Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1974, p. 1

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EATHER FORECAST all Morris Examitt Barrie Ontario cutas Friday May at 191s EXAMINER IELEINONES amuse moan Clzsiai Wing mutt ur 02m Marmot more IIOIII Year Is For Copy Carrlar Home Delivery so Weekly 22 Papa SIIIICOlIGEOIIGIIIN CONSULTANTS SHOW ALTERNATIVE wars re snow Eric ltlrsdnn ol North col umn Lasers 220 srenser balsam Its meDbowae and cord In as Barrio driver ed Itan at CIAtl en plurals tscstlen sum tn lend tho no Itudcnl who took putt Ilsrt Use nod Erl unit the sand Al award John Lanzhted right It the driest education coiortilmteetthnmim Pitt to BOD amen lamb Stall writer mDIIUItSI Salli Barrio will have powhtlon ot trom uooowmomngggyenm will math schemes toe the Same martian romeo prolenlrd yea lonlly by the 51m cronies Planning comeltsats Is coxblust adopted Notinglhnt the Barrio ma present population to men the consultants said It wouht grow humans by the you ll It gr In he nmecrorzinn area In deceisrslcd or II new doteiopmsnl ls restricted to the abortion goals pl existing or dlltu 31 um population ml tor Barrio byxoll Is mono which would result from adopt Int the consultantf proposed uigh growth strareay lo to mainline 6000 the city no require 12m sddlllon II acres 01 urban land and st Ifhiiliooal acres would be NwIXM In wpport pursuit pmth only stored undid UM OI sweet the SimmevGeorgisn Planning mi centroid mlth L1 hot spots such as Barrie Kid In handsets consortium hirsslnlsnl unitl the recenter bad In April this year to preduro nished their sltadres Ind re meson delclopmcnt slratexy for port the stomaGeorgian am Sam the Stmecmraan area now coo Counly and Barrie and 0r has wrndaloo pl some 175 IIIIII presented Ill Ilrst lblcrtm According to lhu consultants report nursdsy to the Show this 00 Increase to Irons Georslan Task Force It mrcl No to 75001 by Its yrnr lil Ing at the wtme bullthnz chairs dopcndang upon IIlIah eI the Ill 0d WDonsd thine minister lsmalllu Ill mrplcd wllhoul Iollo pith special pomibibm the consultants nld populs lion oi the Torontorcntml my oonltauc according to the shorts Ion NR Is expected In doub Ie lrorn Its mat levrl el arr proximately stallion om the next 25 lo 30 Vara MAIN ISSUE llow much Ibo Simeon torp lelmlltci Inn Irea Included In the II sorting stwuitl gel this groth OI mllllelt ample Is the mole The remuilanta amlrratcd rowIla nlttrnaltte would pm use population 01 $100 by Issue lacing tbs tur lorcc our cell and rmmlailon 01 mourn the nest monthr Is the high rrvuth assume Mr Inter urn yesterday the Iron which would Inmhe lhslll Seen The 250000 population Incl of municipal nlIairn tsqu be reached II tooth in deleraid or only silentd lb trrm real el rattling olliclni plans llascd on curmrt rmtn trend it would such mine by NIL Ind population IN WIN suggcsll as the mut ol Iolleuinp modrrale math si nailing about one by or the sons lolsl growth to the Strn cotGeorgian area The Interim qurt surreal that greed tn the Smooo Gear Klan It could be distrusted through Itl basic patients Dcnlepln Barrie the growth centre This bud en the notion that Bank which Is It Lse huh cl lb art1s transportation syllrm and rmnt In Tul in ngrapb Imliy miss uptlkm moth Developing Ilarrle and sea land With reels 1er in Need an the assumption thll Midland with It drrp harbor and pros ly to Georgian Bay has wnsltlciabie poisnlll and lho Iollx Illh narrle lb llslnnrl transportation annals rs uwIJ accommodate most ol the areas mouth Deseleptn Ilarrls Midland lmaapod and Onllle as our in mites Till attenqu II rcspocLs the resent distrb btnen nI mayor or on areas Allowing dirprrscxl 79th Ladrr Ihls plan mull wvuld be dislnbuted rw In prepro lion to the nesting gotten In the area Barrie Innisfil Developing nrw communit Iru At least lire locations seem poutbltl tor the eIle or now torn rnunlllrt Tbcsc lnoudo