gCitvCouncil Approves $6000 Study Of Alternatives To LakeshOIe Route Mym can transitor brim stLdy ot narrative not 11mm Lterul his um hy ely council mg the city developmut ins nuurr mums WAY luv mt Electric Kettle Models Made Without Use Of lead Solder 1er ve main Ihlnt Innuitcture kettles Canediu pecan edric hchrIrEdl Ion Proctor lam Sunbeam Westingocua Canada no ongcr use kid Iii solder in the bra oi their ket as three wutingbcusz Sunbeam and hi rn all used the lead alloy sols dor ill eertain models until let Itch ago said Robert Tbanwn general manager It the OGE plant in Barrlt list emptied sq in Port able Appliances llsnuiadurers Association reveals which tcttizs produced by the live companirs do not contain lead in the base TILE MODELS General Eecric Kettles inheritade Iiter January tan and bearing model urnrisers am Kid K6 K5 Km K510 Kill ml K561 Ind KIM Ptoctnr 5111 Sites Mary Proctor Lielonx Starille Pm inr berm bearing model num ber wool or oration number mnxrnltre Immdcd rest the imposat of Read chrbees Izd Associates ll rlUs tsrnporu thou murals be adnm Mud t7 3w ShirtI CITYNEWS Insulation or not rent Sunbeam KnlA and K676 made alter July 19st hltm limbG made Iiter July 19o Westinghouse kettles mIde alter rnlddm bearing model nurnbtrl llKlA iiKer liKliA zillialiii llKlST iiKzlW illi iieit Gray minister oi con sumer and corporate Iiiairx In bounced May at that learn at spedalistsirom an department have been csrrylng out tests on elrdrlc kettles allowing receipt oi lelizrirom the medical oi itcer oi health tor Toronto Id vino thIt certain electric let tieI could be source at lead being released into in The minister urged rents to preparation at turrets and iood tor babies The minister Iurther pointed out bmmer tht kettles which 39051 made alter October 1970 xHRIsr CHURCH was our Much History Contained In Simcoe County Museum HEATHER MACDONALD Examiner Stall Writer County residents have contri buted lot at their history and aakgmund to the Simon Coun Museum at lildhurst They bra still contributing and the museum is still granting Ross channcn museum curse tor slid the museum is not try my to build pioneer village fret explained the group oi re ocated buildings at the rear oi the museum proper as an El chives oi building all these buildings are open to the public and have been roster xiii reda Clark above and Dr James Gnyier members oi the il ui examiners oi the Royal Consorvstory oi music will conduct examina tlsns or the conservatory in illrrro June is to 29 Miss Clark an active piano teacher at the Ronni Conservatory oi tilusle was pupil or own ca Carmen and Alma Cock hurn graduate oi the cone Rhoda do not employ lead alloy soidcr in inch base are not hard ous in tth seem MUSEUM ed to their era During the past you school hotlse pioneer church blammlih shop and born have been added to the group and tho most rmnt Ves prIa itrlst Chulvh built in tart has been just restored Ind will be oilicinliy dedicated Sun day June by Sutirnxan bish op Allan hero hir Gleaner described the bunch complete with two ItIln ed glnss windm the rnoseuml lsrgrsl reetoratlon project We werent even Iwale oi the iillll ed glass windows when we moved the church Ill miles lrom its original site They hm hm Ill boardtd up to prevent lurther dnrmgo irvm vandal ORIGINAL PEWE The tlurch had its original pews exeopt for the choir stalls which had to be put in The walls had to he plastered and the sashes rcplircd Alter dedication lir Gunner said the church brick structure will be availabo or use on non dorlonllnatlonal basis ltost oi the buildings relocat ed on museum grounds have story to them Nine children were once raised in the little log barn nos lull oi displays oi tsrm equipment and tools ues ed in the tumoithMeritury era Philip llarrin the builder came trom Clillckaiicwll ireland to liedth in rose and built the leg born as hallway house and tavern on the old Glouces ter Road lleister raised his nine children in it and in lost it was moved and used Is barn The logcabin which dates in mi and was moved irom the corner oi steels and Duekwnrth streets has been restored to its original on The blacksmllhs Ihop not public shop but us ed on term dates to toes and looks it it had been in uselust the dry bciore No inrgc hares moved irom thcir saromisaclark was the VIII 0onqurth originni site and reconstructed on the menm grounds have uld pram it rdl rust mendmuit Itlch calla Maui to Insert Brord Munster streets SudLambert corridor with this College city Molnbrnmt mmltre In cwrr with Blrie Flaming shore Md All Jazz Perri mare been youre not going to use all eatwa The City can hwly to the mi oi tr and com My Aid Perri laid although IbI report by the nominal Ivuid not be ready by Septrcrncr the maxnitlre will tr to it soon lie Iald the study is rev essry hmuse rotml has than god its mind Consult manlyt motored me at inhalants Drive as ho iane road with limited Item ior passive partway purposes Aid Rou Archer noted In on Apropnudwuna melon laid