TILE BARBIE 11 LV Lei mcvwu 11 MadeOver lspifiiitc TIME IS IREMAKE TIME lAllMY SHOW llS DELIGHT Muv Foshiona 11 Mug 11 ittiitti itiiti 111111 BIB Short Bab gt vii ll gt 29 iii34 11 gtI II Wk11 41112 tan1111 gt II 1111311111111111 II Round Bone Shoulder Roasfti 269I ll Ilid gt we 11 iiiiii mi tH lllilt lie iv llUlHt lt1l1 tl ilt 51 lzzil II gt 11 SKET 11111111 lilillt I1 11111 WYlOhI 117 II 11ll llitIitl 11 11l 11 111 II III ltiriiztt11 oni 111 it 35 Jtilllt llt it 11 111111111 11 1H toil 11111 1iil it 11 11 Il 11 11111t11 Eiilct 11 1121 Wt III III llltv stunt ltlllt 114111 121 the countiIi 333 iIII IIIIII II III III II III gI IHI1 11111I11t 111 51 1111111 l1 11 Kl pfav Lll the tll lived II II III 11 VI IlI llie ZliEtll 111 lit1 HP SitllltlI 111 31 up 11 11 the t111 11111111115 liIi IIILIfA ILIHIiI II it III MI IIIIII My IIIiIII liIItI MIMI Itth Azltw ill liil ll tlllt llit Alll IIIIIIlI IJlllIMI II l1 1IIi 1p II Alllllil izzti 111 11 111t151EI11 lllill ll1l 11 IEtillllilil it In III 111 1111 IA N11 of ill 11ii 121 lilihiaii ll ll1 MIWWH 531 llt viii flrlfiii rt l1 Iii dy lltirin 1112 211 ltitltllV nii WI llim 43 it itemi ll 1111 TT111111i71UKin it1tl iii 11 111 11 IIIII IIII II II II HWmml UH VIM HIM in Ilt IHHU ti if tlltlil1l l1 511L1 1l luv 37 SDICCd Pork loaf 21 ll ll ll ii 11 311 11t1toi 1gt 11v Ii all 11 114 IIIAIM 11 Im gt1 DUICHSIYLE ion or M15106 CHEESE our 11 2o in I1s1 71111111 lfic 31314111111 tt and lll llii tllll Ill lah liz1ttiIl 1H llll vII II II III II pawn 13 II NH My IllttlIY lln 1lt11 tliltlfnliiil 11111 111 llltl 111d iairiid 13Il Ilili NIIUI IINIIItIII bv 111 11 111 ilitl 11111151 liliw um hilltllllinlln 1m 1w Ne The twin tlltlltltil ll lin 11 llaid Illtttl lilt 1lltlll ttiic lllt litidi iiveii 111 1111e 11 III to 11 111111 11 Miss lcli1 lime 111e Woodlcy lm hei lather wore hittittli 111 Ill II lllI fHIuh 111 1111 21 11 Iwlu 41 rontoI was lnnlt Hold and liliiiltwoqnccc heaven Ulllt he Ill lI ml lIf IIII II IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIII Ink pug ungnul humm Hardy Ottawa was his lirotlieisllace llllll with blue but to match lIlIIIILImmlulrI lIifiiCfIIIIIIIIIIIlI III IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII I59 IIf 11 Inmn NEW SEASQVS ixinuiiismnn nnd wim CW$111105 Ht 111111 illIv lit 11 Vlliltl 111 11 111l1t1artl 1111111 viii rvlm am 111 Ihc brutal party was entertainediwcre orchids and lioiivaidizi tni ll Wk Ill llI EWl Mk IIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIIlIILIIIIII at dinner at the iltllllt lub liIzbiilc was altcntled by her gt1tci ml1 llw 11 mum lolinson loruiiliv 1111 the soloist IIll AWNHM Arriving Mrs llaid anti Iatci tllltlltlIllillh llaiolil Johnson lo111111 wan It IIIIII JIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIN III III IIIII III NIII SIIINIIIIS IIIIIIIII IIII ed the SUDIItlvllitllxt at the R11iltorc llttlrltlllll tumpiece lltttlVlllf the llltllt it the rcA In Hum II York Hotel loioiito Ibech costume with lace t11111 litlt ttItllltl held 11 tt1e1oods lltll IIII II II III IiIII IIII II huh LitI all 1315 It llttlt is Hm IMPORT 5W Ewea 21 weie tlic 1341 Lgt1u11 15L II IIIIIiIII II IIlIIIIII II CI Ervifriritwijiziw hifaiirzis llKAllllthctllltlttll titriiilitrtilick mm lb if my Em Hm Hindwm 51 MW mm NMlIfldnutfllxluuht 12111 t1 II rtus 111 111 I1 II 1111 Sllipi 5111 black 51111111 sailor WW13 l1 ML VIUI gt011 111 IN MI IIII IIII II IIIIII WI noon otALIii mrourw htru liat with powder blue trim Caita 4053011 TtXli A015 1537 331 4i allHIQL mm Mg mm mmv FVllllSllfztllitll Jillvl tt 1111 11111 Iiivtirwl mulled II mmk IIIII Imd II IINIIM If 13I map lIiItitIx 1Imake it iIiitIo aIdasliaiv litthIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII toscs and the 11111111113 mother in IntrIoductinn IliIcI AIts 42f Illlt 5IIl to Me IlltitIClSII II ONTARIO SELICPHIZD QIxIuTY Tnorsu 10W my toutt hm and up IApost cs opens witi 11c IVIIILIII 11111111111 at cm 111 ion 11II II NI II Spud 1II1 