Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1943, p. 19

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EURSUA Tilfry ll THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARREL UNTARIO CANADA WWW Fnomonamoaamouggi WYEBRIDGE HILLSDALE SHANTY BAY NEWS ELMVAILE iii homewoaomonowouow AHiA 31311 nor III II II Hui Spa Penman IIIIII II II III II IIIIIII 15 gtI rt no lilxm II IIjIIf fatIII pjlthgIgnarl KIIPICIIiiw Irili W1 or the 1IIim 51H Jml AHrMuw all ihili Viiiili the av Ezrtid with lint artlt 113 Wilt and fan II er with 111 111112 to than lne lliiilfs St 1=nI 515 if Auk SIIIIII NWIIIII Innitys 2d liirty II 311114 Jrgitnzzoav tfrgt 2621 rim Pinion tmii Il sottat II inrzxe Aidan mm lflrlida 11 1c LJ linrdeii spit the ImLil 11l III 114 otrztzt AillL buitrw an 11 tlthitizrs ti 11 Iifii triii LEtrii am 111 mm EM and mum Milr Li II WI in II ear III II ixnwtm limp 1111 nan Porter 51311 tear 111 Lillil No11 dlllllllb ta 31 Wlt Willi Mr and Mrs iii RMtohs HerlV zu ft Kinrig 11111 not JlI Mm Alixrt Inonmwa Lltf lIrtI 31 ll1f pet pound all1 11i liens itI J5 mi Mn my Mr Hum km man IIHIIUVII HhidIUV kiti ztzh itei llitl 111 Coilinewoott II Inf 51 515 Kmhelmrl Vettelazilu were the unirici All TUURT iii lm iii Ster fltl math iitvr spending 1111 $1 VIII If 1lill ilx ill 111 11111lii1 iiI II III xix TWIT iiilUliilt lllillltli WI liti anti If Igt 1I1 Miami 11i 103 111 11mins that IIIf jII II in II IIIIIIlIII flIIIfII iIUI IIIIIII IIIIII III In 1I 111 II II IiiIiI llitiiai rage azhl 31 ml IIWIIIM IIII flll1ll plan wit 1tltiI Viitrrlty Hp WWW VHV litllhd Hi lroiinee 3511 lieiit Matdottald lam rvl 111 numb 1x 11 no IIIIKII 211 on Stiiiti1itF vying we and llii 111 home aitvr hptmllili ZiaIn 151 liiliti llllttI am II LCIIIIIIUII migi Alaoiaii on ampwiir months in loruuto do at IXIIII If WIKIWiI the litiftt tliii1eiiii lhr mm Alrlllltjl it Rial lmdleriti R1 Reimlm hm tui it Hi i1 r111 til were rem11 II II II 11 1211 Allin 0115 in liiti ii II IIIII III II Miao Hi Wm AW ION pIIIIIIIIIIIII 111 in hunt in iUli iii iv eh llrlI utth Mr and Mi 111 titllll hill mil Mn Ruhuw minute Min wen zihtr lll Jot10111 III tire with Llill tiiorrr 1ill gt AI iiimi 11111 i1 1iri III Hwy IrIIIInII 11 III 1il Animal an int Fruit Int donin MtLinton Llllt it maritiilil tntttt lad IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII1IIIII= II II II ntietziis AH WI III II III Huh Tammi pi iv nul Is thanks xvi humour II IM 12 vtrtiitttt iritli Mrs ii 13 IIIII with ltzitt Aittil Arno III it niliiiiihu and etukinnlr ilaliiuti Clii1t ltttll 11 lnti 312 lil tr1ii Anthrni II II II 111 lad Elltt Mrs lliins and cakes lse 1oz in 25c Mm has Walli anti 1II IIIIIIIIF IIIIIIIIIIII III III 11Ii ill Inio all lit Im II IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III IIIII JIIIIII IIIII IIIIII NIII II II II ogtI III III IIII II II II II II III II II III 111111 polar IllHlnlquxUlu limit 1H II WI ii III III titlilltllkhf grill IiIIIXI IILII Wittrue Fitlllllittl anti ll no $12 IIlII RITIfiIIIIIJIIIIII llliillitilliltlt iiitatl ziliilv 11 LaherlllIdeIfd Luml Will 11 mil VHHEL illerl Uralnti who it ii ll ll iiie ilili itciiiitl hit Viv1 mm mm m1 mommmt Hum mu no JKIm 1llll 11 was pi I12s iii ioml Iruion brandina Dram it illlillV lililiiiri arv tiitt ill IIIIIIIIIII rim IIIIIIIII 25I35CI lollouimr 11L as wn Tb hat11v Auditnew lliti ililillll llll or ll ext eiueii Moitugt new work tor iHll ti The 13011 trtiin St Alltllti