In Sperm Part Jliyisi turtu esssrue not hate cLAtmlILiNhlI loll srdnlster ii tndsm Ind loisr Lms chill litII Wieva tee Fred Pilmns mu Ind Gercid Spas amiss rdiir Ir prior to their deputies tor munch loos OnlIrlo mmnitics to insect vith munsdpsldolIls lhI lair Id tor im seemd Iru Ihcre costs WI Owe Iritl be Ibsubed is in Idditioiull it ism Drouu omen The may Itll be Bennettmobile Arrives In City NextWednesday tie arid the itsits to my Carrs home has nirht were ter earninitles Iilt eolsaidI Ilth Asses Robertson lust GIm sonouro sonniu 0i The Examiner Own the Math atria oi irIdI Ind indium hlinlstu Gillie Bennett been III not is Monday to more than no Oats Immunities Hr Bennett told the Tomato bureau oi ThI mains the vast will provide otilce specs to meet sills raithldpsi people tut LhI prordnoo Ind heir their problems In seeped to In duslry slid tourinn When people room to otlch It QiieenI Put the often nenoitt becsuse have rotate oi bets on home round The its will trial are their homI gourd Ind willlbn It IdissdvIntsre hr II his Burnett iorinerotlsu municipal politlclis me In knows what it Is lilo to be on the other side oi desk presen Queries Bastard lies hrld to rahinet niiuis transmissions monummmrmll mmlmmsiniedlnlhiil thirdlirstyxixesrsss our idea Ihrwph the iiiqu Peu insols trill ridt committee to onstth Ind antral misrlo tor Ihm reels Ind that head to northeuim Ind northwestern TNTOKTIATION MWINO his Burnett IIId III will irep lenss Ind brI It but In ntinisir It Queens Perk loe Itllil while the visits its pIIee tic IIId he IIrlr to tree the Inlnmullon Dorris heimen nslIchleillrs Ind Queens Put to mid betas hood with EI stick at briels his return in lawns his Bennett said he to tire anthr rpot answers to municipsl lend crr orl iduIls interested in Ipeciiia problem tin with tlsst the VIII bridle At vIriaus Itsrei Ilonr th route senior masters at the minis sill W1 sir Bron lie Izmir nrsn robie trill relate to indtisIsII ivrs Iorxlst mm Ind Iss eeniim Ind loIns lor tourist nperslvrs Omaha will in nude July ll remmound thitsrlo tamper which is enserviceaiana issue OTTAWA BUREAU 0i Th nastiness So Isl Nnvriouadland is the only province in Conode tht he Iporooctm the iedersl rose ernment Illh request tor lipids tor the purpose oi Iconic Inr Iind tor residential Ind other development purposes This lnlermoilon was prod ded by the llinisler oi Elsie ior UrbsnrAlIolrs Rnn Bneiord in response to oirtsliett piIced on the tominons order WI by Elluood ilsdlil iPCPeeh Dutierioslmcoei Mr issz Istrd it the para ernrnent phoned to seniors land tor lmmediste residenliil and other dorelopinrnt prroosrs Is merits oi IIICVIIIID the lack oi servltcd lsnrinlle Ilse asked 30 Days Each For Breaking Entering Church It it ware not tor oleohol In per rent at the people who Ip sr bciorn me would never be ere Juch DntlnId Inch told two Darrin Iron youths Reduce in mitosis court to pass ctloii oi lh intent tny sentence on wan taint Mask and enter vd to commit In indictable oiience Dennis Turner Ii oi Anrlis Ind Derek smitten ticsr ll oi Brsdlooi Street one convictel two weeks and oi breaking into Trinity Anilrrnn Church on March is ludce inch said Km did not have good presenteose re port Ind told hlm It you spent more time in church you would liuovr election is not benelit irrrn retirious education llI told lurnrr Obvrously you havent heard the expression III poor Is church House You not other things no solar to church not money ludrc inch said errer could rtrhtLv be condemned it it Il ways put rehabilitation oi eon Usch Wchlsu Iroiild tn oesr or Idiuent to Ims oi isirly rspld urban min Tir Bssiord ssld the or rri mt hld tsinhlished budret it 8100 million year tor five years or the sl tints Ind development at stsrtiay this yllt Stihetsntisi Idditionsl hands In excess at turn million ycer Ire mil this to prostates Ind rssnnIcipsi ior emu lreIIntent inc led the snridpatsd priceoi ier sired lots in tile government weed or developed localities would bI based on land costs per lot Ind servicing costs tir RsRord said the price would very lroni munidpslity to muntdps dwendinr on hue tlno terrain lech oi senislet it was not able to estimate prices In tonne required Ind lrooost