UhI and 41 our Icoininandint lll as istlcs to wait for loft L1tltulll ltllllilllllllllt in liar1 Ixlnu IINIIE Nth l1c oi lolii carnatioiis and ill Htlfv Slum who in the near ric llcsciiile iil1cgttliI nitaht will WNW Lad All 51 IiItIRIIH lll lll 11 3111 wt 21 311111 11 tihmt WWI ItiIImimnple future would baptzxc them with 10 vie ittItItI handbook 1I111 It 11 II IItI size 300s chm power 114 81 The book writ 1111111 cll Ill fresh ideas and tlsllllt1ll ltll il 11 ultI IIII 1M1 thc weddititt trip to Detroit to Luke Imd llltStd lo lllco llmlf Iml mlkmff uNMltmlmI Mm M1 mwwy Good Hin 32s Dov tlc the bride wore red tutored dress philiis mentions that he had 111 clotuw lnv ltiiim Mali 1ly tlic Irmlzcr 21 IllItllll bcive wool and camel hair top coat mild WINCHhf all that Jesus MvIVv Ishc said 111111111X and replied LORIIDM MalaIHJbh up mm m1 mm Town10$ OnIlwgan both to do and teach and BdlllIvdltlItllllllltIFllIC most ltt1Illiiiarltaiilb snt it lieu well the mm Him CPL mm Gnudm here he writes of the work of Jesus factor source of plaIiit toortI nought 11pm 11o than tlicsg dim IiEIvyintiiinrnu Si WI IIIkII III IOSMCIIII in 110nm Christ continued from heaven Corn Ftttl llillllt Inll Then he couldnt lilttlt2gtiillltl why It mtg VI IIIIIIIII through IIIsIIl1111IiIh energized by if in Iillltli contact with fertilizer the woman gathcrcl up I111 nass Practical Sim HI II IIII IIVISY WAY TO BUY SELL the llolIV Spirit lhIi lttln of the llltlltl 11l book and 11111011 111111 trio l1111l ALIFORNII JUICY lA Hundreds of people have found HM SpimI 3ng ngnaoug hr Your Fnends the 39C IIIIII II In In 1in Irmmmor Ctussp transformation 111 the two otthcse II and IIII IIOM my men Peter tor 11V Tple lo Wis Bfllls 95 fiods both in blunt and 5011111 III III NI Armmm Ilhmmm sc con It 1511111 an Ic Only one cent Word CASH mom your jlnssimid mums Inland became truly brave man Im ltjxmmnm who with the ollltlSIlllltlIllllltll be hind closed doors for fear of me Jews now stands forth and boldly proclaims Icsiis hiist lha Cruci licd as rissn and asrcndcd at the right hand of God as Lord and Christ then he definitely lays the Crucifixioii at their dooin saying whom Ive crucified Ilhc Uurie pmtiougiyen Associationo days lesson present these inch in their preaching healing and suf ijerinc ministry Preaching Acts 237tl One essential above all others for successful preachingis thatit shalll be Holy Spirit eiiiponcrcd lhel Spirit can take men of whom it can justly be said Are not all thesc which speakGalileansf and thud ecei Such an one was Moody who simply murdered tl1e Kings English but was perhaps the greatest soul win ner since apostolic times Again Spirit empowered sermon is filled Vllll the Wordnote Peters ser mon and is also delivered fear Iessly One thing our pulpits need today and this one thing would do more than anything else to bring our nation back toIG0d even that our preachers shouldbe filled with the Spirit of God Gone then would be the honeyed soothingIsyrup which sends souls sleeping tohIell Gone would be the fear of men and the fear of loss of salary In tlieirplaco wewvould have 21 thus saithrthe Lord and boldness to proclaim the truth regardless of consquuenc cs Healing Acts 318 This healing was done not in Peters power but in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ inresponse Brand nw suggestions for summer wardrobe come right of the rag bag when Kathleen Vicar opens her Victory Cupboardi med full of idcason how to CANADA fgdeMMS 76 221 Adhfziriobed olThe Iaie offigliting mendepends on the production incl delivery ience At Pentecost about 30011 Plalmi I09 QUMIShiPSand Shells etjmd$ Quillng the souls were saved after this miracle ammunition It takes money to do Iitl lliatswhy we at home are about I5I000I TDD we took for re 65le 5W VidOWBWd WW we mu make acncd dolls and expect them If we do its vitdrthIevery sgcrlceIwe can rInakeI to prowde more ghting Io tail get them is it not because we Iottbagkte