exuuweerereniowts Wdlwt umww till I12 Peace Corps Workers nIrMmrupurcInanorttInmmwture IVIET GONG Militia relive emu Ontario CIMdI July ma pr Released By Uganda aimyimt aground billfl thinlllllthUIndInIlriom thIIirtorI Ilitnda rdeuod ill Ilnitod sum Peron Corp vobartoen sugar rm cur and our aim ehlel ricIeIIto Michel mm Idiom nn Women doomv oil otrnistlnnfrt the lib embuly perelm It today to ItItIrnent tho llrt IlbIUpndInprdxtnlnnr mlmgm mammogm hmbmlarndm Indian cera It men Anita tho Ibrulrn Urandan Ire returned eIIln them Canadian thrutiifm Iii it am dill er autos that near Kampala It nxetina lodny to welder pmlm rcluxcdihanauuo yehleti Mina they had meltrd ihepnpenttbanlahtnndu armed guard at the airport and then Sunday IerI trInIIerred to hotel on into Vittoria The your Miriamll women Ind men with Itea married eoer my them dined Ind Ineoi It the hotel Illi AMLI lirnutlorr that it Pearle MI Element IIrI uportoi tiara would wider releIIInI thInonItherhorotihbm llrtnllim the broadcast laid ObnrrerI In Nairobi maria ind thll Attila III NtIIIItlnl tor Wuhinrtml ciltitim tut mononutnndtnnunade daion WmIdIy metman raid thIt tIIn Vii Inked the 15 to trInaIdIou at normal an until the two man Co In PIIten In cm an Ind Fletcher mm 17 at Ottawa In Idvnm notification from their ruperlorr tho ocai IimiaR lulllion lhvuatn there persona ma Ill1m 106 member Ind theyheld them tor urinatin It Own Ipctunrn IrI returned trip no reoan Iar paired lo the ilet Conn irovielnnal Cmde him Iain request Revel Government can to lock the rooperntlua cl the timed tor lint time tad 50th Vletnume ntrrnment that they no botdiru thI two In tn Vle 0m representr Ito drum In tire could Io to the am to Oomblmrmtleei rubbr flip Ibo rewrt linti III eIIrt pIIntItiun miles It at hi locum the IN min ltd lit Imamaw murmur Iaur Ina min max Iain 1qu loomed mum women an arm In arm in do lhrt Gqua told III Iiimnrill palm from Salsa to no or Emitter Sat lip Polish and Minnelrn vlelqntu tom tho ten attain woundingn onion wmvlgznm William WimtapR code Itiny It In dill uncertain how Italement In oncoming dmiw mum loomed St ntwda minnow or wine the two will be re ticularly Ilneo It river or anagram ppmme Sradaynl willllolamtl Idolhia Independence mmiooduaa liltirurundthartrtlrtcdhy Day to President In Wuhlnrton the date do thI UrindI torment Mm coma him or murder grinned into ltt as being The Amer Ina were bound In CInAIodIIIndILIhinhlrnI II There In no expLInIUIa Ior Zaire the lormer MOW tron tho mm mm millet notddnotrean Europes Bankers Agree To Plan ofSIipport Belagurd Dollar IblrhthaVIeIMIttIebedh new Ioth not the MI release Inch tutti thtymreturn tool Iraltra over monaronrilo the Vlet rtatermt 14 tel reItI eonnlde in that eownImIeItlonn dlhloatlee miller end the tart that the Iren In Canadian ItIteInent tell about Xi roller out oi hero III that the comme weed to belnx contested had deitm RtIio no It the Nation rr thoreportreaehinr Saigon Council OICanadianIInions ChartNational Labor Movement WINDS OP belo run lollmd plea Saturv ties to the Illth Imunl con by Secreluy lrearurce It ventltu the mural oi Cana Kent Roka at Montreal tar dlIu you broadened their III the more thnn aooooo worker mmthmei tbste enl In various marina union in Ieurd muttetobo thII tvoai Gratin nit that condition Mfr molly allotted III Nixon Ianuuuruuan lbe cited tho declaration erlu pburuledootlun tatIn Int bythotlrwpot cur01m market mar ItItIrnIItoIIIilitatIttI lion l7 11M eorernoro concluded tth approach renIlnoo Inco prIItI tho Mimnnlque Id lint the Hooch Imminent 155 ton II Ibowed no rIIIuttan In it we mg um an nlth Jvutlro ltl ford cementde maria It mum torlormmogtmczdrnm III tan or We oitai gt gt Even the ywmzest or tidieo ninth tendon II amounan min Irma mm mm Work Permits StilIIn Torce