rhlrnes Illd Mainly Cloudy pill tlr Ilsdtil Ilsa user you Possibility OI Thunderstorm IIIiniy cloudy Frldsy with 11m Queen om Tnnperttures will be Ilirhtly beloiv normed stain Friday Is cloud moves into thI Itch Torrents rsli ior nsIInly cioudysldes with the chance pi ievr IRme Ind thunder storm Temperatures toner will range between sad so with hirli tomorrow beseech and BS SynopsisA ridn at high prouaremovloLeast scross the cenlill Great Its will bring mainly sunny sites but lsch normsl lemperstures to cistern Ind southern Onlsrlo Iodsy Friday will brie showers Ind thunderstorms in the north disturbance moving cast into northwestern Ontsrio brourhi showers Ind thunderstorm early this morn lot which ITIII spread stress all serious north oi Geortlen ievl showers Ind rhanre thunderstorm Hishs todIy nclr ulsr thrnlniiol NorthAnterth was MUM on lesss huts through tender his Bennett mics the point heiore Innouo In his eye nude in Carn incent srsiroon iisniir Sides Friday moving with the misty to the MI risme birsldins tress ilidr hunt Ihus rents Irill be UP creased Rowever the Witt taster Inn in Ihlas WOMENS LVSTHLTE ITRAW Winner oi the rim It the IIIOSILK womens lndiurte pot luck upper held It din Sadie llitKinnon Md Kitty Aylett to nude by his Wsrnieo hirs Boyd hirs his Ind tin Fertilisers members Ind hy hiss Stevens hiss Pratt Ind slrs hcsbirt Second psisI Iris psir oi Ii Ion rIsee embroidered by hrs Ray WIsnlrI Ind third prise Is braided run donated by ltIIrloriI Yrtrs Proceeds so to WI Iorlr tlondsr nlstrthnncd new In Imitation irons Item1d Irrprircs ltd ier remain property on Blake Street to nor rnlt writeup sportsman The Rsrrie Lplaoons $1M The Innis committee said thI property Inroirstlon beside rhI Dormston Plan is bounded on both sides by lorries IItitIT Inuld be toiIlly hoisted Ind rendered usclris tor future do YEIOWIEILI The density or hi the rompon is eortroryts it spends the trim or visitors spart mens restriction their density The ronlnl committee also said small Iputrneils Ire less All EARLY START 0N MUSCIILRR DYSTROPHY CAMPAIGN Muscular Dystrophy Icelc does not oliiciilly beoin until Au1 it but local lireirrhtrxs Irn already plennlnr their cantoailn tor link Some ni Iho snooty their yeIr comes irons carnivals bloodied by children in city neighborhoods This post Is In incernl the tire departmcrn will be riiinr shirt carnival minis cotIlpairn rind speclsi rer tiiiraies oi merit idiomatier about how commie can he orrsnlzed Is available from Bill Jriirls It man Ind Duh Dulresne st szsssst Shown rush the pictures Ind certicates Ire iIROlti LEFT sir irllrlr public rdalinns crnsr News iris mourn more riiunsotv JULY it In Planners Tum Down Request For Walklipyliipattment Zoning deirsblt unit Inc one oyhodtiori has Ilresdy been he rd shout Iowntnttse devel oi opmrot do the rrsr oi the pro Pm Tlts term slid experience has slmsr sens Ipsrtrneet lsitidiors tend to be less issued economically Ind are Inhiret in poorer insistence Is rrntlt llosdcri developer oi Ila site told the board It In earlier locating the spsrtmeiit ICAIIII he entity the satire Is one enrsintdcd last year It the corner at Nsplersnd John son streets lie said the plans rnll lur Litm spartmrnt units on thr sround tioor Ind tour units on rods oi the moral Ind third bars rnovrircuu COURT BRIEFS SROILIFIING Dorothy Edith itrsenault 51 pleaded willy in provincial court to thclt oi roods worth under Im Irons Towers luiy and was lined Court was laid the tool In underprirment Itritri It $650 ACQUITTEI WLLFUL DAMAGE Eth Roy Drummord in bi Collier Street wss Itnuillrd Wednesday to proriocisi rout liter hriri trIIl in Drummaod was charged wilful dsmsse undershirt llarr dense revealed Driinunond wss sslcd in tests the hotel and an 75 10 mim 55 I0 99 Hm his way out he broke the riots Frldsy to or lllrh Ion erh vThlIIy Tonirhl Ell Windsor as to Ssrnls st Thames linden iiitdteoer Misti Forest wlnrhani Owen Squid lllssltoh llsroiilon 81Calh Toronto Trenton Kingston Peteh Petswswa North Dry Stnlhuty Esrlton in the trust door Damare runs its Drummond said he had his hands in his pocirrts and must to rush the wood partoi the door stitch we missing town hlrn Ilrcr someone else hid used