EXAMINIR IELEPHONES umuuao mam gallon Mrktliiu man In 0th mm moan 110tth Na ill tidy not ottn Shim Ioiihaal or their all in wort by the rovlewlnn send it million or tho nomul niutod by Mr IJ jib no root at tho Barrio Yacht Cub salute wore union by PM Lml Jerry Mink Mr oi tho Innrte Po nor SquIdNn Mayor Donnn or limit Erwin Bonk Onhrlo Condo Monday Juno 74 Porter and Jack Canine oi the Barrie Yacht Cilia lExanlaor H110 Zoological Park Is Waging iiy HOB READ Examiner sioli Writrr WIISAGA 8M1 lacod oilh dobto totnllior gum tbo board of dlrrcioro ol the Ontario Zoolooal Paxr hero in storing campaign tor Iunivni to Ice the room put with it 1000 species oi animal in op oration ooSolurrlg tho oar l5 part during tho day Ind toltl tho visitor they aided ol tho parkr Iialooioi problrmr mod Itrnlinr otriko or In lotidimio period ol limo la not tar Jun to unless wlution to Ibo pml linandll dimmi tloa has been lotion Saturday Iliernoon Dr Gor mmmmiuhii member man Society told more mention nonboiiorutiretonwtatlrctr Itnanauolrorctinaattbo ulgoyrronwnl Kt Iar the that ino rowan could if roooaicoi park on lI mini the Iouio operation for tho Ittnl Ind oporolod by the nonprot out but it will detialtely lure onlnrlo Zoological Society The to close by not it no ow nilIIlillMWO lad In I6le titi Ioalnaaro iI lortbcomiog re mpsronrnrn if ii llumaoo Society ItIll umber Dr Edmund said llnnnolol TIM Ilrikiax govo arimluiantreo tour oi the help would be required to rnabla uv AMEN GREEll portr but loss than llvo houro oi IctuIl ignlnn THE CANADIAN PRESS In on mat tho lIirotclroa oi territory durina the W5 weekend leadrro or the thrre iimhmmfm mug major portion broke little new ground on luuu HYEMIXIE In fiiihf waycaHEwmm the July federal election oarrr rho Hwy rm 1m pn ill port into cartoon daily New Democratic Party in Si JOhal NM mindoy Miler David DoniaNoted in Nitlclnod oxeeanlvo moo trait throurtt traditionally up lllo profits at the exponlo at not Md Pryorwtuvoh cor lilo consumer Irrtu vo oounry too 2im1i mam mmd vmrzmmnt would attack loarinl prim through NIL nail no oohrdulo Included 10 borilxiviruiim mm mm hour aboard airmlt or iornlrv lio raid it in tlma tho Atlantic CAPSULE NEWS GillFunded Airline To Leave Thailand BANGKOK tAll Mr Armin an Ilrllne room by the United Stairs Conical inteltlonco ill ti mum by Juno so it ummmifcedwioniy ii Six Members OI Family Die In Fire BURNT cllUilCll No or Six Inrmllon ol it died otri iodu when lire doatmul their hum hmzziow hiinvz on tho lurnt nurh lndlan ronrrve near this oarthmtom New ilnuuwiolt cornmtniity Italian Policefind Terrorist Funds unwell ital Mly loliu dirrovered 8600000 in tor rorlst woodland doout and laid today they bollova rlrhtwlna ximlrt group ilnanced thrrrweim through idrlnaprnng tor ixPresidential ilirie Pleads Guilty WASHINGTON AP Formr pushientlol Iltio curios 00l Ioriploaood guilty today to chatno that he led on attempt to Influma the column oi the MI trial oi Danlri Ellsbcru mum Pmtugon nilniyrit who ind both nonuod ol looking to the press the tupwrct lertiaprn papcro on tho lntlochinn mr lirgentine Communists iimbushecl Um Mills AW Four men In car openAd tire on iuu nitruhrra ol tho Yotm Ourmidst Fearatlon ol Argentina today tiling one Ind toriotuiv initirlng the other police raid Peace With Egypt Israels Objective Pronuordulmlo Yitrhalr Rabin presented hlo now cabth to I15 Israeli today and laid bracio next obiootlw In it touch or ponco will be nogotiltlon oi pom lroaty with Egypt park tar nineonrs Battle To Keep In Operation the Ilall to iced the animal during tho olntrr Ind furthrr loanr could not be obtalnrd be moipto om our omilt bun run out llo nid lba mitt ran the or is wu oundod