iriiiiiriitt 11 SEE Egg gziggg battlnl two tor JACK oAitNiit Lag ANn mu PRESIDENT BRUCE niostow VJACK SMITH DISPLAYS ALLAN CUP WITH PLAGUI OLD UP CAHA PINNANT FROM ONTARIO GOVERNMENT Ch 51333 awMm mummm WM CW Civic Reception Dance Honors Allan Cup Champion Flyers gee eit 13h dty oi unnuqu gm It Incl turd wotis IIImII utiutIiIfIJIIIIId We Emilie gran roar minim It en la success or ntInIur In at my lm wt it runt the holy ceremony lirn alert Limit you my We may hote beenimly hut DH ME ht thedu nnicli ier rruldnx me WW II were tryln My ewninz the Emtn lily him 1t ind IliId Team CIptIin Corby Adam mm warnamed tor their 5am gt0 bulr Ill yet ire hd the it on very proud on be It view in the Allin Guy tum inmrinr Hee turn hell It the plmn to be It the Egan Eat recevtton WW tuner thI netyon iooiu tin reception Were moot honored WI on the ity It the Anny mm mm but Im to to ineve Ill this silverwm New Air Force Allnchiionl L1 OliA Senior turtle Km Wu Med Ir Wm mm III mm IIIIL Wm cm am despite eml the lurue hn mom mm mm mutton nl mmniamitip ire other LIthIm unseeded diner It done It the 41 II In eiipinnd behind the bud er deterred No need 1231 31 WWW mm and In Au chime He neared the ML 31 WM 3N 31 onerun mliliil were the or but were held titles until the Cathy Ade lton it Htvtliatt oi the chic MW rnIl thIt turned the tint min in mm Liftlifirlhletlrwril at my in em to per not hlitmimwhdw in at tin any in Imi en wont the moth no emu nrmu little time tor their it in Diitilci suite IIrthIll tongue om cluh nt nine mm trams no mitt tr when nth31 thtm mbir um Ind director iimr Emfgmmfm mmtchdwr my YE urn to Gnylelord wile iii NEW CARS Im Pet hltonIhIn We eixhl ihe into tinul Ford lormer tumult home in the torn oi in the second rune Den 1w DIit It the gum mm In mired club victim 41ml the arm mints the nmr mar mm in mint itehtr Wu III mum QWI gum into uuoni tie tor whom inst wInter mum new Carl who and cute Jor Mgrth fthle in the mint moment melted eierythinl There In two hi1 hulldrn oi MM In in dart inr Elmvelee nimlru mnr III IIII IIIIIntIIIIIIIIIIIPIIIIIIII I03 had Lobe glow to believe mum m1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIISIIIIIIIIIIII MI was rent saber paOpinlhe lopolihe hn in Ivid hndteytnn II tome Minervery eynu For II The ovum ridery to union rm the presentnilnn extend cmrPfamw gar put him out there hi in ma ml or thir mm by In by Oil0p led thehitiinx with it RATE mm murmur tr In mm mm st Hammad 1th Mm Drum0 51mm iIIhile ti man hiemhmls it mm ml in orillls in trout ol hit mart bi at It the re emu am can mind up nine urine ItutI The Blrrll player Ilso re At it how Pi ed Ilel Wlm HI Tom the rep IMM Included mm ovum mu rm plintttr VIan 1qu Incl Ion wl Untitled mt vin sly Bruce and MIrion Blz mt mum on tIrry linessnn whn pitched re 523153 The pigfovlnrl mjimitlggt$$lzot JonIlJlIin 5e mud ltd elow IIdr Ind Jenn GnrnIi errme hItter during the Iev mm mm 0mm yum mm Ind mp mm cotildnt hnndle it the own nor oi the Week John liyleI we unintng CoOp mwltd its only run at inni ltion wu lottan around to tel Jim nd Be shnrt Cor Ind min three in the bottom oi the rinth when miomo 333 haenpther te tum II penal Mylrtdmseflhinor mrnirr the mumiym In Kelly tingltd then Icnred on one centre Mia Arthur Eu mgr p351 Mind irer Ind tier husband ma Wm bun hit by Pete Bertram urry neurte vieeoresidwtol Invert to limit lens heI 51 WWW 600 PM the ion tor PeterRein muck MW the Ontario lin Aswclnilon MI limle Iuiomnbtie dealer who tended the PM Allan up via out Wm on hate the next better riled presented Inch piner with In nu with inuraumn lled 000 it till Fill tory Dime IL the nrtrwury tol 51m up MIL 011 ergeven pen mom 95 way their menus while In lowlnlthe ilInoo The Allin Cup Wm mimms we night at Kudm end player WWW to Alln tin unto hockey chimelon nm in the tint two Lnntn pmm ooooooon Alton III roundbe um Ntdtdishm worth 33 adhzywan m1 Awlgd Ill optimtrtr mom xi ro es vi oeshroolrwu WWII Isotynrlnl Igetrwo 23213ch here he IIid tut mm were on ditPtIy mm 7mm RNM II ltoherhchmnm Mm uIrI my wen AI be mm rd KOSOWGII Wins EIIIIJIIIIIIII mm In as enld Mr Bellsle olishen CoOpI 000me ii my did honor to the mat Ind Iniilt Hindu it we hln yer ponsor ms ti raw 8V9 lit V811 wnrm pltchtrhowetdh its the loom oi BIrrle They do tint mIioe chIm onrhlp tum p3lr1m Item all the congratulations lliI ructtonto not mm It warned very ROME tuywedrawnJiILCoalesm stoKoIownnolEIitviewuc they will get in worthnhtle Gordon aortas Bnrrto run one at the witherI oi