1AGE EIGHT 111 BARRIF EXAMINER BARRIE ONTMIO CANADA THURSDAYV MAY 1943 VV wMV 11MW AMA NV3 NV 11WWW zi 165111 minted mzly L1 the llJEEw 111 and went ore ii 11 hayll 211111 uame an myrrhneed cxrcultirw 11S X11111 1N MANY 151111115 AND 1113111115 11 1111 1111115 ARII REDUUD 111111111 1111 VUHKthiS N111 lAXifs AND 111111111511055 Allilili 31111110118 11151111111 111D lNlzil W111 TAN 11135151 1ng it crater 39 12 1111 JVVVVV WHEN 41 Cani 1111 SillilNkAhL 1N1111i11 1111 1liUliAlil11 SAVINGb APPLIED VV 11 101 13151111 NU UliLIUAllUN UN 501 PART VV 11111313 11111111111111 V11 UMl 113111111 euulor Ill Nutter since 1897 $250111 10111 1311111111 riiiiiif now EXCEEDS $510010 her 1911 1111111111 111 at 15411131 1111x11114 111 11111 22 Natl 1iliii ie1 iiin iourih to lliilixt git11511 c2111 11V Uh HIVVFVFVV 11 Nivtlhill 1911 va 11 V1 iiio in ii1 it mix 1111 21118 one itlutlrllitd 11 11 111111 in thing industries 112101111 111toiv111iziii Quota i1121ilt1111 1311 i11ll11 CH hf 1gti71l1vzl11l izloty 11 Hiivnwi BURKS NJ My Burn Khhtntb Vere mauled jg 3VVVVV1V lV1 114111 turihiw VV with 111 the Victory LoaiVi aiiipaiizii Ilie 151 CoOpeiative 111111 311111 i11i Thumhrnd Bord gm Hj VV VV VVlVVHV V5 1V=VV ifViliiVll liilliitin oi Ontario 111111111111 Wits the first to reach its oblcc VV Va VVVVVVHVH Lu 1111 1115111 VVVVVfVVicfgfw3 11 11 11111111112 lt 111111 Hopir rent oi 11 quota on the fourth day 191211 11 N1 11 111 111 11 31 21110 loan and is 51111114111111 strong Now 111 three major in 11 11 Olillwl hlviMA li lti1 111 Vacant $111 Mrs Alice 51111211110 21 1lliani Si VV niaii Midland who was previoini CV NM VV Bywkmmuw NV VVVVIVVVV 11 ier lr1ll Son Cnisls 11 lLtIC 11 mu hm Hm bumm WM tauttinnitus liUlltllS lioilcrmukm 1111 111110 This is no 113011 at 1111 Loan oiiicuils point out because the Silltlilll1id son of CQ il llobtil 11111121111115015 presumed dead according to bmlwmm 11 ttoiwllws owned by tailivaiil WmV $1me 1V1 meVLEiiitiiitiy is spent tor the security 01 every icsldciit of the conn try It pointed out other ranks at Camp Borden ale bill111$ land orllvzwock surriiir With 11111111 111111 21110 111C AFlt 572nd casualty list of 2101s lianihtsnien liiiccliziiiic llcthll 11111111100 LMm 111111131 the war issued from Ottawa1ucs Um Willi Chm11 1mm 51 11 tiord 2111 ClCCUlCWr WW1 111111111111111 $11 month decrease of 1111011111111 the funeral oi 1101 sis 15 mud as Ky 13 p0 who lied on Mai111 1111 111 1011111 Robert l1i1110 11i1111l 175111UVtlbLiiS is now for ofcial hill to his 1111111161 Sunni speaks very highly of line its climate and country lanes 12 leticick Midiiurst rciiiled 111 1115th In Jami electricniiis tiiiaiiitliiaiiccl and c1 Wm 10mm include lccmc 1er VV ectririaiis tsiuiialst firemen lincii 11i11fu1 it Mrs Guise has l1lllnl KPHZICloioiito1it A111Kltrlls land and Mrs iroch and 110111111 to iiiViiini it 111 Mill 931bum Man mm i1 11 111 1111 1111111 VVVVVVVV VVVHVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV UVVV VVVVVVVVV in Ann Mason lmmnu JV MrVS 0010an on gave an 4011 irados 1oliooi