lanrtli Iwruhip around Iotlrnhsm teeth at Oalltnxwrod south oi Fast CN Passenger Train Hits Freight A5 Major IHOI SPOI Mmbmirrdautper mm out 01 Canadian National pas near trsteoln throws town at so miles an hour collided with Irslght Iraln Thursday but none olytbo to passengers was so rieusly islured 55ecn pcrrons restrained in botpltsl and to others were trcatrd lor minor Inluricsnad released ON olllclalr said Illa sircar Tempo heading tor nation and winer Irom Toronto wns thrown from MUM sabre tho ireiditdrmllod ed veered Into mwumnr trslns diesel til grtnding scream ot metal the trains liaw oil tho trncrmld that and doom while the rent also can and the engine oi the lrclght mauo some too ransom me trons ol rm station In this town Ibmllrs ml or hidden CN lnrdmcn Mbo witnessed the crash said tbolrelght rsst bad Wind from Serbia to Hamilton was enrolling st abort to miles an hour Ibcy estimated the Guns Are Silent On Golan Heights Israel si are today pact si lcaelna aunt on the Golan Heights Iront end cammlltlna the Middle East to search or lattiapr posse The Ported hallhour alter the sigtng that the pups tth boomed across the bionic and heme iront tor lho last at days had Iaiirn silent UN spokesman here said all signatures wrre completed at ext ont ldlYI alter last mlaute lirity canted by Syrias apparent rciudanco lo site the enticement In the presence at GILIEVA IIII Syria and military commands re tary llcnry Kissinger In at day peace ntlsrion was signod by the Israeli representatives at and am Ilut the syrieas made no immediate move to sign Ilse domuncats IACrcn Enilo Sillasvue Finland commander otvtho UN Emergency Force who ohairtd the session an nounced at lbntlauto recess Correspondents were aslctl to learn the hall ol the Palace oI Nations lho Geneva UN head quarters Shortly altcrward the prob lam was cleared up and the part which serum had called unwroorrrrpondenls giant and courageous step Iha dllcngnitlmcnl record toward lasting Mideast peace negotiated by US 51an Score was slmrd try the Syrians CAPSULE NEWS Kissinger Home litter 34Day Mission WASHINGTON tAliLIicnry Kisslnaer returned home early today chrllng his strlay pears mission that on three separate occusloax nearly collapsed orer Syrian and Israeli retreats to renrpmntlse Vaneouver Blazers Pick Deleneeman mlttthttl tcli Vanouvrr nlascrs selected delrncrmon PM Price as the No choice today In the World llockcy Asso elallenl srnalrttr rlralt Toronto Lawyer New Labor Minister 101mm milToronto lawyer Jolie Ilsrllolr today was llnmol Ontarios new labor mtnislrr hlr ltinriJcth at Pc 1oronto York West pianos Icrn Gulntlen who Is roslrnln to run In thatanions Ontario ridina pl stomwntbtmdas in tho ully tedtrai elwllon Church Donates $3000 To Ileod Fund weenre 01 The Presbyterian mirthla Canada sn bounced today it Is giving warm or them to the Grand River Valley Itcilcl and Ikhebil ration Fuel Woman Swept To Her Death Over Pails NIACAIIA mus Ntt tAPIA enema who police said was swept tolhcr ticth over the llursrsltoe Ileils hero has born Iden llllil holly as rice winter to oi nearby Iourtwendrr Ionos To llun Its Peoplofs Choiee itexClW Nat tCiiiia or laonard Janos nominatrd aI INtlresslve Consermtlro oand data in Ilonttm In the July Irrlcral election but nrscribrd rs Would by party loader Ilobrrt stanlioid said today he will run In the rldlnl ll lwvrvlet candidatethe peoples choice centralised Input srml at about the miles an hour and loarcd many rllllnllles st Int llab Taylor CM employee said be was watching the train month whenba heard loud l4 saw boxrtrr moat Median aloeptuurartu and board aaotbcr mansion when Ibo rcar hall at tho Irelxht train plied Into the pas scngcr cars The Temp diesel Its nose driven Into the rntlbod and Its cots knackanle atom the tram Macro were all ltlorls cruise and debris lying through the air ltr Taylor said dont know what caused the crash martin