TN DMNIDIIIL lore and honion am the peer mhruiudtoelw nonmetal oithetitiitiomoataile paranoia Imnarrorreerm Several Courses Start Monday lit Summer School it The ltrts ks Italeeematetheioveav theinediagrerzralorbiehven treniaabtueteieebmma the vilethpr mm the mm commanderve dam meme mm mg ttIItocetedtnthetoIotteht mungmum handearnxoitbetrmtronr my mug mm WWW Mmuumo the itenhty galth manneraid in momma maan itaedbyw WMMIWbMm IIMLL AND LAMB DAILY CAR RENTALS Telephone invention Is Ceiehroted on Cover Of New Telephone 39 aicieta and Mama to tolioeioeameciingniihehh each oi the retiree hlr Bear tary Ooh oi Barrie Thunder nevi ta ahoan Iilh Omnibua Examiner Pbatoi ville Ind green emrertei trace to eeaeoerei tour nt motor home in taking thud tlut calamities The minte DInnettanrralateeniindtratry leelemeettueilhmtadcoai Provincial Minister Outlines Loans ForTourism Industry The raininry oi traitratry and Impleitd III Ital been on htIIbuaioeaaea tnceertim ti locale Loan have Ilao been Win itetblewroeenithelourth Iralrrtitedtoanopenboraead annual mu School ed the thrnedayiutrtlattheeoliere Amoiiiemlenidieeeeiilbe Pamlaendtrieodaatthcm onidonbyaadiettbe ncidtdeenattlmeetattoam to tour tomtbeirIctlattiee BROWN and ELLISON LTD rat Dniep ac TI aorta IcIrIer el Duiop III button PHONE us 1mm Iy tourttra hae taierr to centre kid Ind itu la the mould Itiee take over home plate it mm to diaearesione and pro blerm In the two areas Claude Related provincial Induury Ind larriam minister told the noun hub oi Barrie Thora dI Incenoon Lir Bennett who Ill In Ear tie are lit aemlcek trip acme lilo peotinre told the lib tariana In most toattme rnuna etpalauu have had to go to the mindal goeernrrwrit IiIii prolt lean and ldeat Instead oi the prvaiocial orernrncre going to people iinny oi the maid ee tell they Inn at die advantage theretore In many at Ihdr dtmasiona with eiitclIIa lite tripe to the eommraritlca II In attarrpt to rrvrru the trend and to talk to rntminpal and industrial oIIlclalI or home ground Idttra thry teet moat undeniable road toe to dart iIr Bennett mmphutard post be had made come In the It in various areas throughout the lie paltdrd oil Ihil II tourtatn team at up day with talking to city Ilder LVWIM Arc available In In men and oiircIIle IIe told the obit Lice behind the trip Ii to Improve communication be tween the mualtipalitles and the ndntrlry toltstrn to their ideal and lo diatom their eatttw not to tell the municipal ities libi to do POSITIVE DEAR iia raid he in had many poeiilee thoughit and Idrae to cohrlder merit oi hit meri inra with municipal niftrinlt no hit trip These will be return rd annealed and rrapondtd to Iaottick Iepolrlble lie III the trip Ilao rim him an opportunity to explain the new promote and polirlr oi the relatltely tine niatItry III said the Imalxarnntron rd louriern Ind Induztry Lrta one hideout aald hlr trip will tnlrdttry II moat workable dlrrdt Ior hoteir matrix roe tourarea rrurtrtce and Iimllar tllliai aayim III Ireld the loan Iro tepabee oter is yearn with In Intereat raIe oi air per cent ilr Dermett raid the mini try realized that in order to Ilr tract and Ivory touriair TIMI elIII accommditlon war needed Ilorrecr lending Innh tullana and the pIIVILI rector were not protidinr lite necnr nary Iundr tor rmall torrid op eratora Therclore it true up to the government In protido the lucrative Ity Increasing touriam In any area iron tour or titremonth bustnm to norround op eration employment and the Itcaa ecottom eonlribo moro otable The dertonalcd arena Ior In Iah him to rat rommurduee mu the province bet it route at tonne Ior tour duatry have been dtuontlnued and new policy oi rirlnr itr Bennett III For WTTGMrliarCiPiieS tin UrbanRural Exchange Iean Gray TI Broadmoore the lee gtria will then rrturn Ave will bemovtay one atcp to the llrntedoe tum tor low to her Intura career at leek vrterinariaaneat neuritic WI The pttrpote behind the or cite delta farm near OrInac changer between rural and ur ytile at part at the urbanme ban children It to promote enchaan womm better MWIIOIIIIJT the The pronam It port oi the problem two by both The extension branch at the Ooh children are Involved In the Irtn rrdniatry oi Irrirulture and daily lilc oi the heat Iornlly In Iood dltierent entitlement and It Joan will be IroieaI Ior Tito II hoped the program will cure eII Rutledge o1 till Orantrv Iotne oi the mlaeonrrpttone oi thII the tart week In July and tau mating Mam tum city people 135 Students lit wt Barrie Workshop Three hundred paroch and were people rocrrrtty ward up the Barrie Cirrhtieo Worhhao within Ior week uttIctod lib etudeota Tire workahop awed by Westmineier thlitaian church tauaot Itde