Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1973, p. 4

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ditto ilorrir dormitory Ii Wells Editor Interline Dr Alertele Editor MAY JULY ran 7Aalrl Minimum standards Larr Gets Closer To Approval orortrrmtterweetoeoteiycorro murrewkgtunrrutrmrr ellutwrddehdlerrnpnuoturr recuonrortrtmuweuurrrrerublr utyseieelorrie llwoublbeetrot Itehlttoeur mwnrrrrmwmrmru MBenlelegdltngl ellva Al ondttroughlartrouloothe rodne dtotloortwnbtt erotrerotno as prmimtaiied attire Qty end tlimnlrenel bodieoderndtbertand worktepropmoin electron berriee m1 l7th bMtoome mmmdrmw uieydonot colonelIto turtoor end A45 The Is no tandnee Wmbmm WJmm my my Anerrnowuueamein nor to More vrorttonr Drrtd um IIdtlphirloonubitIeo have worked herdhddl worktbectlytelkoiytodo your 0th minim ltlsnowrt the mgewhore the slend mm rrtol wtsrerdend it is wetttnown tut ol lumen amply mung my payday in will Wm Sol ml Wm peneltteosoettorrot tholeginrtlon whet theycamnd nowheretr this more mm mm mm be warmed to Width in With Mmmull coundl in Sepiomborand from there It Tho landlord it not Itorye to blame is up to oounnll to spprovo it DOWNMEMORYLIINE YOUR BUSINESS rules Aoo rowrr rorrotorrrtoznrninerruu herein hrhdhitlihi tit rdtdilthrmri BeoordBreokmg Holiday Season It loolta as though well be collaborating ngaln on leather blenlturttl horizonlentil The HighRise And FirevDonge by cuntrrornrrternnou lrrr tire to ruin the ct still Tlrllrr structure Ind uphyxiete the moons unimrgrnnrmr le to market dispute to opert on resident Strncoe Fodorttlon oi Aptitud lulcerler St It ooncerne own reds re Execstlve includes llry trouglreed deted back to told Horn liurrrii oi ilolly Andrew Ounmilng oi Barrie Kgywot Hamilton Onterlo lllnleier oi Lee hinting oi ivy William Wood oi II was matter It Iioyel Vlclorir the Andy Bartholomew oi Orb Hunter lie mrrce graduation tiny lioyr Russell oi llidilunir Maurine limo error number Ipart r11 no oi Stroud who paid mednhri Dr trnert Tumhttu mrde prerentrtlon on bolntl medial rtelr it linemen iron SdAlli Ste little Ippointed primiti IlBsrrtoDtrtrtaC eErrl Cor be In series oi redo talks on Tor obior titled eye oi Berry More then 000 per nlten ed Atr Force Day It 0an order Slum Donny Recreation Council begin dry It rtx lorequ dlreoted by tattoo IlProvindetPolloorI dlo etettoti went lotooperrrtlon It Dorrie coverinde clutter In tour dir trlctr titrember ot Commerce open ed lnlormtton booth for torrid an Drtdiord it Work one done membm shownln in build cur its Tony Dererte bit Curtis VOlAIDe If lured to put up agpole on root Me Ootmdl let redirect tor 57080 to zeroct mriol brdidtn oi cement blunt and steel root potrsiortera end one II vraro weloomed It be not to Trinity iierldr lie byhieyor nt Mayor and Alnndele Warrant it Cm iiov DrrtlJtD lroitmlimdlredbyr tertewnefeve oddreee liudoel promm rm celloeoloe by town roanltry ltiniest Dtulon vocal roloetby hirr Caeton magic trick by Herman Tomlin rwomen ummmmmm turner TING Tilt News Fuses Bum LoW In iraq Internal Rebellion Hits Ira perehed al the tipoltho tiles in bearded im your erllttltnrol the Devil adnhirr oIIrir PeraIIn Out has been mebtprornllodto re twp trrlton Dy KEVIN DOYLE recent prrduete Oolloge of Optometry joined litirer ltobert Barre in are business not Cornntrr Altaire rle practice Deeplte excellent pitnn Itrralrrl 31 331 Emmi egg Thomson Nen lorries me rt otore become at six more meter Not only mlycdlrnrldllln idlirtnrli that but Rayealt cont holed to hit tone to lrdvrldrt It promise to he route retire with three hltr til tor extra memento bolder ree htooe Kiwanis Club raised 31175 In Mr Editor Sort cempalttn oi wltltdt Bill mm mu her become necessary this turn mmm mm met to melts holiday plonr ier therlmvanemobe to OTHER EDITORS VIEWS mrggwrw contourretentive rnorosei rlrbordm II the