broken axle Witnesses lalurcd pas nmend None OI570 Passengers Seriously Hurt tracers crawled IMII the wrecked cars whlrh were smart use angles thouth was done tor said Mouser lhrllts Flynn pl St Caihnrlrtcs lboughl my baby twosomelie pry mother tauthi nt trey IllEre nol Inland Ambulances rushed passen gers tulbcrselil Alexandra Ilospllnl whore they were treated mainly tor bruises Most were reiroscd shortly and taken to the logorsoll arena where presenters were reunited with lhrir baggage Ind placed on Mars tor WNW Arman those still In hospital was blleaeoid Iloy Presswsll bl intersoli who was standing on to station platlorm when the trains msbrd Impeachment Study Committee Wants More Tapes From Nixon WASHINGTON AP The Home or lttprcscntsttvse ludiclary committto has also poanaed tnpcs et II more presi dontlal President Nixons Inslslcneo he will turn ovrr no more Wolnr Kala material Along with the subpoena ap srovcd by allot vote There sy the committee scat Nixon letter saying his rclussl to compi mlihti their prvtldu mun tor murhnwnt It nlcclod two attempts to deal more harshly with the president howcter motion to seals on lmmrtlialn Impeach ment vole tor tonlrmpt oi Na gross was tabled 29 to it Our to recommend citation or con te but dclny Ilouse action untl laler was tabird 21 to II The committee also reitelctl 23 to It on cltort to open some ot the Irnpcachmrnt hearings to the public ncxt week The Vote II led to keep the hearing close II icnst two we longer Issuance or the oommltlros Iourtb subpoena aznlnst Nixon with only on dissenting velo dcntonslrnlcd tho bipartisan or sltlon In lhb committee to the hlto Ilottto strategy tor light lac Impeachment Iits licprelenlallte mmru ltallr and Nora Ullbdgorrtrmghn nu In pn trite Ilousn transcripts Protestant Militants In Ulster summations tkspllo Itonrwnlilng saldi vita Representative Robert htcClory lilo III noun that among the nu the committee Intestinalqu are nlleallons Nixon obstructh tho usl to tie partment tho Senate atersnto conunlttco and the special pros ecutor In their Inquiries said llIlls current torulttct does not nsaito It ezultr or this member to conclude that lucll allego tions are without merit Itallsbsck and licciory were amen night It loans who loin la dlroctny chairman Peter Ytodlno Dom NJ to send the letter to Nixon The Ictlrr wurntd that rontlnutd mum to comply with corn rrdllno subpoenas will rmlt members to conclude is withholding damaging cvldcnco Ils BaliBritish Ils Catholics UWASI IAI Ne years orothe Union Jacks which ew over Proloitnotslrongholds In shanllil Itondvand Sandy Row attested In an unahaitrn ails flnneo lo the llrtiirh Crown and nllll In the United Klnylem Tedn the same Inspoics dcnenll LVras red and Milli 0t Ulster and the Protestant militants ol the Ulster Vorkcrs council are sounding airrrsit antlliritith in their were lost the Ileman Cellulite This In the political parades or Norlhcrn Irc and the bloody liveyear land between Imlcs tents and lite Catholic minority has given them common one Mitre Britishand In mlll lly common drlvo tor Independence torn llrltnlu We will eat grass llrsl chanted dritnnt Protestants as they paralysed Northern Iro lantl with lodry general strike and shattered the delicate litIt hh blueprint tor pottersharing The sirracoeGcorxlnn planning consultants have Idonlllied Ilar sis and InuLsIIl Warship as the main hot spot In the arcs the location when pressure tor Immcdtale development ls most pronounced Simmer OTIAIVA ICI did It take so many years to ind out that water boiled In some elec tric kettle was rvllutul with Rally In ot la ta more prop shown with load pomnl on It tbekctrsarottulyahcolth Isuzmll liaro thousands been auttco log mild lorrns ol Ind Dolm lnx that hes turtlsgmocd or Lear Sc ntlss and health on are tursilnn these one Ions here two weeks nilcr the start Ilna limltncs that some houw hold electric tetch are potm