WWW iiillliiah tIiit1iiiiirii MUM 11W Himillri SOikV 10 liiiiix 11 fluirvh mimimi the 11mm iii 1111 pro11 oi iiziw Ilm IhitTurner tiqi liinkii 250 sodr scarys hospital iitidllri it11 W1 aria ttttitlltl iood hatrm ti iltllllZ hell lilllf 11 it 5111 WW1 0W lplllllllSI lilil inviltit 11ll mom Ilggog ham HUM iltill Citr iraiitlniti in the Pdllslt Hill in lli Mi Mm Eriilixtir 11 in tadAlt 6111 2563 lliiitiitl siitzitr slnoiVhI whhqi Nh 11 II no II IIMVKNI unummi Illltntllldlltill atltlrns was given lithl WL 19113 pil CIL ml1 lx11oit tviilaqu lI1liiiitl llawn and Darwin vILiCillJlmgt SE to 100 minis trilrriIinitts I1 III oh 11 Il illilitliltti 11111 ltillilllilll 1111 iu1tl111411os out 1011 11 2101171112IIIIIIImlKIEI IIIHIIIRNIIIAIIillI WI IL lttt11l III itl IIHIIIIhaiI III WM MI iiiitl trim lllll six he yllllln sliliz quota oi nWHrlfillD illlUlltV Iitn IPHiQ 3am III II IiI iii ii iii ooiuu 111111 Pl ipph Mr 1r 111mm CAN UHS 10 tVmillJ 11 Must or niuv in their 5111 lilitllils itiiii tilltgtI iiitl Tm Iiulm IImmmmV 2l1i1tvIts Mliitl 1t hp 11me It II II III 31 if lm my Wdmvllh Ml til the Ietltratioti oi Aiiiittiiltli lrmk Mysteriously sighn Attiml Mflm mm iixt lltll in the school in April iiiyhttiiious incident 0011111le Intended 211 last ttlt PtifIlnttiestiut pittuies of all tiill IiiIii Fritllii 1112111 when the Yorkl Easter holutav islttils Wtlv MixitlUiiiiil imiliit Wiii gti=tiii 1W Illlli111194 Iiliik liiiiiitiiilz groceries to Mm Jamieson roannet SI and Mn forum Id 1Iinrtiiiiiiig thi part Vtilll it IRllnnlliiit store ol Iirauk llawn arrived home from Masser last Lutk IIIIIImIII mm SUIII IIIIII Mm illltl Canada are inane in tlirEatI 11 oclock at 11111111 The StOlo Ambroga cum North liattie Mason Mm Marion Gray IliIwar also Northern Patrol oi Au 11min Irinmjd at that time tiioliordI Ly ltllouilltt old acquaintance 11mm with Mr and Mrs litmlltluuhn and the Channel IiiIeuleut 1i11tr lrcided to no to the Dick here this we 1k 7iiilibtll Mr and Mrs Rimtevacuation oi DilltkltIkI inn tauWilton to gain admittance While Mrs Iennett visitd her son Campbell Toronto with Mr and lilgmllll Siillfs 13mm Ah 35 0111 mum 10 1h DIKKClil Jeniiett and Mrs Jennezt Mm Alex Gummy Duncan community SingHolly brounlitI to liItlllllltC his truck was stolen The COokstown on Stindav 31mmqu Tumnm rm Mr Itiose very profitable eveniniz 1le Iwas later Ireeovered abotitl Mm IttVelS of Toronto Norulal Campbill llarold Ciatvfirlj Cecil Chappell Crown llill iiiI191 19 Wlolldiw wheioiis spending his Wk iibSilViHiZ in Nolitl with Mr and Mrs rrani irottueea by Ray liouizheetl spoktill 11 iii I0 51X illizirtlraila the public school liert CrawfordyAltix Gran1n Stitlburv oii 11111 lnennie Iix In VitIml 35 ilif ditch Some of the farmers were on the with Mr and Mrs ii1111111tit the tart that the div may land lav lavs last week but hid Miss Hartliolouitw Tmoutoonn com when more tariuurs Iliilllilil IMis Wes Stonchnm to quit on acrouut it the rain and mm nil comm 711l1 Mimi MM Mimic 134mm Barlsnov Mtss Norma Pilkey IBarrie ll1ik1Slltillgly atlvtsetl that IVtliIHLD St JudesI WA Will meet at Mrs MR and MrSII DI pkeyI LACItmmer start now km mm ItirOIiliy and Gerrard Diunond Jainiesons in luesdayI May ouglas Gilehizst Brantlord mthlrtcord He recommendwl the in BImmQOd Sliifiit ilW dillS last 11 lit 230 Kiiidlv 11010 1111119 Mr and Mrs GIllitlllislitVttlllOly system as the most inqulittleiuIitliItlieu grandparents Mr or date Lloyd