in 1961 without pavem mont InlatInco Dining thIt totIlilng 100000 mounted up and ooud not bo paid with tho Ill donation Ind mm bmhin loos whioh totIlird tome $15M in ma OntIrlo 10010ch Socer muurer lotit Wharton at Saturday that men lortbo park Lima tho provinco nu Ippmah Ital toullod mono in ma no 24 uont to limit but mundiynora patio in IWI Iltrr roiavio ltt dilution that tho provinco would ride ilaaocinl usiatnnto 030 ital hall wu built to no two ol ant mainly help notod that wmr om loorourd lart yoarzbtrt IIid Jtbo ItIlf WWII still with tor math in than to would max in other cornparnb root Fred blil Ior tho alarm to in about 61600 mvntbInd which had been donIlrd lha than rk dlmtorl concern monument of indin Iorl Thain iIad unwinding morimc tor the tropionl bull and turthrr mori roroa or property and Inimals Little Is Revealed InE1ectionCampaigns nylon oomhlorod his party It In altornatlta to traditional liberal and Conservation domt ham to tho ma 0n tho other old at tho caulk lil ill Williams W0 30 Sli mdcr Wit Sinulieid roptcird me urday Oonscrrollvo iron that Conservative gown meat would try to curb oplruil in interest rate on homo tortures Iltuolion ho raid to mailing homeownerer croaalnfly dirllcuit lor low and middlo ncorno grain whoring those rate In one ibo hoped tor ratqu olhlr girl Iulllnllutlon program told reporterl at both llti llama Lotta Ind manual 110 mm Qucsncl llr Staalirld wont on to Torrnco log conununlty It rho heart at tho tcderal Stalin riding held tor mnny yearn by Now Dem mt Prank llownrd lMLIIKIIED NDI illomerxictih his Eln ounr Il CI uy the NDP lor mlnorlt Lilr nlnr oitntiin pm up raisin rutllcient luudn to pay tho dclivory rnaa lbir IS For CopyJIrrlorliomo Dolinrylkwddyil Popl MAJOR INQUIRY Iuro uIt BLAST WI ujig 1th lament inquiry Into on room chant plant Ton that oftidll report In mud persons lad in krvd All th matted rind nero worker It too tutor in nIrIl union mum ed eight Moo hid boon mound by Sandor nirbt botnu tin Ittti road our man than mm at tho punt rite Dorms trvm too photon Mimi Shot In mva guilt mm ltlt Now lawoil critical towi Iion in Collinan Control and Marina Hospital today ioliow in shooan In Mdnio Town rhp my owning linoulna tn inspector nqum Prrrin ol tho criminal lntonll gallon branch ol the prwitr till pollen Brim itioGiilitrrIy Ind lrirnd Robert could Allen oi lilo at no Nrw molt two in what in cribod Is In moiliclll hut yard IooIlcd on nonunion It lot betvmn no 530 pm mumm lAt tn ioitdod tit ot Northern inland olIred that only tbo army in promoting Inmhy in Ulrtor Rn tIct is that without the urltiah may the lone at lIw and order could not wpo wiih tho lrrInodlAto luturo liloriyn oaonyt Sro Plln would 71 roally tad No amok drinks undo Mo on Ind vorod mel Jacques Bose Bail Hearing IloNllmu Jacom limo nontch In 0130 years in rrbon loot July as In or many Ilttr the hut In tho blo bowing ol Pierre Laoorta io to appear in amino mitt totin lo taco charge or violating orI govornmcnt duriyt last bail renditions In months period climbing lnllalan Iteadrly ltoso was arrested llco Saturday nioro thanbythm it was the NW who hard top month alter disarmIrina while porird the government while no tool at living was in per unemployment bowed coal netwecn 500000 Illd 500000 maian toxpayoro t2 billion your in unemployment lnlur am Inrl while most Cann dlanl camera and old are penalwcrr lost purchulng power particularly lowworn her irro on bail grunted la Febru nty pending an Ippoul oi hll convlcllon lIr anto then Qurboc lI bor mlnistor was limo and murdered by the Iron do Liberation du Qiirboc in loin mo tiloro wan later Iqulttod oi kidnap and murder charm allor mml trialo but lia raid llr twin and