Tillagobintclr By Thunderstorm onucrwnoon Inca tbelitfleAm dIynltheGuakaronChun picnsz Iptnsl the other three top mirror The tirrle Cuban AiiI lieinlie rat businessmen Told Foresee jAn OilShore Oil Strike Eloiuk Iield the ptbllc redo handsotl pose Gorrrnmcnt Ind industry In Scotland England and Norway apprehensive IIAIJPAX CPI Nova Sculls btiIihayrnas tho lure the MAIN to prepsre sherry selves Ind thrir or altshore oil and yes strikes llll be In the enviable drims sell lay the tutiltiu commie boom rm Michael Giltlurn 7mm or wbiinun tuna Ind Idea Ilr Giiillam Iayl this minds and the heir oi mderstnadtn oi the oil business muted to both gorernrnerl Ind Industry Anotltios Ltd Ilalsu usi mm muum um Ir Gilillhln mm the ohm yatiana siler lIldnl PM in othrJIl Warmt rdtatn oi Scotlands our Ima oil Iadlliu Ind Ltdllllt Industries lie drsws brierertloz noel whirls rim North Set exploration 95 Isohtsbottitltsumovuau It all Nova suutis rm mx lo Illll ratt at mummy quantities In IhntishmnuihoNortbbea bightseers lam BINGIIION out im At this Inks OIIiIntIo dim ooo began rental open on the wake oi severe thuudtr storm Friday Iightsurr dreamed into the amp earning maestro traltre torn Provincial pull6 Isld train Sunday lrom loom to part made roads cleared only low Imurs baiorr lrnosuubie Police said Irattie wst urbe iiovahle lust lahtnntlc tstdng Is long Is it minuu to clear thr eorrvtttlrtltyl milelong dounlm section Ililre how were hrsylly damaged in the minute storm Ilong with the mmrminliys no yearold burl hall which war about to be demolished and rhurrh steeple Police laid the storm was so wmnled by lunnolrhuped stasis that mldit hays been noisier but this wild not be ruutlrrnod by the nosrtsl umber olitrr in Trenton nine Iniles northwest lteeyo Dorothy llrlnincil said in In interview Irmr council dlas decided to ask the provinoe to declare the village disaster Iras INIPECI DAMAGE Silt said Itrwin droo lor oi the munitipsl IrIntdlu brandi tor the ministry at Inter anvemrnenisl allsirl Imported 1ho damatle WW In Iitlltiell told lie II to dil cuss the situation Monday with The cabinet VA tornmltlce ls btlti euro Ilshrd to raise Itde lor the sternum the said It the ties In loclarud dlsnsier rrmey raised will be snatchtd dollir dor dollar by iheprotlnee There has been no estimllu ol damage but police said II to es tenslvo About Iso troes mostly maple and may utility poles were down willliun iaiirrsoli it ol hrlrhlon Ind his loyearold daudhler Carol were buried In their car by bricks tram Iho town hall They were talron to hospital In Trenton and re leased Ora DIIirItI Lions Club BINGO LAST BINGO JULY l1 run on GUTHRIE HALL lllthsy II It Corie ADMISSION ILW $200 JACKPO WEEKLY iIaI ll Cash Film usuall took lure sIld were generIII sbom lindth oil In eomrm msntiiies and thus the still rd Ins wallnndue being uugbt oII guard FORM JOLIT VENTURE Novs Stoils llnnl wkh corn rnon bttllnrss Intrrrtu relate to the oilshoro uli duttry he Isyl ms be wise inclusions to have their not turn taint Ventures aonsorllunrr with the rims ponemtlng the all Industry Contortiurns well Ihrsei tly comparison pmlll North In much in etidunee In Sout North had hit durum says the Iriounduoto artists you AN ADDITIONAL nrnucnon on LREADY found IALONI OPEN will lt FOUND LOII littrlllli lNENEI lOSl lw II stmmmnmumarmrrtun AMIGO NATURE NOTES Some Nature Notes =zgg rs Enos Elsi Egg 353 253 32 gs as Perhaps some tho real trial IrIr ItIIIdeblI to all uh pleIssataxpadmos bid most II seemingly hlborn gr sass Ex EsE Anderson outld the sham grinnshly by postlnp the iwest Isrragu it Photo rnueh validly pill have ol IIII boa inlet to Ikrelo mots mplois swan not um ultihil Went In our rtdt mvlronment What II needed