batmdui hy Dixicp Street West the unmd portion Snmh and Hurry Street gym Highway too we turned avoid the use th mentasnimustinrund oppnsng its devel highionina emple oi iiodl Wmllkdi meet and means oi transporta tinn housed inside their rudlm esntIry irnmcs ONCE IN LIBRARY The museum building which nili receive another wing in the tall has grown steadily since its ioundirig in 1928 The ilrst rrmseum wII inthe Mechanical institute Wilding tnld hir charm now called the Bar rle Public library Three years inter it moved to the early Registry otiico on war riey Street until its demolition in the elly 1950s The present museum building It ltidhurst was opened in not Ind has received tviv additions since then The archives wing was built in 1966 and the east van was added in no new Idiitlon will be ran square reel in size Ind will have lecture ball and theatre IWil The exhibits in the museum range in time period irom 3000 BC up to two in agricultural equipment and show eat deal or the early lndlan turn in the area The ethical section is almost exclusively lroouolsn museum inside dosrrleu village street in the two to teen era The apothocnrys shop cabin makers toy store cobblerl BM dressmnlrera shop gener al store and doctors oiilre have displIys that Ire indicative oi liies simpler style in the late twos Also housed in the main build in are collections at china and toured glaze three late Victnr in some quilt display pho nographs end musical instru ments early hornscrreorng Ilds sterocpllc equipment and mil liory uniforms Last year was the museums but your said its Gannon it recorded or per cent increase in attendance tor to tal of none visitors When the stall undrrtahrs tours its nothing tor them to have 390 is int athnoi children in the museum said Mr Chm varieoynt Iaiailoural equip lien and Ojibwa cultures Part or the partnern M5 relate musso Drive roasting ktouldmlmratbuthriah twoinnate VOTED DOWN The recorded vote was live in laser oi the Imminent quills Aid Archer Hid then is high tilting on warmere tee lb said it the report is re celled rrtn the ruthenium LEA year there be bolting done became oi leek oi near He said Council should take long hard tool the intro Mi P0 Wenmger laid eumeli shook get add the Itody as wild has old more net are are Islam was It Ielslsvvreilbertudleeutd tor those who want to see In Enamthelnkclmntmioecen the proceed beth Buicld Ind Supwrtmc the Imendrnret tn iAlderrnen Express Doubts Over Motel Development sire an in the motel be Ip ted Altar unmissable on council removed the plan An to the construi tees motion moved by Aid William 51mm and marred by Aid was de ienird it cited for iurthcr end ndemtion by the mmunr Prwosci by DCKtlnvcemmts Limited the mtrl is to provide transients with low priced no mnendstloe tor onenight stay it has been beioro plan ninx hard number oi times And it has been rnaciiiled lust as my timer The original Inpu num in an 197 Meg homey i+unit mate ins and lame includes The developers inld taming bond Irma resort wed it would be nncconorrical to oper Ito motel oi less than its units Milli tor the boards recon Iideratlon when the proposal was turned down BCK invest ments uid restaurant or such moteh 1would create man agement ems Ares oiptho ale is 171 acres lat image petcultural density or per cunt lbm will be to parking spaces on the per lphory oi the developmerd Personally think ltI disgust log Aid Straughea told Aid lorries Perri city development Aid straw my nimnhlngtonticr therty uld11berernoreutn It do mm tcoxhthrtzg lathervcmurlarmdr layusothntmtidochave tomdomino anyMyra with ten the tale shore is or mention same times we blow out oi prooor lion the use my ii inan Ihere Drive is extended to Slui uster il Idll siphon oil aorne the tunic iranttn Iee the hteshore textemionl because irrant the people to me it Aid Smitty said he supported resentment became the land on the Intention lining the nth my trod is already lled Ind We oi mild city iuadr Phnnmg dkeantirymnlaib mm the dopartnmt CLEAN AMMDDATION Arm tthe marina Aid Fem Stephan tld cums rm tel rues are high and the pros mmtodstlon some people could not niiorxi ohaorestab ilsbmmtl Were talking about amt Aid Strptxuy said Any tlina other than whats on the stir is itmrwemeni Aid Pail Wessmger said he has mixed testing lie and pk tar mnerclnl develop mom abusid be brought up in the steedrd mired tor ml dentist developments which has glide drawings oi the dew us but ind theres not need tor this type at WWII All nwmgu rain Anon lrom the ninth aspects he Itd be eould supper it As amount oi Iiil plan so prot the level will have the the it in city prove the durum will have to deed the city the open water eourso are within the plan and oven Srmth Street near sharia store within your at the Ontario Nimicipni Board approval Constnactlnn Mild It at It lie of WM What we have got is beat that talid arise in iuturc sketch with insulith iniorml lion We dont know the room my NEED roh MOTEL are Perri earn planlb Mint iolt much need