role oi teaohere tn Ceneda due Butt tin 1W herWhere Cenedian bolldayerr brrr taken so rtrontly to or elite elrllnea eirhttosodry clipcat lens that lest seats rennin unsold err domestic lurble tor the newt several weeks imvol to Europe hsr level Ied oil this year slurp break tram the dual pntlrrn or hip yrrronrer inrrrIrer More Cuudlans heve decided to see Guide as have more Ameri rerts who to prevlotu vetrr ntlthl have new omens CltUllI or rotrntssr our teeter hem North Amerlerne in North Amerth bum bier to rrovdptouln hrs been the rirecr oi or mm Mm taubndmmz iclbwoalter it you till result on lomllll Mutant in Europe ffuwma cured on some At tenet one odtroettoniet believer that at them in the inert trrrrtrrt msnyeclivitlro lettn placeholempnt yer possibleA rpon visit with ltr rurtett oi mettle eov Irv oudeooorwlsrv not end university mu educetlon can be taken over by proper on cm mm 51an Wt Ylm 19 mull doeant rush into thtnprl hna nt eould more change in the role oi tee lert direovrred promotions uildllihtiitl Dr Steve llurrlrt member of W0 oration Ireulty University of Alberta in Will MW in We rays The lcrehor rheuid leech what is llifgugiij urAqueiy humrn that Is our rotint rotor Po to meet leer iotlvoto other lit tale tier then ptrheps wetge doing to ry Ill OIIEAIlN Owens Perl unrest Now Is It poolornpieler Ita winds from the herdrel eon stop my government has bad here in min verse trcetlonr are to be Iaitrd nboutt spelitl with WI WM told in the lert two noun or rrrtonr within Ire to turn ilu libero bedyburtl The lend the hurt NI Inieml rebellion terror not end the Arabsquuo pleated uu HM educ in rill PM ranidly deterioratlnl reitilonr turn tomatdnnturdlslt the el WI Milieu mill piece the tierdert ot Eden Is my Met helmet It lidt lrnrum tnaratr ohm lltcllwll grrhe ed pt ruler litlcri mm Mr mm ltr pm we pp My truotrr an heir hurl there lrlnp once on tn wmnm erirlr Witch hu retro Ihtottxm the Ath world litre Termination ill tie lield turret ll Ontarlo Telephone Second Class tint Replxtrstion Number out More posters guaranteed DIIIyt biledlyr Ind Reintnry Iiolldayn excepted Sublerlptlorr telos dilly by urrler err weekly error yer ll Tingle copier lie Ii Otrtle mu yearlyt cattery rztoo yerriy lilllline ol Cenada error yeerlyr other countrtu error yean Ilotor throw ett moo year Nlllonrl Advertldnp or 9irrl ro tilt Ilemblr at thd cmdlan Prrrr and Auditorium at tannin bclnrdlm Press tr excluev entitled to the use or to cotton or all our mult erediteri to In All Prerr or harm total TWAIN trrsltrted and entry Kurdlih hirer elelrna lien the betrte Bil hypith lnelt ntlilll lesion ot northern Iran rnt pendeditorillnilltflllmhu lulytlrlbttnwnlinpwnr by maloij or ced In thlr WWW mm nemlrntlnnhnm plrtes at end rs uni tutti to man erident bar since 1966 Iresde one at the worldr most emotive Indenthorltertan Irv ernmenla out on etude weekend coup epnlrwt the realrne end the arrestinetlorr at his deteneo rntelrtrr Oert llemld Shillah hevr loll almhl turn In doubl nlorl observers believe el Itairr rtill It to power but there have been situations that in Is tinder hotus trust and that oh vtcoprerltlent Siddsm ltuurln tru uutmed oonlroi ol the county in anyone era irlrly orbit the liter lvo noun It mpt wee orllnlved and led rm by Col urzhrr Kerrr ireql eerttrii director who sire tid yu no end murdered Edition end tried to kill blotter but Eran Ghrldrn the interior rein KUDOS lhAbIED 11 rebellion rm launched last Balurdty ll IlDalr re turned item With Prienl and Iitrnprry but by midweek In apparently tucnettllti counteretlrelt lied been mounted by peverornttti toreet bioet res Ilhlllty Ior tie weekend ttoence obecrvrrt her How rests with the rountryt minority This lotto liver mainly in the desolelo deurt rntrnl government in Mlle hid lrr Autonomy In 10 till lifhllu ollidully ended with