Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1972, p. 4

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gllkitw vIIherrneetyurI teere hy Icomttleemel newt Wt re em ndl Ihonld Iporovj ttI eonetntet IE Iv ontemmtetm th eone deert eel bede TorhotoCenteed melon ptIn IIthxldtu mttntclpel Iervteer tn thts cIu Ito rvIeI ttthIItte1ulthu Inated It will en ml months Inhrldlunwl Industry to lo cIeere In lrtdirrtrtrl expanslon the Iuhsenunnl lncrette tn the number ot homee Ind IttteqortheutIndmthendrI In tncreere tn munldprl Innkee Ilven has hate The Department to hIndlnhInId Iterted lmmedlnlety lore tlre tn the 01 The ctlltenr ot BIrrte should not hm tremeeIIt endnndor tho but ot con lo burI11 the burden of growth tt tnI dtttonhI ll moot Intreln leIe then 10 deed growth lI whet they wIInt htttmtelt thou oInre It therull Whetherttrrrtr hecommgrowth cen out at noon Ind tlveocloek It could tre new ltrchrll or two wtll he need wedoubto ttutttnre tor Milne to ed noon on rll lthtlml ltllt t3 on rate Iw lltt so nIcceerIo rIn cult elm rorn the de the ctty trtherr should look tot pro ntment Ivhrcetortrelplnulnblldtlnn suchIeer my hII been torlunItI In that vlce Downnntonyttnn MYIARIAWIN TOWN ton Fred Otton Albert ttronn Country BIrrle Exrnttner Oct 1931 Town tVIllI ll Dter thl Klttnott 201th not non ntun cooltrl novmnnnnoo Iror will W1 mm rm domtnet oe mihymomtu Murmur lode Immond rhIlrmInttemoerewlI vbe toIdIIPuIhantttIorent Iodryuedyuw mmmnmm pltedbyvrrtour alumna Iervtceend CluhtothItrtunrttrtentmconomy ot lre IdeytnntnfortolSoeln elm mum lemlermlurmurld Hrdybe II to omntdtectrotmttlt an em gum my worm In Itt not on IIerIIntIt Ind etrotnntrl to etc the Wm WM 5th ttrohlx torel on hoeeteotntr mu mm WW II lmllownlymeehmmbcmam IanJ Irt Hr Herd ltII donetnuoh ottt rrl Itlorn1uroln BIrrlIy Ttveloulnun Itorrteong Northern nee owniwmuwlmm WWW ooalutmrrrtorurrtntreod tIrtttI mow um wltlr Intnorty tntereItI Inloyed dry out lnGQtlnTlll BI wonKlmtI otuheerr drew otttt edtosotdhhmvtther met my WI wIlmld Mulls ml 01 Mutant eon ery ltI Cerleyteyed ttteottredVIntrllemIr tlonIleeonornlo Ind tnduItrtIlIg mm tumor want They woroullenxht IStmI hrnlt Iye InIn when launch cnunht the In ll hIlW Wt Wm untonn trulrt lmInIger ttIrrte IeLIrenod Thm Mm umtonne nettonr lthe ll tor ot Exrdrlnerytal hlongs p9 wd mlvee hor More pond IonstnhebIIQounly IT rth dttnneryWBlIheUn erhttlol ehtlHItr lTIhIIvln moItu rtdn liton rm en end meomnten endttnttenlrophIzenntttrnrurhonInImrrtewe pounrello MenrhereothwInte Club frforleetd dryBIrrleCollerlitehutyot one long llurry ot IuerrtllI my cetehrItert toth Inntvrrnry It trolee Ironnoompetttontromtterbto Dymenl Iotlvtt In VrnmIlI Mutt am tlltMllttnlc Temple ll hodzere Ind Roy Stor Glllbert Purrtr won lnII atworm mtg ceprertdentprerentedctuhIptctureIol termed Ito tlte Ernlo hrldwtn lunlor mg lkwwuu MINI kagu tItnreIldenuItl hetn prerenttloor ltorehud Ardelt won ylrlr ohnmplonohtp mmuwedprtt tn out Felluhhudmntltll Drtenslnrp wtth lrene Storey clone second etIncre ponton reruns mum WWW trlnldednllnethemmudl In Illlll leIlty nine my lmwgnomdpanlmn or cmum the Dunln ot BIrrle debenture Iold It tIvothlI Cernmn Ernie llytto lure ot tom Irerrne to pent An Ind Itonrlet Beverle yo lterIon Ind Co ol Toronto er lotetI Icholerehtoe toran mItluIttit Crety commented thtI draw whet ttr poleytIte Bltt Dyrnent ot Brrrlew mlorI thou ht ot BIrrteI ItIhtlltav Ind vcoonty mene nttI Itonnteydyld dlend Itulure Iternorh Dentin tloc BetrleFIllt ltrIIDM rlo lnnornotoyed men to work yln new htetorylt le to ItennInonnltoIteoth 5mm VIIII rtetdlunlstteletly 13 tor IOhotIr de Cenlnt tteltetx to Delhourlese there Itconrmttteetorm tn Brute wlth Ink It Slxlh