3ESIX 05 COUNCIL SEERMI IAttocked by Bull NEWTON ROBlNSON Farmers Life Saved tTES FOR LABOR ilD TEAM WORK or 35Il1ll and Team so suitmld llti hum By il THE BARRIE EXAlleINER7BArtiiih UN PARK CANADA 2m il llii His Faithful Collie LESSA TAX RATE SLIGHTLY HIGHER ESTABLISHED thud and iinerui lrviev lliglirr But Relief Will Ithl lru lolul liltltllsl luv and inclcmii Mill iiiUltleAi niltlL 7777777 lJ7West fuus iruding and thump il iliU an Hour DPUDA rd iI ll lint III vvkoxm VI II II v17 II SALE II Ii BY KI at litlllllllI ItI III IIIIII III II IIIIIlIlIIIIIIII III It IlI 1i 27 it intl ii lkliIl lx Slim WI iiur lc7 mil in llilirr on llhAv tr ac itrnizei tun Mt print lILiiFilllilllt WI WWWWWCQNWMM mid NI In iIIIIII mwc Slut My 13413 mm MI xi IM Mm as II II III III ITQJTIIIAELIlhpI llIJIiIlLLltlltltzg II II IiII I3li MWWVII AW M7 pIIII tii lt IIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III IIo ll llllt MIWSI ltl tritium IiI izid lz 50 per WW Ix ll tilt Il Ado in In 1nmm I7 II II BIIIIEIIIIII CIIIIIII III II III III Ii7I777I 3l7l ll ilzilllliIIIillIIIinllli 7l7 Ivnnr ih priIanImolt mnl BARR Il l11illilI II II It II il IvI I11II glII1fIittlIi1l punyIlnIIlhi lvunl pun duns mm mum II IIIIII II II LIIIIIllf7 lII MM It tIIIlII III In IIIi IIIKIIMIIII1IIIIy hot lmIiI MI II1 ti AI lt Iw wgw pI til ll ll lllfi lullu iden BlignyfgxIll tIIlIII IIIII1IIi Do You III IIIII lE II Venohhm 311IIxII IMIXI nd ML 1m +1 II or gtt Mp llillllltl Mathis on Hm IIl Mil it mum tint mm mld ML es7 Mtltrltl0tt Ht Ill lII II l2t2 Stutttg in Still tiny Mr mt Mm tro dud IIIIIt II IixII lill IIIIhI MIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IV MISII In whisky Struggle along wuh shesd that aches 1I ll Im Hull tni ldlIHl ut lltII lllon lid ti lltoili Mlt lltltll IIII tIIII Ill Cilhllliilt 50 tlttr Witl ltili litllltl llillorlz lli ll tllLtY ind lIltIltllop AW Iicrd notho unillnossinitselimutit II II molt mwna ti ill iin Hum lormu also kill Cid my be lupin symptom that there is intestinal Wt 1IIIIIHIII I5 mt it 71 31 mm tr huldtythr hunt it llHll unitmt him xx Iluggiiiluicss Wlllllll lilv Titrr aids illi it t7 Ii iI in hunzr tl Mllltnilit iir Mrs flillgtlltl lmlzov Iui ivl To help ovcrcomo the cause of headache it is itm int Iiriztlvm lt IIII IIII II KI III II IIIIII litlliillIIIhlipIIIIltlIllTllII IIIltIiriitIltIrIlI mfcesoary to ehmummum mm mum from the system IBurdock Blood Klh II It lhtl llli lililo that ill littinn RSI 15 IlIllIlltlIiIII IIIIf pIII III III III lamahammmumw $303 qfibdhee by Igumnng the dili WJMKLI lit it pounding Ml nary organs neut mug acuity regulating the constipgted lM lttl r7nm 14 lliillillllulCillllll nm Iii ltgt lll llonit ilmut tlztl lhmr yr Unlwdm 1h lll lilllilitill in iortmif 1y IVttllldlllll it tilltlltlll 3125i3rlmhlwrvwdhen been accomphsmd 00 II IIIII EI in link i=vil scrim 118 lllll Willi Li tlitl Mrs Marlins iilttl It IIImIl th18llij Imam PHI ilh unwind xi il llllll ltlltl tidlnthtriululiit must inir in now Victory llllnd llll li ltlllts flllilltlifl III IIIIIIIIII III IVIIIIIIH my rug counter Price 81003b0ldc id mun not burn i7 lill vttkrnd will the thrill oi your ability Itv Mllll ll WIIHI lI In IIMllanCcIlmludTnmnto0n llill 35w Lill now Vin IlIt7 ti llx lv Simpson llriv tum IFvic ll boil AI