their truce bro lined by the lion tend authrrl other NOMIITIU included an aprerrnept to mrtie eerttto the pest oi rieoorolident wet Klvl pied bye ltvrd ind thtl litu dirh rreor hed relatively nutotn omoua Irrtnr oi retlonei pov ernmonl Pow ll try of three bledres Ive ever been curried not end ltphl bu once Into erupted its not born lraq PLEDED TO WWI Aprri trom ItI rthnl divi sloer trap the deeply tll vided by ulterior nl ebrsmrl poverty and etartllnf rillrenrr despite the liteliirl Intern rnentr pttrilo commitment to lullrrsle roclrlirru use where tho rubble rt ur byletr can still be reen wlilrtr ngtr ol urbrthwied lulllillllrryI or or sl ell become been with out on lrhtbitrnt ilrrt breto reirtloet with inn orrlylarl IP The immedlrte reuse he break wu ltenr eelrure oi the pull lrletrdt oi Orerler Truth and heater Tunis both oi wirieir have irrpe ell dcyorrtr and her prevlotuiy eilmed by Slllte their the two eovnrrlor hrbe cnrrte close to open were lere revere times Reports that better lied to relrty iron titer the pulp eltempl re however seem to have lutvn relellortr to new not evrn more drnporoua level Thrprowlri enmity helutrrt the two tooth or it tnrlnr oh rtsrlo to arertrr unity in tho Areb world end the Iatrrt tut rnrtl makes this ideal rtill were dtrtrnl nvutld seem to be tilde quer llnnit its been lo orullrnr thin you really only need the opltilnnoi few people on the rind they metre lt clear that their leatlon lo Pleeodtily the bumps Eiyaeel Ind other tbtrr Irt haunt WWIIJDMMIDII It pcalr periods second letter In the red Irpe thel now surrounds ehrrter nylop which In recent your bra becorno the Eruppesn bound Cenedlall leverite mode oi travri The new rertrittlder vae Indeed stomped on the routes thrt need to beret tho puulbie ebd the nreduioux but they have resulted in hither terrr end rlptd ryrtern at Big Repair Job InNextrz Years respect tor the administrsllon hrrdropped The not nurture would stern to be the metier ot demo to the novernrnnrt hurtlnl bidlyl And on till there are no psi testers OUEION HAND Whether the rovernrrent brr been hurt eriticeily Ind pai tlntiarlv lo the defrer when It illl been looperdted tor the next election Ir rtlII an open question There are oi centre Ihrto 3hr ieol month that It has Oil uut loch people etscrttleliy Ire Iorrnlrw rnap ludzments THE LIGHT TOUCII What Do You Do When It lining ttrnnortn NEW YORK AP Gril drerr end trownupe never seem to know whet to do wltonilrainr it is utter thI iliilo predltelion one to the worl ttoeits end plotter titlhe and yourtellorr prowl when it reinr tiut otherwise It is herd lore muohlntevernlrritl ile metres the day driller lllvrrr lend their berth IrII Ilo rnarlr children whine the dot returns to go outside pen to steel etch othrre Irmhrelr lat taxis dlreoperr the boil pusher III the builder on his dealt not to be ten but out every ody at around even phlloropherr rrteer end My they intow rlI other that tile In only more Ind drltulon All tbtr lurt brtuule ii ralnrdl tut ill norrl Iltlilll about rninuide lrorn the led you here In drinlr your dry tiarti Ill iridean it you dont went it to yet wetIs that It Items to null nil lormr hunter trootvily People lust dont Imow It to do with them selves Arltrnily there ere lot at Edmund litlrur you tell Ilrro Ir tilt oi them you mlle keep trendy to resell reins tomorrow Story in bet eiI dry tlrt rlclr There Is no better little to be elrt then on rslny dry Do aomelhlnt mean like reIIin up All your etternlrl and rvinr thorn hell II Ihtt ddernt tel Il the poison otrt at your system write rrottntirrolrln Inolty lolv let to all the rtrdit mennrerr vim irsvo brrn writing you snotty letters rtmply because you hate intnnitrtt to pry hltl Ior year or two rerervrtlonr compirtely loreirn lo Oenrdlens pretetwu The most crucial iretor ol all thrust is the drsttir decline