une Cemetery lnolItll Ego IIer mum on heInInttthetveenttoenlrnd mm mun col mm tltootlgn ooeIlhtllttee let et yrovtnoee were IIIIM TodIy 0110 It no In or terloonzm XWTMI wonterlo wlth uol the Itttltttgllhere IrrvIttvernrnIt rnIt ther rIt xnlne tl they omw protocol toelory My brim ll tor Ion lhIn lrIdllton The whlmtwl IllJoy yhodeteetodtlrJtIr elodton rto totel let him he the LlhorIte It In Iteo The New Detnocmr mplXIMWWWIMV lrnrrr the ltberIlI tn hyoloC tton tn tlmt There one om onterln Independent htl 0m monI out Well Limou en ulnan In my tlmt Conumllve erecutlve Mlle unto Ill be troy tee ton to the new end when OntartoI rtdtnzI whore uberIlI md Frnnellr Gordon BlIlr hturr tlcltnde Ire nettl tn tor ootltlcel tlree DIT uty sputter ttuuell one to Ieouzh Itluotlon Iotlnet orrnee orortrxtel erotnct mlntIler Alton LIwrmco tlr Honey had It mo can or not The ConIervIttteI were Ihnt wt tn tletro Toronto loot tlnte tMnml lll ht wt cror nIItey rIn Iccond ln rtne Ind thtrel In per rrntol the totlt Vote eompnrrd to at oer rynt tor mm utml ere lhlletlIll Indm per cent rthI New DerneorItI tn thelr um by mo vote no 19 lo vnlneucuolmnntneu wertoeatnonlyonepmv Ih DnllonC trIlled Ihwt New Demomtr to tore the Mole nItIIIy my one New Dormant Arnold Petertnrurvtved Th TorleI hove hourmtoreorne teen tn llot mt homer PIrry thekh on IrdtohI tnthevmt Itlelm tIoeII ldedI rnlu expand tn Mantel Jam on lmmhr reIultI there II hrIII Itprttl cInt lnI tederIl electlon but AM the Ittrorlle lIndItldI wt III the eoelIllItI oeycholo cIl hooet ll nethln eleo rhI II tree the Tortte were etped out tn MI too thewelltotitdmumdthe NDP llor the totet ot In old to tlu rhttnII the Cut emotivee ltedetted mend utd ln ttndIltnmlnl Pom won by only omerNDl It oorl micro dtItrrnan Jenn do by we voter tnlhe on There It oIhlnet mlnII ten trwn pntIdo but one do tence mtntrter lteneon hIr re tired to tetra over the CInIdtIn trIneoort Cornrnluton tore ttorI llecDonItd hIII chum tn the Ktnulon rldtnl whlclt htr hereon won by toner thnn nooo votes lleItth Ind wellore unrelle John htum MM ln trordtle tn Ilmm Boot Il thum he on ed eooo vote Idle tart tlmoM llmher mlnlI trulook Inte the Comm hwld um rule In the to non ol northern Ind mtthuternOnlIrto where there were lot It very dole conteetr ltldtrue Inch or them Ellln llemllm Werttltorth ttrmh lndltllddlerer were Ill 9M ml WM won by mnrllnr ot loot oer rent or leu ot the Wt vote In Turner detootod Donald Mot ehe em meet to mm IranoworoIItnoorr let MtheNDFIrI IeIte tron thIIuheretI ln th you nth ecent Nodal hey IIIII ntnvlnoII In le tlIhtthrreIllll Wangddid tn the other 15 Wotan Ibeln may hyllbml llnke ltwtoed ht mo voted Prlm Georg Pom llhter whero Mttlt Im the me Ind gqtdrnnte mchy totem realtnorl eneth tn the omtndnl elec NDI thncre tool Iocure ln lhetr rtth Berry hlItlIer leer the mo tnmr tamer docttd Credlt lender end my Cunmntlvo llohcrt Thornoeort tn hrtrteyertto llorlt but the Tory cnndldIte no poor thtrd thore ln toot Tom BIrnrtt could be In trouhlo ln Contth boml oI ho won oyolottlon by only to voter our about The NDP In mid ln mm rtdlnu and Add plrtr lltl Dlttll Ihyllttthmmd tt ySry Now Weetnlnlllr llltl otonoxonltootmoy whore lltl lttxrnl rnnroln ol rlctory ttlll lttMtdlt llule tlonI the three 30 cnhlnet rnth tutuI mt tron Ire ntnnlrd thtl tlrne won hIItna rec Ind zone to the Senate lee DIIII Ind lton Bettord IIle tn vtrw ol the lotto molodtlen lent ttme Inrt tlr IIItn My Mathew lr Pmlllltlll enttel rueeeuor dart elthenulonet Pronreutve om ulna hll 10000 We well ote ountdoer to worlt on The NDPehd Cuuervettru onto oh ololrupe couple her Certboon netehbere 3n ted hu per III the rmlt cm went pro Icrvlre tn eIlttI CIrthbeIn I03 