COURT BRIEFS SUSPENDED SLNTLVC FM lam lath LA year in prvbItitn Ind won order drirnx icr on keratin tn Iliou tine or you IQJ handed dare to Band untrue room to He Changed Seat With Driver TiEm Charge Itgainst Him Dismissed oi drivinx um Holtnu lounges the uid CITY NEW ill nun MKS mntr MY ll nilI rwrhnnt neoIrthtmtamyaoler NuvndummdeJnrrkMrh WMIW hIt in enhnnmg heer he nned our Itiu whale Grill lid lhII to Led him Mr min to dune Iests um mew tht then no dimprney the test my Judge mm Inch mid thIt there In some dotbt It to tho the dimer no and thIt hrltetnd tho Mum all The new maths oi the inrm Club at Benle Ill Binlled Thursday wath It borrow held at Sumt nne community can The Jill mrh Insely nth the iljwoWitnesses Describe Events Wm On Night OfShooting Incident itlehIrd Eucvll Ind iter oid ylttIn both oi zoo Gill storiilla tortltind ThursdIy tnhwrttrte 0am oi OntIrtn trteLin Barrio they Ind tho oth er men Kenneth Vivian Ind Leo Ourrd me tired upon with out promotion by Morley ilnx ttr on no DIyton Winston Pi teuihi It thrtera OrtiilI Tonn Ihlp home PiItten Ind Baxter taro thrro rhnrrea ol Itterrnoted murder Ind In Ioditionsl thIrno oi crimin al neritgeneo in wnnection with sent it Ihootlnx incident It BIxtrrI homo It lot 12 Con Both llr mot Ind hlr Viv tonloid the court they were dri lri Ilonl concession night when Mr tJoscott who will driyinr the ear in which the twoVtlenx IN hir Grrrnrd were riding decided to dmp in andgtlstt his cousin hnxter They said they were on their why to visit In unclo oi ttr Euteott who iitttt on the who mention rond When they pdlrd onto the prop erty they hunt gunshot Ind opped the cor hir Vivian IItd when lit Eu oottot out ot the our to inves tlxnte mood that toundlnl like Ihotgun we tired The round at the two shots Into Irom tho dtitrrI ride at the ehr II it will then west Ind Hopped they Ihid They tertilted turther there were three hersont ItInding to the toll oi tho car between It Ind to chitin ldontiilnd the BARBIE PROGRESS CLUB EXECUTIVE Shetland Working Ind rise othooo you through mute ineludn hlkutmn litm hcrs oi the now executite PRO LEIT tlroII It Dob mt pet president Er ltetten residence two or the three were Irmed Mr VitiIn aid the two she Intred eerI itatten Ind another resident ol the Baxter property Slim owning he he tiered Pintten we Irmrd hith rhotm Ind Cunntnn with rilie Tho third person ltn Pist trn Enroll instilled urns Icrenmlnit Ind yeiihin lie sold ho Isired to no his cousin Both men tnrttlied Pintten went to the Euler house when Dexter come out they IIld he won tiring sun and yelling Ind Icrrntntny IllOl STRUCK CAII lir VivIIu said the xecond shot irom BuxterI rttie 21 enlihre weapon he thought rtruelt the err in the lett tront rent win dow tinseott was shot in the luck with Ihotgun It he not hack into the car he thourht ltis Ion Kenneth was shot in the legs Ind bank with shot In ho clung to the Ildn oi the liceittl eI hir Vitihn sought shelter heNnd the cur when the gunllre ItertEd Tho firth rontlmtod as they drove oil the property Itrtthtx II ditch on the iiieht concession Inti routing to Itov llr Vivian said they huddled in ditch In the Motion eon Ilnurd Ind drove oil when there on lull in tho tiring pldtttl up the tottrth mun lir tier rnrd who tied tied the Irene on toot They both raid ithttrn Ind ntI Keller western JIeI Bdrm terrestrial Beet wt Al Christie thinly ov ema Perry Inultnrr am tm trotu Mother diredor miss Baxter director Welly Baxter eerh yelling The wo ttntemenu ltr ViviIn nestled were 1th Ind II tensed id Im going to tie the don on you htr tttan said he not had in the ear holorn it dron oil noon the concession he war hit by Ihotsun blunt tn the Ihnul derI Ind hndt on two witnesses said the ear made it II in II hlnhwey it when it Itaiied There they told they were IN to cell polo lee Ind In IrnhulInce PROPERTY DISPUTE The court heItd during trots examination there was do put conrornlnr the presence ot the PiIttens on the Euler prop erty that involved not only the anter tamtiy but the munid polity oi OriillI Township Both ir Enreott Ind hir Viv inn instilled hire Better ninth or at hlorlny Ilnxtrr wented thn Piattens moored trom her prop erty They denied also Iny lntniye ment on their pm in the title putt ilr Vtvinn Inld further ho Ind ttr Pnseott never dir eumd the problem It eny limo belnro Sept 1i They Ilso they hadnt dtle cussed it that night during small part It the Vtvlnn home