Illterliahanuan Independence Snipe use tbtppcnen trir mummm on when the trnrporatura roared strqullrach Ibo gemrddimgim mum at 1le litalatoeltua NASSAU OP III wort in eon Mount the In emitdenim II nurture vestian mercury without hows or metal iunleo but lomettmu lormeowodtol lg exs with CM Mu to outon Inro wall minor Irrlar tram uranium IIrltIIh it Manyw Ihortl mum Iurltorl Ito Inld llIrdlanI lulu lor ehut erraniziny labor It poulny it til Ibizhlhuclozndt mt condo MoeJindcrwir amnion In prlndplrohret ImiMobl about to or oluilon ire thn oxecuriva biard II III Manitoba lobor orco la Refusal In submitting 15 IN illI the Bahama Ilter the Maude receive indooen Irorn hrItIin Tuesday to tire and work undo mdtdnnt berI IIrtttnlakaiinul Ittbonthey dothoyeaylleapo dont men tiprr m1 nnrnoI mtrlt hm trmable ratios the permit ro nowed TherI IrI than who are per Iiratetieilw can buy homo or car when mlrht not Wbo able to set my permit ro tnewod nut met other predict Ill out oi Irtiu hmh Imam the permit onto Inenro Ike plnco It then irlanda oro to prosper trrIniprItlon Inulteuiup dud In Ibo out It Ipoitlcil ioretro in loot moat encltulrnly on tourism druubanbiulnditrporltlouau tubawen Ill pearl ago one Cnna rilIa earn we portrait cost Sim then the price hot one to top at Into Theo them lit rostrleneo permit The your wIII nod tor etch ThII mIn wunt corn pIItn You mint remem ber Ileanurcoolinromo in courtry where there II no It am out perm IrI tuned to the eprlrIIIet nonItalinrni do 5an tor which no BIhnrnIin an be intend iCIIPSULE NEws IIS DollarTumbles Basie Ilgain wrmv tr In United sum dollar trembled em min on lhuopcaur mnrtttn today titer Itren ptiteninl briey on expectations that intcrrutlonai rude might be provided or It the currency opened mm In money rnartete but Ina Iona mppl downward toward the mud low It melted It the net ween Strike Causes OIIice Workers Layoll RANT0 Ont CPI today It will lay oil It elite live next Ilonday on rerutt It Itri ilto oiliro wortert mentors oi htrrIIa Icpnrtttly trorn the pr oanadlantrnltmbtlo no paid employee iriday Ind IMIm by to taunt an ted Auto oduotlon worker who Iro morn bcra ol the some heat the company employI to oiricI wortrrr Rbemathv Resigns Amt day he In re gain In onle Continue sous Abernathy he massinallow ol Dr II itih In April not Vandals Canoe Closing OI CAMBRIDGE Ont OP FromKiug Iroup GI her help Abernathy Iarmncod to ldch ol sotnhern kahuna ma broom otIlIcIoltloInelII ii tor llvo yem since the Kine the bill rlpita lender Shoe IPlant About Ito orroloym MW hlrhioco Int aim manutotiurln Ionptny In the Preeton rertlon oi Cambrl were not hemo toot brcnuro oLdInueo Tour by randaII II the weekend Yo entinutI narrqu IIt Imourt tn tioot Vandals entorod the building torment roar window Int Immunity IttIeted nuditutll with rnena and poured dye on elm rtnctr IllthIub Fails To Cross BeringI bdtrait Leonard iiooro SAN IMNCISW lllltiltil Vlllm Alum lian vlltayo le It row term the only Initial or In today alter In untueceeslui Il Ireerln were at tho berth Stroll In bItIttltlr rum Iui In recrqu Intme Iron but he Iprnt three houre In the limit on to the Soviet Union belore tnrndoy nitnt In In Ilium to bolnp turret hack try him Iou Ind belowtreezlnp temltlittl Wkmzwnrunauu nISnrnttrel mm In lure Soldiers aetraar run tuInIn Impala Northern ireiami have been mood to hawm or mad trio or torrldly IWIIII mutter attire IotriieII Into per The ten Ihowt Ire hint billed It night in lighted bed roan windwr In hotter Iuch the Roman Catholic Ardoyno lector oi mum the army raid might at II SI roor more expilci love Ioldlcro norm on nlrht patrol Iralmt the Republi can il glitter plum to loot ho bowel target tor hidden Inlpo the army believer took anythen could be It gunman abut it the dorm pt campnipn arm pletroop