Prime wus nonvleird In accennry hilnlaior Trudeau Innrcd tho Iarno bad mun tturln the part in months ii tho time the Cotuonaliie ion or relurntti to mom Sun da ho had chalked up 10000 mi in his campaign tor votes llo Ll to mt hora lor two duys bolero pulling out again on tour that will tnlto him to Quobcc and tho lllaritlmta Prime Minlnter lruimur Ittor tho tact ioronionian Dies Oil Big Bay Point John lilowonl tl ol Town to yrovtdrnt oi tM Canadian nir crut iirm oi Lemon urolth Lid dirti Saturday in diitng weekend Iohodulo porharu was mum in we slam the moat varltti at tho threo leaders itlr Lonvenr who was diving with pron olt iii Bay Point llo travelled about 200 miles ntxiut ii In or out at new In oi ooulhorn Ontario by but out wido berth arwrid In parenily becomo motlorwidr alter oominr to the rurtam uni which took him to Bro choked to death Friends wild maioo Siroctovllle nbunl lilohmtmd lltli and um Ioariilo Grow hm lrorn the water but at tonipta to retire him were run Imalul Rm Britaino Idrolniltrator iot Northern Inland told the llouso ol Gammon lire wu portion in up recIM only rum opting to cation lar on an drunto on Norbert kt Demand or withdrawn Iirltiih intro increased time ay maul Itriko lowed tho resignation of th ooIlltion rmtho at modwata maiub Iod litman cation in in Northern Ireland loot work like will tho British gouta Goian Heights Peace Is Set liy Till ASSOCIATED PRESS Syrian Ind ltrIoli onerola have INch ornament an all Insultilti olnto ol plan ior military nongaganwnt on the saint llrizbto Ind will IiKl It Wuhroalny Unitod Nation wormIona raidt 1h mmuniouo sailed in Gown oild armlnmt Ilso won motion on details ior ox nhunglng Ill romainint prison Iroolwarandtheretunol bodlos the WM come Prorrrieobeolgnatn Yltmk llI bin math bit now govern moot to tho lsraoll porilunmt Ind pledxtd that lmrl will work tor poaca la the huddio Em but not poaco It any price Malnutrition iiilecla 800 Million ROME tit It may It ooa million pie almtl ounrtor or to worlrlo pop lItlon may ho Iuilorin irons mnnutritlcn United reg Im port background rnata rial lor world lood cooleronco hm in Nowmbor urged worldwido ollort to bring Ibout bollor bIlIna between grvw lnz world domaod and it call or later oxvnno agricultural output in dovrh oping countrtu roasolvo in veatmont to harm phyrlcnl ruourm whatIntlal orponsloa 00d Ild Ind rmllan oi nI tori god rgorvca rat went tall orpeoiolly acute In rica buck to the dhnauw Mrvetta or ion the report uyr History mrda moro acute thorium In Individual owntrlu but it in doubtful whoihtr such criiioll tood Iit 19Yec1rOld maroon run all otlonn gt Soturthy rmedod 8R million in Idtlon In it dormiui phat lbw too home In nearby tiuu rm ruiood their rod Non all their IInlt om Ina IIu muma Announcing tho gvrrroroent Inquiry Dnlrorxnrnl Undu um 5575 mm on 154 Ilixbmwxh tiling of 310 Surely dangerous pmm person 150 rrulrs north at tn Wm be mx don nu drcnrcd disaster may Iron it IIIn ORlordnn mm awn Wm nomu carbon prlrat walked um momma warn the binclenrd limit Ioobinl minim pang la Toialatorrrblourrnblernm aolhlnz and bu pray At the hcipbt at tho bazo Sat nrdny night In utirnltrd 10000 penona iirinz In the mound lnit liocoinrhlro villmt Inti light were minted in Ihrl ten rot in in boots Ind ohurotrca lxtauu ol pobonnua luran outwitea urpt II Marlo Ind one piper on tho monument oblrt inlt specter nt lIctorret Brion Ilar my kid It mun In trui inz trchnnorlu they no not no dmtmd Mix they rotururd in their ruined or damaged home 31nd The no oi moo not work ad here Back The two had brcn in tho ynni Ior low mimic Ihea lhry mum Iil nean trot IL They worn naming Luck to lilo car when McGillturIy tho back twpnrdixrd by tho