Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jul 1973, p. 3

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C73 When IiIrry yviee tuned hie trending horror In Sauteed mo in he the eye all it III him he thwrht be mild become let Outte lrInDyIthouett In do to beriehhe said But it tun didnt work out thII vey htr Wire Ind the other three munberlot hi1 show were in Benin My etrht peesentinI tlk Evil ad lib Termol the Unknown which promised yrrT Hurry Wild who play Ii NI IIrmlh time if beIdI betel rhoyped oil intone your 233 The Lineup IA the Roxy Thet re been It Inn end by Inw tithe II M1 the theltre wIs tilted to parity with or perms engine In Ire trom II to The thaw Uehrd oil with horror movie entitled Him Chaim Ind ended with the me The Dine oi the Here FoF epproxtmetely 70 min PROYINCIIIL COURT BRIEFS er hit Were RICE charred July It with thett node truth under two truth We Ind Pwmmu third er ending 8min yrovlnrlIl rourte WIN yin told GIuthier toe an ntttmntruntheuoeeryctnee Desmond RWFWATJ Ipes 49 In ma rnpcctlvrly trotn the rpertment elm Oeuthler III er Lntheout It umber ut the time IUNOAYTRUWRB EdWiidmu Ith It IN or Ermine tire townnIn tended Tuudey Tie pmlEtTiivrom uh hehIlt ut the any to chum ct clue JnIWmmmuuini vehicle uttylttl neupcriehrble node to npmte on Sundxy Oetht we told truehnwned by therein The Co ltd WII opped hlmh Is on lllthIy too am Duohorth Street The driver told poliu the truck lett Sud bury on Friday but broke down fend he took his chance by drlw lnrnnStdeyiAtlne ot I30 wIs levied eylihst the company IMPATRED DRIVING Urle ltuth Clarendon pteIdcd Inuilty Tuesday in Barrie provin Ieioi court to impaired drtvtnl on lllnheoy TO Iteuo Wit July 21 AM we titted I15 ntrsdIy Lin Bertie iueiIi toilet Court IWI told er tehlele nu mov zlnn tiowly clot the mo port ly en the vaunent Ind port on the Ibouider tier blood obot count we 21 per cent be lgeld revetment hue re my men tltttl ber blebend no moving to Britlsh Columbit She diuret itd she entered the much tntnthe 5th vi thints SENTENCING Puttthin Violet Thompson It at Victortr Street will Ipoeor tor reutencind II Berrie provin cial twrt Ana It tellowinz eon ylttion matey to chum oi trite prttedtt Ind one riisrne ot tuition to motor The inner pleaded nutty to tell hr to Ippeer tier to to Ilse tretmue hbrti It by rain tttouo then out on In innit ti Fermen credit Union Ie sointtnteiseprotthtestl It It lbree here in the it eid Mail to inhepreteneet biey It Ibtt Baydeid bteit etnret Ind lithium June IL Rowsrd Shrot Ind It CInIdlIn The June It end June ILCNIH Not told the has been ennrnLhtd gage hIrntIl tn Ihrulsbene II History et in more PRESLNTENCE RDORI brute wtlile mnd Donnell oi Weillan Street wu none the Itmthntttestth that or litrlthintrieeumiunditou 1nd vymtrfmkre it nu mgrd er M1 in herrie pruvlneihieourt i0 Iii enter Ind thelt bit 25 Maxine oi ttnten cu worth over me turn end theft ot MI Worth under I310 June Court rm told at oeye urn mien truth held In thF Auto Elle MunOIJumM Bonnet took ear horn the anv note lniteuntioml Airport Ind In time tool lawnmower Ind can north tth Dr dupes consultant nar chtnttlst It Kohl Vittoria Hul pitI runested to cent the benefit ut on hys obserVItInn er the mute heehh centre Dr eon aim Guy aunt no has out rnrlIiI Ind mummy utes to between Dr an Ind hi mum Fthhtmtdh Ind willie who returned inummy currinth the Ind cure The htthiitht at their not were two himhuts to whia molt rIu through the eudlzece end mete us time into the curd LUCRATIVE hlt Wise Ilid the It In in mtlve but hunt mute the Independent hid thouzht So why continue lie uid he tom the people the literal Ind the them the whole Irene Desiden have that whole lite In thin Winter it In all luv he laid Theoely Cindi In the lumen United Stntee end by the the the end in Sqoternher It will have been presented in the min realm In Oeurlo Que bee Ind the hiertttmn Miitlaltesiibre Devhltilihtent