Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1943, p. 4

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iE FOUR THE Biiillrll7XMINER BARRH UNTARIL CANADA Vlilll mu MM Mrs Kay DDGM in 777 SH ts 717737 7713777 oys 1cm i5it To lnnistil Chapter 77 777 wiiices fungi ffmibft 77 v7 77 ll7i own inadmi ii reinitiiti Itlis Siti 47 tv li7 p7ll ip7777777 7777775 illtl7i 077777 mpe it 1065 and Personal Service innit Honeys iVsiiIiri li lllbtiiltt0 77 77 oiiiivriie iii 77 17 71Jgfltlif3r loin in gt open tox lt7 177 gym WUHw 111 77 The mutt minim V815 FUN mii 41 ll it or nli ad IN WM mu SH ii itiiitutt77ii tint otilaiie to iiiosti for Thundoy Fldoy and satudoy rhe lliii in 1920 tni rtt tsz ii ii MIN umth ouit Counsel in iiiitt Sin 7w Cl All nu We reserve the right to limit quantities 77 c7 7177 in him Wmlilwp Imm HHu liivivii io hlifwlli Vi xx Miss llti field for tlls vve litcd ill Auiti iii illi tltt 7w 777 7H 0717 77777 $77777 77m in ii i7777k7lt 71L 1m VD lt7 17 77 371 117 hump llL ieiie 7717 71717777 in 1111 lllgllllllilll7ligtttl7 mm 1m WWI MW7 tom 7ht iiiero izowi il 7x77tv77 77 777 17771777771 MW 7477 77 AHA 51L Ami r71 ni l7 t7ttttti lll7 ioit will 77 77 J7 Monda ttitl 777 11117 7pm Hum l1it tzi enunci Li 11 itte tit itr mummy WW 77 17 EM 71C tmr iii Ill ini no iiillLll llt ti iezixiie is oun 33 mm 11 mum Hi pm ovghgoggoyioim nHZYL rer llretty slioucr or one oi Adds LllStIO leid Beauty up iHllt ii littlt Miss ioiii iiioii the must 7i 7H is well other outiii 71 ml b1mlil i3 1Hm7ffl $3 lOOs 44c moon numt Stops Dandruff 503an comfortmr rim inoiiloii to server 7t MB milim OmmiJ iii iiit Juvenile coiivt there hxivtlllmirijUK Hill imii Loni on Satiiitlzt LLllltri attend the normal meet1 lllunm lrmsvnumm Hummus Hmr GlOWLh antiseptic piclps pin will mi th gt1 Mlt about fort itilwts pir Llll ot illdlll litttltJiliilliil gtttil in Tonic cctb licous buffet liiiirn 11 may it in scientific blend of manv by km IEInst llivi N631 it ml Mil lVUii ill i111 tion in loronto wrv llev ll ll oils Stow soil illillli ii Rem ktnl 171 77 11gt nhii liliiiilit Vtlc iutktVttl Sinclair tllziliililtli of litllllt 89c 777 17 M7107 if7i7ll7 lilfr its were presented by Misses guard Ur tipnndiHHL and Shh 7717 Ai7 inn Association feel 7lliit lllt7 7t 777711157 Helm mm and Jud 7177 77m 7W7 R7777 URN 17 TUbe 40C 101 55C til 77ne Huntus lynx briiCliltltlll 1717 157iim71tdlli Wi lHX Vullnll5 game tun pm Hm Hf WA mil mphmn ll cs gtl1 iilizii iiwl iiiwii iiiiinniiiuir fitTibininuiiiini third if Bull now of tiw uni tiiillLt and Won 1D id Llhlfui innit Hi7itroni lilitii Bird and Mrs Public School leaclieis Section ib7oiiiice butth iOI $101715 H112 Tiigt7il ii viii 77r71mm sowed 1mm buff in QEA Tm rowlmnn HS NIKL aes 11eicitni7i 77 work 10m hN mimlmh 77 litiil he iiiioiatioiis tic pink Lilcd His lltlthtur he Luimummt lllll7 Amwin Jill Wit10 Willi ti lili iiiiiilti 505 Litinllltil unil lis Albert lltlt 19 Im lt7 malm mmH pended mll ilIL blldku CitHi thews lli liltll lilit in Queens mm ABLIAls wnjpitui MR 04 liillildbk nil Ml Eilil laik iuertlJv uttoinooii The Vimmm 43 Like mo AH NJ iv lmli received the 00515 Hi iii large rooms HLt pziiticiiiuiiv ut lG7UZS msmncc Ewe mm MP 1M li Cil0llC Vic lzicvl iliillm till HWY mil lilli1 690 980 WIle cow710MB 77 gamut fiiiii litLl 77512 llllllklsk bililll graceful draperies and the brilli the voiiii innletme tilts 14 iii bride lmll loliiir Wiuiite of rose illltl purple hydrangea presence of hundreds of Hit ii iii izMm fricnds 51l5 Miilllc 171 IORONTO tlicirooms nioiit after ihliiotiji mm manyum Bl Um Bill Ciin lltl iliiifilr iiilllllfl 21 1011 ONSILRVATORY OF LIUSIC it 8m 11 Mc liguw 71 down of crepe vitii sweet pea piit7 MXDSUMHER EXMHNAHONS 77 77 cm pltlllttliill black brilliant clips L337 aptile 3177 lllt lghlcmul