prior to 11111114 til lielly Officer Toni Baxter MVHMSV MVV mm MrsV TV BIVVVVQVVVVVIPSUHVVVending on 11 Love ch 1111iicgt with an active unit 318 litNVlt wiio lost his right 1011 111 1911 1011Mch 1111011101 Mm Mum1 Nixon and Miss Barrie at Miss 1V11111 Nixonslhc tiiialelans for Plunkctt dinV pmwck Mum 1m 1m when no corvette chburn was litictllilllbis metal iiiillwrights 119m Mam spent Islkm in 001 Mr and Mrs Herb Willlaee andfner of tiiisV week were arranged Mr and Mrs Harold Wallace and and some time was spent on pics VV mmc and Wm lllllililll laborers operators 1kcy 1lllw0011 1111 Lane lhVVdV pancrnmukcrs nule 133 Horton Mrs Horton and Ross Stroud at VJ1 1111111105 0111 ilCCCSMlIV work to be done at The Womens 111191111110111111 meet the parsonage committee WiS 111 iV SV in Lil Lhctkti Ullllthlllllll till ML Ath 1111in 29V 111 um mm 131010 Tonto lay in Tilllilllli to Canadian Arniyi 4v 11 11 11111 1i llt li it1=i 1v 1i1 11 M1 TITVIVVMUL VV VVlfiVV VV VV VVHVV VV IViV VV 111111111111111111 113111 1111 VIVVVV l1 11 Id1 0131141W1 Vpdl Baum Idnmng VVVVVVEVVVK my VVVVhVVYVXVV VVVVVVIV VVVMVIVVVVV WV VVVVVV1 1VVV VV larch 11111111011 have all exceeded 141 11 the 1liiinti1c1112 who 71 1111 wii VlVVKVV Vliltli Obltllilc by more 1111111 titty percent 11 Iv 112 vir 111 11 1111 llthl 1111 11111 11V 1511 11 111 VVUVL 11mm limlm 1V VVIVV iii 11 11171111 1111111 12111111 11111051 tigllJH 111 111111 13 lfilul VV 111111111 $11 11itilil iiiiii if Myrna lodd 11111111111 llyitllild daughter of Wardcx ban Airman 11 1x15 11 11i 111 and V1 at 1111 111 at 111 lllliitti CH AUVV My Own MM Am 148111 111 VVVVV VV Vi 3111111 Mrs 11111111 In 10111111115 the Winner of the Victory Loan VLVVVV vaVV VV 111 1111 C111111L111111ii VV111111 111111 10CLthtl lcilglkllll 1101111 1V VV VVViVVHV VVUV VVV Rusk 1V1 11511111111 Qillll 0111131 1111 biilllflll VCSL 111111 111 1110 finals for VV VVVV VVV if 11V 111111VVV union uniVnV 111121 111111 111111111 rm Miami MM Lawn mlm 111 11 11 the Unit in 11111110 Monday 0101111114 5110 represented Illlllblll 57 15 MW 2111111 11 iii lIuiw 1111110111 11ll li i1v 131 liiiiiiri gt1i131110W1H111p and is 11111111 lllilit1 ll of Letrov Continuation i1ib11 11111l11 VVLVVVg VV ViVVV VV VV VVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVV VffVVVVVVVVVVViVIVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV iitii iii1 tll 111111 gt1111Vl 111ii 111111111 gtaiiie or lii111111s1$ 11 VLVVIlstlloUl Myrna litillllitltti 1111111 1011glan Bay Division finals 41 crane 1l1ii=ltr 111 now cii ciin ll jani 11111111111 oi 11111111 mm 15 11 m1 113 V11 11 ovum Aw 3g VVVVVVVV VVlV VVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVoVVVVtVVVVViiVCVniVno ViViinVVV1VV VVVV VVVVVVV tin Omn 50111111 11stVViiiglit11ttoiiinWith SLVlldl other Unit Win 11 AF in 11 111111 ii 11 11111101111gt1Vi1il 141 1110 1min11m mm my Viv 1V VVVVViVVV3VVVVVVV MW 11m iltiS The Ontario 1111111511111 being llll1 in Toronto overCFRB tmmwl 15V 1de hVll hmV ml 11 Cordon 1illnllti 11111111100 Headi 3m month Wimp 31111l1n