hymnunmmmmsnanmn mammoth 9Plsni9Pttmitn9 Alter Protest Succeeds WolorVDIinirers Danton tori not In Wit itsum rearm MoooovaWoaseadIyats Corp will aromasoc galiorsrd mnmwon Net Mum tor Maritalcm its worth aortas opcohouootcosucoam hlaDosld hdl hsaibatmadslbulr mummmoumhmlwriidlll Js annual uh to rtglsyhtiehael an sion IodData Porter Barrie Disney lisurlou and DoloresL no net Arum Coil In mun on Swinging AllistoniSquare Dancers Hold TheirvBiggest Open Event Ever As Itwsys tho potato barn mlttee and tho committee spotletrl riesn was decorated Every year lttsdtlieroot Every diluent and distinctively by poor so get new visitors It is corrunlttcr this one my to no room dancing ion and iron ism irons all over togolher The rollers go on and on lllAN BA melshlh somilopeaar ITI antiserum utilitarian ur on In Dance mam tonal tho but em with ms room duacors plos 4le couples at tho duos own mem ber in sllmdsnco Satuday suction July list Thu event us It always held on lM ism oi Elrln Ind hiamrct Blaltly Alilaln aborotbstsrgostorags hsrn Iru ltIniiuitird told lsliyr land oi colored lamps and lust llrno setting to rosary Im on out that so many rm dancing on tho iioodht towns to tho building slim csmt horn will pm According to club treasur ltl Iran and DorothyAnn Wit cos will they woo irons Coohlown Thornton Deolon Toilonhsrn Barrio Brsotiorrt lian Donia on Getting Iood Eugenia Sisyner Cree resort hiora distant visitors came irom Toronto Ottawa Nisgm Hamilton bl Calhlrioes Peter born Bangsrd Steam in rs Ill odbtor at cold Dotti humusItch In cihor couplo who from nor ldi Jherhsbmupoclaly by hsro rursls lolly coupes Iron Bradford Pennsylvania and Olesn NY List Novem ber rm twenty couples corn tho Alllsioo this had the ies Iuro ni boin eds oi tho rod yordttiron Csllers tor color the Allislon ciubsown esiiers Elli and Barbara Cooper oi ttio sittings Don Ourtln olyPennsy 3min tloyd Priest Toronto Jim to tluoliton tblt yrornartinI in tho esrly evattn tho dancers tho onenlnilsei smart clippeder Tern style dress slid the ladies in coloriul rvlrllnI srinollno dressed whsoped it up mill ntld bland then continued on rm 2til Sunday morning with only lnotorulnso breaks between am orpnt rinsed stills hreshlrst la the two hundred hnr damn idubhrldrydlo ovrry eou Souars Dandnllssdrnothlraw that sets into you tried shes Smith so oi llsllburton ttt is and wholesome too it girl seem stransn that my on not onions should CROSSlilllD sywssssusrw tin Robert tismon Ind Andy plumes home to Cornbridgo other hoildoyingst the liarnes homo tirsihomss Causler and two nsughterl oi Simeon hirs filiulxth Dorsal and two sons oi Springeld tlr and tin itoboit lllrkwldc Ind chlldwt ot llnrrlo Iero Wednesday sweats yuo Air and tits Alex boemsrd Ind lomlly Mr and hits Motor ttitmi tTormlo Ind lilo Ind hlrr tiel gbourrto Barnes sinner were Sunday nsestr with Gordon and Stsoley homes ligand lira William Fer grtsonnl Cotilngvlnod 1nd hirI Erwln Atkinson ol Slasher were enlday guests oi their cousin tno SomAlleo in just onto tut world BICKNT DEWWPMENII About to per cent oi snoos lochnologicsi stillellmenls Irr estlmoied to have boot mode to iho lost It yum norms COMMUNITY CAEDIT UNION oottrsnor doom Oillrs i1qus lion ma nos Thurs and no so no hot to it ml W1 Flo odors and souan resiiy big thing in tho Uh Why to our class thus was one M1 old lellow oi ti lmnlnl the my little litter Ditto Blind hare learnod suture droclng not to Canads but in St Peters lly tile it Am dancing Thiso peoplo on south 1800 on DVBllltihd csm who with irsnood or optional lulornotlo transmission boot observed hosts El Ind ilargsret lllskely In very my ronsldor Ito oi our petty and err is you could pick to in less than two resin it involves tho do in oi oi planning and srork but it is something to all really look iorwud to with the help oi cook lrom Bordon and Keith and Florenco tihllrslde and any others hot hsrhcctrod mbtuta relishes eooklu tea and entire oro srrv ed to retreat an mdlrti lino up of snoer dancers what is tho dccorotl year hooded ltnitlo oi Cooksinwn Wills bli lowlng parachutes surpended Ind tho urtrslned oi irons the root it was iighltd by swag lamps in blue violet law orange ncts and colored lerlng loll dmceodod rom ihroads uxurro Lururiouslntoiior sod looouslty innoinlmtnls asoooddiroolionsi on ow vonltsiors and honor our oxroionl hl season iomnoraturo control Independent roar susponslon ntvosvpu smooth sold lids trees snstehro ol lively coils Mot to both Ind over Lcli sport red Fish Three steps ahead loll lish pro ibtitn Corrie lonssrd Away added marllmo setting tor you go dose Part Slow non Um unmu pars lilo stars got no Thru Very nice Join hands umdoncoernbinru snug ihst ilto selling on Aomsndo to the hit Puss thru