tho Il to llnllttl EIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIlIII YIIII III Hi H7 ll lIlltIIt7lVI IIlIlIiIlItItlIIIIIlI IliitIlIil Puttr II pr HI II II III IIII II lIjll iv Kl iltl it tho Suntan survltc wirn 114 Tvlwlltil Mrs no thaliln SJlll dtliuhtful iltlItilIiI li lllllll Milt and Vntttis nllivtsd violin slxhllIl lllgtl lli tor on ltk1um hith 7lIiti luldull lIlff mun Mr lllltl Mrs Edward Drum tll dclthrrntvty ah 173 l7lII It II It II tt1 l5illll Mr iild Mrs l1l1t lvlon ltlr 7W mh Illtll lilltllli lhnuv losunIu 11ml llt ltllllllli Donny illltl tlll iutl 02 Ril Onion Wwt S90 FIIIIIIIIIII II litl Lilli PlllwIt ole ttlt 7t ItZ lhlimh with than mums Lth chdI poll to htltt tt my Mid My prim Garvin Mentord with the huth mom MISJQ mIMHStIlIl MII and MIIS Gm IliI lldih tliltniIIn Il nods Rollin IlillIIitlt and Jtlllt Llnnth l4lll nm the Mrs Alldlcw MllliLI Mrs Mn ttlill MtCllll loroiuo with her pnr Ill llll Mrs llll trs lhirld Coulis ln 115 MHIlln WWW ll dr illllll Lil lin lllf lllltll MtMusttir MiIllllil Nil 13 iliu New ltlill lll li1 IIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII wwk Ml CIUIfJlVI Smith WW xl ll mm 1mm llllllml TOW Miss Allll Elliott snout lust III IWH llilllliill til Mrx IHW wt with Huntsville friends Miss Mildrcd lrtuix holidilli up with WT Slhlll in Filllf 777 hirx Goo Brock nnd diuiuhtorI llll Saturday for Suruiu Vhtli they hnrc taken up housckicplulz Glilct Griuu Llt rccupcrutlnp in Midland liliil it tonsil operation EliESnlisniiryluidlirSTD0WH9777777777777777 77 visited Mr Downir iu Glvin 7777 Mn hurst lost work Mrs English and daughter Mrs Ilorushy und Chas ISitnond ilt ltlldtd tllo llllltll oi tliSI OlIm7 ilIS aunt in iston on ontay Congratulations to Mr HIKIl liflls Drink the iurivn ll Eldunlr ISOllIIoAIlHllIIIQO if Holiday viaitorsz Cecil Ken and 777 family at Mrs Mcwiittmr Mr and Mrs Lillicrzip Barrie and rm Phyllis Iruax zit Abe Trunxs Misses Elma Innd Frances RW lhildS Toronto at their home here Kurttn Dcvitt Jock Bannister Toronto nt their respective homes Dawson Drlnkle Pickering horn olei Sundays The only goIod thing about blockI out observed Londoncrrecently iis that it is temporary rMarioric Maple me7visitiniz atG Intended for last week Miss Lamb spent the weekend at her home in Orillln Webb daughter Mrs and Lauderx The little Misses Grill and Kar en McLean Barrie are visitni with their aunt Mrs Bouncy Mr and Mrs Hicklinu Jean and Ross Barrie visited with Mrs ARolertson on Sunday Mrs Galbraith China and daughter Mrs Laver Summer side PEI were weekand visitors ai Kissicks Owing to the cold and change llble weather colds and flu are pre villent just now Hone the wea ther changes for the better scon Toronto on Sunday to visit Iher husband in the General Hospital But there can be permanent blackout for the family of the man who has in sufcient life insurance7a blackout jwllichmitycondemn widow and Child tell to twilight life of privatian and hardship Suppose theIunexpectIed sllIouldI hap pgpen to you Are yourIIaIssctIs and life insuranco$nfcientgto provide your II loved ImESZWiIll atleast few cf the comldirts of life Are you sure Why horcoxisult you local Imperial LifeIreprcSntativ He will tellyou how youIcanWithin your means make Ilblaclrcnlftsa only hazy