li llll1 3111A 11ib1iluiday LHlllltg VV Jum 1910 VVVllL lflmlfi 111103 Willi quarter in 1111111111111 11 iiieii 1111 3111 mi HI1mm iro Tliltl 111 11 111 1111111111111 lllll Dlll 1111151 111 RCA he will 11 51 nml mm ilicady iii lllllllllill 11llittlllii 1w lll Si rlill ltlilIll oi Sig he mcmim on yobmmv 11112 cnimcd VVOVVV VV VVMV VVV VVVVV HVV VVVVV VV 1V VV VVV VVV Many 111111111 people 1111111111111 Luge number 011111 Ab VV 111 1V VV Hml LUV CVVVVH1 till 111 t11V 1111 111 VV VV VV my 5111 HILAI Aim 194 011 11 no Amman the name 111 WHVV mmm 5111 no annyun Mm V1101 111010 11110515 111 an pi 1191150 octebiation held at No am UtmlnVlSHIN13 11 11 THVVVNVVNIV V0 WHY iilllftmii 15 0110501 WV cxpeiniiccd llllllllll11 now in VV Wth mum MUMlti1211111 12211 lll 31111111110 Sl1S Camp 1111111011Stilllltiily511101110011 T110 fine 811111011 Ex Qiiiiwoii Willaiiid 10111 11 itillr11 ll him1131119121111Cullii mm Em will Wm Pm 51 1K1 111111111111 Property 21 1151111 311 It With litiilhl of St was thrown open tor inspection with courteous guides Al A1 11 V1 Ug in 11 111 iv VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVV VVVVV VVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVV VVVV VVVVV VIVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVbeVVVVVVItth VoiloiVHgtV0nV1 twVilml In 11111 1111 1112 1111111 1111111111V1l1V1V 111 1111111 gt111 though the untavourable vcathei llliCilLlOd to some extent en 1gt 111011 illtl 11 open 11 inch Vlllit iiiiiit1111iiie room i1ioi UV 5pm mm of mm V1V1111V11111111Vm1V111V1 WV mama dungmm VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVUVVVV VV tVVVVVVZVll EIVVVVV1ianVVl111V1V1V11VVVV11111111 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVHVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV $1Jiwith ltlt1tl1lllgb 51111 lli1 intaii was entirelythcccssful It Alhmm lm Th Mi Hilly Ni limb Niki he said BM it the 1111135111 iii and 13 ili Acccpt 911twolroouicd Clbill liit1 llhilli 11011 of lt11 lwus unarmed by the 1mm Vlcmly Loan committee 4131 guiuigrringf H11Hliimlint trampmod NH y111dWL Ld DDIVKnllh VlllChVVlVVlhVL VVm ii liouix tenant $111 inoiilhl Turn page twelve plumi N1 Reason 101 Not Buying iiigiiiiter icu oo oii VV 1151 August and 11 111 1111 sixlbclwot tutu211 A1111 111 Unlisted Now Presumed Dead MC Hynmm mm mj mm 11 11 balesiiieii illlli tiiatnomt people With rathei hefty bank 11 up 111 111 low 13 itlllttlly 2M lllwloollutl 13 nah 111111111111lgt 11 11111 11 lilot Ofllcu lloid Doucl1igthiw Ill1lllly to then 11101111 have 11111113011 to buy 10 01y on 1110115111111 111 the loilo1iil tiad 121111 315 Nickersoii tenant $1111 VV Ottawa slim111130 they do not 11111 1111 roveiiiincnt in power iiiolivci drivers tlocoiiiotiyc lit VV loronte The Fighting Scots in Tunisia Mrs Giorgianiii Steele 81 Barrie has received letter from relatives in Sclitland enclosing and former iiilllt toiiiiiiander of the VV1SV Mummm Momma nudlVllS John Stewart vmtcd friends VV 11 no on Illurdl anouitcd to arrange for 11L or immltmcm mlwm 5mm mMciixxmilbniillVlSiildlii