variety oi artet applicante have and outta Ir well It tum In umailanity The children dttplayed their completed praircie It the church hall Durtnr the mic they had made wort tooled pleturee knit tlnaa oroctntlnrrerdtewleh MINI Irom baby Iood bodice maeaic yam let tiawrre brad accident watch pitta mate glided and mount powered air alt modetl trtveta In mate tile and uterine Seem the bore diepiayrd Ioed they had learned to cool The how at anlrlee wet lotion bye beetbarbecue at the church litll Wright wortthop director Iain more than to voionteera had been Involved In orgoaldnt tea chtny Inn hel no It the who ahop III III he not pleated with the reruitI and delighted that the parenla had shown Inter eet andauppoet Iar the Ittivitlta rrnafno norm Etuth la the only continent without deaert region DID WITNESS AN AUTO ACCIDENT or In you home oi any cirntnutencaa leading up to All auto accident on No I0 Iltaway on ichna try it my near Coot Coratruttino bnween root rod end not Vel iantl Pluto ntll neatly irmetronyud matte hr and told abort the pertlrul are at the exchange prerram The tour exthente eyelet hr gan July when the tint groupa at children Irony the city arrive ed at their host Iarme lollan lng with stay In which they atalattd In Intro chore Ind dhor daily tatka the city chil dron returned home with the Iarm child The exchange Idea orittinaicd tth tvil tcadera In tho Water loo rm and wet line operated to lltII In each III the part two Iummere approximatey him mitt led In the ereharm ued lie add the whim baa been divided Into three arm with arm criteria tor eerie II buaiaeu metta the criteria Ior certain Irtd It will be In collateral to locate there he an ANOTHER FORII III aalo another them at loan will be need to entire hm that to locate in certain amt he he did not true detaile aincI it hat not yet been approved by the Ieattlature ilr Deranott noted he had met nih the tluroala Touriat Alto rtalton Wednesday alpht lie told he tell there are too truay re ptonal tototat motile and the exiattny atabeuld be reduced to doren lot more eilltieni plut ntnr The it could Itill rcialo contact oath all Irtu he held From the Rotary Club meet Inc Mr hennett werot on to Gratunhurat tar motion In the IItcrrooa Ind cvrnlnI Ile Ipent Wtdnudoy evealn meeting with various uwpa In lnuredey Ioilowin yihlt to oil hIlI trialled thI Slnanae Couriy iluaeum Fortrva stator Brewery andthr mlraslt iIr Bennett late linen Dmrriiul converted motor at ileeeioci iionday ii Owe will be hilarity title the eatnI dnte IIIIII ttr Ilunteltlle In Oravooboate ii IAIhene third mrIl email It nation will com In Il doy mIIortI tor the week ThI Innuai Eccledaatitai embroidery exhibition IX continuirr It the Trinity United church Gear mhurat At ilidtand It the Wye iIInh the mic oi mternalic etudy at the marsh with the renounce per eoonel Ralph Weeteadaxp and Duncan Gate will tilt on than 0n lueaday ht ltorne In the Forest In Iorcat mnlnar ior IInallieI or lndlvlduale with Steve Wiliilml TIA wlll com mon at the Dracebttdge centre oi the rnInIItry oi aatmt re rotaeea on Highway ll leaving Itom illdland also will be the long Saul II on Tunday when the that oi the Ieaatna Hill Ie Canada erattcloy loan at Btamotell laland ct turner way Here Ilro thI romeo per Iunrtet oi the Geottian Belt In land Port will Introduce lliditiitir MD and IImlllnt to the ora and none at tile area People inlernied ta Geoiptan College and In arcing tome ui ctt oi the rummer echool TENDER FOR MAIL CONTRACT The ninth Poet Oilico Inviting tendere tor the ML Wyatt oi Iler hltiootyt mail ovtr Barrie lturel ltoula No Itdt torvlce will operate Monday to Saturday In elualte iereoru trnduIn lltttatt be it more oi ape or over Only nestornm oi the outribeIn ottlre oIIIcoe aervtd enroute Ire ettdble to tudgrmta incng welcome at all nrrol Mica opereting horn these ottlcee Cloalny date Ior receipt oi Irndcn in Toronto tr Wtd needny eh Aumtrt Itll at not pm hail pnItInrlIrI II to the detail oi travel tender Iornu etc may be ob tained Irorn the Poatmostcr it barrio Oriqu or noun mural District Orvinllo Ioatni radii Room no at Front at Telephone overdoam 000tilriobthdlAi iiiM Kimmy DISCOUNI oouusutstt Ivrlnpe Indi maIw Our IIII petea l7 $1377 ON IALTI dAiithDhl ONLY tttSrvutur NOMbbtilti we rrrntn UMBRELLAS $244 ON lhiali IAIUNDAT ONLY Hm DIS 0UNI IIO SIILIL doors rountsr tints $3599 Mn IATllIlDAT ONL High II the poverty nlSCOIJIII yahtlhttiil in rnrsrnvrns For perm om I397 on littltnrunltw ONIA your choice IOFCE TUMBLER SET OT 7PC REFRESHMENT SET sI33 ON SALE MTLJIIIIAV ONLY DISCOUNI IIOMIISNEII neurone rtur urns shit tun Oitr tut prite rroa IN IALI IATLIDRT ONLY ON Mil MTIIRDAY JULY Iiii ONLY tnivttrttn nanm