Will to grim rush list II that so trans of mind persons speciIlltm to cull oi the hurt dreds ol dimende oi nature Iber lound the Inuit Ind itr Inotlentlya Ind even docile loan per autos Inturuottns Altrnutb my this who would not loud III dist would consist mainly at solos Ind other rmIll murmuis beuolit to man and In Im link In loud ready to put Iorth their WI ol ehsln til tontltlttir oIaeml rIuItiit Nerortheless am try opul um olten mistrial tor tar by urinr birds as rout raitirr becsuu oi Its colorinx point or perhaps Is aialyrt and hsbit aI vibrating Iis tail to Ilirmpt to brinl Loose ends when in lit tort They arr umber apparmlyodtrsrmuirrwhm by knuwin one Insert ui nI tlrst tlitd lad rnIy rlrite turs reason well such but nun IIomus blow thde Edit It illti er numerolu ecosystem that sur mlnd It mist mm round or You did rind your rail urhlnt shut tho bill that liaylield hired rlimbs looted tlks tra LIINnitl years no as the there Ilse oi the postgh rial bolts Aldonouln Ind aw did It shape and tilted what wo Ior iodsy You start to wonder about the solder that Main web built In crstly held or darn coraur ol sbssemont dun Sea erplorttioa pore tire years ago wst Iyproslnlatrly the Indie Is It all Nova SeoIII today 91 the 7o ttvlll that have been dtiliod oll Could But Coast to dot Ire Sarnply drop to tho horses to Institution surveyinx nod doselopmort oasis to date tin oil companies have spent more than Million oil the East toast By Ioro Ipprollmsteiy WnIlIim had been spent In the North Sea on the some type oi work III III Alihltrl predicts lhnl the oil Industry still be investh Milton yesr by ms all Easitlit Csnnds and the prtrI It the end could bu In esti maini trillion barrels oi oil Ind lit to Ilsirlllian outdo lett lot gas clal ode ntain relptst In PM Ind yor tiles CANADA ENDS BECOND IIIAMI iAPi Tho Uniitd States won the mens and womens starlet Ind IeInr ilIIo Saturdly in the 11th annual Milo tournament at the Amerlths The U5 Ilso was lint In the national ailments Iltle Ind CIasdI was round and ol So all menus are It billion barrels ml at trillion outdo loot at gas nounw orcorrsA try DISCOUIII Iw road on Myowrurtwrlim rs Hummus my Ll Till VALUAIII OIILN IN 31 DAYS Oil MONTHS FREE IF YOU FAILI MARLENE RAY sEronE AFTER or suit our son as it not It Abdomen HluI Thighs CsivsI Arms 12A wrrotll Iszli DREW OIZE 1D ErrturlysiyiotWomsn UNLIMITED VIIITS ormuuttswwrrt MonPILBAMJIOPM hsturdry ItAMdoSAM tumultuous BARRIE PLAZA 7162922 Llh AIUISIDIARY OP TI RblLliI lithiililldilt grdtdrdloglyur global aroNu oNGESTS nIcHNoNo HILL mi sodozor AURORA 1273125 km Popular Demand nrmi to Rays Ylll Gary Colburn lrtIu Ior related ere llll with tImtiI muted maul and ILsnlunt rowrs IOUIIGE srncor HOTEL 72890 I3 urorrrur ENTERTAle 900 PM T0 not AM WOODRIIF TRY OUR BUFFET DAILY rum utmsso UNDEp um QUEENS Horn TERRACE ROOM nutrient Entertainment ASH MOUNTAIN IimLIIdIrOIIIeI IIiIuIIsndiIlarmn IIII Tull Will Tell Ill 0m ITIDE AWAY lOUNiIE MDnIiopItl mm WHOM ROOM WNW Iattsessnus limb boned HIM It KENNY AND ANN HEPBURN won so old diminution Mon IIIitI Sat WINDSOR House Gloria II II AIIIIIoI GRAVELLE oodo oANoINa Irvsgryrnr NIGHT WELLINGTON DUNLOP ST FULLY LICENSED UNDER LCBO 7282445 THIS WEEK WE PRESENT T0 YOUr DON rirrrnoron honour BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL DUNLOP ST Nottawnsagq In lully licensed to min drive trom ltarrls on liwy ll Top Entortslnms This Wssk THE Nerourws No Cover Charts Nandsy throurh VrIdIy Conlrrears roam sysiilhio II no rhsrgo lrrrhrrl pil4d pm Cull lor reservstlonsr Ill IIMAHIOI or IIIMIN Coulrrtnwu No IJLBJDJ PHONE Mm THIS WEEK surrounds IIACK IIY POPULAR DEMAND AT Tilt shootout INN tTIIPl IIIIJOINTI lit ttualup hlrerl lllrrt TillIII