tial load son bomhs Sumo the mmlndlrato lett bl Imagination In protect tnr the public leemIrvmm hazards other at to spl cnco snowing little the lects ol load In the Name body The load Inan In water botlei la rituals Ittlltl we not bind sooner brocatoo no body apparent thouxht look says Dr ltlanooii duet or the tadcolory depots meet at tho Irderal health pro tection brunch Ills dwartmont was oattlm ualIy lnenll pod to ten Ngh load orcis lhnt monitorled stopped at the mo ccry store eraJ tiltl not extend onto the kitchen table Dr John Within National llcotuth Council biochemist said water Iranians has boso menle thotuonds times or its load content but no one em thought that water might be polluttd with Iced below the top and the mouth See also Page Open Inquiry Into Drug Raid TORONTO 1UP Imrorts ol the Landmark Hotel In Port lino om were tipped to the presence at undercover IICMI secretive by hotel cmrvloym shortly bolero massive rim rnItI SolicitorGeneral Goorgt Kerr said Itaasdrw Mr Kerr rpcahlna outside the legislature sold there will be lull and open In airy Lntolhohllyllmldlrtw chi at us patrons were stripped ml searched All as women present In the hotel we atppedvby police women None of the women were am In the tour drug charges that resulted rem the raid by so police Iioth liberal and Now Demo cratic Iarty nwrnben do llLttllItd Mr Kerrs rcnlgnnllon over the incident and what they any Is In evrutlrl attitude for the police methods IMy reported remedy that there are ntnrdoer el motor would letsstlgals the cost 01 such trudeotta and tutorial devr Ls being proposed to mealll or omitty them In gene wlthln the Loren cork watershed These devel opmcnts apparcnuy could haste suggest Morale however thnt these dettlop meals would take up some good Wt tenement Molly urbanitod into ape It may well be the roesuit Inls added that urbtn pollu tioa which nl loss can be trul tho but stan pt lr work The consultants nolrd Ibnt Ibo wia oi agriculture In the ladds trial bun bl tho Smuemr toes teal cautioned ma nned cum since rim Pnlllhat IM Hm IIEIIIIICINI greater than the pro ed waste disposal to prrl orsbie lo arrtcullural pollution whloh earshot It may also be sotnl to sucrtilm pnrt ol the agricultural lands Iltlllslll III mum mm the erslntbo slnrroeccerglan ma wbrr IMDEOFFS lhnl sgrtruitursl load shouhl be preserved tor tanning and not tnkrn over by speculators to be lhe ronsultsals said they sold ntlallaltxl prlcea Maurine In tubuth bor pl Improml auto oi ourl Nlttnrd Ittnd Sim we this Ilmsre hos dropout by 66000 norm or ll por cent lhilsdls The roasultants said with day that their public opinion sur toys should there was consid rrebla comm sarong ratepay lltdia and north at Barrie In Ore Nonstop lhslrrcr growth door mar It lNlm that an additional to 008 acres at land will hats to he urbaniscd The latlrr ngurs In abeutlbrceuusn lets the slit ol lnnislrl township and Nprercnls the maximum rmth ltlcy to wear our the lllkmualstulo not In lint lint Interim report It Iknle llcaal growth say to popula tion level or 373 sill moan liralns between municipalities and could hurl to nancial In men whlrh can be cttcctcd In number at ways hlr Inlno said yesterday that this is the reason tor the ND rrnt discussions bctnwn tha Simooecurrlaa Task tom and the cities or Ilarrle and orIIlIa to dctcrmlnn the lmslbllly at those cities wamlnl member uest so so or yvars or mrennml roomy structure tSre Ltd Page II sorve colon roa honours scenes Us Enrol ol the Barrie Horticultural Sotltty Ira lak en on the task pl planter flow ers ltt tho arose or llllmllltl hoot lho property now lacking In color will talro on nowiook with these damn darnth by the society Ilnn rt ti stucatr will pails ctpatlaaIn tits plsntlagWlth 440nu4u Lisa are most Lem Kelly Icoy Klm Porter To Io Ind Marts Turtle lon viantlau Examiner photo by Jim Wiley

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