good oottIiIo nutcit LTD ISBraIcllordISi 72631885 MIll Applinilnit to GEORGIAN COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL OF THE ARTS AOI Duekwerth Sit Barrie UM 3x9 or phone 128660 or 72519 Pie nrnil me inth allowing eouru From io FeuhrloudtAneliuntierl NIrriI SignIiurI DUMB Ir 7267200 amount mu 7260340 hilltlud Ind Pentium lituh ConIL WU lnnnnnee cormon