Now Wheel and Dost it has been Imostsurcessisi When you sweat your isrnclia dsnrey Ind the weather hss promenado to tho right Star been lust perfect remarked llsrnnxh Calllornln TunneL Do lioan and Dorothy Parilsineot right Slur thnt pmltltiluvi tho Alilstlon Swine The open rottaro danco Ironing ring or That everything went is held each year It tho illto oil so smoothly we can thank iy lsrnI lust Sodheast oi Aiiir Doro and Shirioy Sommervil ton oil the Benton itoad tho chairmen oi the danaa com third Soturdar oi ouch Jilly onrsuit no In Fowarasolstodtront disc built cross Isl D0 SI Do Extravant or prot autos was lost because wt storm Timon Amati too soon workers rein to their ism Shorior IS soy so They did not eldsorato and mi cuboid absolve timid tllh will loolion liar cm Plant Expansion ttiiliitur raid edaesdsy llrst tmoni oi the Regional Conuntssion Plushroomycarntori toililutiy noticing hoot burial rolls in Minoan opoorssosn cvsdooeroon it you want luxury In sensibly shod sensibly nriood our disaDatsun 610 Allyouroallynoe narratorssneer lilrroll Dotson homer United Alla Work on endures slid Woolsey Il togcdly threatened rotten Ind Explosion Charge swam in nieoani 741m 11 oi Sudan an ex OIiAWA CF Pool masterGeaterIl Audra melkt shnwod oil Canadas tint llttlo met eicciruale letter sonar Wedsuday and said tho nations will ho speeding tho rout in so cities by ion under pioslon lnuhlchrre out police cruiser was badly damaged was remanded Wednesday to Sept bi tor Wehlstrle arm Monti was srrertod noodsy sler the emission doused LANSING illicit iAPl Tito Peninsula oonsmsrtlly oi Scull Ste hisrio is getting its iirsi motor pilot upwind in recent years Gov William in oloitoncoi ued by the governors oiilcr tlilliten said hon Hardwoods inc lli ho the induslrlsl incubator Building large now manulsrlurlng lselllty built with tho aid ot rttomogarot from tho Upper Gmt Lakes as too million contract iho leiieroortrrr that this the mail Iroth hugs oral inch to be rotted electronically by tilt Mo area being mooulscr lured under contract with inlrrv national Telephono Ind Tele graph oi Canstil Otteilrl told it toillu de artntcuis origins nmotlnced lst oi ii cities slsicd or with solution with tho littercontra ta been wounded to to Paris Conslntclion WRONTO OP llo Ber oler minister oi natural ror rooms announced approval Wodteoday oi more poolin elal areal to Sudbury for con strut on oi pork Tho rrsnt Ivallsbto under tho Ports Assistance Act will be turd Inward tonsiruotion oi iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiil board against or WISliNGNN iAPl Tho llous oi limmtsllm passed bill Wednesday to err Iblo We to worlds Pm dont Nixon when he tetusea to spend hind it Willa lio prbiirans rusted with to rcto it The vote III lit to lot its than thI isothirdo nulorliy thst wotsld bo required to or ride veto Canadian Missing WA NY lAil Cansdlon moo Ill raining and presumed drowned in the St rostrum itlm Wedorodsy Stole polloo and Ontario Pro dntlai Polka said truck owned by Keith Welt Is oi st Andrews West Dot was loud psriod on the Oomsli hissichl lslernotlonrl Bridge Iloru with his lolletuo other personal possoooloos luring Costs OTTAWA OP Aterago weekly psy ior tour million workers in prlvsie lodunry nearly liin tho Iiinns wort lurehas risen almost on in tho issl mo but sharply Ilsis living cools striuslly wiped on lhI gain Loren lirum root Sittistlts wow wow llllltTlil tonroir row totiitDlilti ROADS WI now have wide ch tediel lilll comprtlthery mum their door no liiIiholtld in turn tha mod and Ihnolrabaothln otyostsr lordstuahlohthsburns designed toe stirs listth myriad Ullllli UllliOll llbIAl ullllli Wtbl lllil Milli gilllidlin liblll Canada showed WM lin tho aterIgo weekly Wch illtlix tittt gm sh Tel gum stilts oi loom The slung um not in tho common or ill is coined the radht Wetland sites hearty tour ham or 55 oration hm Woo ibueial bnlrr inorganiud at Md it so all it toreromenc unwound hlrn my log ions in gsrnhlbg For Police Training rnnorrrn or nors lory recommrorho Wednesday that police olllccrs bgmloor bologna tho areas sy man rslstloos no Jury toreoirrur the death John WIT limit leptlc who ntllercd periodic my loud to died irons moth memos the hint and slot ltutsi Kingston Probe KINGSTON Ont CF minutes oi Kingston Township cotmcll rncctinxt do not seen rataty relied what happoncd tho meetings provincial qulry studyiny tho attain oi mmdpaliiy wu told Wednes Township eltrt Douglas Con don said tho minutes do mud dehan on any issues lcsted resolutions appearances oi delegallotu or correspond Nico discussed by council iii rl ii ii noonplirnn BIEll BELT PRICEd BTART AT $5802 hlhli 40000 Mill TIRES SAAVIIEILYD ii litodiorrl St Bowls Dlol 7266443 sous