tn the value at the deilnr to rein Iim lo moot oversees cue render Durllll my end line the Cenedian end lib dolirrr tort onerlxtlr oi their value In Iermrnt the blrhllyinl Well Oermen inert The rhrlnltlnr dollrr and the rleedylollellonln the out tourist urvieoe here combined to out European travel beyond the reach et lute numbers oi Cenndlanr we dont we to mesh it when they doth some Ionldirtnooe lrrv rlunrlhlr holiday rerson Ind still hevent mode errenre menll dbntdrrpetr Countd lhe Iocetltd parlour whirh Include tranrportntton nrcom modelled aorne meals and lit pl rlthtreelnt ell Ior one price You pay Ionthe sellers time Ind lrmtbie In onernhllnp the various components at the peer Ipe but yortl prohibiy matte rr rerte rvdlnp nviny throuph his lily to book sprite to vet ml turn dwellers puttnrlnrly there In lIli buildlnte In Den adaa rnrlor nrbnnrcentru hot provoted locreuintroo eern about the boards oi himrise title In the event pt dunner are tire In IOroettlenrde Drrvty by The Censdlrn Prerr ilre alttberltler Indirete dlllerent opinions on the shitty oi title the brutdhts in the strait oi tire llowsvrr they all armtbet the deeper ol entoiertdhrletlnn to hint rlrr lire In tho prcetert thrust to Iennntr Peter anthercoir In on into The Ilarlhaia ottire entrinrer who he etudied hirerile liver the mom thus veer tnlnhs Tormrer rrrrrrerr were In ifmllilrlu ml Iio raid irt Toronto here about in million to about bell the populated llvo tn apartments there It Iiltle threelnli any ol mul IIpIn drnttu in hllhriilo tires lleotreei Chiel Inspector llsurice lusard has dliiet rnt opinion Iie sold on hith rlio ht he bad been In had whet be considered ode quote menstrrea to tipht emtttencics CODE NOT OlliJOAiOlIY lioet lire department oiilr rials to Cannda arm with the Ilerlnr deputy lire rhlei Gureld Dixon who rtaIdt 1You ten build blrhriree II There ere merry restarty why round Interrupts not be mode It thin time on the poten llet ed the torment when It next Iaooe One ot there Willi there prob ably are two veers to to triple there in mother lenerrl eter llnn Title It lorry rlod in which there could be portrnt tn two years bit repelr lob can be done and critical tert lutl could melon LOYALTIEB CIIANOEDT Thus while lot oi opinion her turned eaolnrt the meter moot It aint be told how murh hi it her turned to another will it In true the liberals have won two byolcctionr lint bye Iedlnnr er competed in terrorist elootlorrr have rpecIIl cherri lot And these two bed very Ipoclni characteristics Apelrr it modern that the Liberals std NDP wit line up In the next election much Ir they did It too test one At trait It reemr evident new they will be under the lame lend errhlp Finally the Dnvis edntlnlr lrItIoo Is at Its bell In liphilrty In election In it Iir worstto drta el lustIn the routine oi runnlnp pnvernrnertl It undoubtedly output on routinl compete in the next tenetIi vote and one which will probably will be held to dud ltr stunt BIBLE THOUGHT And and hill let some in the rhureh tirrt aportire Irr ondartlr nronhctr thirdly trach rre Itler test trrlmier turn rlllr ei brallnll brine Imm mrrttr diversities nl lonpunlr Corinthian ml The htrrnte church is without New Iertnmrnl excitement he rnute wo hevo rrperdcd ourteI rot or rtrplnpora oi protrem rather then tttrlrttmrntrrlhrtwth rhvh the Ilolv Snrit ran dom nnslrnto IItr power into us you went them but the rest In rohihitlve With the best It tnbln equipment Nthriser can be topercenl sale ilowever you alwnyr vae to late Into conriders lion rr irenlr accident We litht them or they rome The cottiticttrtt vIevrr erlrn ltr pert item the National Iiulldlrrp Coder lire Iallons which munlrlp can Incorporrle at their dIa eretinrt Alert riilra adhere to the redo tint merry oi the smelter cities have not ndopltd those ttenderdr cen eornlnn hlahrlpo