In Colleen Terror Maureen Kehoc end Christine tin Km this and MPPs To Attend Commuter Rail At least nx Im icderei Ind provincial numbers oi peril merit Ire expected to present hrleli in coriimuirr iruln Icrs vice homer Bmle Ind Toronto It the martian lrInoport com will attend Ind preocail britir He said tniormItlm will be ed to prawn that CInId In torpsynrn have been rub aIdIiin mirqu vservtco Ironi Iiithiran In Do troll tor the pant pro through Grind irimk Western ceedinxs Juli lmmr rhnimiah oi the Iiarrio divisiur oi the Co North Corinhltlcc said Dr Ry hdeIPGSImeoI North Dr Gur mtgee titrllrry Sixncool Bill llamas PIka North Ionian Smith roam Earth Ellwood hindiil iPGIeeIDuilen In Simeon Ind Dateld Dea con ibYoir centre will It tcod the hearth to he held In urn oi the trchnlcoi build in Gmlin Collects bexinn lar It to em nietday Mayor Dorian IIrier Inil tanninsn oi IiIrrin city council cmhcrs nl lnnlsiii Township counctL meniwa oi Simone Cuime comcil mcinhm oi Grey rCoumycoundl representatives lol the Greater LHNLMMP cinnamon fI dein iIIiInn lrnni Grey may and vClB Borden have also Indicated thny will tilcnd Uhn luring which has been lured by the GnNorIlI Cornrrilttee RIIl Boos itcrl and the York Ocatrg Coni rmuttr Cooimlttee iiir honor Iald his rommll IIeu has Worked for III yearr tor the hearing end he hopes my other Interested person or amp FIVE tllEli aiimmer Win In special education ls Industry at Bastvlew recond ary school whore its teach HI train more the province 01 hridred end ititriltlii1 in not the proiinco Includr lot It Iront tho Simeon Clint Wit 0i Distortion honor is lost cumin Iptciil ritu tilimrt Bostvlew Iccoodtry not Ltls neck Mi Philosophy uplii llniirr than rrparoilm ha tiller illiiiiit unto miiipioipaiot Hi miner course sponsored in in duration wchrnllr Ior Winn with the mainstream oi children with burning thi run with lhe minsirtam oi WWW nirtnsliy tor elemen WI irechoir to In Iohsidinry oi Cuindlnn Nation II RIlIwaI Canadian psld total oi manna Iowln this cotnmuim servch last year martini lo Ilr inner BOOSTER BRIEF lohni Iledcol chairman oi Railway BoosterI Intends to prove in hriel to be present edntthohetrinsihrtthereis Iuilicient trellis to lustlly the amino Ind that the expenses chimed by CH toxin the trial commuter troln Iersdoe IIII you do not represent real loss es Iir hiedcol torts the com muire rIIl Iystem should be In trusted with IuriIcI transit tin can rItIvtIyI echlnvn their room human electivrms nhrn mov Iru lam nunhoyl II tee At War cs shoid Iced the Italians Ilooy the line and tho relItIyn should reproach the various bus tom ynnirs to mouse such Ionics Ilo think otnmuler train timid leave Bnirln at urrivln in Toronto at we turn irom Toronto should he at 315 pm orriiint It limit It Ml pm iir liedcot would like to see the rented Integrnttd pith rco nro Ishtar rptclnl instrucllnn IIiOll LEFTI iiiil hllrtlit isl cduriiino coruiiiient sirrloo Count Boudol Edi ucnllon Via rnhirn coor roiinclat ninislry ol education isld tho Slmcoo Couliy ni Extrication illeil nponso courses durinr this winter ii Wit71 and min this past uln tor tire Smith rotan edutla iion consiiitsnt with the couny hoIrtI salde Ieschor nrrsla to ho able in spot any child with has lcntritoa diillculty Is not Is rIptdly II his Boar domain or even ls his classmates Ironi dos red titres IhrId oi iii lratilni their ashoolday to prrvcoi collides In rentim service to the coitus country in mirror with re tirrn or Sunday nlrht lie thtntr ronsidrrIUon should he liven to extending service thin the GM plan by rematim rm The eatstlny trains the Sup Ircontlocnlal Ind tho NorthlInd Ihosld not he used lor commut rr mice except in Idditlcnal service no horn Torm ln end those unable to utlllzn eurnrnuter Ienlce he laid The airline North Bay the end rented rhoiid he radically charred Ind integrated with tho ter service lOClll usurruu GOTDill STREET Innlsill council hu