memory in See Your postwar years halfhours timetr ILocal wisedecisionnowmay save your Representatwe familylroln futurewanta ETORONIO proving We are glad to hear Jack is imI Mr and Mrs Murray Hutchin tson and children motored to To lronto on Sunday and daughter rctIurned with them for visit II Holiday visitors here were Miss os Rose Briggs and Neda Lees tToronioiit their homes Illos lIWhlnps Burlington and Pie tHackett Owen Sound wlth Mrs Hllckett Misses Jean and Helen lLtiuder Ottawa at hauders Mrs Sansom Mrs Jack Bonnevuinotored to NTARIO has done well in her conlrilnllion of manpowor and resources to theprosecu timiol thewaw70nlario7mnst do slianiorc iu providing the sinews of war7hy supporting the Fourth Victory Loan to the limit of this ability of every citizen Our men in the ghting scrv i009 will giVe all they have Our people on the Home Frrmt can do no loss The Fourth Victory Loan is your opportun rity to join with the Navy the Army and AilForce If in an allout offensive You cannot be there in person but your dollars can be there for you and will provide the materials and munitions so Mls Hazelton Ivusey atvIII NI Intended for last week Sorry to report that 7Alb3ri Dwyer is ill with pneumonia Mr and Mrs Ken Smith and children Barrie ment Sunday with Mrs Geo Smith Mrs Robt Poole 0rllllar is spending this week with her daughter Mrs Les Bertram The United Church choir under the leadership of MrsJN Murray rcndercd two very pleasing selec tions at thePalm Sunday service The Palms and Nailed to the Cross with solo part by Mrs Murray were sung Miss Rae Coutts 139 patient in the RV Hospital at present re sultan fro an automobile acciv dent Saturd evening The com IIDHURST munity wish her Icpeedy re covely Last Thursday cocaine was held in the Township With good uttendhnce The prize winners were Alfred Wallwin and Mrs Smith consolation Lynn Russelland Mrs Des Bert ram dent jHave you rcucwed yoursublerlps The action of the Government of Ontario is designed to giveIpractical leadership to allllie cilizcns of the Province and should be an multiple and uninspiration to our people to nicnt lllill it will ctroperate to the fullest possible extent with the Dominion Govcrnment in the diivcioLInal yiclojylit ncccptvtliid iFourdiViEiiiy LoaiiIIas prional cllillleiigo to do their part to Back the Attack and llasllm the day of Victory As the 91d Parish Rector said at the close of the remarkable lm Mrs Miniver This is the peoples war Iii is our war We are the Vila the success 0f the armed forces ghters Fight it thengFight it with all that7L7 The Government of Ontario is backing the In tistiiw II II I7577 7777 Loan by the investment of $3000000 111 the We the people of Ontario must ght ll Willi new4igtoryBondsThlslsOIltm10soicml con mnr dollars Your purchases QfIVlctmy Bonds II tribuhonltowurds slivgnglliemng tho hagdsof tlic Willhelp to send Ontario over I91 aaIiln imvv cI II II II II IIDomiiiou its tremcn ouslusk lllISIllppOll our htm men Icy II of nimel gm mm mindfulI 11ml hooded tllellI part wlion7thc77hme ofIIatItllck comes We rillisthetagible pledgefoflheOMarioGovernz mustiloourstodaya ir 777 77 ICONANg II Imer yyjain an III In puIsItIsIlIEIbII av FiIIQIRIlTYIIQF THE yr Lav w11 an OVIEQRNtMIENT77vOIFITHEI PROVINCE or on