annual liltlililil 01 it the bodice and silver fox capo he Simioe liesbyteiiiil of the llo TABLETS lli Blziiitt llotilc of 100 andPups 29c 16 XlllA Il EA ie in Dillltllllli Susie tomorrow Practical June and July TheoryJune lorh llthundnrh the Club rcccntiv from kid who in llii inn Siietv lit 77 Application and feel munrurh has been transferred tmin innp vulth C5712 WZH wki Em popular brideelect Miss Agnes Price50c ea the tiirgtmlgzw Braden recentily $1de 11 Com United Mum Women who is be married in MINEEAL ENOS IltUlI CHILDRENS ii i3 xirl it Mi ll 77 if if Iii US College Strcrn Toronto it tellllllllnoll ftilnillll kiinliics fwm flJlilli01ilChiifl trilliiisdtihn liltillxilililll 01 Hui 77777 3371va shown to me while was ioned midfmcc has been much teted during the lDA Brand Heavy guide Saline laxative for biliousness lt7 77 m7 cw dayx on Sunny may 31117 endh 01 us Will pay ioiii 16 0257 39c 59c 93c Spmll MM 01 who s7 17 IOOH 223 zine to Mother Perhaps shell appreciate gift 200 were M135 wmmhed rhonms Chen 9717 lmi in 77 itiiitli so We suggest few below7777 cral7 Secretary of the Dominion llfhim 7w Vii 77777 777 77 7777 77 B7577 71727777 Bmldf MM Mllgmt Bmm if Mimi HUDNUTS Gemey 1310 9L$i tinMm Lireth 50cm 0f bathcicd ind piescnted hilCS with gt7 12 lh Mm Chiirr Rev William Finalind of Wm lamlj table and him Ulnl Fol use in place of Olive it HUDNUTS Gemey Dusmng Powdel 0g liitiuid 7777 77 if Ar he Chumht comlmnec on CHmL tunemt Mina Balk lb hin on WOODS BATH OIL 350 Goc $100 330 lm 055 it slip or iient 7777777777777v yffw EVENING IN PARIS Peifume $125 bLifxmiogigiiiik7 and War Production Communities rm CORN SALVE BUNION SALVE FOOT POWDER THURSDAY APRIL 20 iiilli cw he evening being spent in pinyin court whist and the presentation oi pyrex gift set being made Anne Cameron aunt of the bride This MAGIC Dutch Apple Cake is delicious7nourisliing cheap highlight for the visitors was the inspectioiiitour arranged to show them Barries Active Service Club and Canteen BLANDOIL blend of REVLON Mrs Miniver people of Barrie during the iicx EVENING IN PARIS Cologne cups our cili 3515psalt fthsmudur obc was hostess at the Coriiei pure 4995M33C Th Cu lnrd Mr md Mrs sun most important duty of thc 7071i Ve cable 4th butter uppw iaudet Tummo parents Of the in REVLON Nall Enamel ICOTYSPcrfiiinesjkland dr 85 Rose Lipstick 65c 500 TiiREEiiijiSWERsiEsTiiae cologne $125 $l40 801 tin For internal groom were hosts at an evening in Silt together flour baking ponder Toronto in honour of Agnes and and salt cur in butter with two threc weeks is to support the new and external TE FLOWERS Toilet Water $1T25 designed box iwlth sugar and cinnamon and dot that every one will have to loan with butter mixed together in the hostess at tea The office staii knives dd ille Victorv Loan to the utmost and lr0 iliiiiitblup beaten add hcpmuk ice mm um make certain thatBarrie more than dih Wllen 7lhOY7 C197 7P1billit7tl in medicinal 77 RITNG Wallpurcg 7I7gt7q7ird7siiape77itie77dolugn777 7exceedS71tsioblecuV97 The Obj vitli silvei eiitiee dishg llis NWL uses also WESIMINSTER Vellum Lihletjh 03ineiifiiisrriit33 this 0117615 $770150 which Ri9hipaueWM in Lille iiisalad PAPER para milk into dough sprinkle more than last loan This means msllrflwai the ggenfuigolixg illicit dressings 40 sheets and 43 envelopes iii albeautifully 025 Helps to restore vitality 16 tm 58c 97c Wigs MALTED MILK OZ lfit lllillllliltd extra amount tothe Governmen and that many more who hitherto have not subscribed will have to dc so this time With all the advertising the Vic tory Loan is gettingthere can be no one who does not realize the vit 9111eedoftli money and thatCanr adian Dollars must back up thr coming attack to the limit There has beenfine cooperatior by the merchants of Barrie witl the