prior to shootlnx nor had they one to tho Baxter prop erty with the intention oi evict ing the Nations They lilo denied threItentnz to rolltm tho runitro hr totltntt do on the three persons who were cine them between the Whiten heasorrr Tom tteb rink governor GIry Itnlrtat director Dm Dodson ts Ilse dirndnr ol the dub thumlnrr Photo both men 37 Gilli WM Bldlbl thIt to the heat at N4 knowledge he hold the term the ofcer thIt he to limo being men to police tattoo 9th Own Attorney Them in Win up the mini rue notrd dump Flatten midente Ind the ear Both urn ind they were new er omitrod hit the Baxter prop erty It Iny time helm Sept htr broil II nroherr oi hm BItner Ind tir will the court hurd mu lonxtime lriend ot Mn huter lir VttiIn Idmltlod Mover lirI Buter hId ested he tun her home in Ill of to when he hId been ItIytnl ttr aid the dart not him mingling with the when who had lust moved in She IiIo Irk ed him to only eIit on her ehen her son Morley we not It home Sometime hetoro the shootinl the two witnesses Idtnltted Bu Ilt muted limit thIn on In OrtillI Itml In Mr Buoott tinucht it wu ho csuto Baxtrr vented timid min to Ilop Ieetnl htI owrd mother hir Vltllil Iaid hsxtrr turned him to stop try ngdto at his people oft their on The trial on to eontinoe to dry Notic Bdtton hornII PAPER BOTTLE DRIVE urday Iteeldentt in the then ier piolttn ART CLUB OFFICERS WIT Iater rhelrmIn urittzd Bah aduon lion maltmm htlrtort Bell nhi85M Ithool hIIe elected tom Mel their MIyowithoowceir iohn oi till Kempmielt Dr yon Ind onion otosr rhythm to trlebmdl to ot the Oodrlrtxtoe Inhoot Inlety pair petrol leader in the 3rd BetIto Scout Troop and member at cotlter and llnlted Stmdny uhootsilo will ottkd Dorrie Cuttl coir leginte next hit in the testimony ol too LOCIII GENERAL Second AiiIodIie rntnrrn Ire holdlru nsprr Int bottle rlrtn tn til AldelI Ire Sat em on Ishd to out bundled newt pnoers In hottlto on their pub The BIrrlI An Dub mull eluted IL WitTS Hill oili un 0mm WIlt Stru Ier port president Phytitn Mo Mullen president hiIry Wilson IIrrttIry Win hhttier treet Jotxt VIrty promm oh rmen united by PItrtrlI 02 Once iortms IorlIi tieIther Johnntnur Sparkling or lm win the ttripnsentop Bames The motlhobymthe popwlne hi ih Sewn sew ry omte Ienewtth rentIi VelmI Mil huiietm editor Bottled by Emily ut lltl Kenny Irtenthrrshllp phone ohIinrtIn Itodty Stemli ates property thouman and Witsthan THE EMBASSY HAIL le NI TAG em mun 331m EDEN umnu man Ulkm unmet PAIITIJ DE MET AMI In uteri Eln hr II MI SI Burk Georgian MIII Telephone 7266335 Evinrudo 70 More horrormanoe on tress Errol 0n the swim this now Evinrudo 10 tool lot like IIIt youth 65 Small Stank Strong But more huetlne boon nddndinsidn ltlghorcomnrnseton Now supersophisticated oxheuat tuning Bntlnronglno hroolhtnu the result Five more horror More musclo in tho mdrnn More porinr mnco at tho top and II accomplished with loopchnrnod olitcloney that gives you even more miles to tho hour Ind morn go to tho gallon than inst yootn oconomy champ the Triumph 65 This motor will hondlo any hootlnu nettvity ntllctontty Tho neonnmtcnl 70 Anolhororoottrtumph trom Evinrudo Son the loopChltgnd Evintndo 10 nnd schomodols nnd tho 40 nod 25 hp model at your Evlnrutto dnnlor Every Evinrudo tor II delight in enmerro energy by recycling unburnl tuellntoIdnitionlipoerJin henIuII mty EvinrudI II dreintnu woro tng nurwntetl then not Take the rattle and man out of arden tractorsand vwhat oyou have stern Drivapowaranolhor way to gel EWHBUDE rst in outboalds ith AnloduciniOuthoIrdhlItlntiCthntntioncICInsdthdPIterborou cmoi aomngrggczmnmg elttanoiIctnrrrIololotStornhttyaonntrmintoneanowmohtlos lIwntloynomrmowerrendPiononrohnlnuwe than homo Eochueo they re notiuetovormuitiorodtut toonqinoorod iromftho Insldo out To out not and vlhrntlonAnd aivoyou eophlsllchtod new power tor ovory yard and garden ohoro With otiottlons oporntor corn trots leo Batons hydroetello drive that gives you tuti torwero to more to tull tovoren with one podnl ontrol tposltlon hydrntilln nttnch mont liiin Duni rear wheel blokes ind Boions oxcluelvo power locking collnr clicks mower tlilor or now thrower In with lust Itnaurtln pron euto All thin ith your choice at now twin or otngto cylinder 18 hp another And all Ithis built with Bolonn roJlIhililty Thdo uot olonstmctoru one yet on consumor Dunlope el Moonllona Tait 6352 Products JII MIdIil SIIII and Servleo Hwy it Berrie 7161536 Jil