PAGE FOURTEEN iiii llAlllill fljtdlw ions51mm MAY 1943 ccMlt rw Mvaomww MIAIITWwwmw IVH IWV I77 iVtWMWWIOIOIOiIllOOIOIllllllOlllI NEWS ALLANDALE WALLPAPER LOTS enumeratingnoun ROOM LOTS AT ltlllt iii Mrs Borne 1ii 71 WORTHWHILE SAVINGS as ML V35 it EhSttl Vatn gt 17 341 515 hi lii IJit mil ltiigu hrlds lion aliri IX 77 V7TT rvv tntnwvnv lt lt it co MArriNG 3H U1 II li media tf le Vii Substitute for liy tini II ii toiiis yill re itclii blli RUbbeI Ivhjtung rx Mow 10 at 21th pm1 II II II bxlhtt Lille jlv lnLileb tide em Aiixdiary Snlvnxei tlltldy itag it militant liaifield pkg covch approx ili oi itgtI not llitiutil 350 SqI ISII15 Per Yard ii the Sunnidnle lionJ Bilthll honing lisxiiniaii d7 McContaii Mutinnd iI it gti gti II II IIItlltI It In ltIlItlIlJll lM gtII Martlnsenour Paknh Enamel Varnlsh II Iu indIbiIliiiitiiltlItl Dlwlti ho Id Lil aiiinia CilllViiLLi ilZl me sit v1 21101 lil sl it in littl iii the like11 Knit LLlit21 II gI III II MIIHIII Av ROBINSON HARDWARE MEITIIIID IIIIj II III ltllilltll IzilII liiliIilii HRHTY ANADIANS ti AlZ in LlllIlk tVCllilt ii ii ST gt Jittiltsrtti llltllilltl iii vt NOINOOONOiOOIOIlllIIIlltltllOllllolIIIIItOO ti Ii din 77777777777777 gm mom Uf mg time to fuss about herselt 0n Mothers Day remember to tell her how much TI AI Mccano Holds llail IlVilLli was hunch she means to you and with iitt she will like add emphasis to your words IHLEW of ii ruiatiou If rT IIi pay SChooI for iiiiiil iteilal of the biailoii III II iDlstnct Salesman hail pupils of Jtlt it lliyl 72 than mm Ili in given on luesday lay 1295 to ll Drum eiii pzzi Ill the Collegiate Audi II II link hie let those interested in mus gtl las lIllluJiii iii lIxn Hltililiiy invited aidn may Ii II II lamp llI manned loin MM lliysoii Ill II II 1i Illitil liltltltlt Simone vI in Winn 15181 MUIMRI and paw swunan II III IIIII VIII IIIIII bIIIIIIVIIIIII III practical and tttlttltitlllt tall III II iIHJilLdiiilx illti 1h Cwlllltits of tiivyiiIIAAI II II II II III IIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIII IIIIII Gloves 01 5mm umm Wm Simummi Ipli ll lt iiiialitytottoii liintcx house III II II III EIIId IIIWI TWIN If tlliICIIIQIQIlIIlIIv I7 II II II III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIId IIIIIIIIIII handsewn nile WhitoI inva black lltltlmt illlltlblt till nllllllllm wear P101 Ifi3if $2133 liil iwic broken though not brown Zellcr thriftpriced 111 Smigtlt and novelty patterns 50W IIvtfi=IIIi lii HIIIIIIII1 lm WWW iied oft Stone throwing toned backgrounds Sizes 14 to 20 38 VV he Ilt lll our lit vimW ll1 to it chler tliriltpriced II im in llLillli7 MI IAI II II No iisiilatois and bath lit ltlld ol llll tllilUi mm 51th mow gl up tt to hate lashed the pole til trio salesmen hoioiilll Lllllllfltl Watches will New mp9 of menIridium liiiday was not only Inlay II I1II VIII HM II IIIIIIIIIIIIII III HIM my IIImm hf VHMI IIIIH HqIItN iiI llll also Day Day at amp IV IIir ila msiizon to izive the llcgtl possible lientwii ii lrmil min with the result tliIat there SUIT i1ileivea to those whom they wore AC1 to ritual lilgtlli we drunkenness Lian ll1 YOI ii tcirca an iilllltilllllllly to gteiie tinizs it llei been iiIn iii IloiiL llllIlL IlIocIal 3001 or 511mm md dressy 101 LN Li tiiiiAi Val MI himI proiizoted up nl iiii Iiilliililli aint H1 lldl ll ltL Hm 05 Ownsmn Wm the 10V 011ch 77 Ii mg IIII swigiiluwrRLL SKIIImIII Vernon Sit iuiiit iItIi iiepl very busy in Barrie iiii lOlll lell 12llb tIlilllltS Gemstone tauf0 Dredge in rwy binwkc mk 31 PI Vltole in lious pliaws 111 Hisll WIr lt 14 Sundily handles Floralpatterncl on black Mi mum drunks Spent ml turquoise blue SUIllt With low pat