Strachin Nevis wth Mititieal and satisfactory method Mixiimil Mim 11105 Smith Mm John Stewart ms munnod and Mrs Geo Canmbeil Mrsiiptll have verr emiiiiiehiii Organized Here lliome after Slmmm the whim iii Hodgson baby Marilyn van131119 description of thi rumine taxI Aptmg Peoples Union was 01 Toronto with her lllllillllPl Mrs Sttiiilev Brampton With Mr athlisistoinIas related to the illllltlilifllllZCd in the Utopia United Ciilllhfll Mrs Wm Campbell Iand Will the use of the lilaok CIllllltli on April 22 The Angustl IMrs Jas SpeersIand Miss Br bqum Cleml mummm ll EXXPIU mOk Chm malimlmce spews wow mlmm Witt MallowJ MIISs Beatrice McCraeken plesldedI VCCR Mister Denim SINIS Geo Young has been elected as M138 RoseinoiidIKirbv as ormmC home in mm trustee on the 011 Sam BIIIIIIII1iIiiiIstI Mm JI 3mm gave In Mm Margaret Maugham and II leplacing JI RI Bahtme who ringililiICICSIiIiii talk on FCllOWSlllnIiMrl StewartIMacQuarrie have reI LJ 512de lMIlss 1111111111 intby sang soloI turned to Itheir teachuie duties at lawsII QuinnS 9106th me gmI SpamimgI mister homlam In Mr and Steele Isprnt 11137 toilotvs Pres Muriel Parr Vice their respective homes holiday Iwitli Mr bieeles pltltlllsI iPres Bruce Galdiner SecyII Joyce IMrsII MI pattemou 8mm TilllsI at punslord IitIilcCaniiI Tteas Kenneth Butler my in loronto llllI her triend IVlllCe Johnston and son Brock IoiIneniis Wesley Romnng Jean MissIBeli Scott who is convalese Lindsay called on Mr and MiSJ Imillbun Biiiit Gardiner Mervin me 111 rest home lllil llaVlile Dlliikle ltiit Wk Sen 001111111 Evouts for etitliieilnmmll Miss Thelma Jones will 0113 hit broken last fall Jos Einnis Miss 11 Bonus tilildlltl lance Friday nielit 10 Oliiimlst IMOIUIICFK Dav Will be observed in Mls Archer soent Sunday vitlil JCk MCCml and Bruce M1110 Tum Chum em SundV who their brother Walter who is srSlient Monday in Toronto MLANT lhesumlny 5011001 md mom 1mmin in at 301115an IMutiiice McFadden BarrieI is lERixlNSFlElibrrrAndrow Parent SOFIIKIC Will CiimblliiId 110011 Vt 1n lWisiting his cousin Ronald Ellis has young barred rock hen which Inol9mnm ls bum mmmml 181 ms of ti me an is John Corbett ietuiiicd Mrs Cliff Brown and childrcii Mrs Jack MliipiIV sptnt their noun that she can take it and home on Sunday after an extenti rmomo mBmwns Ed BCHWllruketlvdtlwlhwlgrmm WWW 510 45 llCiiiered the ed visit with Mr and Mrs Mer Toronto his home Strcal rs er 1111 other thi tt om mow vvn Coihett rPeronto Mr and horn and fitnIilV Sunnidaleat Wl Sell 19 OlJIYiCdI today Where 51 had been rm three Mm MI Corbett nd baby MalV FrencliS Keith Truax Midland SeVeiaLesmolliolimls LOilllllOIlLlll E1 111 Bttrtchs Mr Maa anxliholl SC1001501S Week lying Ndel lhwg LandsL aliliigsnlitMlthFiTvaillluiillL jam Ei Gr SI Mrs John DomIon 15 Vishnu im liay yr mm 91 iives here Recent visitors Mrs GI Dreyer and Genevieve Jami son Toronto at Jillll50ls Ivan Jeniiett Penville at Jas Jennttts Mr and Mrs Gordon $2310 Mtgjorie and IIIGprdonl on 00 MCDOWl Ml and MrsFrank alhert and Mur ray shelbuInIig tIIIaanMrs MunrOefOshawa Edwin Hol bert IrenionI at Halberts rhi 110 hs 5911 61314 don New T01 nto Mr IandIMr OswaldMcKiiiiEhd Marilyn on GilliarinesI at McKenziefs Rev Kent Invited by Trinity Church The congregation of Trinity Church have extended an mvtta hon to Rev Kent Angus to bocome their pastor commencing July 1943 and he has accepted same subject to the approval of the Settlement Committee Presentation