it His tool inlet to catch the wood and sent through the glass Judie Donald lirb said there was reasonable doubt that intent had been proved and silhoth noting sass Edens rimumstaaers scholttrd youth Drummond pended not guilty rain and scan Barry Daniel itnwril in el Dunlop Street and Harold lords on its slow 21 Napier Street 75 convicted in June at theli oi 75 seods north under mil tram SSSSBBSBESSEEEG srntrnrcd Wednesday in pro vinrisi rourt Judre Donald inch said society could best be pro tested with the two on probation tie susprndcd sentence Ind placed them both on probation or it months THREE MONTHS iudse Donald inch handed down tall sentence oi three months slier restricting DryIn Dunn 22 at Clnppertan street Vitdnrsdsy in provinclsl court on charge oi possession oi stolen roods Inrth under not June Dunn pleaded not guilty Testimony revealed Dunn was spotlrd by police IItmItIIIl oier trace at Woolworth in the early morninr radio wss lound ocsrhy Dims told court instead oi coins home intuition rd he intended to sleep behind the store In sited SENTENCING 17 Julian Wayne Howard Ti at High Street consisted Thirsdsy in Barrie provincial rout rites picaer still two diaries oi impairnl driving too chlo res oi drivins uhllc his driv crs hornets was under susperr start and one rharre oi telling to appear utilise Irntenced July 11 MUSEUM ESTABLISHED The Manitoba Museum It the Winnipeg Auditorium was es Ibiirhed In nos ronrcn David lTIy notional lirld ditrnf the Show lit Has Best IIAIEL BARKER The summer show at Gallery Green is Icluclrd rIaVI The sdectirsss Irre made by Richard Green owner at the sole iory she is know scul pier The works timers Ire by the mist who have had shoviI there In recent months in side lids iu Utcse are portion scqu sure will hurrirux and prints by artists iirinI in this area They mu lrwi Dorrie Toron to arItlorrl Grsvenhrrrst Ind Orilib liodsrnistic etirlptisree In It urninum Ire estreinely interest inr Works in stone pitsisllm Ind bronze Ilso catch the rye Palatian are in oil watercol or and Icryiles 1inch printer has its own lIvorite medium lliee moderate prim sri shoun some oi IliesI ACTIVE VOLETNO hlouot Etna Is Empires oidtsi mitinuorrslv entire antenna ilurmlsr Dystrophy Assaeis seine rhslrinsnoithl IorII tron oi Canada said ilr Dut rsrnpsizn lEuiriincrthotnt Gallery Green OI Past Shows Imillll came in to have look sround She said she III irons one at the southern Arrteriosrs states Ind mild nrx brlisrs the sign IITIiIt iniI gallery An In pottery in CsnndIIn tsswn Ire hinted IIiIT senile Ind are decidedly riireure it is end to see that drII init his not been attributed Drawing the basis ol Ill crest IR is otters nerdcrted Some at these to ink and prot here 31 Walton Will Well we endeavored to cor Durinr the silernooi younx red like unprmilon DentureTherapists The Denture Therapist eensmg Board om ot Ontario invites IpplieIlionI Inr exsmlnr tron tor licence to mention Denture Mimle or Therapy in OntsriotApplrcslions to ho to wn arrived not IIter than July301913 Fortmthorlnlormolion writs Ranisirsr DeniurITtrornpists Ontssiottinlstrynitiuiih Queens Park Tnsontn Ontario M7A1R9 Telephone 416 9654751 Imperial One sip wiilconvinceyou oiitsmajestyi illsrirrnursnrp uWWI WHISKV Imperial Carr ul Distinguisirrri It itipurlcct ItIIlliLI uIIIrtoui iI Iulrittt in Irrrulnrnrc so Nuts ricesirtrr trio vlctzd pemns Iitrad ot protcc lion ni society rare as or Is Court was told the youths hld been drtnlih when torrid It the thumb ESTHJV IIALMIAIIIHI storm Dom irisrs iiiirr 51 minus now error STEIN REA anaconda Bsy Ianirht low at the storms my be severe Windsor tenders llsniilton Petrrborourh this it this Lite Site Late iluron Niss sra Lake Ontario southern Georrlsn Ray Sunnyiode Th 75 Ba ca ilotorsllril lvrrrr lirnmlos lllsrle hsplesu White River Oersca Moosonee =8 33addaggddddddad sxzzaazsgaaassasszaagssg Oeorgtun Theatre Company Georgian College TIIootro Hwy 400 Ind Duckworth Street RIIrII sitar DUFFIN srnan IuIy it Is It THE LION IN WINTER by James Goldman July 2023 not 22 25 Box OlileI TOE7234613 00 pm se 57 tr lt AS deadwood Ioownrown BARRIEI coycottlsnsctsrrsnrort $15 7263971 ro radar ALL YOURIRAVEI yarns yard4 unsciva sigunme