Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1973, p. 4

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it WAYJDlYlltmy MCKeOugh Back In Cabinet That Was Anticipated As antid sled many woela ago Darcy cabinet tetotrodncnd to his being Ippoiat ltclieougb hack in the indium Inot nnrrt ed special Daria rnarlerrptn tor the or problems In this province taken ddicatc negotiations blimlnnaa provinces in thia Irqu amounts to the tireleea worker be time tor the strait man and many con rtilupnta tvil graieiuly vouch Ior that Premier Darie cabinet trill be all the stronger ler his presence Ills rcltimpeml hartLdtmenI lollowed encrgyadviata inthlncaparitybebuostatdroda aimed to Premier ot energy has under with other always tound so staid benched ot mil general to technical error through whirls be DOWN MEMORYLANE up in tiaran on Burton men ed medical treatment Ior ghun Caagrheli Irwin conducted by Ioilr work and econ Council to nr it Bowman ltev world tmmpol virtuoso tug Cal 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Ersatiner July IL tosn Tortn bad second major are in It horns vine warehouse of II Campbell lad not clubhouse oi Drme Country tint ans destroyed on Snnaidale lid Barrie tre ormun Green Fran Jack OConnor Ind lien dorriroa rccelv lslaze Yrro Ariel Iton mated rugscnloru oi anon Barri Joyceet held monthly meeting at Big lied Rooster Elmvale Dorrie Rotarlana and wlrca travelled to lit Andtcan Clwunh Ior niralurrbao terv cu liev Devan Monks and re malned Ior social hour with community Because oi dirruptlon to mom made rlrcctora Irrrn Barrie who resigned trpm board Included Dr II Delaney lira John itindol lira Common Barrie Collegiate iiand planned lutivtvi Cortceri prior to leaving tor Europe hastith Iiendez alto Little 0ath Dunceniromrllrrr aica who have been periormlng at Strai iord and on Ed Sullivan Show at New Yorir Band director Allen Fisher arr nouncod advisory ccrnmlilce set up with Jack it til Arthur Ave Earler go Caldwell button while Conn and tart Aid octety irtdurrl here Tom Iiare Lmt Train BYsianders Are Starting vital being handled PM mamdvatmt involving both his war connected with As an pointed out Imw no limit sud II or come eoaddemle wtbatancer the rom Ilict of internal he was retained ot at the time trese out oi this There Is no denying the it itll once as gov eraments No man No govemrneot could retard to have skill and latent rit idly on the and devohrment llrm be worth it rail reside and work to an area in without aousnutlatieg importance oI in the Davis cabinet ml with the Mature are at the province were aratbam lth News era It manager assisted by Kenneth ll clienrie Robert lillcb llorrow William Dy ment Peter Sinclair ltohcrt Hunter thirtie QC Cornerrlone laid school at Oakley Park inrpuclor Peter head at local chih which was chartered in 1932 Among honorary members preaidenta attorrdlntt were liar old Webb Alhrrt Itcloev Harold Por Iicr Jack Gable Iitc hiacAuley Orrin Itowe Ditarlet Lowe CNN paarenlt into No In originally Toronto to Mid landdal made tinti run Irnm Ortiltt to Adan ale then next morning to Tor onto as No it Deolinlng reasontor Ilnlsh Itxr not pictured crow Brahemaa Dickltoe Conductor Archie Fraser Engineer John Cuculick Fireman Jim Thomppon Dargogoman troner was Locomotive carried itgn To litriposs swan trcmcwxmrzvtchrcrrmuunr 212 ia 8224 film CHANGE IN NEW YORK To Turn On The Criminals By DAVID NICHOLAth NEW YORK iBllllkil Nine years ago your woman waa brutally atabbe to death at tho walled home It rigid in prosperput sec ticn at New York Al ideal ll oi hrr neighbors ltetrd he aeraam Ior help ar the murderer stitched her but not one even ventured to call the police The murder pi Katherine tltlttyi amorous becams ths moat turnout exam iv ot the reiuctancvol New palm to become involved In any