tor motel LT 1972 AND RECENTLY RELOCATED AT THE ml the board had nslrcj or rcsiIurInt in be included but noto been ndvlscd by the city nuns there is no and tor restaurant lie raid the exterior oi the building will be oi proisbrlcnted eonsrote lie added lot coverage willbolcssthnnllpercent windsurng over to per cent lite site bins tries to rclntn the natural vegetation Planning board in no way thought its go log to be slum developrnerlt Aid Perri added it the pmposnil has nurse ber oi neoIlivo teatime sud Aid Thomson it lacks res LInrnrrt which mist other our slowness It will be rrrgnrmng exempts oi iioehdlle kitcge What the ientures that mode vrr runmlttre recommend ltl he asth Aid Perri The city planter said Its not in the iriemsts oi the city to lme Inning room and rutaur errt ilnciuded in the develop merit Aid Perri sewed Regarding ernpJymcnt Aid Perri tab the or mun ntliti pro vide emloyment became the it mild not maintain that selves lie listed good use oi land open space nod watercourse maintenance by the Meierpr la the httrncltort oi the pin wAiId David hicctymnnt agreed withAideiitlshord to iudgo it building mm its plan but added the Ichtteet could have given more details ivo novella lot too he said An mnbllshrnent such Is this on highway sutel linust provide enilte shop like to sea at least cotter ho Rgicrting tn the city elmere iI what we get iron the lming he is Iirnid it mllh not augur welt tor the planning end developmerv ticparimht DEW iMMtntIrlntuvm Lalo Ollutllil mistrun ItIcK nIthuIrIn ILL OIADII IND mulnulu ILIIN suns iliAlADlD lCOUILID hllll roI soon II ditto low serum wine iii Ii 72120 mommnmemmmbtam advice Aid ltlcimm said system or typ proved home heat escapes that loss cons all inches or on an avorag to tvtodhirds recur oi etnxlca for be 5m CounLY Board Mention is thus ed blondsy period or mraualion said lads Emmy director oi education or the Stmcoe County Board Varni st Club oi Itarrie It dinner meeting blondzy evening ltarnsav and then it is up to the rducators to implement the itch hlques in reach those objectives sacs rmtssr mire at aint tor his wrest us edu catirn by Ross inlet1e list at ImbtrniLbnOptlt sir Ramsay in with in the thnngu in education mm the early 5m said It that titm cdir cation was machine it was the golden axe tor ed ucator it not tor edocltloa Since that time however ed nation has IuKered iron lack oi credioiiity on the part oi par at and students The disiiltmounrnt he minin ed is tiny in with the chanth eminiiom oi edtxatlce Unb rusin stridean us coming out ltration is tradetrain ltration to morrrbm oi the the inkview Dairy in this reevaluation the tub should determine the guts education explained hlr Flaming Board To Consider Rezoning Applications Tonight cmdmmmrm urn that at the rink thinnth Education Undergoing ReEvaluation Periodj oi school and unable in MI work education is no longer the be all and Ill ior lite in the early on be manual there was shirt in career oriental Station and the con strucdon oi hummus iodides and business and connnem ln auditions ilOADD SCOPE But the waste on career xation has disnppehrrd IKItn to be mind by broad credit system Iith ermbasis onrbe bu lc Lhrre Its elm with defy er Ind brotrier scope or air may honem reign red to it cop out to In that because the world is chang ing an test there is no use in teaching anything speculc Ind that generally to shoud texh dmlt on by Bnrne Ptarmiru Board Ibcn it met tnnkbi It new Georg Weiss and Lloyd Srtgley therezoningoilundnnliiilnmd inninilShoeuhornunlum molded to hem ludmnlsL so be meted within year tho reming at land In union Regardless oi the heating good insulation is the key to im Iuel consumption in any building and walls insulation reduces Rezoning applications will be lndmtrinl so pm the applicant are it Mr notary is applyingtor hlr Wrin nauticalinn is in smokers dwellers of fuel involved comiori with lower through ceilings iderabiy insulation iramo wall can cut heatioss hyup Sim and Fcrnduio Drive to sisvice camerctal trwn harry iir Sriglcyl hppiimtlon arch rennin oi land on ELM Road irons multloloinrnily donning tn oervtm cmunercdsl NIB 0N FAME persons bow to think it you dont lnow how WI have nothing to think willsr in answer to question 30 whether students no not du clnllncd in tho schools blr Rons said that it is the parents responsibllity ior establishing dis Howto save energy and cut vourfuei costs If youre planning to build new homeor modernize an existing onemake proper insulation must The Ontario Electrical League requirements provide your best guide andyour Hydro will be pleased to give you any lnior mation you need on the subject Storm windows and doors and Insulation on basement valts Vlil reduce heat loss Still tunhar An uninsulated ceiling loses over Brimes as much heat as one topped With inches oi mineral wool cllnehatliwldrenmdb blindinthebomelherowuld sunny than the lam behobrobtunlnlhnws Norwegians in rural mas In lender cannot and em moored Iitb city hxwlm aide to harm