rcierted rcqirmt by the Simon CNN Board at animation to grnvci the roadside nl Gorlin Street to Its piniile work tire The bond asked that the roadside he travelled tram the laiilerectlori Mm Icoxth or the school proper iv the lotto street in hrdur to provide adequate partial in the area oi Bell lan wth BANQUET HALL innisiileouncll will into no action on In nppilcnilnu by Joe llornitng to change nIIrinI Ih into banquet hall until the plowing hoaril ties stewed the rite dlaalor special education Waterloo Unruly Bord oi ltd ucIilon Ella Snith muse principal Slim county 139 Teachers Learning About Especial Education Techniques tilMrenoc relrdiromthetcst oping neutlve Itti TOGETHER llrs knith raid teachers ore attempting to have dililren pra grossing Ii various ipccdn iicpi lusz In one clnss with or ullhoui the 0pm concept In nt rustlnn nhldi hat mincod the iormaiily in instrurtloa Ind tir Wlh on will in spice nod to helpiench Itlon cnttonisttsli Wmthmtorlinclliiirn in on reco children with my lter unit In with to tits in lhelr icIrnlng ml tinnitus them how If LE Gary Newman ll tell triads his glass in Item Kahoe hopes they might rind some oi the Inc IcIiierrsIdse Iehooi yIrd mount Pro tool Kmpenfelt Bay Committee Opposes Centennial Park Beach Suggestion The Kuwaiti Bey end The out It III protect pre Uilie Late PIrI dove ent irnhla IlernItiiI ates parts corrmitteehsscomowt up in lorthohuehmdthedlie position to city ImninlotrI iltulty In retsiriinr DWI till tiie ItIll recommendation nhlch to rontroi the bench Ire ltIrr urges the city to consider riln II IdllllonII retinas lor the bushing bench at Centennial committees oppoeltlon The mininlsiratiin ItIli has The earmiitee isdicnled In recommended in the city that recent report that It does not beach be Wit It croiennIII Wind wimniioe oil can PIrk it more It the north teeplat Port became oi the pro Ind south cod lo net It bui stmiiy oi motions tho einsenesr Ier and retain the road end iii in what It cnls sewers out iIII nod Ute enisteueo oi dra sthly cormnliteee are new genus oiirrtnte and dnhrle during the recommendations nhloh collect the west end Indwiii lltnly hotdI int meets oi the hey In to determine it protect Barrie Cable Television Is Under New Ownership An omnlremaiion otv use new cornpsoy hss cm tennis Commuotc atlu led with televisions systems In Illntssau staidt Broedonsting Lid II II and Orillls In uddliluntn tho mung you was mated lJarriI system and India Its my mp lions mm on Iliil Barrio can rv in port til crux iimtnummionsu the in cmmmceumshoiu his It Iiu ml and operates an Nor Irwnrmyrnrsrrdlo onrtu lhe dilation at no Ind pointed president and chici ex amend system eculivo oliirer ol the new car PURCHASE attends pornilon town In iIIc Com munication ltd M0 Communications had on hlr stat hi Isich the Imitl pounced lunoreompieolm um motion cs MC commuolce moment to buy lino lid Iuhtinntlal public Broadcasting Lid held by corporations Invertedin Canad lieilmenor VMVHM Isn cornmioslcnlons tuition 0i this inow us gen be implemented ihiI surrr IM The Knrrznenien Bay airmnit ire however does retornmend inst the city continue the do opmtnt oi Centennial Pair in northerly Ind southerly tlon but missiles It should he passive part CLOSE TO TRACK The cormuitee list tuggrsttil that lilre road in he built between iiuleasier end BayiicU iircrLI his bail In close lo the it endorses the denelement oi harINr In lronl oi the AIIsn dale NR station as maria innit shareholdrre oi lliC Cormnuritcatlons and distort shares the ureter sharehoid In at phi Broadcasting 11m Eyton oi Toronto has been appointed secretary at thC Communications in on Mt Ictm In and tin Byron ere Joseph hlInlIrlcn Peter NIdIcr Dour III Lirnmerrrian hiurmy Sin clair Ind Gunton hisenfeld Iii oi Toronto Ind Lloyd Nova and Rim toy or loom Ind ramiarclsl dhiulopmrnl lion dcieiopers or the proposed store end The city has column minntlt Iei oi lire