returned to IMuivU 205 Roll call will ibibe done pleasant social 101 lm3V 311 mlm IWicr duties in 16 $101 Cliildrcns be donation ot waste lat talk lowed and the hostess sewed rc WizNYiil ilARRlN1N thinkers tubers tin1101s welders Hosnltnl after nursing her mother on bcrkrepiiil its Canadian lll liCSillllClliS 111111 traiiiiiieii Recent visitors includpd Mrs lltsiry will be given by one of fu 0V VVN1 VVV cle p3 AVVVVVVVV VV Reynold 10mm with hm sis menme VV WA $11111 Vlcllilg Boiin ViVVlVll buy 101 urc p11 11111 ii inougi iu Mrs Lnme MlV and MlSV rini cm1v 3000 mini 1111 1e em V11 mt HVI ddIL 1for lliller it you tiatwlcr yoiii 1w 13 and Bmv Gun M155 15 Mlis 13 13 HOMO filmm 9i iiiuiiilioli and kill BlOiilllg you know the background of each lVHV ilicll Horton Toronto at Dr Hor Iiinity WA entertained this VICth ring for ve mm VVVCVVVbVVVVOf VIVVVV VVlVVVVCVV VIVVVVVVV NINTH LV 1111 Vin 111101051b0dlllll tunix MFV and Mm Rog McKenzie mom last wdncsdw Devouofl VVVLS 13 3V K1 VV DVA ory 111115 1mm shirlcv and Miss Eleanor MC Ipart was takui by Mrs 91 10 1mg rmnpondmnli BM1 VVVVVVcVVmVV NCVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVV To VV Mummants goes mdit 0f my d1icing another book destined to inaizr Canadian history OUT 01 1111 ow me am om or nexpensw EFOSSV 18V MEG 02 WV 60 CC wccs r058 W10 is zir mumer COFrFSpondcm for 1h 54 Montreal Daily Star is familiar 110 the wiiimSics Pol Ottawa and In i1t 11113111111111i11211 Pang dgglcflmhtgukmink111133 my proslclo punch pun mm ciap crs WllCl arc masterpieces on ccFw decided 2ng llancy and M1 Kugsix Whether you re livmg at your mom fiunks the laughing V510 r23 tangvtryzu home With your family charm best start 120 10 baby his first name Also iiici sharing an apart something about it You dchaptcfa MVVVKV VVVVCVVVSVVVVVVVVVVVV donihavemo be an ex merit With girls or decorator you 51 per ence floangai VV VVV Whig budget ters heres Simple test You know how to tame that will prove whether and solve your Vc1V1thes or not your room has wardrobe problems interesting There is no bypeissinq 114 htsforicalrmr PEOPLES MOUTHS is published by Macmillans Canada it THE BENEFIT HEALTH AND ALLIULH charm and harmony Apply the same prmm ASSOlelTlON has 1110551ch or Close our es enter ples and think terms womcnV In the past asVa general of urbom VwardrobeVn rule insurance Companth ixsiird your roomV Now open re Your room nee health and accident policies only to male risks And now women zirz iuinnin the marl Wontcn arc marl ing 51 by side with men sharing in the same risks on the farm and in the factbry thcMiitiial Benefit males available health and accident policy sold formerly only to professional women nurses and school tcacliers etc By offering full complete covcr age or the farm andhin the factory the policies to women thus ngagcd freshing and moderniz ing just as your clothes do The furnishings and accessories should ex press your personality your color grid style pref erence your hobbies and interests Inexpen sivc draperies and bed spread