oIttackfIIlt WillobiinQIVIctoiy semi more it to doimt have the same powerIIImd 9959 live WW 1I like answer to enquirers aftersalva lit linien we athbme buy ictorv Bonds we are liIOil I22333119 IWeSt111 needIil ofggeddlgnltid duty Weareinvesi in the future rat tell WOW that they 313 sml OI fame II My moeijul whichtobuyt ethian we ll want hers needing the I8V1Dg grace Iwlientlio wdrisIovet 00d in Christ Save for peace days nowl Be prepared to obtain wIlien avgilubleI naw upitotlielmlnute eQuipment forthe home that w1ll provide an edsior and bettrlife It may be nowIIelectiic stove new refiigergtor yes even complete electric kitchen It maybe any one or Suffering Acts 42113 18111 STroubIe soon caught up with these two bold preachers and they spent night in jail which was 110 luxurv those days Next day thev rc pc xv LuuLL L121 Lariat LA 110 151111 11111 IM IVICTORY CUPBOARD of the Consumer Branch Wartime Prices and Trade Board PnGE FIVE House in East End tDamaged by Fire Many Gross Fires ASAFELY AAA New Seasons VALENCIA ORANGICS Selection of Sizcs in livery Lolilau Store EXTRA FANCY BRITISH COLUMBIA Gin Box lilo 13215 1111s SWiETS PREM LB SWIFTS CHEESE will Bxlli 2islgllil WINESAI APPLES LBVWSWVWTIS BACON Attractivcly lriced According PKG DRIED EGGS to S111 ONTARIO Iimiizsric on 1131 SPY APPLES IGittnox NEE4223 isllilft This WEEK 111111111 111111111 TEA ESEEEAETVsiieAR COUPONS Now Valid LB SWlFTS CHEESE 111m SWIFTS EREM LB SWIFTSIBACON 12 LB SWIFTS CHEESE PKG DRIED EGGS liill traiisEporItatioii and ptlktlillg costs paid Swifts also make customs dcchiratipns Ilucc Ioui idcl tor NHIFINJIIIl It 11 ll and Now Valid 1W HEINZ VINEGAR MALT ttnltlt WHITE 25 LALLEMANDS YEAST 46 COWANS PERFECTION COCOA 24 WORICESTERSHIRE SAUCE CROSS 27 1nicttw111 1151111111 HABITANT NOODLE soup Mix 12 23 numyuugulll1u lItiluz tottlis la llli liii your over clothing CATELLIS MACARONI gfgr out Her demonstration lecture takes Mc place in Barrie on Monday May 10 PAR DOG FOOD PEhydrated 1113 29c stagedrunder the Barrie Womens subregional Committee Consumer raiii Branch Barrie women and child nake ren will model the remade clothesI llllblttistlttw 23112 OXVDOLM 11332311 23 loumx sumac717 4384 0AMAY3l1I2CW 11 ii illlly ml15 8Qiiart 21181 GSOAP 11m 14111111111111111 II 1AIniunlvltlralm IotuIIIctunIIud QUAKER lSPAHKtESlt2r1w13 omonegl fa FLUSHO ToiLzrBom CLEANER 11 PALMOLIVE TOILET so IgII 11 supznsuns CONCENTRATED Elmtune HAWEs FLOOR wa IiIIIIIIII1IiIu45 9Aemmuwucokcfssriifeats1 rFLAVOUIE Everybife of ifs Icreamy goodness will tell crews AS 50 AButitosts evnumoreto land in Europe Take it from me your Navy need ships shells and gear food clothing and stores IIin regular tidal mite nuinberbf viewelectricalappliance It my be newhomeWliatI ever It is it will be easierIto buy if money is invested to Victory Bonds now 3Buz Vicggg BondsWodaIyI The war thalis now lief big to reduce vast frantities ofwea on E5 AWAR WEAPON II forour fighting Incan be mg when Victor iswon to contn ute radian weightime future GFOntariol am In weie brougliflo tiizTand tarm den on the threat of severe penalty to preach any more in Jesus name Peterboldly declared his intention of continuing to preach and thev let therri go 421920 My friend have you ever asked the question What musth do to be saved Remembetgverse 12 says that salvation is Only to be found in the Name of Jesus Be lime in Him for He died for you andallwill be well lt oI EASY WAY TO BUY Oil SELL lmodreds of people have found that it pays to use ExaminerClassi fieds both 111 buying and selling 01in one cent word CASH hone your Classified Adlets to Dobbleif you can your previous purchase oft Victory Bonds Buy them out of savings and then buy more on the instal ment plan II THECIANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANthfDi Niagara Falls Cunda 94311 The Examiner you IiEvI GOOD if Economical TOO interest gives strength toI advertising You1 getaltjn 18P measure in The Barrie ertII