iiI Ivsiktle claim It beta excavated Iran resid enial and Industrial develop to undamy In the city The commitee called the need or attaining the oeccssnry pro vincial nprmnls lor the duel upmrat suicirie or the moat urgency Ind encouran the city to have the cily Iihrilnltln ior start Imenttliaicly to obtain the IpproiILe not the pruent facilities It the city mariaI to mated to the dsle harhcr site Ilrrn the is rtmpleied The runnit Iso sugzcited is earl he nude or dumping till lot park stain the city msr Ins Ind hither lacllitirs be rrealrd at the loot ol Bag lleil Srrrt step rccsvmrnen In the Itempursuit Bay dev cluprncnt rupurt CITY NEWS Till BARIIIE EXAMINER FRID JULY rm incii inn truism Immune vourua Ilill beiiue the strum ant innislil cotmril has decided IIruey told lnolsfil ruirncil not In milsmIresolution lroiri ml the Itetion received tho city oi Thunder Bay which IpprnvII trons Ihs teenrdlen noun provide lcdcrni hind lor liailo TrinvlsIon temrilssloo yuuLh travel program In Cnn Ind has pintMed the addition Ids onumlilor Bloke constnhlo II load needed lnr nuclan irr moved that mail not zoom the new lower Ila In It will wiLh tlwklsid resohnion and he rrrctrd Ihoin ion Irel Iro removed nest yetr end no vinv with runccm the prior halo Mill lights ciyre oi monies hciiil HIGHWAY ll user in enrournul the travel oi Barrio dctnchmcnt hi the Dot ldsttu windch Me The aria Provincial Poilco this morn motion was ended Ing had yet planet on may carm lIxszheslimniomoiA hirinng en up on ionisiii Dive opm corpora Wm mm hliho IIelI oi Bdgrhlll Drive tombtnstlooliuorend henr Gmmwdma Heroin is The Csnmlnn NMNIPTQIBVI Ilon Comtssion approved tho merger In tiny As result oi the merger the irrpurchasooihhpercmlni the militiadior tronvoting Taro shirts and WM lot on rent oi the outstandnz wigs common Iliorus This latter Iarccntmt In rub Sect to nrproveis Ind conscnh ol the CRTC tho vmious Cana dian oeciIlties commissions Ind stock exchsnres Moderating Ud ownI CllthAhi end CIiQiilhl Ven couverHCKPGAlll and CltPih TV Prince Grotto Ind limit British Columbias ml or background music service company IIIC Cations Ihroutlt Radio CNN lncti Ilso one oi tour applicants lo CATV system to serve the ml Island of liontreal dotislotr lrnro the Cnrudion RndleeIovlsion ilon II The shares lit lcntlcns Ltd Ire listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and is result ol tho Inuitnnintloo there are now humming lllm common shares ol which 23531ttnhares are held by the OBITUIIIIY mt nnucr IIARDY Mineral service was held Thursday in Toronto Ior Dr Bruce Campth llortiy it rutIcon at Scarborough Gener al llotpitsl who died Milly to dry altcr bruit operation Dr Hardy residedin Oro Toupehip near Shanty Bay and was member oi Barrie Cotto iIY Club llo has been shut mornhcr Ilnce Sci llovptnl opened In list In conducted private practice on lnutrnte Ave near tho hatpltol horn in Toronto and cred usta oi the University or Torom to medical school in 1913 he look postgraduate courses In England and was named Fol low it the Royal Bolero ol sur paint Durin World Vor ll Dr Ilordy enlisted to tho llovai CInIdlIn Army Ilech Co as captain Before leaving army in isle ho was lieuten anteoloncl chicl surgeon hit oiiicer rdinn several Can titan service hospitals in Bri lotn mince Ind Bclrirun Alitr rcturnmg In Toronto he was attached to Toronto Gcncr el and Toronto Western horn this heioro Iotning tho Scarbor 0th Its Durinr hLI college days he iris en the universitye water polo teIm lie lenver his utir line and deuxhltr Dchtlhh Board oi Educetloo Ilnlty Bull mutation Nitrin County Bosrd ol Education tExnmlnm Photo to treeoii Ihm ohildren Areas oi instruction Include speech literary emotional dies iuihsnce end positioned Im Ealrmeni my Ire tIugot on rot Ind record you levels This teachers will receive In struction lrom out to pin on wcetdisn until Ann The courts is limit by ii Inslrtxtors inciudln two