ls ApprovedByciiy Council Ooundll IpperIl AloudTY night It elm recommendation iot the thottreem dotdeterrent Into Indher loot new design tor hrenhwuttr It the mihLI portion at Cuttenntnl ot the luhushdrh Li the result at Ih motel monthe work by the city odmiuldruttre Ithil the Kentnentel tiny and little late Perk Dmiopment committee end the eltyI three ridenx tomrnttteee The rmmtndntiom cite the city Idminietrntor the Authority to nerotinte uith Canadian No time Rhlludys tor Ion Itmt leasing or purchase tor moreo tioott greener on oil letnbore lends the rnliuuy truck thin the eity In Idditlon the administrator will pottonn cnstmlyeis at Ililh proposed tor the Ihert 4m development he wdt II The HIrete urns may let some reliet in the next It hourI tom the Ian period at hot Ind dry weather It will be cloudy with thence at rhotver or thunder Ihewer in the Burlo IreI Thun dry The low tonight will he on to at Ind the high Thursday will be near to lynopIiI In horthmt On tario dittmhunce clued to the west oi LIKE Superior viii more Items the north todny Ind Thurrdzy ten showers Indthundentermu ILL recoun Iny the tynem end its clmxdy titles Smthem Ontario tudny Ind Thursdty will receive poo tlII toilet trout dry conditions at the past ten min The dis turbunte In the north will rend clouds to most perilous ot the mth nith tew chemo and tmwmm Tremaine hill rennin in the high er Ind humidity ntit intttttst Metro Toronto Cloudy pc eds more humid today theme at ehower or thunderstorm Thunder cloudy Wm dunes oi ehttwtt dentin 10 mu winn tilt tour and Thumhy here low tmlyht nelirosiidon IiImlitnn rt Northilli It The old Delaney My hill be riouned up even itth dur inr the nerd year Ind In er tmznn to the oyerummt duet niil he Iddrd when Imrtnle My Deon who plm Wield Mather Pho People Their Living PorJDrEvi1 And Horror Group IIoIIerer Itr been lee thnhmumredliththeuyer Inxtmunnemherlnteyeqeud Iencethattrytartpblemuk MIDIMVIMII penthbtmuhenttsdm theeleie Nemtheicu he Hid be hope to tiny with the show Ind beln hit Wise deveinp It then more at In Iduitmtertalnm with than Llltultm my Mutt tie nld this mould Include rtril touting in the It Ind nihlnl throw lire hit Wise II optimist Ihout thll lttO which he held IOIILIL be timed II Ittditulum Ind Iiric whims Retort he an begin work thiithmeh Dr Evil end his men have another month uttwrlnI left No Change In Status Oi plum give both prexed Ind mm The Idrttdslnilm TIT Iisn hem Instructed to onustdu the Imelbility Di developing Bunk erI Cinch Rerere Put Ind lt cityowned tutor lot opposite Nelson Square AppmtIiI tor ell nurture hm entry trim the ntlnletry nt ut tnl tom the ministry at the envhvnmcut end the todu II department at mom Long Dry Spelt May End Soon Chance Of Rain On Thursday Peterbmwh North my Sud bury Him tote me take rum tote we Omrlut Bey IlIlibtnton Cloudy Md othwith chem It shower or thwdmwm do no Thun mhiilgktody1ninnli low mi Itll Lb Tllm Tedu ThulIhl Thur windnnr SIrhlI St Thomas Lmdtu Kitchener ltiouut Form tttnzhem Owen Swnd Mutkoh anlitml St Gathering Toronto Trenton Klmlon Petubmvuth tttlwuu Suohrry Enrltou rimmnu Itepurhertu Chapletsu White River tnIlde assagaaaaaaaagaca aaarasssssaazgzzeaaaaaasa sssaasssssaaagaassgsssaa hiodOtI The weather It prmttild dIlIy II nubile Iervleeby Au rmmerrm can not directly dty OM will both to him Ind to the city to III the developer what his Immedlnte intention III The unitr Irene ot concern muslin to the residents II which ot dreinmt lncomplde Iothilnz Ind drivmye The Mvhlett II touted on 1th north IIde ut Grate and that mum on beue yet to be nodded Wendel HaliHdtlr Service To Begin ling City ruined bioudiy nirlii Iuthorlztd yet mother experi ment tor the elh trInslt 11 tom melanin enh August tor lhrto montbo hueee durlnz the Itterneon hours Mi in 605 willrunhntbotuiy every day except Stmdhy Now the mythhour route tor the entire dab in the AI lnnduie mite It the host paylm