Victory Loan Committee in the splendid way so many of the store windows havebeen decorated with flags and otherpatriotie motifs tr help publicize the Loan Store windows that are wel worth looking at include Zellers Jacobi and Grahams Woolworths Loblawfand WeaymouthsiMany 77 of the other stores display the at tractive Loan posters it It 25c the Eaton Order Office made he presentation to Agnes of ii beautiful table lamp proportlon of two tablespoons sugar an half teaspoon cinnu mun Bake in hot oven 400 20 minutes Magic for Your Gziiclcn Dixons VllAMlN B1 Easy to use 25c 50 $l00 VlGOROV PLANT FOOD 100 450 80c Tell it well and it will sell For Barrie and district the telling is best done through The Barrie Examiner MAKES DELICIOUS FlNE uxrurrp BAKED Disnis7 BUBBLE BATH POIC cleanser Bath Perfume Skin Softener for 25c iilti Also QUICK RELIEF tor it anas WlZZOF 747WIIZZ Members Of the Canadian Wo mens Army Corps who are station ed in Great Britain are engaged in praccauythHMLMndJLm Youll love Tlircc Flowers Face Powder because it goes on socvenly clings longer and will not streak or cake Three Flowers smoothtexture and rouge too Kkichardwudnut 60 each GLlETT Shaving Cream i3ng 302 tube 33c MENNENS Shaving Cream 59c Theres lipsLidL Lets you relax for sound sleep Two sizes TABLETS in handy flask Mouth Wash 25c ECONOMicAui PEBECO doth Powder Blp oz can 29 gt IDA BRAND 16 02s reg 69c that they had in Canada before embarking for overseas according MAKES GbRGisous77 Sore oVerworked to Major Margaret Eaton who re TASTY BREAD muscles minerals and cently returned from three Tired swollen fear Vitamin 131 RELIEF OF months instructional tour over No COARSE HOLES 77 tomc for CONSTIPATION If seas 77 Encept ion the envirpnl Insect bliss 23325 18nd 33c merit there islittle differenceto the 17 W77 gigs CWACsalthough theyhave ar DOUGHY LUMP 98 1795 Deliciwily Mm Fi0i soup Seusaiage gives been given special training in fire 77 77 77 73775Yegy savings of fighting and 7gas7 precautionary Trial mm 51 big man3 measures Asfar as quarters 319070715 golden Ch are concerned most if the Can red souP and adian girls live in residnces tha wecomeus neveniwce have been taken over by therauthr 47 77 For colds 37 X706 oispeeaannfgf ackage Olliles for this Vspfmahpurpose LIVE upsetstomachy ct Just addsf1bomng rand 7An opportunity to learn fasttn Use TABLETS acid mining rogcuior mtyadeli7 ating trade and 70n7e that Will bi Poultices of Mecca relieve Stimuliite 77 cool set oenl Women profitable lateron7is being offerer pain bring Out core heal your liver youcea ggouPLipwn to women by the RCAF Wle quickly without scar restore your it Section 70fficer Fitzmaurice tolr pep7 The Examiner in an interview lielp imis that tired when she was in Barrielast week Among the attractive trades bet feclmg ing taught airwomen are those of photographer wireless operator ground clerk operations room clerk code and cypher dentalas sistant Miss Fitzmaurice said thatall air women first are sent to Rockclifte 77 for Basic Training of four weeks Here they learn tobecome airwo men Next they element to one five different stations for their trade training Trade training CROSSLANDS npuo scour BOOKS STATIONERY KODAKsanci FILMS DIAL 955 Airtight wrapper protects strength and purity AlWAYS DEPENDABLE DRUGSTORE DIAL the Packers of it Loom bouGLAs 7377771707 essential Elizabeth Arden Toiletries HaroldS Cusden thB Wellington Hotel Block MEC OIHTMENT smut 227 Lqrge DA MEMBERS EFFECTIVE iuwo swoon Next railwayTheatre 7a Helena Rubinstein DIALw f3574f mwzeoar7 75 PEPSODENT 54 ensued 7min Nylon TEK ToolhBrush 29 gt 2inish pkge 49c containsm iToOtlinggaste Makes Teeth Sparklel 29 45c DRUG STQRE Opposite Post Ofce LAURASECORD CHOCQLATES 77 DIAL

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