zontlnxnu In the Itrdoyno army endqunrtcrauld It More Iraqis Executed Ior Coup liEIllIfI iIiculort Thirteen more Iraqi were mild day hillil tor their in Iran Ioeurily ehiet Col Irern Kat rarI uruureesoiul coup Ban bdnd rIdIo Md ltdW Katie and It hit totiowerl uneducated trldIy Fourteen persons Inchith trade It the Iovernlnr Baattr Early Iodeisoe rnernboroltho avolullunory command Count eilweeo lentenred to death by Ipcclal tribunal Sundoy nlrht Costs Nixon rapportr WASHINGTON iiltliltri Prcaldcnt Nixone retinal to urme White House rimmcote in tho 5min committee la routiuih iha Waicmto cast III cool the outwit ed the on eonunilico member hr thotuht ha could want on Sen or Forward Gurney titep Gurney alizned hlrnIrN Ipahrnt the praidcnt Simday ray he thinb the conurdtleo Iho be Ilimdto no any white iloueo donnnrntr Ilimtly burlap on the Jun 11 im burning oi the alic party herdeuartrra terrain olike tortilla OI the tour Dcmocrnte tbreo Republican on thnwaie Ito wmnilteo Gurney was to tone Iupporter the mute Ilnrue Ielt ti had raid tamer IIbIto llovee eounullohn beta Dean told tho eomrnittro Ila testimonyV two weela mi lormer lltI liouso It John iihrllchmen tow the president lumpy could be rolled vprnlto Iumort the Iiimlnletrltlon with ubetnynstedtodomrtold what to lay Nixon May HaveBeenInvolved In Squelching Investigation NEW YORK illeutwr Brooklyn centreumtn laid to Prelldent Nixon Ina have been Intolvodineoo otlrr iercrt in connection with the drool or proposed nulico department brvcatlpation Sun to up owned by not or the our all cloaest friends Representative Bertram Po deli Democrat Isld ro polIl to Investigate tho rI clalon Valve Corp ol Yonterl owned by Robert luau war more Iqueiched Ittcr It was rclerrcd to then At lorneyGennrtl John Mitchell tor Ipprovnt In late tom the Ilraollyn Dantocrtl raid that tho Irtiun took place on or about the rhino tlrno thIt Abpitaatp created In vortment company Ind pur chased Ill but it IrreI oi tho trItt on which Provident Nixonn home It San Clemente Cold Itandr Podrll uld be he docu ment and maroon which dem oruirnlo the birth Ind drtlh In Inlltruat IleiI arIInrt FrecIIIon IiIIvn llo IIId he plans to turn the dntI over to Archibald Cor rpccinl illiterate prorecutir lar rornpkte and hill Inventi Iallon in dotennlne whether tItnrr war Iay connotth edit the San momenta Ilnanelne Inti thadr lnyoitbo cooled In It Prod on the tour Duaocratn Donn irt could bu mldortd hon villa and oi the two rcmaInIn Re rm Sonnlor toned Witter oi Connecticut har been leader In diort In In cmer the VIteryItI rovenup Ioi Senator lioward hater oi Tormeaace denibed by an rilehrnnn an It been puitIa prersuro on Nixon tomectw thocvrnrnitteo This the president in re turn to do rejecting hIIIrI crime It compromise meet Iu not More the committee but In tho white limo Nlaon wrote to the corn rriitteoI chairman Senator Sara mu oi North Carolina satur dIy that to appear bstoro the committee woud violate the principle ol the reparation at governmental pooerr Intel to outt INhIte llotue paper now lead to tho dcitruciinn ol the ccotidentinlity oi prertlea tlti dentition lth hbaa rlrothlnp to hide ore use to Irocart Idiot nodular llennnn Tal rnndu Georuia Dcrnocrai who in on the tree on teloviolon program Sunday Gurney appenrlue with III ntn laid he believer thI pros dent timid be regarded Ir Innoeunt until raven ullly and laid It would premature tor him to appear beihrI the committee Iirnply to rebut the Incarnation oi rinon witness Demqu teatiiled tor live dun that on now at tho Weturrote to design national oernInlnx orannlrnt Paper Blames illismanagement Ior Status OI IoOperatives TOIIONlOitPYI Tho Sun we ndsmunaremrnl II Inn in In tour Itdrrnllydlnnneed Itudent bountn rooptrnllm in Ontario belnr nrroun or hiv Ina