IDOL in the city GIoIIeI tonne day new development in the Nam Ind all there Ire no gee cilia ems in uhieh the city muemmmummi developer told thy council next nldttiint It the rity roetJnneI to mete Imndmmts to Its towehuune Ind wslhvsm Ipattmentn tRhLIi it will get his runaway Into brains Iteyden owner at yelp crty on him Strret told am tithe bourht Ky pirre at nthhie Rm tuned property In ID city In Itll its aid he esthruter the re mimics in the Iiimbie in mu yet not Approved by the Outer to Itmicieet hoard hm rest him mom Iie LI nlmntly trylnl In yet Ippmvet tor threeetmy welt IpeItmtet building In the moody biz Iemrdtn to the net Imenrhnenu he doesnt hm ruthdmt imp iie aid the mm but cost him mom tar purthnse Ind unytny uherget and in uniting moan pumit him 61 INUIIUIL thmxh lite plan bth which thmtiully lives the rity more control our the development The Barrie Planing bend end the my development com mittee have recommended the rite plan not be greeted in emuer to Mr ltIydeuI detention Lumdl dthyed unh Sitopii Romeo menu itthm Ohm iiililiio it rteenmndeuon Idvteee the die clerk write the developer Idvto in him the written tomolhinte the city Is reeeittnn detri Immwsn mun mm mm lmpn mm hum Ind thu ha rtIIhe tech IthdedsloulI untihintturenimotwm ml murmur more we might do trith the prutxety It said it city hnI Itouirrd Developer Says Zone Change Hurting His Blake Sheet Plan In hurt decision Ind rtterred the matter both to ectnnnitiee APPROPRIATE SITE III Ileydeu told Midi he does not led III min to rpedtl Itteinn end In convin thank ldftht to the pm Inprnprieie the such development tic laid muted the Ibuttiny neighban hIre no detection to the propootd building iiI Idded it be eould not re the be wuid er properly tor whet it his oust him htIyor Pertrr reminded litr Iirydru Out the Rhtt Mint mendment does not we have up gavel trorn the our Ind salt has rinht to upper It public brute it one is edited SENTENCLNG ALOLSI It Edmund Kenneth Bierhim lb ot horny Stmt Needed ly Timothy In Barrie rill court to theit nt mg worth under no trnm Atkinson Pnn tlIc BtdckJuly thud In em utded out nt molly until Any It the untrue Court In ind he toot the rear wheel ham re on the let Ind pm them on his own ear The whecir with tires were with bill iv it it IIIIIII Pk amtl menumm eonsm immunin II lilttpelll mm new ltI inlet alum ltlll and mm wt ntn an or no new on um um udeusmlltti hulllit INPUT FROM COUNCIL this evde decision libidktherrlurulnrrdtor some Input loom round hat the cold Aid Jerk Morrison Ishd Aid Res Archer uhzimaa at tho rum 0me committee Ihnt the rddehoes Ire tor the eceeeptuai Erinten Ind vu tutduxre Ibfehl Iny We dont know whet the rhdrim world be be held Civic Square conceptual Plan Quashed By City Council Vote wv rm could Re we think In premature It LI preleet It the Am Ind we here to hm men He HAM mmdluhetiecttdtethnkln huhlnmmrnilteelndtom Idrpukeudedammlyunln exit III III the Illequ utthil Ithlnkthis Illuminating lhIRIid Amtmtodeiztetherewm rmdatinntmnthInmlu furirdbyemrinuttidtttu our CITY NEWS TTIE MIME ELIAme WEDNESDAY JULY 15 In DAILY CAR RENTALS BROWN nillilSON no Ill Dninphll Harrie InneretDnlepIIdBrIliIrdi TODAY THRU nnnnntlutsntni bill IT HAPPENS ONLY ONCE EACH YEAR OVER WOO REERIOERAIOR NOW ON 5ALEEVRV COLORVERV5I1E AT THIS EXAMPLE ON SALE THURSDAY ONLY 9AM ro 9PM on WHILE QUANTITIES tASTi DOOR HUMIB COLD AUTOMATIC DELUXE REFRIGERATOR FREEZERcomnmmon co WAIT nu NEXT YEA ew TIIISiS ONE EXAMPLE ONLY COME SEE MANY MORE WONDERFUL REFRIGERATOR BAROAINSAT LOW LOW SALE PRICES NOW new AVAILABLEA ALL BAD Ornament DOWNTOWN BARRIE COR COLLIER CLAPPERTON 5T5 1263971 fro MEET All YOUR TRAVEL ureos nununum ye nor srones BARRIE NO MONEY DOWN orncn 3N0l30liBEilTSBIDBUY Wile Ind cleppIrtoI norm Itetrrwt IlIl 7263422 DONTIMIIMII nunnurmurrnrt Imnne wartime NR DELIVERY HWY 26 2T NORTH BAYFIEUD ST BARRIE vvv

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