erimsrelotcd incident The Germere Ilrntng wat lolloted by continuing reports oi voting tough heating and robbing tgeopla on tha streets and In Iru wayauhliehyr lander Ioolt oapastlvely Bu suddenly theta itaa m=m Uitr liarstr Examine ll BIylleld Blrpet ii Ontario Telephone mom Second Cilil Ilatl Rtgirlrttirm Nu iber MM liaurn portage guaranteed Daliyi nuedsya and Statutory liniidaya excepted bubtttlpilon ratct daily by carrier dlo weekly rim nan Iy iiiaglr ccplst tic By mall Barrie moo yearlyr nimcoe Curry lino yearly Balance oi Cans moo yotrlyt All olbtr cnuoinea WW yerriyi Motor throw all moo year Nltiolltl Advertlaing nlllcerr in Queen St West Toronto 3g illili dill Cat cart bl ontrea llomber oi the Canadian Pratt and Audit Bureau oi ClllillA titled The CoordiInPrera lI etclvs lvel entitled to the use tor rI publicsllon ol Ill news dispatch rate this apercrcdltsdtoltnr To Auocloted Press or Router a3 alsotbsloeatnvwapuhlisb thsreia TbIlBmlts tlmgierl cidalma II or na Dirty ITld editorial material era It by itr employeer and re pro ucvd In thir nevrpaprr Copyright lirgiatrsilon Num bee amsra register tit ummmnm been rash incidents In which bystandera have be come round crimes Iroturd them and city rec ported by turning on the criminals In three widely puhliclred carer within week the erlmlrutlr were Ipped by the crowds belora ing rercued by the police AOUNDI WARNING City otllolalr has wet earned the incidents II prcci that New Yerltorr still care about each other but aorta in cluding the We police com mgrlmerauaprerm concerned grow into vigilante Iurtics As soon II aomtoos gets bullet between the eyes ibsil ilan in be tbs end oi it said one pnlico oiliclnl In the llrtt instance ct bysa tanilrrr becmning involved crowd on llanltaitana appr west atda set upon tbree mug gert alter they had backed man to the ground and ttiten purse lrom his conversion The three ran irons the scene but crowd loliowed them The muggen lumped Into cult to maps but growing with surrounded the trio and tried to bring out the three The muggera locked tha JET GOAL CAMAIIY UP ond Ellchplt superintendent ol mu sic in the Calgary prblc school ayslcm raya one oi itll primary time during his tenure It to en lllal litli ever student can vaad music by time be hot iinitlted orsdr have been altnnad by the spectacle at young people emerging tront its system nulie noth lo tats pare In choral organ lrti on he told scrum TO doors and suited mill police arrived and reacted them In another instance also in Ilanhttttn thrco men chased two muggsrs who and knocked neighbor to the ground and stolen at dollars The three ran alter tha mugm and held them until pn ra arrived We just dropped our hrtelcatea and took alter them one said lsier Dace train crowd our rounded the muggeru before police arrived DEATBN UNCONACIOUI nlnlb ma or achool building project ior Barrie in eight years II Scott was principal speaker Emery Engineering baa contract Russell itinda Emery supervisor made presentation ot tizglo Principal James Iltchua Inlerntliomi Director Bill Garner oi lions Club installed new Darrin preridr ent Burton Jennelt and ultirerr It din ner in Dirnvaio Larry Hart will he Tail Iwirler and Doug euhons Lion Tam er llr Jonaeit succeeds Harold Ditch as YOUR BUSINESS Canadian nmnorrrnumo IAJL uwimmmmcemar arxmW is Business Trouble Spot By VINCENT EGAN builders and Computer Allaira Analyst Tbnmlnn Newt lrrtiev la the lengthy lirt cl mat business trouble it Cant dlIn agriculture high Over the last dour run or In our government hat been cnvatully cultivating tbs rapt reodrtaduatryIadvaaport you his in that and relltd cum modlilea The carrrpalgrt has been so Iucceulul lbat at bars becorm QUEENS PARK lhg wridl blggul exporter oi rspcreod The world demand Ior ra cad soybeans and other oireent has been growing