hf writ and explained ho to navy known or red 7or With patterned rizl Hill iiiie in ugh Now ii 1lflll1 ap it ill the cells Ciitlllllll their terns Sllts 11 it 20 J8 44 Com well Hlll situations iiit llllblll borders on one ft up 1lft IHIU WK BL charge of kidIpllliuillfl lzi 1dr aieeiiiIlreel until they sobered up 111 lltt plow with SlipI Zen thrifbpriccdi II VI If IiIlial and Medical Issue Dept outIi Within ziI Ill7i illWIml Smithy May it 15 Mothers Day Lilith 1AlllrIlilb ItIMiiili II ltmd mg unimmcnm HHS Homer lillitolliig iini gut3 tuneful If 3er 8L Uand Church and iIIIVIImI hi IX hiieet and touched ulwii some littlet Wm zolniui has iltll lll Sunday School will celebrate il5 Mmml IVIII II INIIhI VIlIII thmgs that might enter into the instruct hi Illti iiliees for iflll anniversary At all to earn Uzi runner lll Ill it ti llii board lIli services Rev nillilici lltlillt ilt 1295 IIIIiIII1II XIIIIIII IEIIIiIItHIII Him The gathering was reported Voryiiiil ehieh he iltl llIiilli every knot ft joint 5c101lrIv of the IlloIichnttylcil Dressy StbyIltb ICdtllllllg ii alet mi lia Committee World Coun ora Dr 11 spuns 0n ue rose aqua 72 iiitiitstiii iiid bCllLlllei tilt ii ll 1w II IVfIIIIdeitILIILALII IIIIIZIIdIIlIIIE must lilliIitl lii nioi ilt ieIly Churches Will be the speaker can or beigeI Skirmnos larmlI gored or he logknllouwl Imiult Ibllpb II BIIVJOIHCR IrvIII IIfIIIII VIII HRiIVIIII III then ask innit pay tax ulI 23 ClIllIllltil iiiiIieofeil It sIlilIlIll luv 1IftlInIllhiUGIICtliIsIllII pleated Sizes 14 L0 20 38 to 4I1I Zeb must fallow hllylp only 1041050 II cent in illLll itle great syzvac lit in no eI or 7lil rs ct 17 1355 10 2483 If liilII fixff Undoubtedly railwaymenI iKieeltlicin lhe tIutit mill appreciatehnlph and is very fine speaker ler In prim1 WhltL 113 Wind wMIWWViqww II IIII iIIIIf IIII IIIIjII IIIIEletIEfIiIilwlmlcheartedly with the milllsldl Illitllt Work it itlilA The Public Utilities Commission that But it is not ollt 0t Dklfe If rllllellil 11lll nice bit of piiblicny to remind them that all 9W W5 All adilx llt JlrilLtti to attend itzi Save Fats campaign To CW watches are now Hilde iiId Cieel1 lilllitin IIEilll nou on as it is bill for domestic electrical scr imi They are provided tIiInlyIundIcrm the utmost minimumlt2 ii which uuos out thetnexl HHCC oniens Chenille pc large pom pom quilted sockliniiig with covered heel Col license and cannot be ougit Untth morewiliwhenmimchcd Hm wwmI pumic Whig btmgMiDlinna Dangerously Yellow sticker printed in black blue unquo F01 M0thlm OXIILI IOOII Fun151CIEDIgznjyirlzcigm or LIIeeI oneIIIoi these vatIchcjsIh ralluIIayImtlIll costs Tommo Man which Says Save FMS rm CXW osyyet not too bedroomy co in weal Wl To those sliotoxq night after night on sleeplevs mt unwed pose 05 hmscwncs Wt jab beds 10 those who sleep in kind of Iway but lfgffgfhfoxfgh iand$34l Damage ML me mm mm 10 mi Slzes l0 PCIII Zener lhrlhpnced whose rest is broken by bad dreams and nightmare formation contact Mrs 05 placed under the supervision of thci To those who woke up in tlicniorningastirmfas when or Mrs Richard Crosslcy oi the la tbey wont to bed we offer in Milliurno llealtl jcvcncry conimner Lorne Press rlIilllilll appeared CINIRI Winch inspecton Lin magistrates iillll here oi Wedlt Red Cm Auxmny 351W Dainty Celasucdc Panties lace edge Nerve lillsntonicrcmcd to 1101 soothe and strenvtl iittee When this is done tlicrc ElioIiIild be no more to bad WON 5le regard to boICinCSdIIy lulumg LIIIIIIiviI ViIll1 IiIIIIiIiWIlgIziiric Lions entertained their BE WIth IVIbeII mIImI WIde leg SterI CI stitneit that it is retroactive toielmmlS lleiI dIMIIIIiIicIiingOItiIiILIIiidIiimiiengills