dlillculty with martian paymenty 7m pnndlapk IIIIr Alter Allth litrim wont be haplnp Inymam Rochdala Collaro In Toronto ha been ilrhtln Ioreeloaun no tbmiilion martian Ind IImiLIr nitrationoxitte toe Pew talozri Cohort In ottawnwhich ir arm on ttinrillloo tomato NcillWyclir Collars In To ronto has been mining mort ma pn and tho overth rn urine Ip vra ethnic maniratinn The nawrpopcr who me that moon bootkwpin error tinned credit tor Itochdalo Ind tth estimated prollt tor the cotlcraa chirterln tlgmed into $3000 monthly II Pretriqu mp no It tlmi In ilrst in month oI operation which ehdod Dee ll Itll lluvenue has been lost by Rochrlnh Tarlu Ind Portuiord rotten bocIqu numdoor commercial Iren toil Into the tinIds oi common the noon pence rm it ntro any that an internal Crntrni hiortmo and Iloudng Corp report on tho rituatinn which contalru Iourh recom moulntione ban been Ignored by thI oiilca oi Urian AI rirl illn Iatnr lion hertord Planes Warned AurayFromNuclecrr Test ecrf PIIIIS All lrIaeI todIy warnod rumrnerrlll plane to May for my tram the llua ruroI Atoll ItIrtInr Wednelde twirlchth that tho tlrrt blast in hdltdinpulhl South Futile ntornir out probably will route lat III twee An Idvlm turned to civil IIrIIIeI In Imdon and Perl told pilot that zone toilet Iround ilururon at well miles to the wttelorblddco to air nIvtrotIon In tho past Iueh warnings were put out to houre belv my explosion mu me the trollmteotennbo up on Irutimo title In randay urn The tiny ntott teat IttI lies not miles northeast or Will The lure Iren ot the turbid den cauaed Inoculation thnl Itronl chargoperhapr umueltulmentmwtllbo winded Chine Lat teat month tested hydrorea bomb In Ii western re too with blast esti mvted in Viral In truth two to three mentions HIIIIB ALSO IVAItNED Ino warning to airmit clma hour dint pInntrnllrr notite our Ice iho otr lieu Zealand lrlynlor to ruined the tertl mid war roportrd tutdcriurvttllaneu min bomb henchmen lIiI the lor by mom plum and raweeptr Inst outridu the lor ngtltllllllnlid IN repln crte tho mu ranting tidia Itir in France ttarti Ono Irenrhrltendid not re eutvo tha qunl urchlylrticr trout hit am It Ichoot tn Wnle become oi urttIatI trIdo union rotcsilnr the lroneh teat Lute Good thlnr raid the lather iho kid would probably be mind Ior roomy Tho rornrnmt wna lyrical It Prth reaction to tote pro tcate Irnlrut the Iertr xcel tor minority who oppoee tie Ilyn time In bit hi lotto Newapnpera pcnirnily lira per luhctnry rcpottr about the pro tub and the yowrrnrnenltelo vlrim network almort lunorer the min will Ia the protests iho roveran warned III rhlpe Swodey tr Itpwlur oi tha list Iren lrom outlined on lndlretinpthe test are im rrlrltnt livt Inch ttorlta ulho Tour to France ryritny race Ind the dollar rrlele tool pre cedence In the everunp trio vision newI rearannrnnnrn lluch ol the publle allude reIultI trout Iuootlona that do tonderI at tho leete have posed Where were the Icadm ot the Inuit French protest yroup when tho thtwm itnrtms love yearn not And wly were Auplrtlin and Now Zcolaud the Icudm ol thor counties apron in tho French teste quid when prot Iirltaln wII Iettln bit Itomtc Ihoteintho Austr aner The nulodaNItIc chord II II drummed rumpled In deience oi the expo cnta Wily Ihwuid Franco bait preparation It ber dciutcn to comply with bovlet ban on trnlnp Ia molten that thou two on clefr Iupcrpowm Izreod on only Iitrr they no tooer needed web teeter morn promo ultrui tht touts thI been confined to newepnper Idveetiaenrcnlr and toleprnrar tn ottlcills There have been no street who on InP munbu molt VI NIL hmbocn In Aurtrnlnwhere the tattoo hIVI imposed In It most complotoban aatrritla with men Aiati Ind tele phone Iorvlcn baa boon out ernd crIwI vrrnt ruled Frmch IIIEIAIL um who era wont handia lronrh Ihipt