idly and pulling up the rap rrer aid to produce plor pCanadian larrnerr new lttaportanaa oi tbs blghprov teln ieeds has brought good market opportunities and rat rthrdHrpcciIll Illmlvtlllll cat term in chancel Todayi however It seem to he doing our beat to scare all its rurtornerr that only yltiarv dry we rm courting the lat eral govsrarnert recently pa clded put reatrietiott on ex rtt rapeveed soybean and read and their bJptodutte actions can be Ir law Walrwa artlon Causdste rthla pi rapueed alpine cr Iuyocll be is ginatag Aug is initial It million burheir down sharply mm the current years erporta at an etlimnled or tril lien bnabsit And the demand tor our high protein leeds lnrretsrd dramat Claudes Caravan is on The Road Dy DON ONEARN oriut Part Bureau TORONN Wbtt reporters at minus tims variously called itudat caravan or the Bennett unaro Buggy It on tho road Indutlr and Toiitlerri lilairL ier ltu Bennett anrumced vdtllI ago that he was going on savraneelr trip through the Erovlm this summer on which Intended to villi more than too municipaliiior Late last steel he showed piI ibstrIveiilng hospitality tulle In which he will greet he or lives And now be is winding his way through iltv bitter In its third card man 94 suspected ot raping nine yearcld girl was better un Ionadoua by crowd alter the girls brother aborted Ior help When the man emerged lrom bulldln be was bdth by several zen angry residents oi the neighborhood Indwal taken to hospital with colored lung as wall ll rutr avid bntlrer dirtca thou three Incidenta those have been other cases oi crowds aiding potion in el tompted muggingt In the tie nay Timer doubts area at the city The madden upsurge oi by stander involvement ma baa rerpptill to the Inc its at halplrnsatm manme York era have lelt during steed Iiyrlowinl amount or trim in the clients Pollco Committiner Doro Ild Cleoy toys the new in volvrment rcprerentt dell nita turnaround lrorn the uneven murder Itayor John undray said be it so room on by the reports nl cli luu nvoivornrrt and added We certainly hops it ll the beginning at trend THE EDITOR Recently II have received large numb ol letters to the editor Ihlrb wrap Iol pubiitbed because they aim anony WWI complete with street Writers may remain lttlerc about he signed belora such procedure will it Wriiera must remember that at require alrntd litter Idirert Ianor rursl routs Itoarraovs HI our name but its toilorred tn mu slur1 militia gall rpecs vorspar made In Cambridge width he has ranted OilNlBUS tpmurn tbly let some tuodtrioo with orrtbudmanthip not pretumod mlnistarlai nmlnlacenca INTE Kennedys De The attoot which is equipped with lorrnga par try atrl bar round ryItern Ind color triathlon It will lead the way Initiated by the minlrler in hit lim ouvlnc it will Irrle in loan part in iron oi city bail and the miniatsr will greet tho locals spread the gorpcl and mum rby pour Inoetl blmrol doetat trial This In approach to routine whining first lnviica augha llooevur Barnett it not all that dumb Juveelia In it might seem tilt is lit sxereiu io graaa rona politics And though the mum to proldt may seem Ila yaoi and gratrroota titch ta lllell pmm olfniar omit It outta or pAdd Wit lor Hearth Ind lot the government rrnrure our town outmolrd II it my seem in this sledrenic sawmoai coo lac Ir allil and Ira Bennett get catynlpuo iiciiy ubtla msetng lot it people and hrthr Ind oi hlr aevaa weeivr oil have ertob liaited bis aama throughout the province And in visiting many oonunu tiller which praelleail aster III cabinet member wont do the government any harm The Itveoturr is another epi rodu in the rtlhcrunuetlal atory ol young Claude Bennett It por tend to ovroiutliy pernth long raga Though in the government Ior leta than yrar we know by new that be tv man ol some lltir and tonnidarabio