at nlldrui counters MiIllLCIll 3I lie is not fully intormwdChurchm HQ DENIM LIHIIIV IIzIdiIlIIidIll CIlLiIbdftiiidiIugriIdiiiiucdgniii wmtie Leamsc blue ievcr as to the method of handl filled 320 ml SL9 $3435 ILOOk ou Watered 8413 mark Rule the Mm refunds or disposition of wigemmg is driving licm last when the main feature was cl moving picture All These Things II Miiqum Cow laundromat IV Ijiojiieh when unemployoo leaves theIflaggiahletzhOlleDEljl lrIIIIIIIIIIII starring N061 ICUde presented in buch raffetzt batm Striped With Practical Heavyweight vcrsrzcd Slips I1IVILC MW p7chiimu ww haggpk support of the Victory Loon mom dainty lacetr1m upcsleevezIBlue with builijIup shouldersr Inmwashable mbli Tendenc litiod minion ma military stun Etucs Cf 3016 39 and tearose Sizes medium Isatin and celasuede materials 19 n9 lion Wiltllill Ctlllslllg daintlfU ot $iliitiibr19llyll g1 lnlmdussIdIIbY GCIOII and largeI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII TearoseI whiteI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII AHOCked In Sermon Ito his own car and $200 to the armySgeimb Iriigfnbgishili sh Ivehiele Press had been drivin MAGAZINES poms BY er Floral and DRESSES Sizes 12 to 20 TOBACCO CIGARETTES t3illtri8fGitittfiiu am SC 1311 ans 38 44 WABe sangsevcra reruns minister of Central United Church III the venin sewIce Sunday 5145313 10 lbs IlceptableIInIiInnbeiIsI II III Washable E7 M7337 576 16 77777Two 10 ims7o d77mo 017dCCI C11 77 77 7777777 77777777 777 77 777 0W0 54 IUL are peopI FLOUR MILLS ton Highway 21 about mile north Iun or lvh lve lv4 flt that this amighuAjnLljmreuhle lti topic when That are 50 can leave Royal Victoria Hospital and trovcrsml should not be dealt With lretum to their homes this weekI fik VIA ChurCh SEIVVICC bUI he I35 OI IDVld Mathews HaVke OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 1000 II 07f glut 01pm stone who suffered punctured pretty clothes She will like this group of useful pretty dressessuitable for wear ecmen ance are 1e with smart trimmin and det gt hm fractured rib facml laceia all summer long Dressy and tailored my 31 ings Adeelmotcd they being found mI tum and multiply cutsI returned Why not Select one to give her on Mothers Day GLOVES I98 HANDBAGS natme he dedmed Whenevex Nobody knows When you may home Tuesday vhilewMiss Rae me laws of God are expiOIied they be able to buy Homer 110W Coutts 20 Midhurst who sustained are Cheapened and vulgarlzed In Meantime WC fracture at the base of the skull natural smte it is mble mI MOTOR ANALYZER mint and fracturod icollarbone was tak stinct but exploited by man it un outuncrriiigly the weak spots KENDRICK Gowan St ALLANDALE Phone 4033 dermines the moral integrity in your mm desiiizieeyivezfiiigiyy iiioiiiinimrecpgg For Best IIII The minister stated that the use Repair in timeSave many ery rIor IIIIII IICIIbIIIIeIIIIII PIdtexl wonlo gt EIIglTISliIIElg zingiisfecmbmy 1995 in today Careless Today CarLess ToI In back bmwnI navyI White natural Underarm andItophandlc styles made of dur WJe vulgaEize ofr stewardship mormwn WES the theme 0f WW Ith simulated handsewn finish Right for able goodlooking iteratol in black brown no ll nbiin cticesl gramme emoyed by farmers and best wear Homespun bags With wooden frames ya 53 Auto Electric Servrce their wives of this district held un v7 Isinped patterns or WWII Roomy Ismam der auspices of McCollFrontenac Oil Co Limited in Canadian Le WHY gion Hall Thursday evening last IIS Thomson Owen Sound district ICmswfmmed 01 with Mars manager Maspiesent and McKinnon Ilocal representative With thevobleCl 0f PrVidlng farm An assortment of Mothers Day