buildings bo eruso oi the United rumber oi hIrbrlro eoertmontr Chen lotlelowrr which his no build Irrts more then llX etoreyr end Selnt John NB Ire two such rules Perry Clerk Srdnt John asr societo lire rhlei who hopes the city will orient the nsr llonnl etnndnrds than said Monitor the retinan lire rode woud rive our the do ynrtrnrni the teeth in return be necessary retutrtlertr hr regard to corutructlon ot ilillblln huildlntr tn the lu ure While Newloetndland Fire Commlsrioner ironlr llyntr lllltllil with lit Clnl ELI monton Fire Chiel Louis my door not Mr Dry sold his complnirn it with the the eerie Tito code is desired It Iminlmunr requirement rode hut It used or maximum code he told IIe blunted the people in the tire service not the tIoveIoperr let not being vucnl cnortrh Were aIttint on our hulls not Enrolling the leble bnrrl enmrrt The main rrrto oi ronrern let all lire deperimrnt nitesmrd in Canada is the inner oI Inwite inhnlotlnrt lillli 01 AliilYitlAlloN Aldermen lion Ileyter oi the Edmonton rity council leld Vrhlle the buildinl rtrttrlltru ll ui nonrum burtibie eonrtrurtion belnr protected rlroi or controls lIte rnrttrrrtt ere rrrInInIy runthnaliblo nrl rrerte rnouyh Itcnt turd rmoite durr The National Restitrb Cornell which Ir Ionductlot experiments In Ottawr ton smote migration red rlr tern are in suits and Interior up uan ronllnnr ltr lilyr rerr opinion The canal tire elbio lot it Per tent at lire deaths In the view ot meet tirade ii rnrtddii Do rite buitdlnpr Plro curt Amine nouns Victoria rrl rlntelio rnovo went at rmo Is the hippest niobium Ind three lotel evre ruetlon to extremely dilllertlt the best solution In matter Waldo Ieetot Matti to then uy fibrin the smoke lie ntrrestslhe butters It You are no the tire oor or trvo deorabove the tire llr evacunte three per nose the tire but hgrza else penile ere relellve site It they the door totbolr rullo claw go onto the trilogy where liters Ir irettr SAFETY PROPOSAL Fire Chlet Cam Shevrn Winnlprp rtr rerlr lbIt one oi the butt ilor trout ulotv ts develop roar ntrtrnenlotlen oi Iloor ems where endangered peranny on to In an Iron oi retiree its use proposed more ede mellre Ilarm ayrtetrts Ind root xtlirwrllr willie hi lobe Fire Corruninloddr Gus Thnrnbert edda hlphrite buildings need either Insole control or rprlntlereor to Cite Dry nl no tort said nunno buttdtxt should heve smoke detector to every apartment and public address ryrtent which rett be used In direct resi dents in use oi lire lo Hormel where there were three melon hlnbrhe tins test your tire ollltlrlr have bed to modlly tire rotor letter to meet with In ereulnpiy rornolex situation Allilouh the truielletloilol the rrt system he been mondrtory tor your in liner treat remiettons now include the lnstellrllon ol smote lecture that stdornrttrrily plop the buildinpr ven tilrtlort system In order belt the sword oi turner WGOEEI FINE DIIILL For bililditlil more then letter ilootl nth rerurlions require the pressinltolloo erclr floor to stop the sorted ol limes item one floor soother ileruisrly errlpreed lilo drills tor lOtllitIll have also been supported Pins citiel Charter Chim bere dl Throttle supports bylnwa rovrrntnp ttrowrli conrrrrtctlon end Krolidtnp water system tet rive murh wnter prrnure It top oi hlrhciso It on prottnd oor would help evrrt mnlor diseetcre Itotlnll Fire Chiei llnroid Button odds thel ruitlclrnt number ol Ilnlrvrr equipped with emrrloncy philny ttrhtltttlnt doors rnlrmotto olevnlor power mildlt buyout equipped tire cahrtete on coon iloor would make hlrhrlro apertmeot towers Inter Forum eideminn Order Bolbweli oi Itoninn euppeeted ihrt yrer thoi rlty twirncll stop vrnrttinp building permits lnr hutldlrttr more than Ian bllbttlhmlll riots rnerl not tench beyond thelbrip ll

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