orcouch Vcoverrtp match will do as much ifbitypur room as 1a new your eyes Does what you See lift you up or let you down If it doesnt give you lift then your room needs lift Did you know that wronEcolors can actually produce fatigue restless ns1sandbad disposition Some people make guns some make tanks says Mr Gold Seal known far and 11iwidc as thecmblem of Con golcum Rugs and Congoleum bythcuyard My job is to lmake oorjoycringsithgtVwil1 take hard trailic in stride and they recognizcvtliat loss of income to theseiloyal women maymcan coii1 Sidcrablc financial strain Fartm Drop in today andee particulars may be obtained by ltlrll heir 00d look in ite SgVV 19 05 1891drc Urww lgrnd Select 1spring1hat will do for 10m Health and Accident Association 34 you ii King StreetEashTownto everythingilve got into it to Vmake sure you get the extra WHTHER YOUCALL ll V1 11 Relaxmg 18 easy in sucha cheerful room as the one tory Garden or simply something to plant and put away fornexiseamn abovewashable suniastVdraperies and bedspread to serues and pay ood prites for them WHY NOT CENTRAL PRO VVVINCIAL DISTRIBUTING UNIT the se of bringing Gill 1132 1129 rum $4912 malceisito farmera Vouqgbund valucoalwaysrbuilt into Con mm YabllolYtJV 16le back match in gay cottage deSign Inexpenswe pickup for golcum value that means 3031 1128 dies igfdeTfVielggmtVtVisj ii VzV1ny Vroom 11 01g 1th bet1 mituriml 11 00m mm 80urgentlyrneeded 11181110 iiiphifhisaiicfillai 103351121 111 mi hogan coidrrulfjstiipesf When oor covering replace VSiVVVfVTc lm an ornai gthnfargzygocgg 1011118 for Bedroom or checks inraseiVlCegbigg 116 Homespun weave1 us mems 501m 101011111113 VV ea floral novelty vmeg Room or Dinmg Room the thing tobrlghten up WHY 15 CN DA TIUHC lro our su 00m Let us iV vWW VVdist5uOVagcg mm WHM Emmi 1301111 colors of Just the thingVVtoVVVlJViighten up your rooms for the fneasurenmyom madam 33 1315535 13235113 01 WW 80 8199 151 duration Fast1colorvatdye creioiines ina galaxy and have them made qu 5nd my omwm may thee and natural 40 and of big splashyflorals Colours to match yourpres for you igugtffmg 23029 ciolshortage without 09 0131100 487 widths antfurnishings Ideal for slip covers 100 36 36 torsoMag lcum floors with very iiiueeony Brush and gt 15 it 0P0 RPCC 0U 1V mop them regularly and renew the bright7 5le of kindling t0 53 C031 lift PRICED FROM and 48 Widths nessVofthc1r surface with In occasioan which has gone out Last summer GOLD sEAL waxng MakU 100 the 00 MN orchards of apples and across of rasp to Yd much is smooth and free from aviator bemes and strawberrieswem 1V knobs If its rug move it every few uds e1 gt momiisto spread the mic Yes lit the field pomwes git to wmtcr H1gt cm 1931 bill dividedt he 9indof wmeotee Pl It 13m aces in ntanociti it st mm womencrow ew ams an prc Serge fair in excess of Emily requirc nt ih th Your Curtain Gladl IRVING SMITH 31111111 11311115111 111311 purchase homemade jams and pre Problems Glyen on All YoilrNedsV gxliURNITURng moist TWPME truer1e FURNITURE end 11011 3345 apply