Mottoes from ers With some information regard which to cheese the one that expresses your big better Protection for imple own sentiments on Mothers Day In natural mentsIvseveral films wereSIsliln ivory or dutch grey wboden framesp chler 77War on ear Power on ri pr ce Drawbar and an entertainment May9th BeiiiADs our giving should be direct to Bum OntI Worthwhile causes he declared Mr Bewell challenged his audience toleort to suppoTHhcessential element of good morals and yet re spect the proper possessionof pro crt Real Esme Reported Active in Barrie Verydear to Mother You know what pride she takes in making it full of cheer and cofort leae herre something for the home II Moontone Glassware Individual Pieces Relish dish fruit bowl ugal b0 QIHI VI saucer set Zeller thriftpriced at Dityylce Box 30595 I15ceqchDoz $190 if TYPERFUME 85cm $6715 Ai or onion 7N IIthrough by him inBarrie till Ion amPIOIlSIhlP dlvmg EW7Oblhb ht th hI Flameware of GARDENIATOILETSET 34004500 urge catalog$353353 ZFitzgerald Assault 60FEEWM extinction5anggFlinepr99f mas5 COMPA fats III IIIIg II III Case Adourned KEULETSVFup capricitye II gzzlffy sinner qf wellmgIon and IZJElIiIefugtliIlsiIVftpriced 740 thiiffimictldHEW John Havercrofthwght the homei gt IV MI III 0f Erma 30 WOTSWSll The delayed hearing or mecharge Styles with that at of raiciousnes Harriet Hubbard Ayers GISIOI Giilhiimiiiimaseiouii liomel assamtagaimt Fitzgeraldiw A7 to Moihri Brimthed gmocieisin sfeii igtxgtililg II II III II IV mm any up TIME tweets mi tiltottitntdltitiiiittzdntf HATS braid and memoir lovelyflowers Black Geo Copelandand Chas Read WTMay 12 The plaintiff Tpr Bruce Noble of Camp Borden claim BvIiilgggigggfigdieggagiaItonSIandIA II dthatFitzgera had attackedhim ouin $175 $2 in caught BOOKSMOTHER WILLIJENIJOY Geo Martin of Stroud purchdscd in the White Circle on Saturday tFICHON AND VNONFlCTIN SIZEV the house at 15 Berczy st from the It night April 10th struck him II Jane Caldwell Estate With little provocation on the head By Faith Baldwin Wiiiio Collar Girl brown navy HLeGear soldhis homt 124 twice with catsup bottlecausing Burton Ave to McCurley San even stitches Defence was that the soldier had ford out On the right temple TEQIulllng MIargaIrct BarnesI llvpstward HESIsageIn Pearl SII BuckII Exile James Olivr Curwoo Gods Country andthe Womaii Mmmkm has purchased the Mignon Eberhard The Glass Slipper II Fair The Blggerlhey Come Laurence Hope Indlas Love Lyrics cused had swungat him dislodging his glasses and as he has only efficient sight Eitzgerald was help For Successful sale less without the glasses Tpr with Me at lawman with Noble was intoxii Maysicreig Doctors Wife an CentLoIve Richardllnliburton Glorious Adventure Geoffreyllousohold Man 1mm lIlelen Hunt lacksonltamona Hannah Lees Women Will Be Doctors Joseoii MoGoid His wue theDoctorI II Dunlop St store oivned by the Sing er Estate formerly occupied as Fish and Chip Shop II Rysuk Toronto has purchasa BARRIE ed the farm of Oswald Packard on LIVESTOCK AN Idemnnded all the money ofthe ac secondjoncession of 0110 Mr and Mrs Sloane have sold their house at 11 Burton Ave to Geo Pearsall of 0ro Harvey Jones has sold his house on Wellington Stywest toDr Harry Fa Sindeu tomerly Qt Jew York 477 cated said Constable Wilson whqi CRAIGVALE ansVIwered deal at the restaurant at 01 33mndN0blohad bn drink gt PHONE STROUD 23311 mgfI ET IW Fine job printingth reasonable Have v9 Priii alike Hamiltonian on intersection IHigliways lVLI9V0I 225I3Ivjiaw rtnewed your subscrlpI Reader inteliIst gives trengtli to measure inirhe Barrie Examiner advertisingJI You get it in large Read and use ExaminerClassteds