to Miss Genevieve Jamieson Despite the stormy weather large number of St Judes inner Eation met in the basement of the church last Friday night to do honor to GenevieverJamieJ son who for several years had been capable and faithful orgian ist Sunday School teacher WAl secretary andmorficm of the AYPA prior t6 ccepting posi tion in Toronto short program HAT WE ARE EXPECTINHFJJLEE VThis istlre year of attack We rely on our ghting men to storm andoverWhelm an able resolute and II IQIiR son my HOW TO BUY 11d 5veetliettrt neighbor await theword EAlTACKli les crate enem inithc stroneest and most cunnin Was given consisting of recitations blMISSCS Marion Banting and GM 31 d9 the WW fortications ever flewsed Eanor JalmjesonI two quarteme Loan salesman who calls on you Qt place inthe hands of any branch of any bank or give it to Canadas army trained and eager is poised for the knockout Noni No time to think of what were doing back home Mimi rote Sewii enryI rail an IM WHAT THEY ARE EXPECTJGOF US In Jae an 50105 WE Ns nu me and Cguncil which declares the only public holidays to be observed this 1year are New Years Day Good Friday Dominion Day Labour Day Thanksgiving Day and Christ Lets put our savings tmfescrvcdly into Victory Bonds Lets pledge ourfuture earnings to buy MORE onkthe instalment plan ANUFAC IietIs back our boys up to thciast ghtingIdoliariI rpose filw Tic Neville Jamieson Rev Y0 100 COY LHdq su remc sacrice They rely on us to provuleI them 11th the crushing ginIiIlItIinson aliegias Izhagman and MI or youIcm 3min youII III gt IIV81fy IeneyievesI em gyegxosmafeguupayro II II IV II superiorityI oi SIillPS planes tanks InttigletIronis mil IVIIIIIIIIDIIII helIIII MISSIIBIIIIIBI SIEWIIIIII II IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII III IOIII BOIIIIIII In acryium grow HOW Ifm dent on III my II IIIIIIIII II an ensuresuccsgtlle Owest Ia ressI an Grey mIeI IIII II II II II 31 1m grime dtoIGeneweve Ion behalf of Egogeinggg tenlkr i5 hmle Pull9 P095 3005 luman wes ling bilge ggggigglisgmgagli $501 $100 $5003 Yet perlrips lilikiii qUestitiii Will those lt home back its II II II II IIII III II II III II IALIAIiIIIIEIIWII 7W Forth Purpose Canada math mm iliisgiin rgliendonghort 55153311 wfl gifsgiiqd 11531 tlielinfit VlllDOljiARS be iiiihis light too Thiriiii richer1 II gt people In 3118431 VICtOPYLOan 31111911 one Iraggcigi 113 gaming and Gey 9mpl9y Can we wantoneyerythmg we must have to my It Hundred Million Dollars II II Id our followedII your local my II II II II III NmII MI III LomHequIummI IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIWIIIII IIICIIII II II 4I II IIII III IL Whoever you are TIwhatevayou l0 fheItrue II MIDLAND+MIIIIIIIMIIIIIII IIIII IIIII ngbgvggdtgfilxS II toyour trust Buy VietoryBolidstoyourutmqstlmut Serve MaIy 2ltiasaI public holiday Iceinmkinsom This is OllcnsucyclliOllClllllln one hundred millionvdoilars gt order II malear II lt nsmcii MPANY Es ab ished 1887 Won Range Experiment Station unmet II TORONTO CANADA gunmaniArgenziIItor the past av yearss ow t1 eers on pas gt 17 BRANCH 0EFICE70IA DUNLOPSTI lure gain about two pounds day gt AwWErqsmy District Manager BARRIE Mfume ml ogmywthilhthetgam 00m enceso opuni esears MC THUIWK iii2iifilif titties ingtoinaintain indium the are richin nutrients particularly protein after July the grasses need gt 41 Ito be supplbmentedbygrain feed

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