xrrlooiun ma llrr Brilalnr only taclnry prodncnu mmlndirm uteri to rlrrnnlhrn nylon or hourly induxlrili rm The plant was owned by llruish He managed to male It bark and Dutch Intrmia lo tho cIr Ind Allen droto him nut to his home Ind than to hospital its on oporoird on durinx the nlxhl importer Perrtn raid Ir mataharuvtbccnmadr Police are Iuoltiu tho restito at ttroarrno mXBOROUGIl Miami Govemmenl Rejects Demands It mun To Pull British Troops Out priest who WIN the mun ot thin quiet unoolmhiro vii lrlyudmlofin on rat Errol If tho grunt wk on you LIL bromorllk pray raid liwiirn Riordan Wrougb village pl 310 room x50 nulei north oi noon in nothing moro than tlelrd okrleloa oi Iieel Ind Imoultiorlnu wreckage iotin alter the blast whloh kiilod 20 persons Ind Iniurrd too More than 20000 persons In nearby tillnm unro mm unitd It the he ht at tho criois Saturday In no may ling back today to the Ind lot Iiao two communiilra Iilht ii out CRISIS GRAVESI Tho tnbold Daily Mirror which ha national circulation 0L more than four million do totrdllr ontln mot pIxo today to what It rullod lirliIlnl gratrat orisb aim the British lNMb lnvulon ol Surx to rate UlirltIin must now loco the most mrbro option nl Illto pull out tho troops Ind Ibhndon my oi thorn badly sovereignty owi tho province wan beyond rolt it raid It Duo 01 the moat irn It Immune Proioaianto Ino rics is that 01 pant Iuper Cations Ire now 10M in In lsort lliohard Simon iio unholy Ililanoo try tbrlr disilko wont to work on tho into hilt ol Britain and urltlrhtroopr or lrlond uho wanted the Ono uluIlly lniormod political wirl $333 is Warm iireilho glrlbo nuoto marry gfwaitmw lnirr thh year had lobe hold mailed by the Protestant lono by mu on at the oneral rtriko met to tone Mr way into the Inothor Ittrmpt It govern lingual arr Ca moot named by the Immbly rm nyMMd lather inc who we work aunt SibMiim lieu street dock Im Jo uatlon ban ever been to world woudimltakulbuot Tho couso at tho bloat in all not known int Iuhoritlrx laid tbrr believe it to on xcwdoL Tho Dukh nmuxer of tbo nuts grain tint apart lrom otIllo riroJiclly my bIro land all roaring notorious no gasohaedype bquhi used in tho nunulnrttulng pmtcll Huh mm Surrlro toid Itorlrs ol olatior tolerant and rirorI oi lire its ilko irritant said can pilot who lirw our taro mar tiritirh dIly splashed the 12047 In tho dio Istrr together Iiih lmrilytur pidvm pl thr Naziu tumr Inn Ibo main the tiny VII laxa ol Hinborcugh Tbn GuardlIn laid In In rd torial rotrmmrnt inmtlgaloro should consider Ihdhrr it In trrrsponribla mnwninfr mt mount ol truilaliy nlotilo rnergy In oil tank in one place dangrtwo to Tho spark oi drain Id TRIMStarinIlront howling it would hnrpca Iraln II It Daily Expms bud lint Went To Work For Friend In in the latter nbrn tiai explosion took plan Boom loud rumbilnl uni Ind 1W it woo plant tmwulbanxJ my man tho window run down corridor when tav urnxv no wholo buildth mud tolulon kpolmo Moat thing hm rmld no no or crawled lowanio tho parking lot on to tradrm orrry Ihloie Id boon do llrokd Theta be Gini Rescuer wind bin noon tbo edge oi collapsinx build lnir and be our token to ho puIi with broken Irrn Ind intemnl lnlurtoo liarry Nartrass Shyooh old trohnldnn was trapped under tullapwl wnll with his right leg broken In tho flames iced towarti him it was torrltylaa ho raid at Just had to realpn my self lto too was later pulled lrra Ind now is renaming Ilarry nk nurrlzd will two rhlldma wna world in tho area which was to broom tho nlrv or the inlorno llo didnt come 00 Sold LaurI rL bl ooyvaNki molhorr was roing to hap me more to Miltr botuo tormto scunn cum CLEANUP the rumour mm botnxhdomwoitym Human In Ind uncommon ismAI up rr