taro Hi ntidary Ichooi In the micr mettle outer nomad moo to oket out time by Syivln slyr hoyt iIvelln event It the swam an the Berri Flyrn help do wlie oi Barrie playewnoeh DII made it no ilth meet It tlAIJilOE Sweden impure Pen ninth iM PI Slim TWO 00 it Sweden mum to dtnw MW Mm at union Ind Eric Kudiiex or prior to the World 011 um in Linn the Finn Ior their Vimnm oI mo prim were ilil Iint win Dr Dent Crows me Brien the mm mhir not cite iot Milli and cord Needmm miytrgtme City Soccer Club controls Itnimeri with rm Point to will cm mret morn nll b0 itlioii it truthfrgzziz mum remain Game But Suiters 10 Loss Secondary School Athletic Aeso mm mm EH chm shade over it eel mm BnrrtI aty seem duh we ms were Innirnted min ere WM 5mm Th IIIIII Pete Celia we irwnutnl again to they were Ia up in lt was the mm mam sunrery litnrnoori wrtatrinrtoe rrmt at the Aurora goal Init ah the edit won the met City eluh witin Aurora they were Iitnotinx wide Imno Wohimi was mm mm Jaw ertn while Letting Hi ion hermit Sehndder Incl Danni with In print allowed mm WW The City tide cornmth Ibtllt Scuidrett were insinunontnl in non nun school at Bur 1m in at mm as per cent It the ley penning lettlnl the narrie attack on the with so lm mm Aurore in their own and except move Bill Bram Paul Whaler 1m mom pm WWW dish tor the nearsich breakaway me John Dickson nil tut ne mm Mk Bill Britten at nrumler Bay We roulnnihirttunel Sattn ohmoex to More hut missed ml hm mm In he edged Paul Vrltinrm ol 1an day 09mm said eiter the aids went oil the oroSIhnr to mm Niverdtle ln 5314lrt the am 406 Iiurvrn eIme bndt for short mm my mm mm metre run time permm AumrII lone noel amour Ittuk in th Iecortrl hall hut m4 mm but In Britten IVE him the nullity lick eLer five minute were held by the City ddence rams sixth but time recorded in the at play in the mental htli Oily Mileagee hntionhthroethotl In my commonwealth urn yen xanlil Glut Krelnye had ho no the city not durini the en mm mm chanumthethotwdi mutt lire rum OI H1 Rwanda mama mth1 hm mm In irilracllon artist on Cam we based with the Aurora player my cltIhr etl desvlie the loss The City elitli Igtiwd rontrd III uld he eels the looting will at mideld Ind work iiuU out M1 CW is Komnnl throw us star with syllterlend in it that ex Bc rg awxim metnrl Ihend oi Brian Piper oi hthltlon wocer Km sully PLUS 50 lNDIVI UAL PRIZES OF DINN AND COCKTAILS OR TWO FINAL DRA DINNER AT THE BARRIE OUNTRY CLUB OPreDrIw Dinnerlt June l6 OFlnel Drew Prire Money June It I97 II Tickets on rate It 11 Ne Grill Fred Grant Street downtown iocIti of ioronto Dominort Bank Built at Nov Sco Royal Bank oi Canada Year 2000AD by Association ilemhers ml by Band Students All The Township of lnnisftl Plennlnq BoardI rocoeds go toward sen the Barrie ContrIl Coh wishes to obtain vour Views on the future Ieglnte Bnnd to com the Kermne Holland pinnninq of the ToWnshlp of lnnlsfii W07 8580 ONLY I000 TICK WILL BE SOLDI MM Mow inaeft iititisfilr Therefore the Townsth of innistll Plannlnq Board has orqenizedeseries of public um mum to vim Wm knocked in reconds oil the meet meetings one of which is listed hereunder lathmetre docking 101 in the shiter hmmein re ugh Tm lIy Power rilpout hilt Mc and the Cmindiu inter uhollaic record with time ii 3th3 The Int came alter twn oi Foren competitor hId hoeo involved in our prevlnun runs at the day Ginnn Boone nrirl Bill Roth Indy emit rim inn he end nal at the cm metres end nurJtlyiri heat of the moo metre reirv itINe THIRD L20 Kermody ran his third le ol the 16th trial in in ertl Borne Inchered tin ride home in 416 the lirst tiin marlin lirn Nif yck Incl lint miter turned in Nentonhrooir mat to Hit the tuttior boy1 2m Illehtlfy la Venlord took lilo girl lit with it pninLI two more timi Nelson BLACK POWER luminlu tlmck sheeplnld in La leiix HIDCB killing ev Cryl Ink iheey IILILIEMLIII Ill the white Iheop unharmed MAJOR AUTO MAKER lilore automobila Ire eisem bled iri Kenn City the In my Why Buy New Car tense 1974 MAVERICK enter Antimiw min from Only $8907 Cell Jim Rewri 7mm EW FORD LEASING Bullets Mu lento Per Month linen nn Hue Lean GRANDVI American City other ihnii De troit SUNNYBRAE PUBLIC SCHOOL iUNE lllh I974 730 PM All residents are invite to attend Robert Lemon Secretary to the Pinnnlnqaoerd Township of innlsfii Sircud Ontario 705 tatsaxis SPECIAL EE CONCERT Barriocenir Colingieto Band June 16 74 700 pm Contnnnl Perk Bnrrio COME HEAR LDCALIBRE MUSIC our to1 ERY TICKETS AT THIS BLIC DRAW YOU COUL BE WiNNERl