ambition tat be hurt rbown too much In the tldoking league It It develops that to does have mental capacity he could have quite Itllllre cision Reveals Balancing Act lly PETER DUCKLEY WASHINGTON iCIl Sena tor Edvard Kennedys aurde trig dcdtion to thus highly visible plattorm to Airborne with Gov Gcorgs Wallace helps to at up the balancing act the controntavlhn Democratic prepaid party in the conlrslior the presidency in two The balance that mutt be struck is the perennial one be tween principle and public sup port Ted Kcnnody took timer hnnmgd routed to the July ceremony honoring Wallacebe bruthed battliy over untpoclile diilnrencauba hamllh them ornor pa up shared viewa Thrso views turned out to in cludeand he ran reema to have been lntenrlo domelblng rotted thI spirit oi America as well as common enemy in the White Noise and common concern with tarts and other pocketbook lauuea The invitation to Alabama was emittin weighed by Itera nedy and hla advisora In once the docinion was rntda cau out ly prepared Veteran speechertor RIclrt Goodwin spent nearly two wee in All bamt ttrnpliag the air beiore tag first drnlt oi the senators speech TRADITIONS REMAIN Kennedys rare wad rewarded by national attention to the event To nation animated with newt oi Watergate the Kennedvaallacs meeting was rernhtdcr that politicaiaa ll usual Ivrvivel Although publicopirton poiia amour Dcmocratr show the senator Iroln llarraebusetts to be comislert lsvorila tor the gartya nornlrrntlnn be her art will not malts decision no til alter the Itll Congressional rlectltos Tho id to Airborne served as re nder that despite the Watergate altair tbs Demo crola are not counting out their Itcpublican opponents in the next president at election llort oi the trading names being aungerlcd tor the Repubi run nominationmen lite Vice Pretldent Spiro Agnew Gover nor Ronald Reagan pl Ctliltv ale and iortncr Trentury Secret tary John Connollyhave re molned uhloinled by the Union gota revelations III additions all part be capeclediu hold Inna appeal lor Wallaces con vervotlve ltlgtpdtlerl To recurture the South alter the landslide It gave President Nixon In mt mrby Democrata iecl they will ahatpol certaintv need the vote who supported George Wallace in his two carri pulng tor the presidency in rl clotting voters in the tooth The Kennedy visit was In on vlour actnowiodrrmert ol lbar view Democratic nations chalrmnrtrllohtti Straits rolled it anotltcr milcitonn in lbs unlliratiou at our party ii Agriculture Banks iealiy ta middqu alter United bitter Pruident Richard IL Ntaoa pr used almost carp ally eat or export mantra on on heart and other nroductt to be curb tinctureoi super Ination run arrtr cumulus intuit Am gtttntbrianr or vs gsr overreu marlets tor barb ltd and Canadian agricultural prodds were knocked arch For the rats otroueailcasnia abortterm GDTCCIINp the ex port controls lor corlpiictied reasons will probably meta higher grocery prices it the end our overreal eutlorrrrs Ira being told that the east bite the commodities we had bceourg thorn to on treat us until nits recently Oil bibhlllilblidiud Igricu lural competitors it the the room Contact Author an other dillmal antartstt us delighted naturally nllkll co iiioa ibay bava lrom Nurt American tumors the more they can got tor their own larm production our current agricultural pol icyll that it the word lor ll rnust be antagoolting our bird woa tors ctuiomers ttrrcgtbeaiog is band at the protactioalatt overseas and un dermlniug the longterm latar ettt oi our own tarrnerr It would bI he better tor Canada to use that llet tartlul diplomacy lob wbic we ride ourulvea to much In ater aailooai ailaira to persuade our overseta nutnmera Wittll itrllg to modems their de mta tor our tarrn prod tor the time being Lbllldd In ucia becomeaparl 15 