torn ini rcIicstIon resultant lrom the Slmeoo Oottnty Board oi Ed ucnllon three Ipocch lhereglsii Ind three classroom tear in from the county hoerd harlot time Is vlteprlncl pal it tho will Stroud sill have to reduce the size ol their proposed plan hecIuse It unable to meet the parking regulations with present plain The corporation will Ilso tiller Mishop in unnatural linseicttn Rehleid 51 at am million lrmer within year vnlo died eher this stunning In it rerprlrtd by the Simon Goun NWMVMWLI Hospital In BIr ty District Ilealth Unit tep rle several hours alter the was it system my be Installed In Idmitted ulih lnlurtes she rn stead It holding Isak Ind lhe ceivcd in twoear accident also of tha pinto will he re in This Township Thursday nixed runner night The mishap occurred at mm the interstellar ul Concession mam hm Kim sand They turned Iniurr hLNGLE CAR Blair Eldm Foy at Orllile we the oilsrut nor shion Onl Irio Provincial Police Barrie detachment said rolled over us rarity Road it went oi Como Ian at oro Township Thurr day It 1130 pm Damage was estimated It two Them wem no injuries PAYCNEQUE LOST Peter RawIInps of Collette curtail told police he lost psycheoire dated June on some where to Barrio on Wednesday iii and Siderond in one nIIlir rest oi Elmvnlc short or dark Tito Elmrals detachment oi the Ontario ProvincIIl Pollen told she passenger in is our driven by lrcnc IIlaIacli to oi Willowilale hire hlnlach and her two sons Paul II and lilaliih Ll are reported In salisinelory con dition In Royal Victoria Hotpl tsi this morning lilichacl Jacobs 1d oi llll Elmvale driver oi the other car was imhurt Police have not yct placed an estimate oi damare on ills coir tiston Police Recover Stolen Properly OntIrio Provincial Police at olsiolen operty this neck Ilier trsler broke down on Hithuhy Among the Issoitrnenl it re tanks and roprllcrs recovered was In out and motor valued cum Thla iiiIr tatrn with boot and trailer owned by Anthorvttngalet oi ltamilton irnm Georyinn Boy Oove hiat Ins near Balm llcarh between June and IB boat end trulicr wore ruvored Inn necks ego No Iierdule men hive been merged In twntciton norm iiiinn nosr warm TIMII rm III our roan ITIIN STEIN REAL ESTATE Ltd or souo in Barrie nrlsstoii to slid new Limiooi The lhNUI Is irrrn Ronald Ird transmitting tonith on Ltiilco rrIird Ltd Sun Temperature To Combine For Perfect Summer Saturday It liwiu like In Ideal summer urclirnd motherwise count up Continued sunny skitn In scuscnahlo tompornlurus Ire tartan or Saturday Tho mercury Ii expecttd to drop in 50 to no drurees tonight rising to hid Saturday in the tniv on synopsisA iidzo oi hilii pressint moving slowly east ward across the their Likes Isrurcy pleasant sunny vienther with reasonable temperature across southern and central 0n an somhcrn Ucorrlua Boy Like Ontario iisllhurton Iialnly sunny today Ind Sn day hirhs toilsy is to to We tonight on to to except in in the lion urion region Illghs Silur day In the low its Bot Torn lllrh Low lllrh Today TonIgM Sit hi Di St Thomas 30 IS inpdon 73 to Kitchener 75 on l3 75 Markets 75 Hamilton 71 St Csihariacs it Toronto 73 Trenton TS Kingrtud Pelrrhorottzh TI PuthIWI 73 Norih Bay 75 Siulbury Bariton ih Tipping KI ring 55 lllario 75 Windsor Sarnis In the North disturbanro mor log out oI hisnttuha Is rnpcoird to Fall north oi Lake Superior ton rht low shavers and scal terrd thunderstorms lsiucihkd with it will rprrnd acrnu the upper Great Lites ruxlons to dny By Saturday the disturb hlKn will morn across James hay and partial clearing Li ex pected Toronio Mainlyrunny today and Salurdiy liuh both days near to low tonightamunj so Windsor Motion IlImllion Pcterhorourhlaie St Cisir chsplcan 7s Lalo Erie meiluron Ntag while Itlvrr 7h The hello presented dIIIy are public Iervlte by Tintimam DOWNTOWN BARRIEI COR COLLIER It CLhPPERTON 5T5 72643971 no user ALL vounrkavsi ussns ZSS$8$8$$SSSSSB$3SS3S 88338323338323