brood hue ot hotrrl dolled Ind renlletto pluhllo tt Ilt lltVEllMe ROLES may at the belt otIthnn mutdotdtlotnhrnelllllm mouth who development Ind dlotnrmy Mm Hem Slr Etlll clIrtre the non Gorurtomonmlu nth Trtlllettfgnfm Mm llle mm mm tltll AI dIllycnrnnwter notice Mn We EtItIIIr to rte to mm to Toronto ntoety Stl north omtoJorInlIm pmcn ItIrt Al the centre at Metro ll In no roetoncd to he Lurence mammmr Ave htIhly dotrhlhtlllt tlon tr mow vtcewlllrervernynne trtttlllndtllt out mm ntnnovorltnottku mum Imam lnlh relolUnlonIStIttnn nlto by the Vlly would hm to em Wattth a0FlTHEBrnr JBI e0ntIrto Telephone 11635 Second tluI llIll lteglrtrouon ltder Itntdnyr eoted Solo erl ton rIleI only In ctrrlrr go weekly we ler It noun hghlihnhntlh Fighfs 3m 51 Nam urn err In ol CIande tttryoo yeIrty Wufoffnxy Ill other conntner Item yeIrt it htotor throw ott error you But Lemur only Nntlontl Adrerttlrnu ntnmr We oumlltyuhncnmllt th owner to uItlt ll Queen St Wth Toronto llIhmluy dmrolj rutnmmnemm mlnd Montreal cIn root the le It mmmm cry or rertorc In em 11 mm In peel thIt It had ortrlnIlly lvrly enlltted to on MI mm Mm gingham ll yotl no path nrentIt boo th Ittlocfetrd Preeor not It Wt vlll remember on Iteo the but am photo when edtheretn thmntledgtlxnuentwe The Blrrte Exemer elIlrnI trld erho pltc itftyrlylti ranIltI ortltnetlleldvg Inl OH lltl Itedoy ttI emoteyeee and re ohureh on Sundry Wt lt Ill next orodtloed ln thle mower mm to tn mlItcr dt Wm In 1an thlIIervtre MI leI be thrown wthIt Berrle monort commuter ut whet We Ire settln trsII trItn entry In the end lItI tn the eventnl thll It nerd ltI wry way to tttmtttlhhmtl Vl mu mlnht mm It mutton tltIItllt the rdletuecontln It ltllgeyIIltlrer Ont Ilre the oolnton ttut ll oeoole thl rentee lt helnI out tntn el tect Ihortly hetero enernl but elertton the people olIthtI ereI Ire helnl turd mlan trttn zoom the herleIttrIttle teItrt ttIrv on union wont mm ln Ihent youtnldvmelorturthrr tltBltorttreel home It lo Irrlve Il vlctortoe to June nIInI Amen dtnlnx yolke Itttte trIdltlon inl room tnen Yotlworo Iuoooud klclJltl Inoo ty etnIlI cooler Ito leg rnItt NEW VVOMW cornontor to hetteorerIll men1 oonontmhen nu dow ntle lIler IbyI letter Itlon whlch be level an lt to only when lotlow tI down gun the Mn oro down the toy IRON mtanIhl wouldIItIrt dozen don to hertrlnt Wt nteemt llVItmNItl that event wtlh Illthe In Icenlo rtde lneteed ot Itrontho town on them Sometime lt tremet tltIl theonty thtnu the olrlor 01 home were trod tor were lIter the north tetlllf by Youve lot pretty Vflllltld Ithewltt vltttor could Im hottuwlle we wholhtt the truth lllltle had Idottonltortheoorneuotlhe celtlntlheld telltIle column Avklihnevr the none an rpm nrovlo mlnt rlln or ll lEttdll Ill llhte vm In It l0 Con rtIht ltrnrtretlon NW and by htnrylroouw ooItIIr Ind trim Ilte tenet PM ln of IT Moe hornrnueoee to tlont Watt IreItIndtxooto umntrtoumttdtnu mgrme Indh WWI chutn ytyLITHoucHT uncommon out or Morn Sootte II Tlleteiyleetl touch PIrlr th Into cum nIhleIt Ihe heeleth Itt they III Incl run 1km Prhetod hII medo llI rIn MUM It lled ltlver Iurely mend ll llod rlocll to tmhllnnlotl VItloyJBe heIt thrott the ml tot mtr deected by note or the enlurrrt nredtrtrre IntoForm the rod ueto bellere God tor the mlrro tloue lndtyldltllly Ind my to lit VII thwvelet remortor nrenottclenre to dleomoll cover th lllI um cuter tiElem membere lortheort lnydtuuoeolrnen Itll yludedeltllty lrlnd We who Thee our lIther lent Itle SeleeeleltM tor whet you hm done Ind Wattle ylelted 0tth nnntrrntottchtnot thncorucrmwoott ltlStdlttht thtmttltl WMWWMI We ten mmmnm urrurrvomeonntnl Mott ennltewhllo MI

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