InstrE Alli under Pindilog will be to lots the other priata mluirtsra ot the an commonIans independent but member nation in their Nelda oi Goterrimeni Cooler coca in Ottawa nan month The lltlttmaa it Mels long archipelago pi shod no ialanda About It the them not ot Prime Minister are moron no new Island nation states lrarn dose West Palm Beach lush tonr Irl retort and retirement borer on the Horldt coast almost mhml and Duvalierr hat September Prima Idiots ter Lander Piodllrg won to election needed to approve tndepandmtoa plane in the lab mtaa IIImml meted the tin tints In toll and train in till be la the Bdbtbiu lirri bltri prime mlnlalsr with it sly bladt Progressive lib at party Its iPiadIIog ll railed Itasca by moat oi Na eco stltuenls It lieurpa Bay end bit rupportert among islands mooopopuiatioa Illa Premlara lianley to Janitlca Burbnam in Guyana tamaois stmtirtt old aria polities tlr Plait aromas charisma among bit sek Iowan And tiib good mm progtm to give mora ol tba per tal labs in lotnlrm the toreiga tantra to hitch burritos bss caused upheavals lhAbla new eotmlryi illls ara ntlIoaailrmntcarsd ravwrtynto itlr dried vertmaot an convinced many ol the tuttdtut brute end ital lands to clove chop more somewhere else About to per cent oi the hamaa our billion grunt ilonal product originates touring and MEIR arypdlyii ro it An within tum at industry Willie mlelller bis brd to hi lib Attila sad United an ainlaod gromntarr mod botsla utter unoa tb Veaco tonal Investigation by the Ittta dtpartrncai and depart rnent pl urtics oi his world wide dear and alleged votvemeot in the Watergate lctndai BIBLE THOUGHT And bring lsund Ia tuition II mat to humbled hlmreU Iad brooms nbedlcnl rtaln earn the death ol the crust Pblllpglall lll We must never target took Citrirt going to the in cantnt out our tint It until we come to bintbatwe at what its provided CANADAS STORY Count Frontenac Was or non li0liliAN Kingston Ont terms In Dril lab ll retiotta the spirit pl Sir John Nacdootld whose home was there and who raid British lid won born British subert will die It was the homo pl three British governors oi Canada Byiea ham oi aoi Msbaiis Duo or its birorlo attractions is old Fort lIsnry built to delaad can tds against United states in various It is the home today ol urenI Ualveraliy and Royal Military College vet Kingston vat loundrd by Count Frontenac and years ago It was called lprl Irorrtensc unlit rm when it was renamed by ioytlltta who trilad tbers nnntenao was abovrnsn One ol his moot diliicuil iarh was to try to make peace with the lroouoll or control them They had been enentiet oi the Trench since the days oi atom plain and made it ditilcuit tor the Frendt to expand their Iur tradlur activities in the Watt In rill Frontenac decided to Invpresa the It not with the nreuztb and tenth ol France lie nrganlred an expedition to travel up the Biliowrence to Calaraqui at it was triedt and rent IraSals on mutton Showman to encourage the Iroquois lend deleraes there It was tremendous get the expedition ot sud two barges up the rence especially through ltplda wrrl ol Montreal names sonirinrd mIterIai tuilirg tort and oiltn be dragged through the by men wading up tools inth not water They Irritrd at Cdlludlli July it and Frontenac rooted the so vitiilag chiell tn bis tent lIs them through an interpreter urging pears lie thanked lrr thng coniidcnca lhelrwlvet and children then went out and mingled them distributing presents playing with the children It was colorful Tbs Indians ataysd and watched rroatantegrntn building lhs strong was named alter him ha new tradin port Indiana saving em It to Iloulraal La let lnrbarlo Willi JULY it EVENT lltllnditor attacked poiit III rants slot John NB caused It drains it new retort

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