31111 111 1111 ew or Id 111 11 11 boys 11 1111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 1111111 ron 811111111 1111 Ind 111111111 11111 11111111111111111111111 111 If you see ydurself in new car thlssummer driveintoiyourChevroletor Oldsmobile dealer 1f Spree hes offering thebestcars atthe besteUmmertime deals 121 He has the Chevrolet Du ng the 73 Selling orOldsmObile of yourchoice allservicedgassedpolishedand readyto roll 131 So drive in and drive out withthe bestbuy of the year 111 The 73 Selling Spree makes it all possibleAt your ChevroletorOldsmobile dealer